2024-06-21 02:29:39 +08:00

147 lines
3.6 KiB

import dayjs from "dayjs";
import Cookie from "js-cookie";
import { SEARCH_KEYWORD_SPLIT_REGEX } from "@/config/constant";
export function hexToBase64(hexString: string) {
const binary = Buffer.from(hexString, "hex");
let base64 = binary.toString("base64");
base64 = base64.replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/=+$/, "");
return base64;
export function base64ToHex(base64String: string) {
let base64 = base64String.replace(/-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/");
const padding = "=".repeat((4 - (base64.length % 4)) % 4);
base64 = base64 + padding;
const binary = Buffer.from(base64, "base64");
return binary.toString("hex");
export function formatByteSize(bytes: number | string) {
bytes = Number(bytes);
if (bytes === 0) return "0 B";
const units = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"];
const base = 1024;
const digitGroups = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(base));
const convertedSize = (bytes / Math.pow(base, digitGroups)).toFixed(2);
return `${convertedSize} ${units[digitGroups]}`;
export function formatDate(ts: number, format = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") {
return dayjs.unix(ts).format(format);
export function getSizeColor(size: number | string) {
size = Number(size);
if (size < 1024 * 1024 * 2) {
// < 2MB
return "text-gray-400 bg-gray-100";
} else if (size < 1024 * 1024 * 50) {
// < 50MB
return "text-gray-600 bg-gray-100";
} else if (size < 1024 * 1024 * 200) {
// < 200MB
return "text-green-600 bg-green-100 opacity-90";
} else if (size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {
// < 1GB
return "text-green-600 bg-green-100";
} else {
// > 1GB
return "text-red-600 bg-red-100";
export function parseHighlight(text: string, highlight: string | string[]) {
if (!text || !highlight) {
return text;
const keywords =
typeof highlight === "string"
? [highlight, ...highlight.split(SEARCH_KEYWORD_SPLIT_REGEX)].filter(
(k: string) => k.trim().length >= 2,
: highlight;
// Function to escape HTML special characters to avoid interference
function escapeHtml(unsafe: string) {
return unsafe.replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g, (match) => {
return (
"&": "&amp;",
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
'"': "&quot;",
"'": "&#39;",
"`": "&#96;",
"/": "&#x2F;",
"=": "&#x3D;",
}[match] || match
// Function to highlight the keywords
function highlightKeywords(text: string, keyword: string) {
const regex = new RegExp(`(${escapeHtml(keyword)})(?![^<>]*>)`, "gi");
return text.replace(
`<span class="text-red-400 font-bold">$1</span>`,
let highlightedText = text;
keywords.forEach((keyword) => {
highlightedText = highlightKeywords(highlightedText, keyword);
return highlightedText;
export function setClipboard(text: string) {
if (navigator.clipboard) {
} else {
const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
textarea.value = text;
return true;
export const $env = {
get isServer() {
return typeof window === "undefined";
get isMobile() {
return (
!this.isServer &&
/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(
get isDesktop() {
return !this.isServer && !this.isMobile;
export { Cookie };
export { Toast } from "./Toast";