$lang['adif_mark_imported_lotw']="Mark imported QSOs as uploaded to LoTW";
$lang['adif_mark_imported_hrdlog']="Mark imported QSOs as uploaded to HRDLog.net Logbook";
$lang['adif_mark_imported_qrz']="Mark imported QSOs as uploaded to QRZ Logbook";
$lang['adif_mark_imported_clublog']="Mark imported QSOs as uploaded to Clublog Logbook";
$lang['adif_dxcc_from_adif']="Use DXCC information from ADIF";
$lang['adif_dxcc_from_adif_hint']="If not selected, Cloudlog will attempt to determine DXCC information automatically.";
$lang['adif_always_use_login_call_as_op']="Always use login-callsign as operator-name on import";
$lang['adif_ignore_station_call']="Ignore Stationcallsign on import";
$lang['adif_ignore_station_call_hint']="If selected, Cloudlog will try to import <b>all</b> QSO's of the ADIF, regardless if they match to the chosen station-location.";
$lang['adif_export_take_it_anywhere']="Take your logbook file anywhere!";
$lang['adif_export_take_it_anywhere_hint']="Exporting ADIFs allows you to import contacts into third party applications like LoTW, Awards or just for keeping a backup.";
$lang['adif_mark_exported_lotw']="Mark exported QSOs as uploaded to LoTW";
$lang['adif_mark_exported_no_lotw']="Export QSOs not uploaded to LoTW";
$lang['adif_dcl_text_post']="and export your logbook with confirmed DOKs. To speed up the process you can select only DL QSOs to download (i.e. put \"DL\" into Prefix List). The downloaded ADIF file can be uploaded here in order to update QSOs with DOK info.";
$lang['only_confirmed_qsos']="Only import DOK data from QSOs confirmed on DCL.";
$lang['only_confirmed_qsos_hint']="Uncheck if you also want to update DOK with data from unconfirmed QSOs in DCL.";
$lang['overwrite_by_dcl']="Overwrite exisiting DOK in log by DCL (if different)";
$lang['overwrite_by_dcl_hint']="If checked Cloudlog will forcibly overwrite existing DOK with DOK from DCL log.";
$lang['ignore_ambiguous']="Ignore QSOs that cannot be matched";
$lang['ignore_ambiguous_hint']="If unchecked information about QSO which could not be found in Cloudlog will be displayed.";