2023-08-08 13:52:27 +00:00
< ? php
defined ( 'BASEPATH' ) OR exit ( 'No direct script access allowed' );
$lang [ 'account_logbook_fields' ] = 'Pole deníku' ;
$lang [ 'account_column1_text' ] = 'Vybrat sloupec 1' ;
$lang [ 'account_column2_text' ] = 'Vybrat sloupec 2' ;
$lang [ 'account_column3_text' ] = 'Vybrat sloupec 3' ;
$lang [ 'account_column4_text' ] = 'Vybrat sloupec 4' ;
$lang [ 'account_column5_text' ] = 'Vybrat sloupec 5 (pouze pro deník)' ;
$lang [ 'account_create_user_account' ] = 'Vytvořit uživatelský účet' ;
$lang [ 'account_edit_account' ] = 'Upravit účet' ;
$lang [ 'account_account_information' ] = 'Informace o účtu' ;
$lang [ 'account_username' ] = 'Uživatelské jméno' ;
$lang [ 'account_email_address' ] = 'Emailová adresa' ;
$lang [ 'account_password' ] = 'Heslo' ;
$lang [ 'account_roles' ] = 'Role' ;
$lang [ 'account_user_role' ] = 'Uživatelská role' ;
2023-10-12 00:08:57 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_word_admin' ] = 'Admin' ;
2023-08-08 13:52:27 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_theme' ] = 'Motiv' ;
$lang [ 'account_stylesheet' ] = 'Styl' ;
$lang [ 'account_personal_information' ] = 'Osobní informace' ;
$lang [ 'account_first_name' ] = 'Jméno' ;
$lang [ 'account_last_name' ] = 'Příjmení' ;
$lang [ 'account_callsign' ] = 'Značka' ;
$lang [ 'account_gridsquare' ] = 'Locátor' ;
$lang [ 'account_cloudlog_preferences' ] = 'Nastavení Cloudlogu' ;
$lang [ 'account_timezone' ] = 'Časové pásmo' ;
$lang [ 'account_date_format' ] = 'Formát data' ;
$lang [ 'account_measurement_preferences' ] = 'Nastavení měření' ;
$lang [ 'account_select_how_you_would_like_dates_shown_when_logged_into_your_account' ] = 'Vyberte, jak chcete, aby byla data zobrazena při přihlášení do vašeho účtu.' ;
2023-08-27 10:26:39 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_choose_which_unit_distances_will_be_shown_in' ] = 'Vyberte, v jakých jednotkách se budou zobrazovat vzdálenosti.' ;
2023-10-08 06:34:30 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_cloudlog_language' ] = 'Cloudlog Language' ;
2023-10-02 23:01:16 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_choose_cloudlog_language' ] = 'Choose Cloudlog language.' ;
2023-08-08 13:52:27 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_main_menu' ] = 'Hlavní menu' ;
2023-08-27 10:26:39 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_show_notes_in_the_main_menu' ] = 'Zobrazovat poznámky v hlavním menu.' ;
2023-08-08 13:52:27 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_gridsquare_and_location_autocomplete' ] = 'Automatické doplňování lokátoru a umístění' ;
$lang [ 'account_location_auto_lookup' ] = 'Automatické vyhledávání umístění.' ;
$lang [ 'account_if_set_gridsquare_is_fetched_based_on_location_name' ] = 'Pokud je nastaveno, lokátor je získán na základě názvu umístění.' ;
$lang [ 'account_sota_auto_lookup_gridsquare_and_name_for_summit' ] = 'Automatické vyhledávání lokátoru a jména pro SOTA vrchol.' ;
$lang [ 'account_wwff_auto_lookup_gridsquare_and_name_for_reference' ] = 'Automatické vyhledávání lokátoru a jména pro WWFF referenci.' ;
$lang [ 'account_pota_auto_lookup_gridsquare_and_name_for_park' ] = 'Automatické vyhledávání lokátoru a jména pro POTA park.' ;
2023-08-27 10:26:39 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_if_set_name_and_gridsquare_is_fetched_from_the_api_and_filled_in_location_and_locator' ] = 'Pokud je nastaveno, jméno a lokátor jsou získány z API a vyplněny do umístění a lokátoru.' ;
2023-08-08 13:52:27 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_previous_qsl_type' ] = 'Předchozí typ QSL' ;
$lang [ 'account_select_the_type_of_qsl_to_show_in_the_previous_qsos_section' ] = 'Vyberte typ QSL k zobrazení v sekci předchozích QSOs.' ;
$lang [ 'account_qrzcom_hamqthcom_images' ] = 'Obrázky qrz.com/hamqth.com' ;
$lang [ 'account_show_profile_picture_of_qso_partner_from_qrzcom_hamqthcom_profile_in_the_log_qso_section' ] = 'Zobrazit profilový obrázek partnera z QSO záznamu z profilu qrz.com/hamqth.com v sekci protokolu QSO.' ;
2023-08-27 10:26:39 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_please_set_your_qrzcom_hamqthcom_credentials_in_the_general_config_file' ] = 'Prosím, nastavte své přihlašovací údaje pro qrz.com/hamqth.com v obecném konfiguračním souboru.' ;
2023-08-08 13:52:27 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_amsat_status_upload' ] = 'Nahrávání stavu AMSAT' ;
$lang [ 'account_upload_status_of_sat_qsos_to' ] = 'Nahrávání stavu SAT QSOs na' ;
$lang [ 'account_logbook_of_the_world' ] = 'Logbook of the World' ;
$lang [ 'account_logbook_of_the_world_lotw_username' ] = 'Přihlašovací jméno Logbook of The World (LoTW)' ;
$lang [ 'account_logbook_of_the_world_lotw_password' ] = 'Heslo Logbook of The World (LoTW)' ;
$lang [ 'account_leave_blank_to_keep_existing_password' ] = 'Ponechte prázdné, pokud chcete zachovat stávající heslo' ;
$lang [ 'account_clublog' ] = 'Club Log' ;
$lang [ 'account_clublog_email_callsign' ] = 'Email nebo značka volacího znaku Club Logu' ;
$lang [ 'account_clublog_password' ] = 'Heslo Club Logu' ;
$lang [ 'account_the_email_or_callsign_you_use_to_login_to_club_log' ] = 'E-mail nebo značka volacího znaku, kterou používáte pro přihlášení do Club Logu' ;
$lang [ 'account_eqsl' ] = 'eQSL' ;
$lang [ 'account_eqslcc_username' ] = 'Uživatelské jméno eQSL.cc' ;
$lang [ 'account_eqslcc_password' ] = 'Heslo eQSL.cc' ;
$lang [ 'account_save_account_changes' ] = 'Uložit změny účtu' ;
$lang [ 'account_create_account' ] = 'Vytvořit účet' ;
$lang [ 'account_delete_user_account' ] = 'Smazat uživatelský účet' ;
$lang [ 'account_are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_the_user_account' ] = 'Jste si jistí, že chcete smazat uživatelský účet' ;
$lang [ 'account_yes_delete_this_user' ] = 'Ano, smazat tohoto uživatele' ;
$lang [ 'account_no_do_not_delete_this_user' ] = 'Ne, nevymazávat tohoto uživatele' ;
$lang [ 'account_forgot_password' ] = 'Zapomenuté heslo?' ;
$lang [ 'account_you_can_reset_your_password_here' ] = 'Zde si můžete obnovit heslo.' ;
$lang [ 'account_reset_password' ] = 'Obnovit heslo' ;
$lang [ 'account_the_email_field_is_required' ] = 'Pole e-mail je povinné' ;
$lang [ 'account_confirm_password' ] = 'Potvrzení hesla' ;
$lang [ 'account_forgot_your_password' ] = 'Zapomněli jste heslo?' ;
$lang [ 'account_login_to_cloudlog' ] = 'Přihlásit se do Cloudlogu' ;
$lang [ 'account_login' ] = 'Přihlásit se' ;
$lang [ 'account_mastodon' ] = 'Mastodon server' ;
$lang [ 'account_user_mastodon' ] = 'URL Mastodon serveru' ;
$lang [ 'account_gridmap_settings' ] = 'Nastavení pro Mapu lokátorů' ;
$lang [ 'account_gridmap_default_band' ] = 'Výchozí pásma' ;
2023-10-02 22:46:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_qsl_settings' ] = 'Default QSL-Method shown in views (Gridsquare and Add-QSO)' ;
2023-10-12 00:08:57 +00:00
// Station Location
2023-10-12 06:30:18 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation' ] = 'Station Location' ;
2023-10-12 00:08:57 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_header_ln1' ] = 'Station Locations define operating locations, such as your QTH, a friends QTH, or a portable station.' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_header_ln2' ] = 'Similar to logbooks, a station profile keeps a set of QSOs together.' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_header_ln3' ] = 'Only one station may be active at a time. In the table below this is shown with the -Active Station- badge.' ;
2023-10-12 06:30:18 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_create_header' ] = 'Create Station Location' ;
2023-10-12 00:08:57 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_create' ] = 'Create a Station Location' ;
2023-10-12 08:44:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_edit' ] = 'Edit Station Location: ' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_updated_suff' ] = ' Updated.' ;
2023-10-12 00:08:57 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_warning' ] = 'Attention: You need to set an active station location. Go to Callsign->Station Location to select one.' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_reassign_at' ] = 'Please reassign them at ' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_warning_reassign' ] = 'Due to recent changes within Cloudlog you need to reassign QSOs to your station profiles.' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_name' ] = 'Profile Name' ;
2023-10-12 08:44:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_name_hint' ] = 'Shortname for the station location. For example: Home (IO87IP)' ;
2023-10-12 00:08:57 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_callsign' ] = 'Station Callsign' ;
2023-10-12 08:44:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_callsign_hint' ] = 'Station callsign. For example: 2M0SQL/P' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_power' ] = 'Station Power (W)' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_power_hint' ] = 'Default station power in Watt. Overwritten by CAT.' ;
2023-10-12 00:08:57 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_emptylog' ] = 'Empty Log' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_confirm_active' ] = 'Are you sure you want to make the following station the active station: ' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_set_active' ] = 'Set Active' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_active' ] = 'Active Station' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_claim_ownership' ] = 'Claim Ownership' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_confirm_del_qso' ] = 'Are you sure you want to delete all QSOs within this station profile?' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_confirm_del_stationlocation' ] = 'Are you sure you want delete station profile ' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_confirm_del_stationlocation_qso' ] = 'This will delete all QSOs within this station profile?' ;
2023-10-12 08:44:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_dxcc' ] = 'Station DXCC' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_dxcc_hint' ] = 'Station DXCC entity. For example: Scotland' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_city' ] = 'Station City' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_city_hint' ] = 'Station city. For example: Inverness' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_state' ] = 'Station State' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_state_hint' ] = 'Station state. Applies to certain countries only. Leave blank if not applicable.' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_county' ] = 'Station County' ;
$lang [ 'account_stationlocation_county_hint' ] = 'Station County (Only used for USA/Alaska/Hawaii).' ;
2023-10-12 00:08:57 +00:00