2023-08-16 04:55:08 +00:00
< ? php
defined ( 'BASEPATH' ) OR exit ( 'No direct script access allowed' );
$lang [ 'options_cloudlog_options' ] = 'Cloudlog 设置' ;
$lang [ 'options_message1' ] = '本设置是针对所有用户的全局设置,会覆盖对于单个用户的设置。' ;
$lang [ 'options_appearance' ] = '外观' ;
$lang [ 'options_theme' ] = '主题' ;
$lang [ 'options_global_theme_choice_this_is_used_when_users_arent_logged_in' ] = '全局主题选择,当用户未登录时使用。' ;
$lang [ 'options_public_search_bar' ] = '公共搜索栏' ;
$lang [ 'options_this_allows_non_logged_in_users_to_access_the_search_functions' ] = '允许未登录的用户访问搜索功能。' ;
$lang [ 'options_dashboard_notification_banner' ] = '仪表盘通知栏' ;
$lang [ 'options_this_allows_to_disable_the_global_notification_banner_on_the_dashboard' ] = '禁用仪表板上的全局通知横幅。' ;
$lang [ 'options_dashboard_map' ] = '仪表盘的地图' ;
$lang [ 'options_this_allows_the_map_on_the_dashboard_to_be_disabled_or_placed_on_the_right' ] = '允许禁用仪表板上的地图或将其放置在右侧。' ;
$lang [ 'options_logbook_map' ] = '日志地图' ;
$lang [ 'options_this_allows_to_disable_the_map_in_the_logbook' ] = '允许禁用日志中的地图。' ;
$lang [ 'options_theme_changed_to' ] = '主题更改为 ' ;
$lang [ 'options_global_search_changed_to' ] = '全局搜索更改为 ' ;
$lang [ 'options_dashboard_banner_changed_to' ] = '仪表板横幅更改为 ' ;
$lang [ 'options_dashboard_map_changed_to' ] = '仪表板地图更改为 ' ;
$lang [ 'options_logbook_map_changed_to' ] = '日志地图更改为 ' ;
$lang [ 'options_radios' ] = '电台' ;
$lang [ 'options_radio_settings' ] = '电台设置' ;
$lang [ 'options_radio_timeout_warning' ] = '电台超时警告' ;
$lang [ 'options_the_radio_timeout_warning_is_used_on_the_qso_entry_panel_to_alert_you_to_radio_interface_disconnects' ] = '在QSO输入面板上使用无线电超时警告, 提醒您无线电接口断开。' ;
$lang [ 'options_this_number_is_in_seconds' ] = '此数字以秒为单位。' ;
$lang [ 'options_radio_timeout_warning_changed_to' ] = '无线电超时警告更改为 ' ;
$lang [ 'options_email' ] = '电子邮件' ;
$lang [ 'options_outgoing_protocol' ] = '传出协议' ;
$lang [ 'options_smtp_encryption' ] = 'SMTP加密' ;
$lang [ 'options_email_address' ] = '电子邮件地址' ;
$lang [ 'options_email_sender_name' ] = '发件人姓名' ;
$lang [ 'options_smtp_host' ] = 'SMTP 主机' ;
$lang [ 'options_smtp_port' ] = 'SMTP 端口' ;
$lang [ 'options_smtp_username' ] = 'SMTP 用户名' ;
$lang [ 'options_smtp_password' ] = 'SMTP 密码' ;
2023-11-21 20:49:40 +00:00
$lang [ 'options_mail_settings_saved' ] = " The settings were saved successfully. " ;
$lang [ 'options_mail_settings_failed' ] = " Something went wrong with saving the settings. Try again. " ;
$lang [ 'options_outgoing_protocol_hint' ] = " The protocol that will be used to send out emails. " ;
$lang [ 'options_smtp_encryption_hint' ] = " Choose whether emails should be sent with TLS or SSL. " ;
$lang [ 'options_email_address_hint' ] = " The email address from which the emails are sent, e.g. 'cloudlog@example.com' " ;
$lang [ 'options_email_sender_name_hint' ] = " The email sender name, e.g. 'Cloudlog' " ;
$lang [ 'options_smtp_host_hint' ] = " The hostname of the mail server, e.g. 'mail.example.com' (without 'ssl://' or 'tls://') " ;
$lang [ 'options_smtp_port_hint' ] = " The SMTP port of the mail server, e.g. if TLS is used -> '587', if SSL is used -> '465' " ;
$lang [ 'options_smtp_username_hint' ] = " The username to log in to the mail server, usually this is the email address that is used. " ;
$lang [ 'options_smtp_password_hint' ] = " The password to log in to the mail server. " ;
2023-11-21 20:03:23 +00:00
$lang [ 'options_send_testmail' ] = " Send Test-Mail " ;
$lang [ 'options_send_testmail_hint' ] = " The email will be sent to the address defined in your account settings. " ;
$lang [ 'options_send_testmail_failed' ] = " Testmail failed. Something went wrong. " ;
$lang [ 'options_send_testmail_success' ] = " Testmail sent. Email settings seem to be correct. " ;
2023-08-16 04:55:08 +00:00
$lang [ 'options_oqrs' ] = 'OQRS设置' ;
$lang [ 'options_global_text' ] = '全局文本' ;
$lang [ 'options_this_text_is_an_optional_text_that_can_be_displayed_on_top_of_the_oqrs_page' ] = '该文本是一个可选文本, 可以显示在OQRS页面的顶部。' ;
$lang [ 'options_grouped_search' ] = '分组搜索' ;
$lang [ 'options_when_this_is_on_all_station_locations_with_oqrs_active_will_be_searched_at_once' ] = '当此选项打开时, 所有具有OQRS活动的电台位置将同时搜索。' ;
$lang [ 'options_oqrs_options_have_been_saved' ] = 'OQRS选项已保存' ;
2023-10-02 22:46:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'options_save' ] = '保存' ;
$lang [ 'options_dxcluster_provider' ] = 'Provider of DXClusterCache' ;
$lang [ 'options_dxcluster_longtext' ] = 'The Provider of the DXCluster-Cache. You can set up your own Cache with <a href="https://github.com/int2001/DXClusterAPI">DXClusterAPI</a> or use a public one' ;
$lang [ 'options_dxcluster_hint' ] = 'URL of the DXCluster-Cache. e.g. https://dxc.jo30.de/dxcache' ;
$lang [ 'options_dxcluster_settings' ] = 'DXCluster' ;
$lang [ 'options_dxcache_url_changed_to' ] = 'DXCluster Cache URL changed to ' ;
$lang [ 'options_dxcluster_maxage' ] = 'Maximum Age of spots taken care of' ;
$lang [ 'options_dxcluster_maxage_hint' ] = 'The Age in Minutes of spots, that will be taken care at bandplan/lookup' ;
$lang [ 'options_dxcluster_decont' ] = 'Show spots which are spotted from following continent' ;
$lang [ 'options_dxcluster_maxage_changed_to' ] = 'Maximum age of spots changed to ' ;
$lang [ 'options_dxcluster_decont_changed_to' ] = 'de continent changed to ' ;
2023-10-15 23:51:22 +00:00
$lang [ 'options_dxcluster_decont_hint' ] = 'Only spots by spotters from this continent are shown' ;
2023-10-02 22:46:17 +00:00
2023-11-08 06:39:46 +00:00
$lang [ 'options_save' ] = '保存' ;
2023-10-18 21:41:19 +00:00
// Bands
2023-11-08 06:39:46 +00:00
$lang [ 'options_bands' ] = " 波段 " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_text_ln1' ] = " 使用波段列表,您可以控制创建新 QSO 时显示哪些波段。 " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_text_ln2' ] = " 启用的波段将显示在 QSO“波段”下拉列表中, 而停用的频段将被隐藏且无法选择。 " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_create' ] = " 创建波段 " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_edit' ] = " 编辑波段 " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_activate_all' ] = " 启用所有 " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_activateall_warning' ] = " 警告!你要启用所有波段吗? " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_deactivate_all' ] = " 停用所有 " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_deactivateall_warning' ] = " 警告!你要停用所有波段吗? " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_ssb_qrg' ] = " SSB 频率 " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_ssb_qrg_hint' ] = " 波段中 SSB 的频率( 以Hz为单位) " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_data_qrg' ] = " DATA 频率 " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_data_qrg_hint' ] = " 波段中 DATA 的频率( 以Hz为单位) " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_cw_qrg' ] = " CW 频率 " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_cw_qrg_hint' ] = " 波段中 CW 的频率( 以Hz为单位) " ;
2023-10-18 22:16:21 +00:00
2023-11-08 06:39:46 +00:00
$lang [ 'options_bands_name_band' ] = " 波段名称( 例如: 20m) " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_name_bandgroup' ] = " 频段名称( 例如: HF、VHF、UHF、SHF) " ;
$lang [ 'options_bands_delete_warning' ] = " 警告! 您确定要删除以下波段: " ;
2023-10-18 21:41:19 +00:00