'587', if SSL is used -> '465'"; $lang['options_smtp_username_hint'] = "The username to log in to the mail server, usually this is the email address that is used."; $lang['options_smtp_password_hint'] = "The password to log in to the mail server."; $lang['options_send_testmail'] = "Send Test-Mail"; $lang['options_send_testmail_hint'] = "The email will be sent to the address defined in your account settings."; $lang['options_send_testmail_failed'] = "Testmail failed. Something went wrong."; $lang['options_send_testmail_success'] = "Testmail sent. Email settings seem to be correct."; $lang['options_oqrs'] = 'OQRS设置'; $lang['options_global_text'] = '全局文本'; $lang['options_this_text_is_an_optional_text_that_can_be_displayed_on_top_of_the_oqrs_page'] = '该文本是一个可选文本,可以显示在OQRS页面的顶部。'; $lang['options_grouped_search'] = '分组搜索'; $lang['options_when_this_is_on_all_station_locations_with_oqrs_active_will_be_searched_at_once'] = '当此选项打开时,所有具有OQRS活动的电台位置将同时搜索。'; $lang['options_oqrs_options_have_been_saved'] = 'OQRS选项已保存'; $lang['options_save'] = '保存'; $lang['options_dxcluster_provider'] = 'Provider of DXClusterCache'; $lang['options_dxcluster_longtext'] = 'The Provider of the DXCluster-Cache. You can set up your own Cache with DXClusterAPI or use a public one'; $lang['options_dxcluster_hint'] = 'URL of the DXCluster-Cache. e.g. https://dxc.jo30.de/dxcache'; $lang['options_dxcluster_settings'] = 'DXCluster'; $lang['options_dxcache_url_changed_to'] = 'DXCluster Cache URL changed to '; $lang['options_dxcluster_maxage'] = 'Maximum Age of spots taken care of'; $lang['options_dxcluster_maxage_hint'] = 'The Age in Minutes of spots, that will be taken care at bandplan/lookup'; $lang['options_dxcluster_decont'] = 'Show spots which are spotted from following continent'; $lang['options_dxcluster_maxage_changed_to']='Maximum age of spots changed to '; $lang['options_dxcluster_decont_changed_to']='de continent changed to '; $lang['options_dxcluster_decont_hint']='Only spots by spotters from this continent are shown'; $lang['options_version_dialog'] = "Version Info"; $lang['options_version_dialog_close'] = "Close"; $lang['options_version_dialog_dismiss'] = "Don't show again"; $lang['options_version_dialog_settings'] = "Version Info Settings"; $lang['options_version_dialog_mode'] = "Version Info Mode"; $lang['options_version_dialog_mode_release_notes'] = "Only Release Notes"; $lang['options_version_dialog_mode_custom_text'] = "Only Custom Text"; $lang['options_version_dialog_mode_both'] = "Release Notes and Custom Text"; $lang['options_version_dialog_mode_disabled'] = "Disabled"; $lang['options_version_dialog_mode_hint'] = "The Version Info is shown to every user. The user has the option to dismiss the dialog after he read it. Select if you want to show only release notes (fetched from github), only custom text or both."; $lang['options_version_dialog_custom_text'] = "Version Info Custom Text"; $lang['options_version_dialog_custom_text_hint'] = "This is the custom text which is shown in the dialog."; $lang['options_version_dialog_mode_changed_to'] = "Version Info Mode changed to"; $lang['options_version_dialog_custom_text_saved'] = "Version Info Custom Text saved!"; $lang['options_save'] = '保存'; // Bands $lang['options_bands'] = "波段"; $lang['options_bands_text_ln1'] = "使用波段列表,您可以控制创建新 QSO 时显示哪些波段。"; $lang['options_bands_text_ln2'] = "启用的波段将显示在 QSO“波段”下拉列表中,而停用的频段将被隐藏且无法选择。"; $lang['options_bands_create'] = "创建波段"; $lang['options_bands_edit'] = "编辑波段"; $lang['options_bands_activate_all'] = "启用所有"; $lang['options_bands_activateall_warning'] = "警告!你要启用所有波段吗?"; $lang['options_bands_deactivate_all'] = "停用所有"; $lang['options_bands_deactivateall_warning'] = "警告!你要停用所有波段吗?"; $lang['options_bands_ssb_qrg'] = "SSB 频率"; $lang['options_bands_ssb_qrg_hint'] = "波段中 SSB 的频率(以Hz为单位)"; $lang['options_bands_data_qrg'] = "DATA 频率"; $lang['options_bands_data_qrg_hint'] = "波段中 DATA 的频率(以Hz为单位)"; $lang['options_bands_cw_qrg'] = "CW 频率"; $lang['options_bands_cw_qrg_hint'] = "波段中 CW 的频率(以Hz为单位)"; $lang['options_bands_name_band'] = "波段名称(例如:20m)"; $lang['options_bands_name_bandgroup'] = "频段名称(例如:HF、VHF、UHF、SHF)"; $lang['options_bands_delete_warning'] = "警告! 您确定要删除以下波段:";