trigger: none pr: none schedules: - cron: "0 3 * * 2-6" # Run at 03:00 UTC Tuesday through Saturday (After the work day in Pacific, Mon-Fri) displayName: "Nightly Localization Build" branches: include: - main always: false # only run if there's code changes! pool: vmImage: windows-2019 resources: repositories: - repository: self type: git ref: master steps: - checkout: self clean: true submodules: false fetchDepth: 1 # Don't need a deep checkout for loc files! persistCredentials: true - task: MicrosoftTDBuild.tdbuild-task.tdbuild-task.TouchdownBuildTask@3 displayName: 'Touchdown Build - 37400, PRODEXT' inputs: teamId: 37400 TDBuildServiceConnection: $(TouchdownServiceConnection) authType: SubjectNameIssuer resourceFilePath: | **\Resources.resx **\Resource.resx **\Resources.resw outputDirectoryRoot: LocOutput appendRelativeDir: true pseudoSetting: Included # Saving one of these makes it really easy to inspect the loc output... - powershell: 'tar czf LocOutput.tar.gz LocOutput' displayName: 'PowerShell Script' - publish: LocOutput.tar.gz displayName: 'Publish Artifact: LocOutput' artifact: LocOutput