#include #include "Python.h" #include #include extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void InitPythonEnv() { Py_Initialize(); PyEval_InitThreads(); } char* GetErrorMessage() { char *pStrErrorMessage = NULL; if(PyErr_Occurred()){ PyObject *ptype, *pvalue, *ptraceback; PyErr_Fetch(&ptype, &pvalue, &ptraceback); pStrErrorMessage = PyString_AsString(pvalue); } return pStrErrorMessage; } char* Exec(char* directory, char* file, char* method, char* para) { PyObject *pName, *pModule, *pDict, *pFunc, *pValue, *pClass, *pInstance; char *error; PyThreadState* global_state = PyThreadState_Get(); PyThreadState* ts = Py_NewInterpreter(); PyThreadState_Swap(ts); // Initialise the Python interpreter // Create GIL/enable threads //PyGILState_STATE gstate = PyGILState_Ensure(); // // Get the default thread state // PyThreadState* state = PyThreadState_Get(); // // Once in each thread //PyThreadState* stateForNewThread = PyThreadState_New(state->interp); //PyEval_RestoreThread(stateForNewThread); // Build the name object PyObject *sys = PyImport_ImportModule("sys"); PyObject *path = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "path"); PyList_Append(path, PyString_FromString(directory)); pName = PyString_FromString(file); error = GetErrorMessage(); if(error != NULL){ char* err =new char[5000](); sprintf(error, "%s:%s","PYTHONERROR",error); return err; } pModule = PyImport_Import(pName); error = GetErrorMessage(); if(error != NULL){ char* err =new char[5000](); sprintf(err, "%s:%s","PYTHONERROR",error); return err; } pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule); error = GetErrorMessage(); if(error != NULL){ char* err =new char[5000](); sprintf(err, "%s:%s","PYTHONERROR",error); return err; } pClass = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict,"PyWinAlfred"); error = GetErrorMessage(); if(error != NULL){ char* err =new char[5000](); sprintf(err, "%s:%s","PYTHONERROR",error); return err; } pInstance = PyObject_CallObject(pClass, NULL); error = GetErrorMessage(); if(error != NULL){ char* err =new char[5000](); sprintf(err, "%s:%s","PYTHONERROR",error); return err; } // Call a method of the class with two parameters pValue = PyObject_CallMethod(pInstance,method, "(s)",para); error = GetErrorMessage(); if(error != NULL){ char* err =new char[5000](); sprintf(err, "%s:%s","PYTHONERROR",error); return err; } char * str_ret = PyString_AsString(pValue); //PyEval_SaveThread(); // Finish the Python Interpreter PyErr_Clear(); Py_EndInterpreter(ts); PyThreadState_Swap(global_state); return str_ret; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) char* ExecPython(char* directory, char* file, char* method, char* para) { auto future = std::async(Exec,directory,file,method,para); return future.get(); }