{ "name": "@visactor/vchart", "entries": [ { "version": "1.8.4", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.4", "date": "Tue, 02 Jan 2024 11:27:39 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: add media query spec interface to default chart spec" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the bug of extension mark when no valid animation, fix #1877\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.3", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.3", "date": "Fri, 29 Dec 2023 14:44:05 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: chart option.animation not work" }, { "comment": "feat: add props `useSyncRender` to react-vchart, close #1685\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix error in strict mode of react-vchart, fix #1669\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: Supports the initialization parameter `disableTriggerEvent` to turn off the default interactive effect of the chart\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: error in chart level modification of media query action" }, { "comment": "fix: dimension tooltip in the dual-dimension chart contains data of only one dimension, related #1841 " }, { "comment": "fix: fix bug in layout when band axis has no domain\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: funnel clipIn animation has delay for marks which overflows the range of region in #1839" }, { "comment": "fix: when marker label's padding is an object, it should work" }, { "comment": "refactor: optimize the style configuration of marker" }, { "comment": "fix: undefined globalThis in tt miniprogram, see #1854" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.2", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.2", "date": "Fri, 22 Dec 2023 12:49:18 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: chart option.animation not work" }, { "comment": "feat: Supports the initialization parameter `disableTriggerEvent` to turn off the default interactive effect of the chart\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: error in chart level modification of media query action" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.1", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.1", "date": "Thu, 21 Dec 2023 08:30:03 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: improve the stability of spec transformer and media query" }, { "comment": " fix: `select.triggerOff: none` not work" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.0", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.0", "date": "Tue, 19 Dec 2023 12:04:29 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: add getPoints api in funnel mark attribute context" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the api: `getComponentsByKey` not work" }, { "comment": "refactor: update datazoom and brush updatecallback, use event" }, { "comment": "feat: vchart supports chart-level plugin, related #1784" }, { "comment": "feat: new media query plugin to support self-adaptive charts, related #1413" }, { "comment": "feat: support optimize config, and auto set disableCheckGraphicWidthOutRange to true" }, { "comment": "fix: animation support for gauge pointer series, related #1699" }, { "comment": "fix: fix issue with secondary dataflow, closed #1760" }, { "comment": "perf: when visible is false, dont parse detail attrs\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: remove legacy theme for legends" } ] } }, { "version": "1.7.5", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.7.5", "date": "Fri, 15 Dec 2023 08:36:30 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix(brush): brush release error after update spec. fix#1720" }, { "comment": "fix: series should pick `morph` config in chart\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix type defination of vchart spec in #1486" } ] } }, { "version": "1.7.4", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.7.4", "date": "Tue, 12 Dec 2023 07:55:54 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: support interaction group in region\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: label style not update when change current theme in #1698" } ] } }, { "version": "1.7.3", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.7.3", "date": "Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:34:11 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: marker supports `coordinatesOffset` for points adjusting" }, { "comment": "feat: markLine supports x,y,y1 y,x,x1 and x,y,x1,y1 position" }, { "comment": "feat: markPoint support xy position" }, { "comment": " feat: marker's position property support relative coordinate" }, { "comment": "feat: marker's coordinate property supports callback" }, { "comment": "fix: fix 3d bar chart with seriesField issue, closed #1646" }, { "comment": "fix: fix 3d chart z axis not work noamally issue, closed #1668" }, { "comment": "fix: clear old encode when update, fix #1630\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the problem that track mark has multiple elements in gauge series, related #1643 " }, { "comment": "fix: fix the problem that gaugePointer series doesn't support custom `innerRadius`, related #1644" }, { "comment": "refactor: unify `getVRenderComponents` method in Component model" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the type error of markArea" }, { "comment": "feat: cartesion crosshair's rect width support callback, support #1567" }, { "comment": "feat: polar crosshair supports default show" }, { "comment": "fix: the outerBorder's color should be equal with labelBackground's fill by default" }, { "comment": "fix: fix oneByOne loop animation" }, { "comment": "fix: add `align` property for size legend, and fix the issue of the attribute assignment does not take effect, related #1553" }, { "comment": "feat: support text omission position configuration `suffixPosition`" }, { "comment": "feat: supports `pickStrokeBuffer` style attribute for extending the stroke picking range" }, { "comment": "perf: only call `cloneDeepSpec()` when need\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.7.2", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.7.2", "date": "Wed, 29 Nov 2023 19:03:36 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: clear old encode when update, fix #1630\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the problem that track mark has multiple elements in gauge series, related #1643 " }, { "comment": "fix: fix the problem that gaugePointer series doesn't support custom `innerRadius`, related #1644" }, { "comment": "refactor: unify `getVRenderComponents` method in Component model" } ] } }, { "version": "1.7.1", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.7.1", "date": "Tue, 28 Nov 2023 08:24:27 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: read dataview of extension-mark by `dataId`\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fixed the issue where the layout size of the axis is incorrect when only domainLine is displayed\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix bug of changed spec when create series\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix(pie): get center error. fix #1610" }, { "comment": "fix: optimize the effect of `tooltip.enterable` that user's pointer can easily enter the tooltip, related #1598" } ] } }, { "version": "1.7.0", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.7.0", "date": "Fri, 24 Nov 2023 09:43:25 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: support `trimPadding` for band type axis, which used to remove the blank space at both ends of the aixs, closed #1174" }, { "comment": "feat: custom mark support animation config" }, { "comment": "feat: support customShape of mark\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: optimize auto mode of data-zoom, related #1416" }, { "comment": "feature: supports registered function expression syntax, related #1187" }, { "comment": "feat: enhance marker's position ability" }, { "comment": "feat: mark area should support specify x x1 y and y1 both" }, { "comment": "feat: add light-mobile and dark-mobile theme, related #1414" }, { "comment": "fix: chart padding won't update when switching global theme" }, { "comment": "feat: optmize performance of computing data" }, { "comment": "feat: support none in component layoutType\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: support line/area label" }, { "comment": "fix: fix spec modified unexpectedly in data model, details in #1514\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: update enableSegements implemention\n\n" }, { "comment": "perf: dont need to call `attrTransform()` in compilable-mark\n\n" }, { "comment": "perf: remove getStatisticsDomain()\n\n" }, { "comment": "perf: dont call bounds calculate when user specify width/height of components" }, { "comment": "refactor: refactor the inheritance structure of the chart module to make the layout system independent, details in #1428\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: no longer register mobile theme in vchart" } ] } }, { "version": "1.6.7", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.7", "date": "Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:02:31 GMT", "comments": {} }, { "version": "1.6.6", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.6", "date": "Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:42:57 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: fix chart screen remains when using updateSpecSync, details in #1421\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: is mouse click in empty region, the hover shape should reset, fixed #1538" } ] } }, { "version": "1.6.5", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.5", "date": "Fri, 17 Nov 2023 05:56:10 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: dimension click not effect after update spec. fix #1532" }, { "comment": "feat: add `skipFunctionDiff` in react-vchart to skip difference of functions\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.6.4", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.4", "date": "Thu, 16 Nov 2023 06:35:43 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: fixed the problem of unreasonable automatic indentation being triggered after modifying the axis range in datazoom\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: default realtime not effect in scrollbar and datazoom. fix#1462" }, { "comment": "fix: filter mode error when roam in scrollbar and datazoom. fix #1460" }, { "comment": "fix: fix `options` can not work in lark-vchart, wx-vchart and tt-vchart\n\n" }, { "comment": "perf: optimize the dataflow of sankey\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.6.3", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.3", "date": "Fri, 10 Nov 2023 09:56:51 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of update animation not work for line mark" }, { "comment": "fix: update vgrammar to ~0.8.3 to fix the issue that, vrender should not auto render during renderAsync" }, { "comment": " fix: fix the error when quick release vchart during async render" }, { "comment": "fix: tooltip value is forced to wrap when the user globally configures css overflow-warp, related #1446" }, { "comment": "perf: optimize the encode performance of sankey\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.6.2", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.2", "date": "Wed, 08 Nov 2023 11:05:21 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: tooltip value is forced to wrap when the user globally configures css overflow-warp, related #1446" } ] } }, { "version": "1.6.1", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.1", "date": "Wed, 08 Nov 2023 05:29:48 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: label formatMethod callback add context parmas to provide series object" }, { "comment": "feat: add components `