{ "name": "@visactor/vchart", "entries": [ { "version": "1.10.0", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.10.0", "date": "Wed, 13 Mar 2024 04:23:20 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "chore: use `rimraf` to replace `rm -rf`\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: bar chart supports `autoBandSize` to automatically calculate bandSize based on the incoming configuration such as `barWidth`, thereby affecting the actual length of the axis, related #2268" }, { "comment": "feat: stacked bar chart supports the config `stackCornerRadius` to configure the corner radius of stacked bar groups, releated #2185" }, { "comment": "feat(dataZoom): enhance when big data and brush releated" }, { "comment": "feat(dataZoom): add sampler for preview chart" }, { "comment": "feat: support scrollbar in legend" }, { "comment": "feat: the theme of the legend supports separate configuration of different themes in different directions, related #2216" }, { "comment": "feat: react-vchart supports custom tooltip render, related #2288" }, { "comment": "fix: enterable tooltip will not hide when mouse moves directly from the tooltip to a non-chart area, related #2315" }, { "comment": "feat: theme supports for configuring series themes in stack state, related #2331" }, { "comment": "feat: theme supports custom tokens, related #2255" }, { "comment": "feat: tooltip supports the same `lockAfterClick` as crosshair, related #2352" }, { "comment": "feat: `x` & `y` of the tooltip position can be fixed separately, related #2320" }, { "comment": "feat: add more tooltip shape configs in `tooltip.style` of the chart spec, related #2292" }, { "comment": "fix: upgrade version of vgrammar to fix end state of animation\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: state style of arc marks support `innerPadding` and `outerPadding`, related #2038" }, { "comment": "fix: `tickMask` is invalid in circular progress charts, related #2316" }, { "comment": "fix: rect crosshair should lock when lockAfterClick is true\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: when region style is empty, should not create _backgroundMark or _foregroundMark" }, { "comment": "fix: fixed the issue of being unable to listen to customMark events on vchart" }, { "comment": "fix: grid component should not be pickable expect its children" }, { "comment": "fix: events on `` should not trigged twice\n\n" }, { "comment": "refactor(react-vchart): refactor react-vchart to support render in strict mode\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: plugin should be released in `release()`\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: register hover/select interaction by default" }, { "comment": "feat: remove advanced interaction in simple bundle" } ] } }, { "version": "1.9.6", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.9.6", "date": "Fri, 08 Mar 2024 06:37:04 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: support dataKey in CustomMark and ExtensionMark" }, { "comment": "feat: support mulity data in waterfal total dimensions\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: `animationAppear: false` not work" }, { "comment": "fix: fix bug that throws error when setting mark style to invlaid value\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of duplicate event registration, fixed #2336" }, { "comment": "fix: fixed the issue of being unable to listen to label and totalLabel component events on vchart, `vchart.on('click', { level: 'model', type: 'label' })`" }, { "comment": "fix: optimize totoal label position when axis is inversed" }, { "comment": "fix: upgrade vrender to 0.17.27, vgrammar to 0.11.15\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix(scrollbar): click stopped by zoomable. fix#2333" } ] } }, { "version": "1.9.5", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.9.5", "date": "Fri, 01 Mar 2024 08:24:59 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: support dataKey in CustomMark and ExtensionMark" }, { "comment": "feat: support mulity data in waterfal total dimensions\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: `animationAppear: false` not work" }, { "comment": "fix: optimize totoal label position when axis is inversed" } ] } }, { "version": "1.9.4", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.9.4", "date": "Wed, 28 Feb 2024 10:28:52 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: `startAngle` and `endAngle` is invalid in polar axis spec, related #2243" }, { "comment": "feat: supply pie percent data as `data._percent_`" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of axis title'angle does not work, fixed#2270" }, { "comment": "fix: axis zero not work beacause of collect data. fix#2226" }, { "comment": "fix: rect graphics will be reused when animation is true, and switch direction, the channels must be cleared, fix #2241\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: active point should can show in a dual chart, which has two line series, fix #2273\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix bug of sortDataByAxis not work well in combination chart\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fixed the issue of `ChartEvent` being triggered multiple times, fixed#2276" }, { "comment": "fix: marker area xy layout needs to deal with the problem of empty coordinate points" }, { "comment": "fix(marker): point and line filter not work. fix#2245" }, { "comment": "fix(player): default attr leades to layout error. fix#241" }, { "comment": "fix: wordcloud support rect shape. fix#2220" } ] } }, { "version": "1.9.3", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.9.3", "date": "Wed, 07 Feb 2024 11:02:59 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: supply pie percent data as `data._percent_`" }, { "comment": "fix: axis zero not work beacause of collect data. fix#2226" }, { "comment": "fix: marker area xy layout needs to deal with the problem of empty coordinate points" }, { "comment": "fix(player): default attr leades to layout error. fix#241" }, { "comment": "fix: wordcloud support rect shape. fix#2220" } ] } }, { "version": "1.9.2", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.9.2", "date": "Mon, 05 Feb 2024 09:28:49 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "chore: add react-lynx doc" }, { "comment": "fix: bar label issue when position is 'inside-bottom' or 'inside-top'" }, { "comment": "fix(block-vchart): in block-vchart demo, the `dpr` acquisition method is wrong and needs to be obtained in real time" }, { "comment": "fix: series can read `direction` from chart spec, releated to #2181\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix(datazom): min and max span not effect. fix#2195" }, { "comment": "fix: fixed the problem that multi-layer axis labels are not displayed after closing tail labels, fixed#2179" }, { "comment": "fix: fix polar animation interpolation" }, { "comment": "fix(react-vchart): fix the error when `onClick` of `` is null, close #2186\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: charts should not stack toggle when series has same type but differernt axes, fix 2210\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: there is some offset in the position of the dom tooltip shape, related #2188" } ] } }, { "version": "1.9.1", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.9.1", "date": "Wed, 31 Jan 2024 07:58:20 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: custom mark should run after all the series marks, fix #2156\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: interactions should be closed by `option.disableTriggerEvent`\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: in the case of multiple band axes in a chart, the same datum corresponds to multiple rows of dimension tooltip content, related #2148" }, { "comment": "fix: fix error of vchart in strict-mode\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the zero-align of axes, fix #2167" } ] } }, { "version": "1.9.0", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.9.0", "date": "Fri, 26 Jan 2024 02:20:43 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: axis supports `hasDimensionTooltip` for force specification of dimension tooltip, related #1678" }, { "comment": "feat: `triggerOff` of crosshair support number to close crosshair by setTimeout, fix #1676" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the bug of crosshair trigger when hover and click are both configed, fix #1574" }, { "comment": "feat: the `barBackground` mark in the bar chart supports `fieldLevel` config to indicate whether the `barBackground` mark is displayed at the group level and at which level it is displayed, related #1601" }, { "comment": "feat: histogram chart supports bar background, related #1979" }, { "comment": "feat: support fitStrategy for indicator" }, { "comment": "feat(liquid): liquid chart. close#1158" }, { "comment": "feat: band type axis supports multi-layer axis label display" }, { "comment": " feat: support separately configuring interactive for line/area mark in area chart, see #1592" }, { "comment": "feat: support `stateSort` of mark, fix #2003" }, { "comment": "feat: support customized vrender component in extensionMark\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: split tooltip handler into plugins for on-demand importing, related #1397" }, { "comment": "fix: tooltip supports content area scrolling, related #2001" }, { "comment": "fix: remove label line height in default themes, related #1983" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue where tooltip content callbacks may not be effective in certain situations, related #1943" }, { "comment": "refactor: deprecated `useSyncRender` in react-vchart\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.10", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.10", "date": "Thu, 25 Jan 2024 09:18:19 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: support innerOffset in vchart cartesian axis\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix issue of continous color scale, close #2131\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: dont return min,max of empty data, fix #1711" }, { "comment": "fix: fixed polar coordinate relative axis tickValues acquisition error problem, fixed#2117" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue mark line is not filter by legend, close #2127" }, { "comment": "fix: sequence chart region bind error. fix#2115" }, { "comment": "fix: star shapes on dom tooltip do not display correctly, related #1905" }, { "comment": "fix: treemap drill event error" }, { "comment": " fix: treemap drill error when turn off the animation" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.9", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.9", "date": "Mon, 22 Jan 2024 12:27:45 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: support supportsTouchEvents and supportsPointerEvents config" }, { "comment": "feat: support `alignSelf` of layout `normal-inline` elements, fix #2072 \n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: upgrade vrender" }, { "comment": "fix: fix bug of crosshair timer, fix #2088\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the bugs of axis's onZero property, fixed #2098,#2099" }, { "comment": "fix: update animation should exludes `defined` channel" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.8", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.8", "date": "Fri, 19 Jan 2024 05:31:20 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: enhance scroll effect, closed #2037" }, { "comment": "feat: upgrade @visactor/vrender-core to locked 0.17.14" }, { "comment": "feat: sankey chart supports disableTriggerEvent configuration\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: `area.interactive` in area series spec is not available, related #2030" }, { "comment": "fix: fix sortDataByAxis not work after datazoom changed axis\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: crosshair should show when `trimPadding` of axis is true, fix #2054\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: calculate layer transform for dimension tooltip" }, { "comment": "fix: fixed the issue where activePoint does not take effect when the visible configuration of line chart point is false\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: different effect when configuring label.overlap:true in #1956" }, { "comment": "fix: label position incorrect with region indent" }, { "comment": "fix(scroll): event error in lynx env. fix#2041" }, { "comment": "fix: map scale ratio not correct after updateSpec or resize" }, { "comment": "feat: support new layout type region-relative-overlap\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the bug of nice when tickCount is a function, fix #2050\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.7", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.7", "date": "Thu, 11 Jan 2024 09:36:17 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: mark tooltip not work in rangeColumn chart, closes #1959" }, { "comment": "fix(brush): hover not effect when draw a small brush. fix#1985" }, { "comment": "feat(markPoint): mark point support item content confine. fix #1573" }, { "comment": "feat: support indent in region layout\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the problem that indent.top cannot take effect normally\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: the crosshair should only be triggered when the point is in some x-axis and y-axis, fix #1954\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fixed the issue where legend filtering fails after customizing data for discrete legends, fixed #1994" }, { "comment": "fix: range column chart's `barMinHeight` property does not take effect, closed#1999" }, { "comment": "fix: tooltip value is stacked in stacked radar charts, related #450" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the onebyone symbol animation order, closes #1932" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.6", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.6", "date": "Sat, 06 Jan 2024 05:10:05 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: optimize viusal effect for duplicated data in funnel charts, see #1921" }, { "comment": "fix: fix error of scatter when the shape is an array, close #1719\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.5", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.5", "date": "Wed, 03 Jan 2024 15:19:37 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: add zAxis theme and set label space to 0, closed #149" }, { "comment": "fix: compute layer translate for crosshair" }, { "comment": "fix: optimize funnel clip animation without extensionMarks" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the hover state of multiple series, close #1899\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: waterfall.label not work in #1897" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.4", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.4", "date": "Tue, 02 Jan 2024 11:27:39 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: add media query spec interface to default chart spec" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the bug of extension mark when no valid animation, fix #1877\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.3", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.3", "date": "Fri, 29 Dec 2023 14:44:05 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: chart option.animation not work" }, { "comment": "feat: add props `useSyncRender` to react-vchart, close #1685\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix error in strict mode of react-vchart, fix #1669\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: Supports the initialization parameter `disableTriggerEvent` to turn off the default interactive effect of the chart\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: error in chart level modification of media query action" }, { "comment": "fix: dimension tooltip in the dual-dimension chart contains data of only one dimension, related #1841 " }, { "comment": "fix: fix bug in layout when band axis has no domain\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: funnel clipIn animation has delay for marks which overflows the range of region in #1839" }, { "comment": "fix: when marker label's padding is an object, it should work" }, { "comment": "refactor: optimize the style configuration of marker" }, { "comment": "fix: undefined globalThis in tt miniprogram, see #1854" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.2", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.2", "date": "Fri, 22 Dec 2023 12:49:18 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: chart option.animation not work" }, { "comment": "feat: Supports the initialization parameter `disableTriggerEvent` to turn off the default interactive effect of the chart\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: error in chart level modification of media query action" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.1", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.1", "date": "Thu, 21 Dec 2023 08:30:03 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: improve the stability of spec transformer and media query" }, { "comment": " fix: `select.triggerOff: none` not work" } ] } }, { "version": "1.8.0", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.8.0", "date": "Tue, 19 Dec 2023 12:04:29 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: add getPoints api in funnel mark attribute context" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the api: `getComponentsByKey` not work" }, { "comment": "refactor: update datazoom and brush updatecallback, use event" }, { "comment": "feat: vchart supports chart-level plugin, related #1784" }, { "comment": "feat: new media query plugin to support self-adaptive charts, related #1413" }, { "comment": "feat: support optimize config, and auto set disableCheckGraphicWidthOutRange to true" }, { "comment": "fix: animation support for gauge pointer series, related #1699" }, { "comment": "fix: fix issue with secondary dataflow, closed #1760" }, { "comment": "perf: when visible is false, dont parse detail attrs\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: remove legacy theme for legends" } ] } }, { "version": "1.7.5", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.7.5", "date": "Fri, 15 Dec 2023 08:36:30 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix(brush): brush release error after update spec. fix#1720" }, { "comment": "fix: series should pick `morph` config in chart\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix type defination of vchart spec in #1486" } ] } }, { "version": "1.7.4", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.7.4", "date": "Tue, 12 Dec 2023 07:55:54 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: support interaction group in region\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: label style not update when change current theme in #1698" } ] } }, { "version": "1.7.3", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.7.3", "date": "Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:34:11 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: marker supports `coordinatesOffset` for points adjusting" }, { "comment": "feat: markLine supports x,y,y1 y,x,x1 and x,y,x1,y1 position" }, { "comment": "feat: markPoint support xy position" }, { "comment": " feat: marker's position property support relative coordinate" }, { "comment": "feat: marker's coordinate property supports callback" }, { "comment": "fix: fix 3d bar chart with seriesField issue, closed #1646" }, { "comment": "fix: fix 3d chart z axis not work noamally issue, closed #1668" }, { "comment": "fix: clear old encode when update, fix #1630\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the problem that track mark has multiple elements in gauge series, related #1643 " }, { "comment": "fix: fix the problem that gaugePointer series doesn't support custom `innerRadius`, related #1644" }, { "comment": "refactor: unify `getVRenderComponents` method in Component model" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the type error of markArea" }, { "comment": "feat: cartesion crosshair's rect width support callback, support #1567" }, { "comment": "feat: polar crosshair supports default show" }, { "comment": "fix: the outerBorder's color should be equal with labelBackground's fill by default" }, { "comment": "fix: fix oneByOne loop animation" }, { "comment": "fix: add `align` property for size legend, and fix the issue of the attribute assignment does not take effect, related #1553" }, { "comment": "feat: support text omission position configuration `suffixPosition`" }, { "comment": "feat: supports `pickStrokeBuffer` style attribute for extending the stroke picking range" }, { "comment": "perf: only call `cloneDeepSpec()` when need\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.7.2", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.7.2", "date": "Wed, 29 Nov 2023 19:03:36 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: clear old encode when update, fix #1630\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the problem that track mark has multiple elements in gauge series, related #1643 " }, { "comment": "fix: fix the problem that gaugePointer series doesn't support custom `innerRadius`, related #1644" }, { "comment": "refactor: unify `getVRenderComponents` method in Component model" } ] } }, { "version": "1.7.1", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.7.1", "date": "Tue, 28 Nov 2023 08:24:27 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: read dataview of extension-mark by `dataId`\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fixed the issue where the layout size of the axis is incorrect when only domainLine is displayed\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix bug of changed spec when create series\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix(pie): get center error. fix #1610" }, { "comment": "fix: optimize the effect of `tooltip.enterable` that user's pointer can easily enter the tooltip, related #1598" } ] } }, { "version": "1.7.0", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.7.0", "date": "Fri, 24 Nov 2023 09:43:25 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: support `trimPadding` for band type axis, which used to remove the blank space at both ends of the aixs, closed #1174" }, { "comment": "feat: custom mark support animation config" }, { "comment": "feat: support customShape of mark\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: optimize auto mode of data-zoom, related #1416" }, { "comment": "feature: supports registered function expression syntax, related #1187" }, { "comment": "feat: enhance marker's position ability" }, { "comment": "feat: mark area should support specify x x1 y and y1 both" }, { "comment": "feat: add light-mobile and dark-mobile theme, related #1414" }, { "comment": "fix: chart padding won't update when switching global theme" }, { "comment": "feat: optmize performance of computing data" }, { "comment": "feat: support none in component layoutType\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: support line/area label" }, { "comment": "fix: fix spec modified unexpectedly in data model, details in #1514\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: update enableSegements implemention\n\n" }, { "comment": "perf: dont need to call `attrTransform()` in compilable-mark\n\n" }, { "comment": "perf: remove getStatisticsDomain()\n\n" }, { "comment": "perf: dont call bounds calculate when user specify width/height of components" }, { "comment": "refactor: refactor the inheritance structure of the chart module to make the layout system independent, details in #1428\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: no longer register mobile theme in vchart" } ] } }, { "version": "1.6.7", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.7", "date": "Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:02:31 GMT", "comments": {} }, { "version": "1.6.6", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.6", "date": "Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:42:57 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: fix chart screen remains when using updateSpecSync, details in #1421\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: is mouse click in empty region, the hover shape should reset, fixed #1538" } ] } }, { "version": "1.6.5", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.5", "date": "Fri, 17 Nov 2023 05:56:10 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: dimension click not effect after update spec. fix #1532" }, { "comment": "feat: add `skipFunctionDiff` in react-vchart to skip difference of functions\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.6.4", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.4", "date": "Thu, 16 Nov 2023 06:35:43 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: fixed the problem of unreasonable automatic indentation being triggered after modifying the axis range in datazoom\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: default realtime not effect in scrollbar and datazoom. fix#1462" }, { "comment": "fix: filter mode error when roam in scrollbar and datazoom. fix #1460" }, { "comment": "fix: fix `options` can not work in lark-vchart, wx-vchart and tt-vchart\n\n" }, { "comment": "perf: optimize the dataflow of sankey\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.6.3", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.3", "date": "Fri, 10 Nov 2023 09:56:51 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of update animation not work for line mark" }, { "comment": "fix: update vgrammar to ~0.8.3 to fix the issue that, vrender should not auto render during renderAsync" }, { "comment": " fix: fix the error when quick release vchart during async render" }, { "comment": "fix: tooltip value is forced to wrap when the user globally configures css overflow-warp, related #1446" }, { "comment": "perf: optimize the encode performance of sankey\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.6.2", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.2", "date": "Wed, 08 Nov 2023 11:05:21 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: tooltip value is forced to wrap when the user globally configures css overflow-warp, related #1446" } ] } }, { "version": "1.6.1", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.1", "date": "Wed, 08 Nov 2023 05:29:48 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: label formatMethod callback add context parmas to provide series object" }, { "comment": "feat: add components `` and `<Indicator />` of react-vchart, close #1424\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: `centroidProperty` not work in map chart" }, { "comment": "fix: fix incorrect legend filter result caused by animation in #1403" }, { "comment": "fix: if layout item is invisible, do not participate in grid layout, related #1425" }, { "comment": "fix(marker): aggregation return value infinity problem. fix#1380'" } ] } }, { "version": "1.6.0", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.6.0", "date": "Fri, 03 Nov 2023 05:16:41 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: add `updateElement` callback in tooltip spec to configure custom tooltip DOM elements based on the default tooltip handler, related #1338" }, { "comment": "feat: enable exit animation while updating data" }, { "comment": " feat: support functional label.position config in line/area/scatter/bar series" }, { "comment": "feat: load browser or node env code dynamically" }, { "comment": "feat: support functional label.position config in line/area/scatter/bar series" }, { "comment": "feat: dataScheme supports configuration by distinguishing series directions, related #1209" }, { "comment": "feat: data sampling & point overlap. close #460" }, { "comment": "fix: react-vchart mode not work" }, { "comment": "fix: optimize the trigger of hover in non-browser env" }, { "comment": "fix: if series mark is line, return stroke value when user want fill value, fixed #1388" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the angle offset in rose dimension tooltip, related #1263" }, { "comment": "perf: create Stack and calculate stack attributes when need\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.5.4", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.5.4", "date": "Mon, 30 Oct 2023 06:09:01 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: add bar background mark for bar-like series, related #1154" }, { "comment": "fix: unexpected funnel transform ratio label, see #1348" }, { "comment": "fix: tooltip value label clipped on lark mini app, related #1346" } ] } }, { "version": "1.5.3", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.5.3", "date": "Fri, 27 Oct 2023 06:56:41 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: support the exportCanvas api of vchart\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: sankey chart downstream highlight, related #1269" }, { "comment": "fix(brush): slove first select not effect problem. fix #1129" }, { "comment": "fix: new layout method for circle axis label, related #1123" }, { "comment": "fix: change default zIndex of axis in gauge chart, related #1122" }, { "comment": "fix(datazoom): datazoom location error when resize. fix #520" }, { "comment": "fix: slove event off error after release" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue where invalidType of scatter chart checks x and y at the same time\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue in markline as min/max aggr result is not correct, see #1261" }, { "comment": "fix: fix: fix the issue that the map tooltip title does not display the name from nameMap, see #1260" }, { "comment": "fix: sankey supports string value" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of crosshair can not trigger in weapp, fixed #1322" } ] } }, { "version": "1.5.2", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.5.2", "date": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 01:48:10 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: support the exportCanvas api of vchart\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: new layout method for circle axis label, related #1123" }, { "comment": "fix: change default zIndex of axis in gauge chart, related #1122" }, { "comment": "fix(datazoom): datazoom location error when resize. fix #520" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue in markline as min/max aggr result is not correct, see #1261" }, { "comment": "fix: fix: fix the issue that the map tooltip title does not display the name from nameMap, see #1260" } ] } }, { "version": "1.5.1", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.5.1", "date": "Fri, 20 Oct 2023 07:22:00 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: add getGraphicBounds api in layoutItem to support get graphic size\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: optimized the display of `padAngle` in the gauge series and changed the unit of `padAngle` to angle, related #1215" }, { "comment": "feat: optimize the autoindent logic in layout to ensure padding effect is correct\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: support `centroidProperty` in map series" }, { "comment": "feat: scrollbar enhance zoom & drag & scroll. close #965" }, { "comment": "feat: datazoom enhance zoomLock & span config. close #1082" }, { "comment": "feat: supply the attributeContext params for customMark's attribute callback" }, { "comment": "feat: provide afterLayout event to support users to modify layout effects\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: provide datum in the params of `updateContent` callback of tooltip, related #1244" }, { "comment": "fix: link 'adjacency' interaction highlighting effect of Sankey Chart is wrong, #1121" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of boxplot outlier animation will throw error" }, { "comment": "feat: add the default theme (light, dark) of markLine, markArea and funnel series" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the duplicate event registration in scrollbar, fixed#1241" }, { "comment": "feat: support load environment code on demand" }, { "comment": "refactor: add register function for chart/series/component to collect side effect code" }, { "comment": "refactor: add register function for animation" } ] } }, { "version": "1.4.3", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.4.3", "date": "Tue, 17 Oct 2023 04:00:20 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: brush state proxy to state spec" }, { "comment": "fix: fix when the legend item only has stroke it cannot be consistent with the graphic color, details in #1147\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.4.2", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.4.2", "date": "Thu, 12 Oct 2023 11:39:35 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: gauge series supports label component, related #1039" }, { "comment": "feat: add static tools in `VChart.Utils`" }, { "comment": "fix: `tooltipRelease` event may be invalid when being released by VTable" }, { "comment": "feat: supports afterResize and afterRender events\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix(brush): select error when setting brush. fix #1129" }, { "comment": "fix: optimize the default performance of the long tooltip title, related #688" }, { "comment": "feat: add new config `autoWidth` to the tooltip label style, related #688" }, { "comment": "fix: if `markLine` is empty like `{}` or `[]`, it should not create marker component" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue when use `positions` to create marker component, fixed #1084" }, { "comment": "fix(scrollbar): auto visible with linear axis. fix #1118" } ] } }, { "version": "1.4.1", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.4.1", "date": "Wed, 27 Sep 2023 07:53:38 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: fix updateViewBox api will fail after resize\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: optimize updateSpec to avoid additional theme updates\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix(datazoom): fix bounds error when there is no preview chart. fix #1050" }, { "comment": "fix: the rose chart's first sector's startAngle should start from polar coordinate's startAngle, fix #900" }, { "comment": "fix: fix `theme.fontFamily` can not work" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the problem that updateFullData cannot update data in series\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.4.0", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.4.0", "date": "Mon, 25 Sep 2023 10:49:42 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat(sequence): add scrollbar layout spec to sequence. close #792" }, { "comment": "feat: linear axis support `tooltipFilterRange` to configure the relative data range of dimension tooltip, related #933" }, { "comment": "feat: add vchart to context in params of mark function style\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: add default dark theme for scrollBar" }, { "comment": "feat: add configure items `bandSize`, `maxBandSize`, `minBandSize` to the spec of band axis, related #263" }, { "comment": "feat: support `barMinHeight` for bar series, relate #722" }, { "comment": "fix: when stack is false and no `fieldX2` or `fieldY2`, `dataToPositionX1` and `dataToPositionY1` should use 0, close #647" }, { "comment": "feat: enhance default wordcloud appear animation, details in #675" }, { "comment": "feat: tick mask support for polar progress-like charts, related #596" }, { "comment": "fix: label stroke should follow default color when stroke is set to null, detail see #985" }, { "comment": "feat: pie label line support smooth" }, { "comment": "refactor: split the updateSpec of life cycle to spec transform & compare\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat(axis): support custom callback for tickCount, see #951" }, { "comment": "feat: support `label.confine` for markLine and markPoint to auto adjust label's position, relate https://github.com/VisActor/VChart/issues/699" }, { "comment": "fix: `offsetX` and `offsetY` can not work in mark component" }, { "comment": "feat: support `minAngle` for pie chart, relate #738" }, { "comment": "feat: disable label animation as default in map series " }, { "comment": "fix: sankey chart support color config'" }, { "comment": "feat: increase chart stacking capabilities, provide stackValue to support independent stacking of multiple series\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: increase chart stacking capabilities, provide stackInverse support for stacking in reverse order\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: support `scaleCenter` attribute for mark, see #781" }, { "comment": "feat: provide updateModelSpec api, so that users can update the configuration of a chart module individually\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: supports deleting all events of the corresponding type without passing through the handler when calling off\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: tooltip supports custom shape type, related #496" }, { "comment": "feat: tooltip supports custom `spaceRow` for each line, related #949" }, { "comment": "feat: tooltip supports custom fixed position relative to the cursor, related #541" }, { "comment": "feat: fix issue about updateSpec not work with only data change, details in #912\n\n" }, { "comment": "refactor: remove unused code, and transform ticks transform to vutils-extension" }, { "comment": "feat: support wx env" }, { "comment": "fix(brush): style not effect when set mark hover. fix #976" }, { "comment": "fix: tooltipHide event may be inavailable when the computer runs slow" }, { "comment": "fix: chart pass-through serDataByAxis config to series\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: when call updateSpec, the prev scrollbar had not been clear, relate #1044" }, { "comment": "fix: add protect for this._spec, fixed #1045" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of `seriesId` does not work in legends, closed #910" }, { "comment": "fix(datazoom): state scale domain error when domain is locked. fix #629" }, { "comment": "fix: fix unoff event when passing through handler\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix userEvent is added multiple times\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: line and area mark should set closePath default, fix #654" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of radar area's invalidType not work, fixed #867" }, { "comment": "fix: fix invalidType not working after invoking updataDataSync, details in #1057\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix(marker): marker don not render after updateData. fix #882" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of markLine symbol.size not work" }, { "comment": "fix: optimize the layout of normal-inline, fixed #989" }, { "comment": "refactor: unify the clear of component" }, { "comment": "fix: do the product of this._spec, fixed #1062" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of progress layout in multi-region" }, { "comment": "fix(sequence): render error when dot and link data is empty. fix #1019" }, { "comment": "feat: remove compatibility code of threshold\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix(wordcloud): fontsize renge not effect with no value field. fix #522" }, { "comment": "refactor: seperate grid from axis for better layer control" }, { "comment": "fix: lock crosshair label to uninteractive, because it will affect axis label's event pick" }, { "comment": "refactor: use @visctor/vgrammar-core to replace @visctor/vgrammar\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: support wx env" } ], "patch": [ { "comment": "feat: access label in map series" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of reading onError of null option in #915" } ], "dependency": [ { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@visactor/vutils-extension\" from `0.0.1` to `0.0.2`" } ] } }, { "version": "1.3.4", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.3.4", "date": "Wed, 20 Sep 2023 05:42:12 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: circularProgress chart may throw error when executing `updateSpec`, related #994" }, { "comment": "fix: the theme in spec does not update correctly when executing `updateSpec`, related #996" }, { "comment": "fix: `track` in spec is not working in circularProgress charts, related #600" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the error triggered by chart updateSpec, fixed #988, #1002" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of player component updateSpec, fixed #967" } ] } }, { "version": "1.3.3", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.3.3", "date": "Mon, 18 Sep 2023 03:27:40 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of player component updateSpec, fixed #967" } ] } }, { "version": "1.3.2", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.3.2", "date": "Thu, 14 Sep 2023 12:36:21 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: the setDimensionIndex api supports deselecting ability by passing in null\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: use precision calculations in waterfall charts to avoid unexpected values for labels, details in #721\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix(log-axis): log scale has no result about zero when bar stack has a zero baseline value. fix #634" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the user event listener becomes invalid after updateSpec\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix bug of series mark static style are not updated when updateSpec\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix bug data fields are not updated when updateSpec, details in #829\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat(scrollBar): interactive default config." }, { "comment": "perf: optimize the performance of dimension-statistics\n\n" }, { "comment": "perf: only calculate dimensionTree when need\n\n" } ], "patch": [ { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of animation config not work in common chart, related #814" } ] } }, { "version": "1.3.1", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.3.1", "date": "Tue, 05 Sep 2023 11:24:47 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat: `lineHeight` supports string proportional values, related #744" }, { "comment": "fix: move \\'SeriesMarkNameEnum\\' to single file, solve the issue of codesandbox can not work, it looks like an error in the Codesandbox' bundler, see https://github.com/codesandbox/codesandbox-client/issues/6435" }, { "comment": "feat: upgrade vdataset for clone source data when call updateData\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix axis domain will in the wrong order after buildIn data filter\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of legend does not update after updateData, fix #769" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of legend's maxHeight not work" }, { "comment": "fix: the issue of pie chart with null value, fixed https://github.com/VisActor/VChart/issues/748" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the problem that the pie chart draws a full circle when the data is all 0, because the endAngle of the last piece of data is forced to configure the endAngle of polar coordinates" } ], "patch": [ { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of `seriesIndex` not work in discrete legend, see #732 " } ] } }, { "version": "1.3.0", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.3.0", "date": "Thu, 31 Aug 2023 12:30:59 GMT", "comments": { "patch": [ { "comment": "feat(invalidType): use the vrender function to realize the break and link of invalidType\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: added updateFullData api to allow users to update fields at the same time when updating data, details in #478\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: `innerBorder`/`outerBorder` supports the same configuration way as other graphic attributes." }, { "comment": "refactor: access arc label component in pie chart" }, { "comment": "feat: add `getRegion()` and `getCenter()` method in _markAttributeContext for `extensionMark`" }, { "comment": "feat: new method `pauseAnimation()`, `resumeAnimation()` and `stopAnimation()` which support pausing, resuming and stopping all animation via vchart instance, related #534" }, { "comment": "feat: linear axis support `noDecimals` in tick configuration, see #396" }, { "comment": "feat: label support dataFilter and custom layout" }, { "comment": "feat: new builtin dark theme, related #294" }, { "comment": "fix: improve the priority of markByName and mark in theme, related #418" }, { "comment": "fix: dimension_hover resets the state when the mouse leaves the chart, related #513" }, { "comment": "refactor(area): remove line mark of area-series, merge style into area mark" } ], "none": [ { "comment": "feat: support label component event in #614" }, { "comment": "feat: support configuration of sortDataByAxis for sort series data with axis, details in #644\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: new component spec item `noOuterPadding` to hide the outer side of padding, related #663" }, { "comment": "fix: dataZoom error when switching theme" }, { "comment": "feat: add new property `theme` to vchart init option to configure custom theme without modifying spec, related #689" }, { "comment": "feat: add `bandField` and `linearField` as common settings to crosshair's theme, related #698" }, { "comment": "feat: enhance dataToPosition in common geo series for #567" }, { "comment": "fix: SankeyChart legends not working, fix the bug #345" }, { "comment": "feat: geo coordinate component support invert and getScale API" }, { "comment": "feat: indicator offsetY support radius" }, { "comment": "feat: supplement the callback parameters of discrete legend custom `data` to support obtaining scales, relate #667" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the problem that selected clear not work after event filter check for mark\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix(brush): brush callback not update when updateSpec. fix #672" }, { "comment": "fix(brush): highlight was not correct beacasue of same key" }, { "comment": "fix(dataZoom): when open roam and set dataZoom invisible, the interaction does not work as expected. fix #611" }, { "comment": "feat: optimize the logic of updateSpec to ensure that chart series and components can be updated normally, details in #692\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue where updateSpec not work when data.id is missing in spec, see #535" }, { "comment": "fix: if only `level` is configured in the event filter parameter but `type` is not configured, then as long as the `level` is matched, it will be triggered, relate #623" }, { "comment": "refactor: sink the axis label's flush logic to the vrender-component, relate #651" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the infinite loop problem caused by arc adjustment, fixed #680" }, { "comment": "fix: map label support formatMethod" }, { "comment": "fix(marker): add config to control clip mode about marker. fix #181" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue where bar charts do not stack when percent is set to false, see#557" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the problem that the title component clear incompletely." }, { "comment": "perf: dont trigger resize of vgrammar view when initialize chart\n\n" }, { "comment": "perf: dont create processor and tooltipHandler when create tooltip, create them when use them\n\n" } ], "minor": [ { "comment": "feat: add `clone` property in `data.parse` to control whether clone the user data" }, { "comment": "feat: cartesian axis label support `containerAlign`, relate #380" }, { "comment": "feat: tooltip support configure single content line style, related #338" }, { "comment": "feat: support total label in stack charts. see #110" } ] } }, { "version": "1.2.3", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.2.3", "date": "Thu, 24 Aug 2023 07:23:56 GMT", "comments": { "patch": [ { "comment": "fix: background will not update when spec or theme updating, related #545" }, { "comment": "fix: tooltip shape style incorrect when configure custom key/value, related #336" }, { "comment": "fix: when chart size is very small, the size assigned to title may be negative, which needs to be fault-tolerant, otherwise it will easily cause the page to freeze, closed #546" }, { "comment": "feat(active): add active point for line & area series to optimization the performance of user interactive\n\n" } ], "none": [ { "comment": "fix: niceDomain should only works for linear scale, fixed #528" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of the chart's size is not correctly when updateSpec in lark block env, closed #566" }, { "comment": "fix: handle the scenarios of with the same range in continuous legend, fixed #579" }, { "comment": "fix: error when configuring `tooltip.parentElement` with a HTMLElement object, related #641" }, { "comment": "fix: error when mouse hovering during updateSpec executing" }, { "comment": "fix(wordCloud): fix position error of wordCloud chart. fix #521, fix #533" }, { "comment": "fix: error when mouse hovering during `updateSpec()` executing." } ] } }, { "version": "1.2.2", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.2.2", "date": "Thu, 17 Aug 2023 02:45:43 GMT", "comments": { "patch": [ { "comment": "fix: background will not update when spec or theme updating, related #545" }, { "comment": "fix: tooltip shape style incorrect when configure custom key/value, related #336" }, { "comment": "fix: when chart size is very small, the size assigned to title may be negative, which needs to be fault-tolerant, otherwise it will easily cause the page to freeze, closed #546" }, { "comment": "feat(active): add active point for line & area series to optimization the performance of user interactive\n\n" } ] } }, { "version": "1.2.1", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.2.1", "date": "Tue, 15 Aug 2023 07:25:04 GMT", "comments": { "patch": [ { "comment": "build: add es5 build product" }, { "comment": "feat: the api updateViewBox adds the relayout parameter, which supports not redrawing the chart immediately after updateViewbox, details in #497\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix(axis-layout): fix the problem that the axis-component cannot take effect after configuring minWidth and maxWidth, details are in #379\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix(axis-layout): fix the issue of axis move slighty when manual legend filtering, details are in #426\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue about when axis.label is autoLimit, the chart layout can not work as expect after resize, details in #429\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: fix appear animation state fixed #327" }, { "comment": "fix: cloneDeep user data, because we should not modify user data" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the resize problem in progress chart, fixed #502" }, { "comment": "fix: if the size of region is invalid, ignore the wordcloud layout, fixed #506, #410" } ] } }, { "version": "1.2.0", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.2.0", "date": "Thu, 10 Aug 2023 05:23:25 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "feat(logAxis): support axis of type = 'log'. close #392" }, { "comment": "feat(logAxis): support axis of type = 'log'. close #392" }, { "comment": "feat(logAxis): support axis of type = 'log'. close #392" }, { "comment": "feat(logAxis): support axis of type = 'log'. close #392" }, { "comment": "feat(marker): marker support formatMethod. fix #288, fix #298" }, { "comment": "fix(brush): fix mark can not resume to unselected state when click blank space. fix #307" }, { "comment": "fix(brush): fix brush interactive range cannot update when chart is resize. fix #194" }, { "comment": "fix(wordCloud): fix wordCloud size error probelm. fix #400, fix #260" } ], "minor": [ { "comment": "feat(logAxis): support axis of type = 'log'. close #392" }, { "comment": "feat(vchart): spilt 'finished' event into 'renderFinished' and 'animationEnd' event" }, { "comment": "feat: support `barGapInGroup` for bar series and rangeColumn series, used to set the spacing between bars within a group, relate #328" }, { "comment": "feat: support \\`seriesMark\\` for area, line and radar series, which can used to set series main mark, closed #330" }, { "comment": "feat: extended data structures supported by sankey chart" } ], "patch": [ { "comment": "feat: support `dataFilter` for axis label and axis tick" }, { "comment": "fix: optimize the type definition related to padding on the bandAxis, and it only takes effect on the first layer of scale" }, { "comment": "feat: dimension tooltip supports linear axis\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: filling full data to map mark data in #420 " }, { "comment": "feat(background): support background of chart & series" }, { "comment": "feat(onError): support configuration of onerror in chart instance initoption" }, { "comment": "feat: supplement sync methods in vchart instance\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat: support dimension tooltip for time axis, related #437" }, { "comment": "feat: add tooltipShow event and tooltipHide event for vchart, related #337" }, { "comment": "feat: add attribute dimensionInfo in tooltip handler event params when activeType is mark. related #475" }, { "comment": "feat: add a new event type tooltipRelease. related #427" }, { "comment": "fix: set the correct return type of `getLegendDataById` and `getLegendDataByIndex`, closed #472" }, { "comment": "fix: the non-stack radar area should start from the minimum of radius axis, not o, fix #370" }, { "comment": "fix: bar label does not show in the expected position when axis is inversed, fix #378" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of the title color configured on the theme does not take effect, fixed #408\"" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue that updateSpec of pie chart causes innerRadius/outerRadius to be incorrect when hovering in #435" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of y axis's title can not auto ellipsis, fixed #443, #417" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of axis label flush config disable when axis inverse is true, fixed #449" }, { "comment": "fix: startAngle and endAngle of polar axis will be reset when executing updateSpec, related #332" }, { "comment": "fix: solve the issue that tooltip content is out of bounds in some uncommon case, related #397" }, { "comment": "perf(data): add animationThreshold configuration to support automatically close animationa when the amount of data is large" }, { "comment": "perf(axis-tick): optimize the calculation times of axis ticks, optimize the discrete axis sampling algorithm\n\n" }, { "comment": "perf(data): remove redundant data statistics calculations\n\n" }, { "comment": "perf(stack): use 0 to replace Number.epsilon in stack operation closed #350" } ] } }, { "version": "1.1.3", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.1.3", "date": "Thu, 03 Aug 2023 10:32:10 GMT", "comments": { "patch": [ { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of sankeyChart sourceFiled and targetFiled not working, closed #341" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of SankeyChart can't render, when unset nodeAlign, closed #343" }, { "comment": "fix: if series.getSeriesField() return undefined, use `DEFAULT_DATA_SERIES_FIELD` to ensure legend data filter, fixed #337\"" }, { "comment": "fix: fixing the issue where `updateSpec` does not have an effect on map type in #401" }, { "comment": "fix: fixing the exception thrown when updating the map updateSpec" }, { "comment": "fix: fix bar style could not work in waterfall chart\n\n" } ], "none": [ { "comment": "fix(dataZoom): fix backgroundChart data mapping problem. fix #306 fix #309" }, { "comment": "fix(dataZoom): start and end cannot be setted correctly because of judging of data value. fix #334" }, { "comment": "fix(wordCloud): word-cloud updateSpec not work as expected. fixed #302" } ] } }, { "version": "1.1.2", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.1.2", "date": "Tue, 01 Aug 2023 09:47:58 GMT", "comments": { "patch": [ { "comment": "feat: geo-coordinate support zoom api" }, { "comment": "fix(pie): fix the issue of pie mark's \\`key\\` value duplication causes drawing error, closed #321" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue where linearAxis.expand does not work when there are identical data values in #358" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue of geo source lost" }, { "comment": "fix(label): fix the issue that the update of label visible fails to take effect with updateSpec, closed #304" }, { "comment": "fix(axis): fix the issue when the min and max of the axes are the same, closed #355" } ] } }, { "version": "1.1.1", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.1.1", "date": "Fri, 28 Jul 2023 08:52:08 GMT", "comments": { "patch": [ { "comment": "feat(logger): support static api `getLogger` in vchart class" }, { "comment": "fix(vchart): fix the problem of default logLevel not sync to vgrammar" }, { "comment": "fix(map): fix the issue that some map data cannot be drawn" }, { "comment": "fix(map): fix the issue of misalignment of the map after interaction with legend" }, { "comment": "fix(indicator): add `specKey` for Indicator to fix the issue that the indicator text does not display after the update, close#251" }, { "comment": "fix(map): fix the issue that defaultFillColor does not work in map" } ] } }, { "version": "1.1.0", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.1.0", "date": "Wed, 26 Jul 2023 03:18:52 GMT", "comments": { "patch": [ { "comment": "chore: sync version" }, { "comment": "chore: remove __DEV__" }, { "comment": "fix the issue that mark dimension_hover state causes error when mark visible is false" }, { "comment": "add bandwidth attribute to context that in mark function call" }, { "comment": "support discrete legend bind scale" }, { "comment": "feat: set default logger level to level error\n\n" }, { "comment": "feat(axis): axis adds `sampling` property, which is used to control whether to enable the axis sampling logic, which is enabled by default" }, { "comment": "feat(axis): add anti-overlapping logic for cartesian axis labels" }, { "comment": "feat(axis): support \\`dataFilter\\` property for axis label and tick for data filter" }, { "comment": "fix: unified borderRadius to cornerRadius" }, { "comment": "fix: not support cornerRadiusXXX anymore, use cornerRadius" }, { "comment": "feat: axis's label, tick's state style supports function" }, { "comment": "feat: discrete legend's item's style and state style supports function" }, { "comment": "feat: add a new api `convertDatumToPosition` for vchart, used for converting data to coordinate position" }, { "comment": "feat: add `convertValueToPosition` api for vchart" }, { "comment": "feat: modify function parameters to make it more user-friendly\n\n" }, { "comment": "modify api setDimensionIndex parameters to make it more user-friendly" }, { "comment": "feat(image): support image-mark & add background attribute to fill-mark" }, { "comment": "feat: support specified of scale in vchart\n\n" }, { "comment": "support setDimensionIndex api for vchart" }, { "comment": "feat: new config of global unique tooltip" }, { "comment": "feat: add 'normal-inline' layoutType" }, { "comment": "feat(axis): band type axis support domain property" }, { "comment": "feat: add export folder unified export entry" }, { "comment": "fix: cartesianAxis and polarAxis are abstract class, should not be imported by users" }, { "comment": "refactor: series auto install mark" }, { "comment": "refactor: chart auto install series" }, { "comment": "feat: add default crosshair config for some cartesian charts" }, { "comment": "feat: spec.theme can be a string, which means a registered theme name" }, { "comment": "fix the issue that tooltip don't hide when the pointer taps the blank area in mobile mode" }, { "comment": "optimize tooltip performance" }, { "comment": "feat: optimize tooltip performance" }, { "comment": "support unity dimension tooltip of several different series" }, { "comment": "optimize tooltip style performance" }, { "comment": "fix the default shape config when tooltip pattern has been set to a custom callback" }, { "comment": "feat(map): support rewind geojson data" }, { "comment": "feat: support poptip for ellipsis text" }, { "comment": "feat(vchart): add poptip theme configuration" }, { "comment": "fix: remove deprecated maxWidth/minWidth api in tooltip" }, { "comment": "fix: pickable shoule be false if label component is configured `interactive: false`\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix region getSeries bug when option.userId = []" }, { "comment": "fix: change mark default stroke color to the series color" }, { "comment": "fix discrete legend data sorted by js object attribute order" }, { "comment": "fix(global-scale): Correctly update global-scale when updateSpec" }, { "comment": "fix: typed chart cannot enable progressive render" }, { "comment": "fix: add global-scale updateDomain on chart updateData\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix(global-scale): add global-scale updateDomain on chart updateData" }, { "comment": "fix(data): add miss params of data.parse in chart updateData" }, { "comment": "fix barWidth not work in bar chart" }, { "comment": "fix: the `type` should be a string" }, { "comment": "fix: add isReleased tag for compiler to stop the render after chart's release" }, { "comment": "fix(type): add more public methods for IAxis interface" }, { "comment": "fix(event): fix the issue that markName filter can not work in event query" }, { "comment": "fix(react-vchart): rebind event to chart after chart is re-render, fix #68\n\n" }, { "comment": "fix: compact the globalThis in non-browser env" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the bug in line chart when the xField and yField fields are the same, fixed#108" }, { "comment": "fix: the issue that mode value does not exit in trigger config" }, { "comment": "fix: delegated events on component models should not participate in bubbling" }, { "comment": "feat: delegate the events on marker component" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the issue that fieldX2 does not involved in statistics. closed#254" }, { "comment": "feat: set default crosshair configuration for radar and rose chart" }, { "comment": "fix: fix the bug that linear axis can not show crosshair" }, { "comment": "fix: the issue where the legend component is hidden but still affect the layout calculation" }, { "comment": "fix: symbol center label not work" }, { "comment": "fix(label): pickable shoule be false if label component is configured `interactive: false`" }, { "comment": "fix the layoutOffsetX|Y not work in normal items" }, { "comment": "fix: line mark has a different easing in update animation causes strange animation effect" }, { "comment": "fix: `channel` config not work in animation " }, { "comment": "No longer requires to hold down the Ctrl key for zoom interaction & fix zoomLimit bug" }, { "comment": "fix: default tooltip handler needs to adapt to the scale property" }, { "comment": "fix(vchart): export IRegionSpec from VChart" }, { "comment": "fix(waterfall-position): fix the mistake of compute totalPosition in waterfall-series " }, { "comment": "fix: compact window variable for non-browser env" }, { "comment": "fix: compact window variable for non-browser env" } ], "minor": [ { "comment": "support zeroAlign & tick align in two axes" }, { "comment": "tooltip supports setting based on mark type and adaptive key" }, { "comment": "sync maxLineCount api of 3.x version." }, { "comment": "feat: tooltip supports multiline config" } ], "none": [ { "comment": "feat(marker): markline support autoRange and marker performance enhance" }, { "comment": "feat(brush): add operate type about 'brushStart' | 'brushEnd' and export element data of inBrush and outOfBrush" }, { "comment": "feat(marker): support interactive" }, { "comment": "fix(component): upgrade some spec" }, { "comment": "fix(dataZoom): fix bug of datazoom not clear when updateSpec and mark disappear when xField is array" }, { "comment": "fix(dataZoom): preview compute and theme config" }, { "comment": "fix(wordCloud): angle config not effect" }, { "comment": "fix(wordCloud): text clip when layoutmode is fast" }, { "comment": "fix(wordCloud): get padding from chartInstance padding" } ] } }, { "version": "1.0.0", "tag": "@visactor/vchart_v1.0.0", "date": "Tue, 20 Jun 2023 11:35:37 GMT", "comments": { "patch": [ { "comment": "fix the bug of 3d pie label link" }, { "comment": "fix the bug of 3d scatter in common chart" }, { "comment": "fix the bug of z axis in layout stage" }, { "comment": "when set legends's `visible` to false, the legend component should still needs to be instantiated, just not to create vrender components" }, { "comment": "if layout model is hidden, igonre the size setting" }, { "comment": "wordCloud text should not set default fontSize" }, { "comment": "if legend'shape has same value of stroke and fill, then skip stroke" }, { "comment": "Change `renderAsync()` to `renderSync()` in `compiler.reRenderAsync()`" } ], "major": [ { "comment": "chore: release major version" } ], "none": [ { "comment": "reconfig dataZoom color theme" }, { "comment": "refactor(marker): optimize performance" }, { "comment": "release 0.0.1-alpha.0" } ] } } ] }