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2023-01-28 17:48:52 +00:00
# dbmodel
2023-01-29 07:27:28 +00:00
Deploy, load or build script from model of SQL database. Can be used as command-line tool. Uses [DbGate](https://dbgate.org) tooling and plugins for connecting many different databases.
If you want to use this tool from JavaScript interface, please use [dbgate-api](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dbgate-api) package.
2023-01-28 17:48:52 +00:00
Model is stored as a collection of files:
* tables - stored as YAML files
* columns
* indexes
* primary keys
* foreign keys
* views - stored as SQL file with extension **.view.sql**
* stored procedures - stored as SQL file with extension **.proc.sql**
* functions - stored as SQL file with extension **.func.sql**
## Installation - as global tool
npm install --global dbmodel
## Installation - as regular package
npm install --save dbmodel
## Available commands
* **load** - loads structure of database, saves it to local directory (called *project*). Also can download data of enlisted tables (use --load-data-condition options)
* **deploy** - deploys structure from local directory (*project*) to database. *Deploy does not perform any actions leading to data loss, these changes must be made manually.*
* creates not existing tables
* creates not existing columns of existing tables
* checks column NULL/NOT NULL flag, alters colums
* checks tables, which are in database, but not in project, list of these tables are reported
* checks columns, which are in database, but not in project, list of these columns are reported
* checks indexes and its definitions, indexes are created or recreated, if neccessary (*but not deleted*)
* checks and creates foreign keys
* checks, creates new or changes existing views, stored procedures and functions
* updates and creates static data (included in table yaml files)
* **build** - builds script from project folder. This operation is complete offline, no database connection is needed. Built script makes subset of deploy command. It can be executed on empty database, but also it can convert existing database to current structure (but only using operations below).
* creates not existing tables
* creates not existing columns of existing tables
* creates not existing indexes (checked only by name)
* creates not existing foreign keys
* creates new or changes existing views, stored procedures and functions
* updates and creates static data (included in table yaml files)
## Command line interface
# load from existing database
2023-01-28 19:14:44 +00:00
dbmodel load -s localhost -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -d DATABASE -e mssql@dbgate-plugin-mssql OUTPUT_FOLDER
2023-01-28 17:48:52 +00:00
# deploy project to database
2023-01-28 19:14:44 +00:00
dbmodel deploy -s localhost -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -d DATABASE -e mssql@dbgate-plugin-mssql PROJECT_FOLDER
2023-01-28 17:48:52 +00:00
# build SQL script from project
2023-01-28 19:14:44 +00:00
dbmodel build -e mssql@dbgate-plugin-mssql PROJECT_FOLDER OUTPUT_FILE.sql
2023-01-28 17:48:52 +00:00
2023-01-29 07:27:28 +00:00
Parameter -e (or --engine) specifies database dialect and connection driver to be used
Supported databases:
- MySQL - `-e mysql@dbgate-plugin-mysql`
- MS SQL Server - `-e mssql@dbgate-plugin-mssql`
- PostgreSQL - `-e postgres@dbgate-plugin-postgres`
- SQLite - `-e sqlite@dbgate-plugin-sqlite`
- Oracle - `-e oracle@dbgate-plugin-oracle`
- MariaDB - `-e mariadb@dbgate-plugin-mysql`
- CockroachDB - `-e cockroach@dbgate-plugin-postgres`
- Amazon Redshift - `-e redshift@dbgate-plugin-postgres`
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## Table yaml file documentation
name: Album # table name
- name: AlbumId # column name
type: int # data type. is used directly in target SQL engine
autoIncrement: true # column is autoincrement
notNull: true # column is not nullable (default: is nullable)
- name: Title
type: nvarchar
length: 160 # maximum character length
notNull: true
- name: ArtistId
type: int
references: Artist # name of table. Is used for creating foreign key
- name: isDeleted
type: bit
notNull: true
default: 0 # default value
- AlbumId # list of primary key column names
- name: UQ_AlbumTitleArtistId # index name
unique: true # whether index is unique. default=false
columns: # list of index columns
- Title
- ArtistId
filter: isDeleted=0 # if defined, filtered index (with WHERE condition) is created
continueOnError: true # if true and there was error in creating this index, continue (suitable for lately added unique indexes)
data: # static data (only for list tables)
- AlbumId: -1 # values for all columns, which should be filled
Title: Predefined static album