# dbgate-api Allows run DbGate data-manipulation scripts. ## Installation yarn add dbgate-api ## Usage This example exports table Customer info CSV file. ```javascript const dbgateApi = require('dbgate-api'); const dbgatePluginMssql = require("dbgate-plugin-mssql"); const dbgatePluginCsv = require("dbgate-plugin-csv"); dbgateApi.registerPlugins(dbgatePluginMssql); async function run() { const reader = await dbgateApi.tableReader({ connection: { server: 'localhost', engine: 'mssql', user: 'sa', password: 'xxxx', database: 'Chinook' }, schemaName: 'dbo', pureName: 'Customer', }); const writer = await dbgatePluginCsv.shellApi.writer({ fileName: 'Customer.csv' }); await dbgateApi.copyStream(reader, writer); console.log('Finished job script'); } dbgateApi.runScript(run); ``` Silly example, runs without any dependencies. Copy [fakeObjectReader](https://github.com/dbgate/dbgate/blob/master/packages/api/src/shell/fakeObjectReader.js) to [consoleObjectWriter](https://github.com/dbgate/dbgate/blob/master/packages/api/src/shell/consoleObjectWriter.js) . ```javascript const dbgateApi = require('dbgate-api'); async function run() { const reader = await dbgateApi.fakeObjectReader(); const writer = await dbgateApi.consoleObjectWriter(); await dbgateApi.copyStream(reader, writer); console.log('Finished job script'); } dbgateApi.runScript(run); ``` ## dbgateApi functions ### dbgateApi.copyStream Copies data from reader into writer. Reader and writer should be created from functions listed below. ```js await dbgateApi.copyStream(reader, writer); ``` ### dbgateApi.tableReader Reads table or view. ```js const reader = await dbgateApi.tableReader({ connection: { server: 'localhost', engine: 'mssql' | 'postgres' | 'mysql', user: 'root', password: 'xxxx', database: 'DB_NAME' }, schemaName: 'dbo', pureName: 'Customer', }); ``` ### dbgateApi.queryReader Executes query and reads its result. ```js const reader = await dbgateApi.tableReader({ connection: { server: 'localhost', engine: 'mssql' | 'postgres' | 'mysql', user: 'root', password: 'xxxx', database: 'DB_NAME' }, sql: 'SELECT * FROM Album', }); ``` ### dbgateApi.tableWriter Imports data into table. Options are optional, default values are false. - dropIfExists - if table already exists, it is dropped before import - truncate - delete table content before import - createIfNotExists - create table, if not exists ```js const reader = await dbgateApi.tableWriter({ connection: { server: 'localhost', engine: 'mssql' | 'postgres' | 'mysql', user: 'root', password: 'xxxx', database: 'DB_NAME' }, schemaName: 'dbo', pureName: 'Customer', options: { dropIfExists: false, truncate: false, createIfNotExists: false, } }); ``` ### dbgateApi.jsonLinesReader Reads JSON lines data file. On first line could be structure. Every line contains one row as JSON serialized object. ```js const reader = await dbgateApi.jsonLinesReader({ fileName: 'test.jsonl', encoding: 'utf-8', header: true, limitRows: null }); ``` ### dbgateApi.jsonLinesWriter Writes JSON lines data file. On first line could be structure. Every line contains one row as JSON serialized object. ```js const reader = await dbgateApi.jsonLinesWriter({ fileName: 'test.jsonl', encoding: 'utf-8', header: true }); ```