import type { CollectionInfo, ColumnInfo, DatabaseInfo, FilterBehaviour, ForeignKeyInfo, NamedObjectInfo, RangeDefinition, TableInfo, ViewInfo, } from 'dbgate-types'; import { detectSqlFilterBehaviour, equalFullName, isCollectionInfo, isTableInfo, isViewInfo, mongoFilterBehaviour, stringFilterBehaviour, } from 'dbgate-tools'; import { ChangePerspectiveConfigFunc, createPerspectiveNodeConfig, MultipleDatabaseInfo, PerspectiveConfig, PerspectiveCustomJoinConfig, PerspectiveDatabaseConfig, PerspectiveDatabaseEngineType, PerspectiveFilterColumnInfo, PerspectiveNodeConfig, PerspectiveReferenceConfig, } from './PerspectiveConfig'; import _isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import _isArray from 'lodash/isArray'; import _cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'; import _compact from 'lodash/compact'; import _uniq from 'lodash/uniq'; import _flatten from 'lodash/flatten'; import _uniqBy from 'lodash/uniqBy'; import _sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy'; import _cloneDeepWith from 'lodash/cloneDeepWith'; import _findIndex from 'lodash/findIndex'; import { PerspectiveDataLoadProps, PerspectiveDataProvider } from './PerspectiveDataProvider'; import stableStringify from 'json-stable-stringify'; import { parseFilter } from 'dbgate-filterparser'; import { CompoudCondition, Condition, Expression, Select } from 'dbgate-sqltree'; // import { getPerspectiveDefaultColumns } from './getPerspectiveDefaultColumns'; import uuidv1 from 'uuid/v1'; import { PerspectiveDataPatternColumn } from './PerspectiveDataPattern'; import { getPerspectiveMostNestedChildColumnName, getPerspectiveParentColumnName, perspectiveValueMatcher, } from './perspectiveTools'; export interface PerspectiveDataLoadPropsWithNode { props: PerspectiveDataLoadProps; node: PerspectiveTreeNode; } // export function groupPerspectiveLoadProps( // ...list: PerspectiveDataLoadPropsWithNode[] // ): PerspectiveDataLoadPropsWithNode[] { // const res: PerspectiveDataLoadPropsWithNode[] = []; // for (const item of list) { // const existing = res.find( // x => // x.node == item.node && // x.props.schemaName == item.props.schemaName && // x.props.pureName == item.props.pureName && // _isEqual(x.props.bindingColumns, item.props.bindingColumns) // ); // if (existing) { // existing.props.bindingValues.push(...item.props.bindingValues); // } else { // res.push(_cloneDeep(item)); // } // } // return res; // } export abstract class PerspectiveTreeNode { constructor( public dbs: MultipleDatabaseInfo, public config: PerspectiveConfig, public setConfig: ChangePerspectiveConfigFunc, public parentNode: PerspectiveTreeNode, public dataProvider: PerspectiveDataProvider, public defaultDatabaseConfig: PerspectiveDatabaseConfig, public designerId: string ) { this.nodeConfig = config.nodes.find(x => x.designerId == designerId); this.parentNodeConfig = parentNode?.nodeConfig; } readonly nodeConfig: PerspectiveNodeConfig; parentNodeConfig: PerspectiveNodeConfig; // defaultChecked: boolean; abstract get title(); abstract get codeName(); abstract get isExpandable(); childNodesCache: PerspectiveTreeNode[] = null; get childNodes(): PerspectiveTreeNode[] { if (!this.childNodesCache) { this.childNodesCache = this.generateChildNodes(); } return this.childNodesCache; } abstract generateChildNodes(): PerspectiveTreeNode[]; abstract get icon(): string; get fieldName() { return this.codeName; } get headerTableAttributes() { return null; } get dataField() { return this.codeName; } get tableCode() { return null; } get namedObject(): NamedObjectInfo { return null; } get tableNodeOrParent(): PerspectiveTableNode { if (this instanceof PerspectiveTableNode) { return this; } if (this.parentNode == null) { return null; } return this.parentNode.tableNodeOrParent; } get engineType(): PerspectiveDatabaseEngineType { return null; } get databaseConfig(): PerspectiveDatabaseConfig { const res = { ...this.defaultDatabaseConfig }; if (this.nodeConfig?.conid) res.conid = this.nodeConfig?.conid; if (this.nodeConfig?.database) res.database = this.nodeConfig?.database; return res; } abstract getNodeLoadProps(parentRows: any[]): PerspectiveDataLoadProps; get isRoot() { return this.parentNode == null; } get rootNode(): PerspectiveTreeNode { if (this.isRoot) return this; return this.parentNode?.rootNode; } get isSortable() { return false; } get generatesHiearchicGridColumn() { return this.isExpandable && this.isCheckedNode; } get generatesDataGridColumn() { return this.isCheckedColumn; } get validParentDesignerId() { if (this.designerId) return this.designerId; return this.parentNode?.validParentDesignerId; } get preloadedLevelData() { return false; } get findByDesignerIdWithoutDesignerId() { return false; } matchChildRow(parentRow: any, childRow: any): boolean { return true; } hasTableCode(code: string) { return code == this.tableCode || this.parentNode?.hasTableCode(code); } // get uniqueName() { // if (this.parentNode) return `${this.parentNode.uniqueName}::${this.codeName}`; // return this.codeName; // } get level() { if (this.parentNode) return this.parentNode.level + 1; return 0; } get isExpanded() { return this.parentNodeConfig?.expandedColumns?.includes(this.codeName); } get isCheckedColumn() { if (this.parentNodeConfig?.checkedColumns?.includes(this.codeName)) return true; return false; } get isChecked() { return this.isCheckedColumn; } get isCheckedNode() { return !!this.designerId && !!this.config.nodes?.find(x => x.designerId == this.designerId)?.isNodeChecked; } get isSecondaryChecked() { return false; } get secondaryCheckable() { return false; } get columnTitle() { return this.title; } get filterBehaviour(): FilterBehaviour { return stringFilterBehaviour; } get columnName() { return null; } get customJoinConfig(): PerspectiveCustomJoinConfig { return null; } get db(): DatabaseInfo { return this.dbs?.[this.databaseConfig.conid]?.[this.databaseConfig.database]; } get isCircular() { return false; } hasDesignerIdInIncestors(designerId: string): boolean { if (designerId == this.designerId) return true; return this.parentNode?.hasDesignerIdInIncestors(designerId) || false; } getChildMatchColumns() { return []; } getParentMatchColumns() { return []; } parseFilterCondition(source = null) { return null; } get hasUncheckedNodeInPath() { if (!this.parentNode) return false; if (this.designerId && !this.isCheckedNode) return true; return this.parentNode.hasUncheckedNodeInPath; } get childDataColumn() { if (this.isCheckedColumn) { return this.codeName; } return null; } toggleExpanded(value?: boolean) { this.includeInNodeSet('expandedColumns', value == null ? !this.isExpanded : value); } toggleChecked(value?: boolean) { this.includeInNodeSet('checkedColumns', value == null ? !this.isChecked : value); } toggleCheckedNode(value?: boolean) { this.setConfig(cfg => { const oldCheckedValue = cfg.nodes.find(x => x.designerId == this.designerId)?.isNodeChecked; const [cfgChanged, nodeCfg] = this.ensureNodeConfig(cfg); const res = { ...cfgChanged, nodes: => node.designerId == (this.designerId || nodeCfg.designerId) ? { ...node, isNodeChecked: value == null ? !oldCheckedValue : value, } : node ), }; return res; }); } toggleSecondaryChecked(value?: boolean) {} createReferenceConfigColumns(): PerspectiveReferenceConfig['columns'] { return null; } ensureNodeConfig(cfg: PerspectiveConfig): [PerspectiveConfig, PerspectiveNodeConfig] { let node = cfg.nodes.find(x => x.designerId == this.designerId); if (!node) { const nodeConfig: PerspectiveNodeConfig = { ...createPerspectiveNodeConfig(this.namedObject), isAutoGenerated: true, conid: this.parentNodeConfig?.conid, database: this.parentNodeConfig?.database, }; const refConfig: PerspectiveReferenceConfig = { designerId: uuidv1(), sourceId: this.parentNode.designerId, targetId: nodeConfig.designerId, isAutoGenerated: true, columns: this.createReferenceConfigColumns(), }; return [ { ...cfg, nodes: [...cfg.nodes, nodeConfig], references: [...cfg.references, refConfig], }, nodeConfig, ]; } return [cfg, node]; } includeInNodeSet(field: 'expandedColumns' | 'uncheckedColumns' | 'checkedColumns', isIncluded: boolean) { this.setConfig(cfg => { const changedFields = n => ({ ...n, [field]: isIncluded ? [...(n[field] || []), this.codeName] : (n[field] || []).filter(x => x != this.codeName), }); const [cfgChanged, nodeCfg] = this.parentNode?.tableNodeOrParent?.ensureNodeConfig(cfg); const res = { ...cfgChanged, nodes: => n.designerId == (this.parentNode?.tableNodeOrParent?.designerId || nodeCfg?.designerId) ? changedFields(n) : n ), }; return res; }); } getFilter() { return this.parentNodeConfig?.filters?.[this.codeName]; } getDataLoadColumns() { return _compact( _uniq([ => x.childDataColumn), ..._flatten(this.childNodes.filter(x => x.isExpandable && x.isChecked).map(x => x.getChildMatchColumns())), ...this.getParentMatchColumns(), ...this.childNodes .filter(x => x instanceof PerspectivePatternColumnNode) .filter(x => this.nodeConfig?.checkedColumns?.find(y => y.startsWith(x.codeName + '::'))) .map(x => x.columnName), ]) ); } getMutliColumnCondition(source): Condition { if (!this.nodeConfig?.multiColumnFilter) return null; const base = this.getBaseTableFromThis() as TableInfo | ViewInfo | CollectionInfo; if (!base) return null; const isDocDb = isCollectionInfo(base); if (isDocDb) { return this.getMutliColumnNoSqlCondition(); } else { return this.getMutliColumnSqlCondition(source); } } getMutliColumnSqlCondition(source): Condition { if (!this.nodeConfig?.multiColumnFilter) return null; const base = this.getBaseTableFromThis() as TableInfo | ViewInfo; if (!base) return null; try { const condition = parseFilter(this.nodeConfig?.multiColumnFilter, stringFilterBehaviour); if (condition) { const orCondition: CompoudCondition = { conditionType: 'or', conditions: [], }; for (const column of base.columns || []) { orCondition.conditions.push( _cloneDeepWith(condition, (expr: Expression) => { if (expr.exprType == 'placeholder') { return { exprType: 'column', alias: source, columnName: column.columnName, }; } }) ); } if (orCondition.conditions.length > 0) { return orCondition; } } } catch (err) { console.warn(err.message); } return null; } getMutliColumnNoSqlCondition(): Condition { if (!this.nodeConfig?.multiColumnFilter) return null; const pattern = this.dataProvider?.dataPatterns?.[this.designerId]; if (!pattern) return null; const condition = parseFilter(this.nodeConfig?.multiColumnFilter, mongoFilterBehaviour); if (!condition) return null; const orCondition: CompoudCondition = { conditionType: 'or', conditions: [], }; for (const column of pattern.columns || []) { orCondition.conditions.push( _cloneDeepWith(condition, (expr: Expression) => { if (expr.exprType == 'placeholder') { return { exprType: 'column', columnName:, }; } }) ); } if (orCondition.conditions.length > 0) { return orCondition; } } getChildrenSqlCondition(source = null): Condition { const conditions = _compact([ => x.parseFilterCondition(source)), ...this.buildParentFilterConditions(), this.getMutliColumnCondition(source), ]); if (conditions.length == 0) { return null; } if (conditions.length == 1) { return conditions[0]; } return { conditionType: 'and', conditions, }; } getOrderBy(table: TableInfo | ViewInfo | CollectionInfo): PerspectiveDataLoadProps['orderBy'] { const res = _compact( => { const sort = this.nodeConfig?.sort?.find(x => x.columnName == node.columnName); if (sort) { return { columnName: node.columnName, order: sort.order, }; } }) ); if (res.length > 0) return res; const pkColumns = (table as TableInfo)?.primaryKey? => ({ columnName: x.columnName, order: 'ASC' as 'ASC', })); if (pkColumns) return pkColumns; const uqColumns = (table as CollectionInfo)?.uniqueKey; if (uqColumns?.length >= 1) return => ({ columnName: x.columnName, order: 'ASC' })); const columns = (table as TableInfo | ViewInfo)?.columns; if (columns) return [{ columnName: columns[0].columnName, order: 'ASC' }]; return [{ columnName: '_id', order: 'ASC' }]; } getBaseTables() { const res = []; const table = this.getBaseTableFromThis(); if (table) res.push({ table, node: this }); for (const child of this.childNodes) { if (!child.isChecked) continue; res.push(...child.getBaseTables()); } return res; } getBaseTableFromThis(): TableInfo | ViewInfo | CollectionInfo { return null; } get filterInfo(): PerspectiveFilterColumnInfo { return null; } findChildNodeByUniquePath(uniquePath: string[]) { if (uniquePath.length == 0) { return this; } const child = this.childNodes.find(x => x.codeName == uniquePath[0]); return child?.findChildNodeByUniquePath(uniquePath.slice(1)); } // findNodeByUniqueName(uniqueName: string): PerspectiveTreeNode { // if (!uniqueName) return null; // const uniquePath = uniqueName.split('::'); // if (uniquePath[0] != this.codeName) return null; // return this.findChildNodeByUniquePath(uniquePath.slice(1)); // } findNodeByDesignerId(designerId: string): PerspectiveTreeNode { if (!this.designerId && !this.findByDesignerIdWithoutDesignerId) { return null; } if (!designerId) { return null; } if (designerId == this.designerId) { return this; } for (const child of this.childNodes) { const res = child.findNodeByDesignerId(designerId); if (res) { return res; } } return null; } get supportsParentFilter() { return ( (this.parentNode?.isRoot || this.parentNode?.supportsParentFilter) && this.parentNode?.databaseConfig?.conid == this.databaseConfig?.conid && this.parentNode?.databaseConfig?.database == this.databaseConfig?.database && this.engineType == 'sqldb' && this.parentNode?.engineType == 'sqldb' ); } get isParentFilter() { return !!this.nodeConfig?.isParentFilter; } buildParentFilterConditions(): Condition[] { const leafNodes = _compact( (this.config?.nodes || []) .filter(x => x.isParentFilter) .map(x => this.rootNode.findNodeByDesignerId(x.designerId)) ); const conditions: Condition[] = _compact( => { if (leafNode == this) return null; const select: Select = { commandType: 'select', from: { name: leafNode.namedObject, alias: 'pert_0', relations: [], }, selectAll: true, }; let lastNode = leafNode; let node = leafNode; let index = 1; let lastAlias = 'pert_0'; while (node?.parentNode && node?.parentNode?.designerId != this?.designerId) { node = node.parentNode; let alias = `pert_${index}`; select.from.relations.push({ joinType: 'INNER JOIN', alias, name: node.namedObject, conditions: lastNode.getParentJoinCondition(lastAlias, alias), }); lastAlias = alias; lastNode = node; index += 1; } if (node?.parentNode?.designerId != this?.designerId) return null; select.where = { conditionType: 'and', conditions: _compact([ ...lastNode.getParentJoinCondition(lastAlias, this.namedObject.pureName), leafNode.getChildrenSqlCondition({ alias: 'pert_0' }), ]), }; return { conditionType: 'exists', subQuery: select, }; }) ); return conditions; } getParentJoinCondition(alias: string, parentAlias: string): Condition[] { return []; } get sortOrder() { return this.parentNodeConfig?.sort?.find(x => x.columnName == this.columnName)?.order; } get sortOrderIndex() { return this.parentNodeConfig?.sort?.length > 1 ? _findIndex(this.parentNodeConfig?.sort, x => x.columnName == this.columnName) : -1; } } export class PerspectiveTableColumnNode extends PerspectiveTreeNode { foreignKey: ForeignKeyInfo; refTable: TableInfo; isView: boolean; isTable: boolean; constructor( public column: ColumnInfo, public table: TableInfo | ViewInfo, dbs: MultipleDatabaseInfo, config: PerspectiveConfig, setConfig: ChangePerspectiveConfigFunc, dataProvider: PerspectiveDataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig: PerspectiveDatabaseConfig, parentNode: PerspectiveTreeNode, designerId: string ) { super(dbs, config, setConfig, parentNode, dataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig, designerId); this.isTable = !!this.db?.tables?.find(x => x.schemaName == table.schemaName && x.pureName == table.pureName); this.isView = !!this.db?.views?.find(x => x.schemaName == table.schemaName && x.pureName == table.pureName); this.foreignKey = (table as TableInfo)?.foreignKeys?.find( fk => fk.columns.length == 1 && fk.columns[0].columnName == column.columnName ); this.refTable = this.db.tables.find( x => x.pureName == this.foreignKey?.refTableName && x.schemaName == this.foreignKey?.refSchemaName ); } get engineType() { return this.parentNode.engineType; } matchChildRow(parentRow: any, childRow: any): boolean { if (!this.foreignKey) return false; return parentRow[this.foreignKey.columns[0].columnName] == childRow[this.foreignKey.columns[0].refColumnName]; } getChildMatchColumns() { if (!this.foreignKey) return []; return [this.foreignKey.columns[0].columnName]; } getParentMatchColumns() { if (!this.foreignKey) return []; return [this.foreignKey.columns[0].refColumnName]; } getParentJoinCondition(alias: string, parentAlias: string): Condition[] { if (!this.foreignKey) return []; return => { const res: Condition = { conditionType: 'binary', operator: '=', left: { exprType: 'column', columnName: column.columnName, source: { alias: parentAlias }, }, right: { exprType: 'column', columnName: column.refColumnName, source: { alias }, }, }; return res; }); } createReferenceConfigColumns(): PerspectiveReferenceConfig['columns'] { return this.foreignKey?.columns?.map(col => ({ source: col.columnName, target: col.refColumnName, })); } getNodeLoadProps(parentRows: any[]): PerspectiveDataLoadProps { if (!this.foreignKey) return null; return { schemaName: this.foreignKey.refSchemaName, pureName: this.foreignKey.refTableName, bindingColumns: [this.foreignKey.columns[0].refColumnName], bindingValues: _uniqBy( => [row[this.foreignKey.columns[0].columnName]]), stableStringify ), dataColumns: this.getDataLoadColumns(), databaseConfig: this.databaseConfig, orderBy: this.getOrderBy(this.refTable), sqlCondition: this.getChildrenSqlCondition(), engineType: 'sqldb', }; } get icon() { if (this.isCircular) return 'img circular'; if (this.column.autoIncrement) return 'img autoincrement'; if (this.foreignKey) return 'img foreign-key'; return 'img column'; } get codeName() { return this.column.columnName; } get columnName() { return this.column.columnName; } get fieldName() { return this.codeName + 'Ref'; // return this.codeName ; } get title() { return this.column.columnName; } get isExpandable() { return !!this.foreignKey; } get isSortable() { return true; } get filterBehaviour(): FilterBehaviour { return detectSqlFilterBehaviour(this.column.dataType); } get isCircular() { return !!this.parentNode?.parentNode?.hasTableCode(this.tableCode); } get isSecondaryChecked() { return super.isCheckedColumn; } get isChecked() { if (this.foreignKey) return this.isCheckedNode; return super.isCheckedColumn; } get secondaryCheckable() { return !!this.foreignKey; } toggleChecked(value?: boolean) { if (this.foreignKey) { this.toggleCheckedNode(value); } else { super.toggleChecked(value); } } toggleSecondaryChecked(value?: boolean) { super.toggleChecked(value == null ? !this.isSecondaryChecked : value); } generateChildNodes(): PerspectiveTreeNode[] { if (!this.foreignKey) return []; const tbl = this?.db?.tables?.find( x => x.pureName == this.foreignKey?.refTableName && x.schemaName == this.foreignKey?.refSchemaName ); return getTableChildPerspectiveNodes( tbl, this.dbs, this.config, this.setConfig, this.dataProvider, this.defaultDatabaseConfig, this ); } getBaseTableFromThis() { return this.refTable; } get filterInfo(): PerspectiveFilterColumnInfo { return { columnName: this.columnName, filterBehaviour: this.filterBehaviour, pureName: this.column.pureName, schemaName: this.column.schemaName, foreignKey: this.foreignKey, }; } parseFilterCondition(source = null): Condition { const filter = this.getFilter(); if (!filter) return null; const condition = parseFilter(filter, this.filterBehaviour); if (!condition) return null; return _cloneDeepWith(condition, (expr: Expression) => { if (expr.exprType == 'placeholder') { return { exprType: 'column', columnName: this.column.columnName, source, }; } }); } get headerTableAttributes() { if (this.foreignKey) { return { schemaName: this.foreignKey.refSchemaName, pureName: this.foreignKey.refTableName, conid: this.databaseConfig.conid, database: this.databaseConfig.database, objectTypeField: this.table.objectTypeField, }; } return null; } get tableCode() { if (this.foreignKey) { return `${this.foreignKey.refSchemaName}|${this.foreignKey.refTableName}`; } return `${this.table.schemaName}|${this.table.pureName}`; } get namedObject(): NamedObjectInfo { if (this.foreignKey) { return { schemaName: this.foreignKey.refSchemaName, pureName: this.foreignKey.refTableName, }; } return null; } } export class PerspectivePatternColumnNode extends PerspectiveTreeNode { foreignKey: ForeignKeyInfo; refTable: TableInfo; constructor( public table: TableInfo | ViewInfo | CollectionInfo, public column: PerspectiveDataPatternColumn, public tableColumn: ColumnInfo, dbs: MultipleDatabaseInfo, config: PerspectiveConfig, setConfig: ChangePerspectiveConfigFunc, dataProvider: PerspectiveDataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig: PerspectiveDatabaseConfig, parentNode: PerspectiveTreeNode, designerId: string ) { super(dbs, config, setConfig, parentNode, dataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig, designerId); this.parentNodeConfig = this.tableNodeOrParent?.nodeConfig; // console.log('PATTERN COLUMN', column); } get isChildColumn() { return this.parentNode instanceof PerspectivePatternColumnNode; } get findByDesignerIdWithoutDesignerId() { return this.isExpandable; } // matchChildRow(parentRow: any, childRow: any): boolean { // console.log('MATCH PATTENR ROW', parentRow, childRow); // return false; // // if (!this.foreignKey) return false; // // return parentRow[this.foreignKey.columns[0].columnName] == childRow[this.foreignKey.columns[0].refColumnName]; // } // getChildMatchColumns() { // if (!this.foreignKey) return []; // return [this.foreignKey.columns[0].columnName]; // } // getParentMatchColumns() { // if (!this.foreignKey) return []; // return [this.foreignKey.columns[0].refColumnName]; // } // getParentJoinCondition(alias: string, parentAlias: string): Condition[] { // if (!this.foreignKey) return []; // return => { // const res: Condition = { // conditionType: 'binary', // operator: '=', // left: { // exprType: 'column', // columnName: column.columnName, // source: { alias: parentAlias }, // }, // right: { // exprType: 'column', // columnName: column.refColumnName, // source: { alias }, // }, // }; // return res; // }); // } // createReferenceConfigColumns(): PerspectiveReferenceConfig['columns'] { // return this.foreignKey?.columns?.map(col => ({ // source: col.columnName, // target: col.refColumnName, // })); // } getNodeLoadProps(parentRows: any[]): PerspectiveDataLoadProps { // console.log('GETTING PATTERN', parentRows); return null; } get generatesHiearchicGridColumn(): boolean { // return true; // console.log('generatesHiearchicGridColumn', this.parentTableNode?.nodeConfig?.checkedColumns, this.codeName + '::'); if (this.tableNodeOrParent?.nodeConfig?.checkedColumns?.find(x => x.startsWith(this.codeName + '::'))) { return true; } // return false; return this.hasCheckedJoinChild(); } // get generatesHiearchicGridColumn() { // // return this.config &&; // } get icon() { if (this.column.types.includes('json')) { return 'img json'; } return 'img column'; } get codeName() { if (this.parentNode instanceof PerspectivePatternColumnNode) { return `${this.parentNode.codeName}::${}`; } return; } get columnName() { return; } get fieldName() { return; } get title() { return; } get isExpandable() { return this.column.columns.length > 0; } get isSortable() { return !this.isChildColumn; } get filterBehaviour(): FilterBehaviour { if (this.tableColumn) return detectSqlFilterBehaviour(this.tableColumn.dataType); return mongoFilterBehaviour; } get preloadedLevelData() { return true; } generatePatternChildNodes(): PerspectivePatternColumnNode[] { return column => new PerspectivePatternColumnNode( this.table, column, this.tableColumn, this.dbs, this.config, this.setConfig, this.dataProvider, this.defaultDatabaseConfig, this, null ) ); } hasCheckedJoinChild() { for (const node of this.childNodes) { if (node instanceof PerspectivePatternColumnNode) { if (node.hasCheckedJoinChild()) return true; } if (node.isCheckedNode) return true; } return false; } generateChildNodes(): PerspectiveTreeNode[] { const patternChildren = this.generatePatternChildNodes(); const customs = []; // console.log('GETTING CHILDREN', this.config.nodes, this.config.references); for (const node of this.config.nodes) { for (const ref of this.config.references) { const validDesignerId = this.validParentDesignerId; if ( (ref.sourceId == validDesignerId && ref.targetId == node.designerId) || (ref.targetId == validDesignerId && ref.sourceId == node.designerId) ) { // console.log('TESTING REF', ref, this.codeName); if (ref.columns.length != 1) continue; // console.log('CP1'); if ( ref.sourceId == validDesignerId && this.codeName == getPerspectiveParentColumnName(ref.columns[0].source) ) { if (ref.columns[0].target.includes('::')) continue; } else if ( ref.targetId == validDesignerId && this.codeName == getPerspectiveParentColumnName(ref.columns[0].target) ) { if (ref.columns[0].source.includes('::')) continue; } else { continue; } // console.log('CP2'); const newConfig: PerspectiveDatabaseConfig = { ...this.defaultDatabaseConfig }; if (node.conid) newConfig.conid = node.conid; if (node.database) newConfig.database = node.database; const db = this.dbs?.[newConfig.conid]?.[newConfig.database]; const table = db?.tables?.find(x => x.pureName == node.pureName && x.schemaName == node.schemaName); const view = db?.views?.find(x => x.pureName == node.pureName && x.schemaName == node.schemaName); const collection = db?.collections?.find(x => x.pureName == node.pureName && x.schemaName == node.schemaName); const join: PerspectiveCustomJoinConfig = { refNodeDesignerId: node.designerId, referenceDesignerId: ref.designerId, baseDesignerId: validDesignerId, joinName: node.alias, refTableName: node.pureName, refSchemaName: node.schemaName, conid: node.conid, database: node.database, columns: ref.sourceId == validDesignerId ? => ({ baseColumnName: col.source, refColumnName: })) : => ({ baseColumnName:, refColumnName: col.source })), }; if (table || view || collection) { customs.push( new PerspectiveCustomJoinTreeNode( join, table || view || collection, this.dbs, this.config, this.setConfig, this.dataProvider, this.defaultDatabaseConfig, this, node.designerId ) ); } } } } return [...patternChildren, ...customs]; // return []; // if (!this.foreignKey) return []; // const tbl = this?.db?.tables?.find( // x => x.pureName == this.foreignKey?.refTableName && x.schemaName == this.foreignKey?.refSchemaName // ); // return getTableChildPerspectiveNodes( // tbl, // this.dbs, // this.config, // this.setConfig, // this.dataProvider, // this.databaseConfig, // this // ); } get filterInfo(): PerspectiveFilterColumnInfo { if (this.isChildColumn) { return null; } return { columnName: this.columnName, filterBehaviour: this.filterBehaviour, pureName: this.table.pureName, schemaName: this.table.schemaName, foreignKey: this.foreignKey, }; } parseFilterCondition(source = null): {} { const filter = this.getFilter(); if (!filter) return null; const condition = parseFilter(filter, mongoFilterBehaviour); if (!condition) return null; return _cloneDeepWith(condition, expr => { if (expr.__placeholder__) { return { [this.columnName]: expr.__placeholder__, }; } }); } // get headerTableAttributes() { // if (this.foreignKey) { // return { // schemaName: this.foreignKey.refSchemaName, // pureName: this.foreignKey.refTableName, // conid: this.databaseConfig.conid, // database: this.databaseConfig.database, // }; // } // return null; // } // get tableCode() { // return `${this.collection.schemaName}|${this.table.pureName}`; // } // get namedObject(): NamedObjectInfo { // if (this.foreignKey) { // return { // schemaName: this.foreignKey.refSchemaName, // pureName: this.foreignKey.refTableName, // }; // } // return null; // } } export class PerspectiveTableNode extends PerspectiveTreeNode { constructor( public table: TableInfo | ViewInfo | CollectionInfo, dbs: MultipleDatabaseInfo, config: PerspectiveConfig, setConfig: ChangePerspectiveConfigFunc, public dataProvider: PerspectiveDataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig: PerspectiveDatabaseConfig, parentNode: PerspectiveTreeNode, designerId: string ) { super(dbs, config, setConfig, parentNode, dataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig, designerId); } get engineType(): PerspectiveDatabaseEngineType { return isCollectionInfo(this.table) ? 'docdb' : 'sqldb'; } getNodeLoadProps(parentRows: any[]): PerspectiveDataLoadProps { const isDocDb = isCollectionInfo(this.table); return { schemaName: this.table.schemaName, pureName: this.table.pureName, dataColumns: this.getDataLoadColumns(), allColumns: isDocDb, databaseConfig: this.databaseConfig, orderBy: this.getOrderBy(this.table), sqlCondition: this.getChildrenSqlCondition(), engineType: isDocDb ? 'docdb' : 'sqldb', }; } get codeName() { return this.table.schemaName ? `${this.table.schemaName}:${this.table.pureName}` : this.table.pureName; } get title() { return this.nodeConfig?.alias || this.table.pureName; } get isExpandable() { return true; } generateChildNodes(): PerspectiveTreeNode[] { return getTableChildPerspectiveNodes( this.table, this.dbs, this.config, this.setConfig, this.dataProvider, this.defaultDatabaseConfig, this ); } get icon() { return 'img table'; } getBaseTableFromThis() { return this.table; } get headerTableAttributes() { return { schemaName: this.table.schemaName, pureName: this.table.pureName, conid: this.databaseConfig.conid, database: this.databaseConfig.database, objectTypeField: this.table.objectTypeField, }; } get tableCode() { return `${this.table.schemaName}|${this.table.pureName}`; } get namedObject(): NamedObjectInfo { return { schemaName: this.table.schemaName, pureName: this.table.pureName, }; } } export class PerspectiveTableReferenceNode extends PerspectiveTableNode { constructor( public foreignKey: ForeignKeyInfo, table: TableInfo, dbs: MultipleDatabaseInfo, config: PerspectiveConfig, setConfig: ChangePerspectiveConfigFunc, public dataProvider: PerspectiveDataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig: PerspectiveDatabaseConfig, public isMultiple: boolean, parentNode: PerspectiveTreeNode, designerId: string ) { super(table, dbs, config, setConfig, dataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig, parentNode, designerId); } matchChildRow(parentRow: any, childRow: any): boolean { if (!this.foreignKey) return false; return parentRow[this.foreignKey.columns[0].refColumnName] == childRow[this.foreignKey.columns[0].columnName]; } getChildMatchColumns() { if (!this.foreignKey) return []; return [this.foreignKey.columns[0].refColumnName]; } getParentMatchColumns() { if (!this.foreignKey) return []; return [this.foreignKey.columns[0].columnName]; } getNodeLoadProps(parentRows: any[]): PerspectiveDataLoadProps { if (!this.foreignKey) return null; return { schemaName: this.table.schemaName, pureName: this.table.pureName, bindingColumns: [this.foreignKey.columns[0].columnName], bindingValues: _uniqBy( => [row[this.foreignKey.columns[0].refColumnName]]), stableStringify ), dataColumns: this.getDataLoadColumns(), databaseConfig: this.databaseConfig, orderBy: this.getOrderBy(this.table), sqlCondition: this.getChildrenSqlCondition(), engineType: 'sqldb', }; } createReferenceConfigColumns(): PerspectiveReferenceConfig['columns'] { return this.foreignKey?.columns?.map(col => ({ source: col.refColumnName, target: col.columnName, })); } get columnTitle() { return this.table.pureName; } get title() { if (this.isMultiple) { return `${super.title} (${ => x.columnName).join(', ')})`; } return super.title; } get codeName() { if (this.isMultiple) { return `${super.codeName}-${ => x.columnName).join('_')}`; } return super.codeName; } get isChecked() { return this.isCheckedNode; } toggleChecked(value?: boolean) { this.toggleCheckedNode(value); } getParentJoinCondition(alias: string, parentAlias: string): Condition[] { if (!this.foreignKey) return []; return => { const res: Condition = { conditionType: 'binary', operator: '=', left: { exprType: 'column', columnName: column.refColumnName, source: { alias: parentAlias }, }, right: { exprType: 'column', columnName: column.columnName, source: { alias }, }, }; return res; }); } } export class PerspectiveCustomJoinTreeNode extends PerspectiveTableNode { constructor( public customJoin: PerspectiveCustomJoinConfig, table: TableInfo | ViewInfo | CollectionInfo, dbs: MultipleDatabaseInfo, config: PerspectiveConfig, setConfig: ChangePerspectiveConfigFunc, public dataProvider: PerspectiveDataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig: PerspectiveDatabaseConfig, parentNode: PerspectiveTreeNode, designerId: string ) { super(table, dbs, config, setConfig, dataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig, parentNode, designerId); } matchChildRow(parentRow: any, childRow: any): boolean { // console.log('MATCH ROW', parentRow, childRow); for (const column of this.customJoin.columns) { if ( !perspectiveValueMatcher( parentRow[getPerspectiveMostNestedChildColumnName(column.baseColumnName)], childRow[column.refColumnName] ) ) { return false; } } return true; } getChildMatchColumns() { return => x.baseColumnName); } getParentMatchColumns() { return => x.refColumnName); } getNodeLoadProps(parentRows: any[]): PerspectiveDataLoadProps { // console.log('CUSTOM JOIN', this.customJoin); // console.log('PARENT ROWS', parentRows); // console.log('this.getDataLoadColumns()', this.getDataLoadColumns()); const isDocDb = isCollectionInfo(this.table); // const bindingValues = []; // for (const row of parentRows) { // const rowBindingValueArrays = []; // for (const col of this.customJoin.columns) { // const path = col.baseColumnName.split('::'); // const values = []; // function processSubpath(parent, subpath) { // if (subpath.length == 0) { // values.push(parent); // return; // } // if (parent == null) { // return; // } // const obj = parent[subpath[0]]; // if (_isArray(obj)) { // for (const elem of obj) { // processSubpath(elem, subpath.slice(1)); // } // } else { // processSubpath(obj, subpath.slice(1)); // } // } // processSubpath(row, path); // rowBindingValueArrays.push(values); // } // const valueCount = Math.max( => x.length)); // for (let i = 0; i < valueCount; i += 1) { // const value = Array(this.customJoin.columns.length); // for (let col = 0; col < this.customJoin.columns.length; col++) { // value[col] = rowBindingValueArrays[col][i % rowBindingValueArrays[col].length]; // } // bindingValues.push(value); // } // } const bindingValues = => => row[getPerspectiveMostNestedChildColumnName(x.baseColumnName)]) ); // console.log('bindingValues', bindingValues); // console.log( // 'bindingValues UNIQ', // _uniqBy(bindingValues, x => JSON.stringify(x)) // ); return { schemaName: this.table.schemaName, pureName: this.table.pureName, bindingColumns: this.getParentMatchColumns(), bindingValues: _uniqBy(bindingValues, x => JSON.stringify(x)), dataColumns: this.getDataLoadColumns(), allColumns: isDocDb, databaseConfig: this.databaseConfig, orderBy: this.getOrderBy(this.table), sqlCondition: this.getChildrenSqlCondition(), // mongoCondition: isMongo ? this.getChildrenMongoCondition() : null, engineType: isDocDb ? 'docdb' : 'sqldb', }; } // get title() { // return this.customJoin.joinName || this.customJoin.refTableName; // } get icon() { return 'icon custom-join'; } get codeName() { return this.customJoin.refNodeDesignerId; } get customJoinConfig(): PerspectiveCustomJoinConfig { return this.customJoin; } get isChecked() { return this.isCheckedNode; } toggleChecked(value?: boolean) { this.toggleCheckedNode(value); } getParentJoinCondition(alias: string, parentAlias: string): Condition[] { return => { const res: Condition = { conditionType: 'binary', operator: '=', left: { exprType: 'column', columnName: column.baseColumnName, source: { alias: parentAlias }, }, right: { exprType: 'column', columnName: column.refColumnName, source: { alias }, }, }; return res; }); } } function findDesignerIdForNode( config: PerspectiveConfig, parentNode: PerspectiveTreeNode, nodeCreateFunc: (designerId: string) => T ): T { const node = nodeCreateFunc(null); const refColumns = node.createReferenceConfigColumns(); if (!refColumns?.length) { return node; } const ref1 = config.references.find( x => x.sourceId == parentNode.designerId && _isEqual( => x.source), => x.source) ) && _isEqual( =>, => ) && equalFullName( config.nodes.find(n => n.designerId == x.targetId), node.namedObject ) ); if (ref1 && !parentNode.hasDesignerIdInIncestors(ref1.targetId)) { // console.log('FOUND1', node.title, ref1.targetId, refColumns); return nodeCreateFunc(ref1.targetId); } const ref2 = config.references.find( x => x.targetId == parentNode.designerId && _isEqual( =>, => x.source) ) && _isEqual( => x.source), => ) && equalFullName( config.nodes.find(n => n.designerId == x.sourceId), node.namedObject ) ); if (ref2 && !parentNode.hasDesignerIdInIncestors(ref2.sourceId)) { // console.log('FOUND2', node.title, ref2.sourceId, refColumns); return nodeCreateFunc(ref2.sourceId); } return node; } export function getTableChildPerspectiveNodes( table: TableInfo | ViewInfo | CollectionInfo, dbs: MultipleDatabaseInfo, config: PerspectiveConfig, setConfig: ChangePerspectiveConfigFunc, dataProvider: PerspectiveDataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig: PerspectiveDatabaseConfig, parentNode: PerspectiveTreeNode ) { if (!table) return []; const db = parentNode.db; const pattern = dataProvider?.dataPatterns?.[parentNode.designerId]; const tableOrView = isTableInfo(table) || isViewInfo(table) ? table : null; const columnNodes = tableOrView?.columns?.map(col => findDesignerIdForNode(config, parentNode, designerId => pattern?.columns?.find(x => == col.columnName)?.types.includes('json') ? new PerspectivePatternColumnNode( table, pattern?.columns?.find(x => == col.columnName), col, dbs, config, setConfig, dataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig, parentNode, designerId ) : new PerspectiveTableColumnNode( col, tableOrView, dbs, config, setConfig, dataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig, parentNode, designerId ) ) ) || pattern?.columns?.map(col => findDesignerIdForNode( config, parentNode, designerId => new PerspectivePatternColumnNode( table, col, null, dbs, config, setConfig, dataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig, parentNode, designerId ) ) ) || []; // if (!columnNodes.find(x => x.isChecked)) { // const circularColumns = columnNodes.filter(x => x.isCircular).map(x => x.columnName); // const defaultColumns = getPerspectiveDefaultColumns(table, db, circularColumns); // for (const node of columnNodes) { // if (defaultColumns.includes(node.columnName)) { // no // } // } // } const res = []; res.push(...columnNodes); const dependencies = []; if (db && (table as TableInfo)?.dependencies) { for (const fk of (table as TableInfo)?.dependencies) { const tbl = db.tables.find(x => x.pureName == fk.pureName && x.schemaName == fk.schemaName); if (tbl) { const isMultiple = (table as TableInfo)?.dependencies.filter(x => x.pureName == fk.pureName && x.schemaName == fk.schemaName) .length >= 2; dependencies.push( findDesignerIdForNode( config, parentNode, designerId => new PerspectiveTableReferenceNode( fk, tbl, dbs, config, setConfig, dataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig, isMultiple, parentNode, designerId ) ) ); } } } res.push(..._sortBy(dependencies, 'title')); const customs = []; for (const node of config.nodes) { if (node.designerId == parentNode.parentNode?.designerId || res.find(x => x.designerId == node.designerId)) { // already used as FK continue; } for (const ref of config.references) { if ( (ref.sourceId == parentNode.designerId && ref.targetId == node.designerId) || (ref.targetId == parentNode.designerId && ref.sourceId == node.designerId) ) { if (ref.columns.find(x => x.source.includes('::') ||'::'))) { continue; } const newConfig: PerspectiveDatabaseConfig = { ...defaultDatabaseConfig }; if (node.conid) newConfig.conid = node.conid; if (node.database) newConfig.database = node.database; const db = dbs?.[newConfig.conid]?.[newConfig.database]; const table = db?.tables?.find(x => x.pureName == node.pureName && x.schemaName == node.schemaName); const view = db?.views?.find(x => x.pureName == node.pureName && x.schemaName == node.schemaName); const collection = db?.collections?.find(x => x.pureName == node.pureName && x.schemaName == node.schemaName); const join: PerspectiveCustomJoinConfig = { refNodeDesignerId: node.designerId, referenceDesignerId: ref.designerId, baseDesignerId: parentNode.designerId, joinName: node.alias, refTableName: node.pureName, refSchemaName: node.schemaName, conid: node.conid, database: node.database, columns: ref.sourceId == parentNode.designerId ? => ({ baseColumnName: col.source, refColumnName: })) : => ({ baseColumnName:, refColumnName: col.source })), }; if (table || view || collection) { customs.push( new PerspectiveCustomJoinTreeNode( join, table || view || collection, dbs, config, setConfig, dataProvider, defaultDatabaseConfig, parentNode, node.designerId ) ); } } } } res.push(..._sortBy(customs, 'title')); return res; }