import _ from 'lodash'; import { writable, derived } from 'svelte/store'; import { onMount, onDestroy } from 'svelte'; import localforage from 'localforage'; import { changeTab } from '../utility/common'; function getParsedLocalStorage(key) { const value = localStorage.getItem(key); if (value != null) { try { const res = JSON.parse(value); return res; } catch (e) { // console.log('FAILED LOAD FROM STORAGE', e); // console.log('VALUE', value); localStorage.removeItem(key); } } return null; } const saveHandlersList = []; export default function useEditorData({ tabid, reloadToken = 0, loadFromArgs = null, onInitialData = null }) { const localStorageKey = `tabdata_editor_${tabid}`; let changeCounter = 0; let savedCounter = 0; const editorState = writable({ errorMessage: null, isLoading: true, value: null, }); const editorValue = derived(editorState, $state => $state.value); let value = null; // const valueRef = React.useRef(null); const initialLoad = async () => { if (loadFromArgs) { try { const init = await loadFromArgs(); changeTab(tabid, tab => ({, props: _.omit(tab.props, ['initialArgs']), })); editorState.update(x => ({ ...x, value: init, })); if (onInitialData) onInitialData(init); value = init; // mark as not saved changeCounter += 1; } catch (err) { const message = (err && err.response && && || 'Loading failed'; editorState.update(x => ({ ...x, errorMessage: message, })); console.error(err.response); } } else { const initFallback = getParsedLocalStorage(localStorageKey); if (initFallback != null) { editorState.update(x => ({ ...x, value: initFallback, })); if (onInitialData) onInitialData(initFallback); value = initFallback; // move to local forage await localforage.setItem(localStorageKey, initFallback); localStorage.removeItem(localStorageKey); } else { const init = await localforage.getItem(localStorageKey); if (init) { editorState.update(x => ({ ...x, value: init, })); if (onInitialData) onInitialData(init); value = init; } } } editorState.update(x => ({ ...x, isLoading: false, })); }; const saveToStorageIfNeeded = async () => { if (savedCounter == changeCounter) return; // all saved await saveToStorage(); }; const saveToStorage = async () => { if (value == null) return; try { await localforage.setItem(localStorageKey, value); localStorage.removeItem(localStorageKey); savedCounter = changeCounter; } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }; const saveToStorageSync = () => { if (value == null) return; if (savedCounter == changeCounter) return; // all saved // on window unload must be synchronous actions, save to local storage instead localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(value)); }; const saveToStorageDebounced = _.debounce(saveToStorage, 5000); const setEditorData = newValue => { if (_.isFunction(newValue)) { value = newValue(value); } else { if (newValue != null) value = newValue; } editorState.update(x => ({ ...x, value, })); changeCounter += 1; saveToStorageDebounced(); }; onMount(() => { window.addEventListener('beforeunload', saveToStorageSync); initialLoad(); saveHandlersList.push(saveToStorageIfNeeded); }); onDestroy(() => { saveToStorage(); window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', saveToStorageSync); _.remove(saveHandlersList, x => x == saveToStorageIfNeeded); }); return { editorState, editorValue, setEditorData, saveToStorage, saveToStorageSync, initialLoad, }; } export async function saveAllPendingEditorData() { for (const item of saveHandlersList) { await item(); } }