/// TODO const { testWrapper } = require('../tools'); const _ = require('lodash'); const engines = require('../engines'); const deployDb = require('dbgate-api/src/shell/deployDb'); const { databaseInfoFromYamlModel } = require('dbgate-tools'); const generateDeploySql = require('dbgate-api/src/shell/generateDeploySql'); function checkStructure(structure, model) { const expected = databaseInfoFromYamlModel(model); expect(structure.tables.length).toEqual(expected.tables.length); for (const [realTable, expectedTable] of _.zip( _.sortBy(structure.tables, 'pureName'), _.sortBy(expected.tables, 'pureName') )) { expect(realTable.columns.length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(expectedTable.columns.length); } } async function testDatabaseDeploy(conn, driver, dbModelsYaml, testEmptyLastScript) { let index = 0; for (const loadedDbModel of dbModelsYaml) { const { sql, isEmpty } = await generateDeploySql({ systemConnection: conn, driver, loadedDbModel, }); console.debug('Generated deploy script:', sql); expect(sql.toUpperCase().includes('DROP ')).toBeFalsy(); console.log('dbModelsYaml.length', dbModelsYaml.length, index); if (testEmptyLastScript && index == dbModelsYaml.length - 1) { expect(isEmpty).toBeTruthy(); } await deployDb({ systemConnection: conn, driver, loadedDbModel, }); index++; } const structure = await driver.analyseFull(conn); checkStructure(structure, dbModelsYaml[dbModelsYaml.length - 1]); } describe('Deploy database', () => { test.each(engines.map(engine => [engine.label, engine]))( 'Deploy database simple - %s', testWrapper(async (conn, driver, engine) => { await testDatabaseDeploy(conn, driver, [ [ { name: 't1.table.yaml', json: { name: 't1', columns: [{ name: 'id', type: 'int' }], primaryKey: ['id'], }, }, ], ]); }) ); test.each(engines.map(engine => [engine.label, engine]))( 'Deploy database simple twice - %s', testWrapper(async (conn, driver, engine) => { await testDatabaseDeploy( conn, driver, [ [ { name: 't1.table.yaml', json: { name: 't1', columns: [{ name: 'id', type: 'int' }], primaryKey: ['id'], }, }, ], [ { name: 't1.table.yaml', json: { name: 't1', columns: [{ name: 'id', type: 'int' }], primaryKey: ['id'], }, }, ], ], true ); }) ); test.each(engines.map(engine => [engine.label, engine]))( 'Add column - %s', testWrapper(async (conn, driver, engine) => { await testDatabaseDeploy(conn, driver, [ [ { name: 't1.table.yaml', json: { name: 't1', columns: [{ name: 'id', type: 'int' }], primaryKey: ['id'], }, }, ], [ { name: 't1.table.yaml', json: { name: 't1', columns: [ { name: 'id', type: 'int' }, { name: 'val', type: 'int' }, ], primaryKey: ['id'], }, }, ], ]); }) ); test.each(engines.map(engine => [engine.label, engine]))( 'Dont drop column - %s', testWrapper(async (conn, driver, engine) => { await testDatabaseDeploy( conn, driver, [ [ { name: 't1.table.yaml', json: { name: 't1', columns: [ { name: 'id', type: 'int' }, { name: 'val', type: 'int' }, ], primaryKey: ['id'], }, }, ], [ { name: 't1.table.yaml', json: { name: 't1', columns: [{ name: 'id', type: 'int' }], primaryKey: ['id'], }, }, ], ], true ); }) ); test.each(engines.map(engine => [engine.label, engine]))( 'Foreign keys - %s', testWrapper(async (conn, driver, engine) => { await testDatabaseDeploy( conn, driver, [ [ { name: 't2.table.yaml', json: { name: 't2', columns: [ { name: 't2id', type: 'int' }, { name: 't1id', type: 'int', references: 't1' }, ], primaryKey: ['t2id'], }, }, { name: 't1.table.yaml', json: { name: 't1', columns: [{ name: 't1id', type: 'int' }], primaryKey: ['t1id'], }, }, ], [ { name: 't2.table.yaml', json: { name: 't2', columns: [ { name: 't2id', type: 'int' }, { name: 't1id', type: 'int', references: 't1' }, ], primaryKey: ['t2id'], }, }, { name: 't1.table.yaml', json: { name: 't1', columns: [{ name: 't1id', type: 'int' }], primaryKey: ['t1id'], }, }, ], ], true ); }) ); test.each(engines.map(engine => [engine.label, engine]))( 'Deploy preloaded data - %s', testWrapper(async (conn, driver, engine) => { await testDatabaseDeploy(conn, driver, [ [ { name: 't1.table.yaml', json: { name: 't1', columns: [ { name: 'id', type: 'int' }, { name: 'value', type: 'int' }, ], primaryKey: ['id'], data: [ { id: 1, value: 1 }, { id: 2, value: 2 }, { id: 3, value: 3 }, ], }, }, ], ]); const res = await driver.query(conn, `select count(*) as cnt from t1`); expect(res.rows[0].cnt.toString()).toEqual('3'); }) ); test.each(engines.map(engine => [engine.label, engine]))( 'Deploy preloaded data - update - %s', testWrapper(async (conn, driver, engine) => { await testDatabaseDeploy(conn, driver, [ [ { name: 't1.table.yaml', json: { name: 't1', columns: [ { name: 'id', type: 'int' }, { name: 'val', type: 'int' }, ], primaryKey: ['id'], data: [ { id: 1, val: 1 }, { id: 2, val: 2 }, { id: 3, val: 3 }, ], }, }, ], [ { name: 't1.table.yaml', json: { name: 't1', columns: [ { name: 'id', type: 'int' }, { name: 'val', type: 'int' }, ], primaryKey: ['id'], data: [ { id: 1, val: 1 }, { id: 2, val: 5 }, { id: 3, val: 3 }, ], }, }, ], ]); const res = await driver.query(conn, `select val from t1 where id = 2`); expect(res.rows[0].val.toString()).toEqual('5'); }) ); });