* Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Laurent Destailleur * Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Regis Houssin * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Juanjo Menent * Copyright (C) 2015 Marcos García * Copyright (C) 2021 Frédéric France * Copyright (C) 2024 MDW * Copyright (C) 2024 Alexandre Spangaro * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * \file htdocs/index.php * \brief Dolibarr home page */ define('CSRFCHECK_WITH_TOKEN', 1); // We force need to use a token to login when making a POST require 'main.inc.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formother.class.php'; // If not defined, we select menu "home" $_GET['mainmenu'] = GETPOST('mainmenu', 'aZ09') ? GETPOST('mainmenu', 'aZ09') : 'home'; // Keep this ? $action = GETPOST('action', 'aZ09'); $hookmanager->initHooks(array('index')); /* * Actions */ // Define $nbmodulesnotautoenabled - TODO This code is at different places $nbmodulesnotautoenabled = count($conf->modules); $listofmodulesautoenabled = array('agenda', 'fckeditor', 'export', 'import'); foreach ($listofmodulesautoenabled as $moduleautoenable) { if (in_array($moduleautoenable, $conf->modules)) { $nbmodulesnotautoenabled--; } } // Check if company name is defined (first install) if (!getDolGlobalString('MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM') || !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_COUNTRY')) { header("Location: ".DOL_URL_ROOT."/admin/index.php?mainmenu=home&leftmenu=setup&mesg=setupnotcomplete"); exit; } if ($nbmodulesnotautoenabled <= getDolGlobalInt('MAIN_MIN_NB_ENABLED_MODULE_FOR_WARNING', 1)) { // If only autoenabled modules (property ->enabled_bydefault in modules) are activated header("Location: ".DOL_URL_ROOT."/admin/index.php?mainmenu=home&leftmenu=setup&mesg=setupnotcomplete"); exit; } if (GETPOST('addbox')) { // Add box (when submit is done from a form when ajax disabled) require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/infobox.class.php'; $zone = GETPOSTINT('areacode'); $userid = GETPOSTINT('userid'); $boxorder = GETPOST('boxorder', 'aZ09'); $boxorder .= GETPOST('boxcombo', 'aZ09'); $result = InfoBox::saveboxorder($db, $zone, $boxorder, $userid); if ($result > 0) { setEventMessages($langs->trans("BoxAdded"), null); } } /* * View */ if (!isset($form) || !is_object($form)) { $form = new Form($db); } // Title $title = $langs->trans("HomeArea").' - Dolibarr '.DOL_VERSION; if (getDolGlobalString('MAIN_APPLICATION_TITLE')) { $title = $langs->trans("HomeArea").' - ' . getDolGlobalString('MAIN_APPLICATION_TITLE'); } llxHeader('', $title); $resultboxes = FormOther::getBoxesArea($user, "0"); // Load $resultboxes (selectboxlist + boxactivated + boxlista + boxlistb) if (getDolGlobalString('MAIN_MOTD')) { $conf->global->MAIN_MOTD = preg_replace('//i', '
', getDolGlobalString('MAIN_MOTD')); if (getDolGlobalString('MAIN_MOTD')) { $substitutionarray = getCommonSubstitutionArray($langs); complete_substitutions_array($substitutionarray, $langs); $texttoshow = make_substitutions(getDolGlobalString('MAIN_MOTD'), $substitutionarray, $langs); print "\n\n"; print '
'; print dol_htmlentitiesbr($texttoshow); print '

'; print "\n\n"; } } /* * Show specific warnings */ // Specific warning to propose to upgrade invoice situation to progressive mode if (getDolGlobalInt('INVOICE_USE_SITUATION') == 1) { $langs->loadLangs(array("admin")); print info_admin($langs->trans("WarningExperimentalFeatureInvoiceSituationNeedToUpgradeToProgressiveMode", 'https://partners.dolibarr.org')); //print "
"; } /* * Show security warnings */ // Security warning if install.lock file is missing or if conf file is writable if (!getDolGlobalString('MAIN_REMOVE_INSTALL_WARNING')) { $message = ''; // Check if install lock file is present $lockfile = DOL_DATA_ROOT.'/install.lock'; if (!empty($lockfile) && !file_exists($lockfile) && is_dir(DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/install")) { $langs->load("errors"); //if (!empty($message)) $message.='
'; $message .= info_admin($langs->transnoentities("WarningLockFileDoesNotExists", DOL_DATA_ROOT).' '.$langs->transnoentities("WarningUntilDirRemoved", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/install"), 0, 0, '1', 'clearboth'); } // Conf files must be in read only mode if (is_writable($conffile)) { // $conffile is defined into filefunc.inc.php $langs->load("errors"); //$langs->load("other"); //if (!empty($message)) $message.='
'; $message .= info_admin($langs->transnoentities("WarningConfFileMustBeReadOnly").' '.$langs->transnoentities("WarningUntilDirRemoved", DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/install"), 0, 0, '1', 'clearboth'); } $object = new stdClass(); $parameters = array(); $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('infoadmin', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks if ($reshook == 0) { $message .= $hookmanager->resPrint; } if ($message) { // $message is an HTML string. print ''; print dol_string_onlythesehtmltags($message, 1, 0, 0, 0, array('div', 'span', 'b')); //print '
'; //print info_admin($langs->trans("WarningUntilDirRemoved",DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/install")); } } /* * Dashboard Dolibarr statistics * Hidden for external users */ print load_fiche_titre(' ', $resultboxes['selectboxlist'], '', 0, '', 'titleforhome'); // Load translation files required by page $langs->loadLangs(array('commercial', 'bills', 'orders', 'contracts')); // Dolibarr Working Board with weather if (!getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_GLOBAL_WORKBOARD') && getDolGlobalInt('MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER') < 2) { $showweather = (!getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_METEO') || getDolGlobalInt('MAIN_DISABLE_METEO') == 2) ? 1 : 0; //Array that contains all WorkboardResponse classes to process them $dashboardlines = array(); // Do not include sections without management permission require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/workboardresponse.class.php'; // Number of actions to do (late) if (isModEnabled('agenda') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_AGENDA') && $user->hasRight('agenda', 'myactions', 'read')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/comm/action/class/actioncomm.class.php'; $board = new ActionComm($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of project opened if (isModEnabled('project') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_PROJECT') && $user->hasRight('projet', 'lire')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/projet/class/project.class.php'; $board = new Project($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of tasks to do (late) if (isModEnabled('project') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_PROJECT') && !getDolGlobalString('PROJECT_HIDE_TASKS') && $user->hasRight('projet', 'lire')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/projet/class/task.class.php'; $board = new Task($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of commercial customer proposals open (expired) if (isModEnabled('propal') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_CUSTOMER') && $user->hasRight('propal', 'read')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/comm/propal/class/propal.class.php'; $board = new Propal($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_opened'] = $board->load_board($user, "opened"); // Number of commercial proposals CLOSED signed (billed) $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_signed'] = $board->load_board($user, "signed"); } // Number of supplier proposals open (expired) if (isModEnabled('supplier_proposal') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_SUPPLIER') && $user->hasRight('supplier_proposal', 'lire')) { $langs->load("supplier_proposal"); include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/supplier_proposal/class/supplier_proposal.class.php'; $board = new SupplierProposal($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_opened'] = $board->load_board($user, "opened"); // Number of commercial proposals CLOSED signed (billed) $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_signed'] = $board->load_board($user, "signed"); } // Number of sales orders if (isModEnabled('order') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_CUSTOMER') && $user->hasRight('commande', 'lire')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/commande/class/commande.class.php'; $board = new Commande($db); // Number of customer orders to be shipped (validated and in progress) $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_toship'] = $board->load_board($user, 'toship'); // Number of customer orders to be billed (not visible by default, does not match a lot of organization). if (getDolGlobalInt('ORDER_BILL_AFTER_VALIDATION')) { $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_tobill'] = $board->load_board($user, 'tobill'); } // Number of customer orders to be billed (delivered but not billed) $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_shippedtobill'] = $board->load_board($user, 'shippedtobill'); } // Number of suppliers orders if (isModEnabled('supplier_order') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_SUPPLIER') && $user->hasRight('fournisseur', 'commande', 'lire')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/fourn/class/fournisseur.commande.class.php'; $board = new CommandeFournisseur($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_opened'] = $board->load_board($user, "opened"); $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_awaiting'] = $board->load_board($user, 'awaiting'); } // Number of contract / services enabled (delayed) if (isModEnabled('contract') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_CONTRACT') && $user->hasRight('contrat', 'lire')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/contrat/class/contrat.class.php'; $board = new Contrat($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_inactive'] = $board->load_board($user, "inactive"); // Number of active services (expired) $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_active'] = $board->load_board($user, "active"); } // Number of tickets open if (isModEnabled('ticket') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_TICKET') && $user->hasRight('ticket', 'read')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/ticket/class/ticket.class.php'; $board = new Ticket($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_opened'] = $board->load_board($user, "opened"); // Number of active services (expired) //$dashboardlines[$board->element.'_active'] = $board->load_board($user, "active"); } // Number of invoices customers (paid) if (isModEnabled('invoice') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_CUSTOMER') && $user->hasRight('facture', 'lire')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/facture/class/facture.class.php'; $board = new Facture($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of supplier invoices (paid) if (isModEnabled('supplier_invoice') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_SUPPLIER') && $user->hasRight('fournisseur', 'facture', 'lire')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/fourn/class/fournisseur.facture.class.php'; $board = new FactureFournisseur($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element] = $board->load_board($user); } // Number of transactions to conciliate if (isModEnabled('bank') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_BANK') && $user->hasRight('banque', 'lire') && !$user->socid) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/bank/class/account.class.php'; $board = new Account($db); $nb = $board->countAccountToReconcile(); // Get nb of account to reconciliate if ($nb > 0) { $dashboardlines[$board->element] = $board->load_board($user); } } // Number of cheque to send if (isModEnabled('bank') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_BANK') && $user->hasRight('banque', 'lire') && !$user->socid) { if (!getDolGlobalString('BANK_DISABLE_CHECK_DEPOSIT')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/compta/paiement/cheque/class/remisecheque.class.php'; $board = new RemiseCheque($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element] = $board->load_board($user); } if (isModEnabled('prelevement')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/prelevement/class/bonprelevement.class.php'; $board = new BonPrelevement($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element . '_direct_debit'] = $board->load_board($user, 'direct_debit'); } if (isModEnabled('paymentbybanktransfer')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/prelevement/class/bonprelevement.class.php'; $board = new BonPrelevement($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element . '_credit_transfer'] = $board->load_board($user, 'credit_transfer'); } } // Number of foundation members if (isModEnabled('member') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_ADHERENT') && $user->hasRight('adherent', 'lire') && !$user->socid) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/adherents/class/adherent.class.php'; $board = new Adherent($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_shift'] = $board->load_board($user, 'shift'); $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_expired'] = $board->load_board($user, 'expired'); } // Number of expense reports to approve if (isModEnabled('expensereport') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_EXPENSEREPORT') && $user->hasRight('expensereport', 'approve')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/expensereport/class/expensereport.class.php'; $board = new ExpenseReport($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_toapprove'] = $board->load_board($user, 'toapprove'); } // Number of expense reports to pay if (isModEnabled('expensereport') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_EXPENSEREPORT') && $user->hasRight('expensereport', 'to_paid')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/expensereport/class/expensereport.class.php'; $board = new ExpenseReport($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element.'_topay'] = $board->load_board($user, 'topay'); } // Number of holidays to approve if (isModEnabled('holiday') && !getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_BLOCK_HOLIDAY') && $user->hasRight('holiday', 'approve')) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/holiday/class/holiday.class.php'; $board = new Holiday($db); $dashboardlines[$board->element] = $board->load_board($user); } $object = new stdClass(); $parameters = array(); $action = ''; $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks( 'addOpenElementsDashboardLine', $parameters, $object, $action ); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks if ($reshook == 0) { $dashboardlines = array_merge($dashboardlines, $hookmanager->resArray); } /* Open object dashboard */ $dashboardgroup = array( 'action' => array( 'groupName' => 'Agenda', 'stats' => array('action'), ), 'project' => array( 'groupName' => 'Projects', 'globalStatsKey' => 'projects', 'stats' => array('project', 'project_task'), ), 'propal' => array( 'groupName' => 'Proposals', 'globalStatsKey' => 'proposals', 'stats' => array('propal_opened', 'propal_signed'), ), 'commande' => array( 'groupName' => 'Orders', 'globalStatsKey' => 'orders', 'stats' => array('commande_toship', 'commande_tobill', 'commande_shippedtobill'), ), 'facture' => array( 'groupName' => 'Invoices', 'globalStatsKey' => 'invoices', 'stats' => array('facture'), ), 'supplier_proposal' => array( 'lang' => 'supplier_proposal', 'groupName' => 'SupplierProposals', 'globalStatsKey' => 'askprice', 'stats' => array('supplier_proposal_opened', 'supplier_proposal_signed'), ), 'order_supplier' => array( 'groupName' => 'SuppliersOrders', 'globalStatsKey' => 'supplier_orders', 'stats' => array('order_supplier_opened', 'order_supplier_awaiting'), ), 'invoice_supplier' => array( 'groupName' => 'BillsSuppliers', 'globalStatsKey' => 'supplier_invoices', 'stats' => array('invoice_supplier'), ), 'contrat' => array( 'groupName' => 'Contracts', 'globalStatsKey' => 'Contracts', 'stats' => array('contrat_inactive', 'contrat_active'), ), 'ticket' => array( 'groupName' => 'Tickets', 'globalStatsKey' => 'ticket', 'stats' => array('ticket_opened'), ), 'bank_account' => array( 'groupName' => 'BankAccount', 'stats' => array('bank_account', 'chequereceipt', 'widthdraw_direct_debit', 'widthdraw_credit_transfer'), ), 'member' => array( 'groupName' => 'Members', 'globalStatsKey' => 'members', 'stats' => array('member_shift', 'member_expired'), ), 'expensereport' => array( 'groupName' => 'ExpenseReport', 'globalStatsKey' => 'expensereports', 'stats' => array('expensereport_toapprove', 'expensereport_topay'), ), 'holiday' => array( 'groupName' => 'Holidays', 'globalStatsKey' => 'holidays', 'stats' => array('holiday'), ), ); $object = new stdClass(); $parameters = array( 'dashboardgroup' => $dashboardgroup ); $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('addOpenElementsDashboardGroup', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks if ($reshook == 0) { $dashboardgroup = array_merge($dashboardgroup, $hookmanager->resArray); } // Calculate total nb of late $totallate = $totaltodo = 0; //Remove any invalid response //load_board can return an integer if failed, or WorkboardResponse if OK $valid_dashboardlines = array(); foreach ($dashboardlines as $workboardid => $tmp) { if ($tmp instanceof WorkboardResponse) { $tmp->id = $workboardid; // Complete the object to add its id into its name $valid_dashboardlines[$workboardid] = $tmp; } } // We calculate $totallate. Must be defined before start of next loop because it is show in first fetch on next loop foreach ($valid_dashboardlines as $board) { if (is_numeric($board->nbtodo) && is_numeric($board->nbtodolate) && $board->nbtodolate > 0) { $totaltodo += $board->nbtodo; $totallate += $board->nbtodolate; } } $openedDashBoardSize = 'info-box-sm'; // use sm by default foreach ($dashboardgroup as $dashbordelement) { if (is_array($dashbordelement['stats']) && count($dashbordelement['stats']) > 2) { $openedDashBoardSize = ''; // use default info box size : big break; } } $totalLateNumber = $totallate; $totallatePercentage = ((!empty($totaltodo)) ? round($totallate / $totaltodo * 100, 2) : 0); if (getDolGlobalString('MAIN_USE_METEO_WITH_PERCENTAGE')) { $totallate = $totallatePercentage; } // Fill the content to show the tasks to do as a widget box (old version). Now this is no more used. Tasks to do ar in dedicated thumbs. $boxwork = ''; $boxwork .= '
'; $boxwork .= ''."\n"; $boxwork .= ''; $boxwork .= ''; $boxwork .= ''."\n"; // Show dashboard $nbworkboardempty = 0; $isIntopOpenedDashBoard = $globalStatInTopOpenedDashBoard = array(); if (!empty($valid_dashboardlines)) { $openedDashBoard = ''; $boxwork .= ''; } else { $boxwork .= ''; $boxwork .= ''; $boxwork .= ''; } $boxwork .= ''; $boxwork .= '
'; if ($showweather) { if ($totallate > 0) { $text = $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("WarningYouHaveAtLeastOneTaskLate").' ('.$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv( "NActionsLate", $totallate.(getDolGlobalString('MAIN_USE_METEO_WITH_PERCENTAGE') ? '%' : '') ).')'; } else { $text = $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("NoItemLate"); } $text .= '. '.$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("LateDesc"); //$text.=$form->textwithpicto('',$langs->trans("LateDesc")); $options = 'height="24px" style="float: right"'; $boxwork .= showWeather($totallate, $text, $options, 'inline-block valignmiddle'); } $boxwork .= '
'; foreach ($dashboardgroup as $groupKey => $groupElement) { $boards = array(); // Scan $groupElement and save the one with 'stats' that must be used for the open objects dashboard if (!getDolGlobalString('MAIN_DISABLE_NEW_OPENED_DASH_BOARD')) { foreach ($groupElement['stats'] as $infoKey) { if (!empty($valid_dashboardlines[$infoKey])) { $boards[] = $valid_dashboardlines[$infoKey]; $isIntopOpenedDashBoard[] = $infoKey; } } } if (!empty($boards)) { if (!empty($groupElement['lang'])) { $langs->load($groupElement['lang']); } // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset $groupName = $langs->trans($groupElement['groupName']); $groupKeyLowerCase = strtolower($groupKey); // global stats $globalStatsKey = false; if (!empty($groupElement['globalStatsKey']) && empty($groupElement['globalStats'])) { // can be filled by hook $globalStatsKey = $groupElement['globalStatsKey']; $groupElement['globalStats'] = array(); } $openedDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $openedDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $openedDashBoard .= ' '."\n"; $openedDashBoard .= ' '."\n"; // Show the span for the total of record. TODO This seems not used. if (!empty($groupElement['globalStats'])) { $globalStatInTopOpenedDashBoard[] = $globalStatsKey; $openedDashBoard .= ''.$groupElement['globalStats']['nbTotal'].''; } $openedDashBoard .= ''."\n"; $openedDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $openedDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $openedDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; foreach ($boards as $board) { $openedDashBoard .= '
'; if (!empty($board->labelShort)) { $infoName = '
'; } else { $infoName = '
'; } $textLateTitle = $langs->trans("NActionsLate", $board->nbtodolate); $textLateTitle .= ' ('.$langs->trans("Late").' = '.$langs->trans("DateReference").' > '.$langs->trans("DateToday").' '.(ceil(empty($board->warning_delay) ? 0 : $board->warning_delay) >= 0 ? '+' : '').ceil(empty($board->warning_delay) ? 0 : $board->warning_delay).' '.$langs->trans("days").')'; if ($board->id == 'bank_account') { $textLateTitle .= '
'.$langs->trans("IfYouDontReconcileDisableProperty", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Conciliable")).''; } $textLate = ''; if ($board->nbtodolate > 0) { $textLate .= ''; $textLate .= ' '.$board->nbtodolate; $textLate .= ''; } $nbtodClass = ''; if ($board->nbtodo > 0) { $nbtodClass = 'badge badge-info'; } else { $nbtodClass = 'opacitymedium'; } // Forge the line to show into the open object box $labeltoshow = $board->label.' ('.$board->nbtodo.')'; if ($board->total > 0) { $labeltoshow .= ' - '.price($board->total, 0, $langs, 1, -1, -1, $conf->currency); } $openedDashBoard .= ''; $openedDashBoard .= $infoName; $openedDashBoard .= '
'; $openedDashBoard .= ''; $openedDashBoard .= $board->nbtodo; if ($board->total > 0 && getDolGlobalString('MAIN_WORKBOARD_SHOW_TOTAL_WO_TAX')) { $openedDashBoard .= ' : '.price($board->total, 0, $langs, 1, -1, -1, $conf->currency); } $openedDashBoard .= ''; if ($textLate) { if ($board->url_late) { $openedDashBoard .= '
'; $openedDashBoard .= ' '; $openedDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; } // TODO Add hook here to add more "info-box-line" $openedDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $openedDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $openedDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $openedDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $openedDashBoard .= "\n"; } } if ($showweather && !empty($isIntopOpenedDashBoard)) { $appendClass = (getDolGlobalInt('MAIN_DISABLE_METEO') == 2 ? ' hideonsmartphone' : ''); $weather = getWeatherStatus($totallate); $text = ''; if ($totallate > 0) { $text = $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("WarningYouHaveAtLeastOneTaskLate").' ('.$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv( "NActionsLate", $totallate.(getDolGlobalString('MAIN_USE_METEO_WITH_PERCENTAGE') ? '%' : '') ).')'; } else { $text = $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("NoItemLate"); } $text .= '. '.$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("LateDesc"); $weatherDashBoard = '
'."\n"; $weatherDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $weatherDashBoard .= ' '; $weatherDashBoard .= img_weather('', $weather->level, '', 0, 'valignmiddle width50'); $weatherDashBoard .= ' '."\n"; $weatherDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $weatherDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; if ($totallatePercentage > 0 && getDolGlobalString('MAIN_USE_METEO_WITH_PERCENTAGE')) { $weatherDashBoard .= ' '.$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv( "NActionsLate", price($totallatePercentage).'%' ).''."\n"; $weatherDashBoard .= ' '.$langs->trans( 'NActionsLate', $totalLateNumber ).''."\n"; } else { $weatherDashBoard .= ' '.$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv( "NActionsLate", $totalLateNumber ).''."\n"; if ($totallatePercentage > 0) { $weatherDashBoard .= ' '.$langs->trans( 'NActionsLate', price($totallatePercentage).'%' ).''."\n"; } } $weatherDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $weatherDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $weatherDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $weatherDashBoard .= '
'."\n"; $weatherDashBoard .= "\n"; $openedDashBoard = $weatherDashBoard.$openedDashBoard; } if (!empty($isIntopOpenedDashBoard)) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $openedDashBoard .= '
'; } } $nbworkboardcount = 0; foreach ($valid_dashboardlines as $infoKey => $board) { if (in_array($infoKey, $isIntopOpenedDashBoard)) { // skip if info is present on top continue; } if (empty($board->nbtodo)) { $nbworkboardempty++; } $nbworkboardcount++; $textlate = $langs->trans("NActionsLate", $board->nbtodolate); $textlate .= ' ('.$langs->trans("Late").' = '.$langs->trans("DateReference").' > '.$langs->trans("DateToday").' '.(ceil($board->warning_delay) >= 0 ? '+' : '').ceil($board->warning_delay).' '.$langs->trans("days").')'; $boxwork .= '
'; $boxwork .= '
'; $boxwork .= ''.$board->img.' '.$board->label.'
'; $boxwork .= ''.$board->nbtodo.''; if ($board->total > 0 && getDolGlobalString('MAIN_WORKBOARD_SHOW_TOTAL_WO_TAX')) { $boxwork .= ' / '.price($board->total).''; } $boxwork .= '
'; if ($board->nbtodolate > 0) { $boxwork .= ''; } $boxwork .= '
'; $boxwork .= "\n"; } $boxwork .= '
'; $boxwork .= '
'; $boxwork .= '
'; $boxwork .= '
'; $boxwork .= '
'; $boxwork .= '
'; $boxwork .= $langs->trans("NoOpenedElementToProcess"); $boxwork .= '
'; // End table array of working board $boxwork .= '
'; if (!empty($isIntopOpenedDashBoard)) { print '
'; print '
'; print '
'; } } print '
'; print '
'; /* * Show widgets (boxes) */ $boxlist = '
'; $boxlist .= '
'; if (!empty($nbworkboardcount)) { $boxlist .= $boxwork; } $boxlist .= $resultboxes['boxlista']; $boxlist .= '
'; $boxlist .= '
'; $boxlist .= $resultboxes['boxlistb']; $boxlist .= '
'; $boxlist .= "\n"; $boxlist .= '
'; print $boxlist; print '
'; //print 'mem='.memory_get_usage().' - '.memory_get_peak_usage(); // End of page llxFooter(); $db->close(); /** * Show weather logo. Logo to show depends on $totallate and values for * conf 'MAIN_METEO_LEVELx' * * @param int $totallate Nb of element late * @param string $text Text to show on logo * @param string $options More parameters on img tag * @param string $morecss More CSS * @return string Return img tag of weather */ function showWeather($totallate, $text, $options, $morecss = '') { global $conf; $weather = getWeatherStatus($totallate); return img_weather($text, $weather->picto, $options, 0, $morecss); } /** * get weather status for conf 'MAIN_METEO_LEVELx' * * @param int $totallate Nb of element late * @return stdClass Return img tag of weather */ function getWeatherStatus($totallate) { $weather = new stdClass(); $weather->picto = ''; $offset = 0; $factor = 10; // By default $used_conf = (getDolGlobalString('MAIN_USE_METEO_WITH_PERCENTAGE') ? 'MAIN_METEO_PERCENTAGE_LEVEL' : 'MAIN_METEO_LEVEL'); $weather->level = 0; $level0 = $offset; $level0 = getDolGlobalString($used_conf.'0', $level0); $level1 = $offset + $factor; $level1 = getDolGlobalString($used_conf.'1', $level1); $level2 = $offset + 2 * $factor; $level2 = getDolGlobalString($used_conf.'2', $level2); $level3 = $offset + 3 * $factor; $level3 = getDolGlobalString($used_conf.'3', $level3); if ($totallate <= $level0) { $weather->picto = 'weather-clear.png'; $weather->level = 0; } elseif ($totallate <= $level1) { $weather->picto = 'weather-few-clouds.png'; $weather->level = 1; } elseif ($totallate <= $level2) { $weather->picto = 'weather-clouds.png'; $weather->level = 2; } elseif ($totallate <= $level3) { $weather->picto = 'weather-many-clouds.png'; $weather->level = 3; } else { $weather->picto = 'weather-storm.png'; $weather->level = 4; } return $weather; }