mirror of
synced 2024-11-22 17:51:49 +00:00
* Qual: Update pre-commit configuration * Qual: Update spelling * Ignore use of deprecated constant
589 lines
20 KiB
589 lines
20 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env php
* Copyright (C) 2005-2011 James Grant <james@lightbox.org> Lightbox Technologies Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2020 Laurent Destailleur <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
* Copyright (C) 2024 MDW <mdeweerd@users.noreply.github.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This file is base on pg2mysql provided as Open source by lightbox.org.
* It was enhanced and updated by the Dolibarr team.
* \file dev/tools/dolibarr-postgres2mysql.php
* \brief Script to migrate a postgresql dump into a mysql dump
$sapi_type = php_sapi_name();
$script_file = basename(__FILE__);
$path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
// Test si mode batch
$sapi_type = php_sapi_name();
if (substr($sapi_type, 0, 3) == 'cgi') {
echo "Error: You are using PHP for CGI. To execute " . $script_file . " from command line, you must use PHP for CLI mode.\n";
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED);
define('PRODUCT', "pg2mysql");
define('VERSION', "2.0");
// this is the default, it can be overridden here, or specified as the third parameter on the command line
$config['engine'] = "InnoDB";
if (!($argv[1] && $argv[2])) {
echo "Usage: php pg2mysql_cli.php <inputfilename> <outputfilename> [engine]\n";
} else {
if (isset($argv[3])) {
$config['engine'] = $argv[3];
pg2mysql_large($argv[1], $argv[2]);
echo <<<XHTML
- No its not perfect
- Yes it discards ALL stored procedures
- Yes it discards ALL queries except for CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO
- If you're having problems creating your postgres dump, make sure you use "--format p --inserts"
- Default output engine if not specified is InnoDB
* getfieldname
* @param string $l String
* @return string|null Field name
function getfieldname($l)
// first check if its in nice quotes for us
$regs = array();
if (preg_match("/`(.*)`/", $l, $regs)) {
if ($regs[1]) {
return $regs[1];
} else {
return null;
} elseif (preg_match("/([^\ ]*)/", trim($l), $regs)) {
// if its not in quotes, then it should (we hope!) be the first "word" on the line, up to the first space.
if ($regs[1]) {
return $regs[1];
} else {
return null;
* formatsize
* @param string $s Size to format
* @return string Formatted size
function formatsize($s)
if ($s < pow(2, 14)) {
return "{$s}B";
} elseif ($s < pow(2, 20)) {
return sprintf("%.1f", round($s / 1024, 1)) . "K";
} elseif ($s < pow(2, 30)) {
return sprintf("%.1f", round($s / 1024 / 1024, 1)) . "M";
} else {
return sprintf("%.1f", round($s / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 1)) . "G";
* pg2mysql_large
* @param string $infilename Input filename
* @param string $outfilename Output filename
* @return int <0 if KO, >=0 if OK
function pg2mysql_large($infilename, $outfilename)
$infp = fopen($infilename, "rt");
$outfp = fopen($outfilename, "wt");
$outputatend = '';
$arrayofprimaryalreadyintabledef = array();
// we read until we get a semicolon followed by a newline (;\n);
$pgsqlchunk = array();
$chunkcount = 1;
$linenum = 0;
$inquotes = false;
$first = true;
if (empty($infp)) {
print 'Failed to open file '.$infilename."\n";
return -1;
$fs = filesize($infilename);
echo "Filesize: " . formatsize($fs) . "\n";
while ($instr = fgets($infp)) {
$memusage = round(memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024);
$len = strlen($instr);
$pgsqlchunk[] = $instr;
$c = substr_count($instr, "'");
// we have an odd number of ' marks
if ($c % 2 != 0) {
if ($inquotes) {
$inquotes = false;
} else {
$inquotes = true;
if ($linenum % 10000 == 0) {
$currentpos = ftell($infp);
$percent = round($currentpos / $fs * 100);
$position = formatsize($currentpos);
printf("Reading progress: %3d%% position: %7s line: %9d sql chunk: %9d mem usage: %4dM\r", $percent, $position, $linenum, $chunkcount, $memusage);
if (strlen($instr) > 3 && ($instr[$len - 3] == ")" && $instr[$len - 2] == ";" && $instr[$len - 1] == "\n") && $inquotes == false) {
if ($linenum % 10000 == 0) {
$currentpos = ftell($infp);
$percent = round($currentpos / $fs * 100);
$position = formatsize($currentpos);
printf("Processing progress: %3d%% position: %7s line: %9d sql chunk: %9d mem usage: %4dM\r", $percent, $position, $linenum, $chunkcount, $memusage);
* echo "sending chunk:\n";
* echo "=======================\n";
* print_r($pgsqlchunk);
* echo "=======================\n";
* foreach ($pgsqlchunk as $aaa) {
* if (preg_match('/MAIN_ENABLE_DEFAULT|MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_SE/', $aaa)) {
* var_dump($pgsqlchunk);
* }
* }
$mysqlchunk = pg2mysql($pgsqlchunk, $arrayofprimaryalreadyintabledef, $first);
fputs($outfp, $mysqlchunk['output']);
* $break = false;
* foreach ($pgsqlchunk as $aaa) {
* if (preg_match('/MAIN_ENABLE_DEFAULT|MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_SE/', $aaa)) {
* var_dump($mysqlchunk);
* }
* if (preg_match('/MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_SE/', $aaa)) {
* $break = true;
* }
* }
* if ($break) break;
$outputatend .= $mysqlchunk['outputatend'];
$first = false;
$pgsqlchunk = array();
$mysqlchunk = "";
echo "\n\n";
fputs($outfp, $outputatend);
fputs($outfp, "\n");
fputs($outfp, '/*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */;' . "\n");
fputs($outfp, '/*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS */;' . "\n");
fputs($outfp, '/*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */;' . "\n");
fputs($outfp, '/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;' . "\n");
fputs($outfp, '/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;' . "\n");
fputs($outfp, '/*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */;' . "\n");
fputs($outfp, '/*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */;' . "\n");
printf("Completed! %9d lines %9d sql chunks\n\n", $linenum, $chunkcount);
return 0;
* pg2mysql
* @param array $input Array of input
* @param array $arrayofprimaryalreadyintabledef Array of table already output with a primary key set into definition
* @param boolean $header Boolean
* @return string[] Array of output
function pg2mysql(&$input, &$arrayofprimaryalreadyintabledef, $header = true)
global $config;
if (is_array($input)) {
$lines = $input;
} else {
$lines = explode("\n", $input);
if ($header) {
$output = "-- Converted with " . PRODUCT . "-" . VERSION . "\n";
$output .= "-- Converted on " . date("r") . "\n";
$output .= "\n";
$output .= "/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;\n";
$output .= "/*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */;\n";
$output .= "/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;\n";
$output .= "/*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */;\n";
$output .= "/*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */;\n";
$output .= "/*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */;\n";
$output .= "\n";
$outputatend = "";
} else {
$output = "";
$outputatend = "";
$in_create_table = $in_insert = false;
$linenumber = 0;
$tbl_extra = "";
while (isset($lines[$linenumber])) {
$line = $lines[$linenumber];
// $line =str_replace('ALTER TABLE public\.', '', $line);
$reg = array();
if (preg_match('/CREATE SEQUENCE (?:public\.)(.*)_(id|rowid|id_comment)_seq/', $line, $reg)) {
$outputatend .= '-- Make field ' . $reg[2] . ' auto_increment for table ' . $reg[1] . "\n";
$outputatend .= 'ALTER TABLE ' . $reg[1] . ' CHANGE COLUMN ' . $reg[2] . ' ' . $reg[2] . ' INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;' . "\n\n";
// var_dump($outputatend);
if (substr($line, 0, 12) == "CREATE TABLE") {
$in_create_table = true;
$line = str_replace("\"", "`", $line);
$line = str_replace('public.', '', $line);
$reg2 = array();
if (preg_match('/CREATE TABLE ([^\s]+)/', $line, $reg2)) {
$in_create_table = $reg2[1];
$reg2 = array();
if (preg_match('/CREATE TABLE ([^\s]+)/', $line, $reg2)) {
$output .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $reg2[1] . '`;' . "\n";
$output .= $line;
if (substr($line, 0, 2) == ");" && $in_create_table) {
$in_create_table = false;
$line = ") ENGINE={$config['engine']};\n\n";
$output .= $tbl_extra;
$output .= $line;
$tbl_extra = "";
if ($in_create_table) {
$regs = array();
$line = str_replace("\"", "`", $line);
$line = str_replace(" integer", " int(11)", $line);
$line = str_replace(" int_unsigned", " int(11) UNSIGNED", $line);
$line = str_replace(" smallint_unsigned", " smallint UNSIGNED", $line);
$line = str_replace(" bigint_unsigned", " bigint UNSIGNED", $line);
$line = str_replace(" serial ", " int(11) auto_increment ", $line);
$line = str_replace(" bytea", " BLOB", $line);
$line = str_replace(" boolean", " bool", $line);
$line = str_replace(" bool DEFAULT true", " bool DEFAULT 1", $line);
$line = str_replace(" bool DEFAULT false", " bool DEFAULT 0", $line);
if (preg_match("/ character varying\(([0-9]*)\)/", $line, $regs)) {
$num = $regs[1];
if ($num <= 255) {
$line = preg_replace("/ character varying\([0-9]*\)/", " varchar($num)", $line);
} else {
$line = preg_replace("/ character varying\([0-9]*\)/", " text", $line);
// character varying with no size, we will default to varchar(255)
if (preg_match("/ character varying/", $line)) {
$line = preg_replace("/ character varying/", " varchar(255)", $line);
if (preg_match("/ DEFAULT \('([0-9]*)'::int/", $line, $regs) || preg_match("/ DEFAULT \('([0-9]*)'::smallint/", $line, $regs) || preg_match("/ DEFAULT \('([0-9]*)'::bigint/", $line, $regs)) {
$num = $regs[1];
$line = preg_replace("/ DEFAULT \('([0-9]*)'[^ ,]*/", " DEFAULT $num ", $line);
if (preg_match("/ DEFAULT \(([0-9\-]*)\)/", $line, $regs)) {
$num = $regs[1];
$line = preg_replace("/ DEFAULT \(([0-9\-]*)\)/", " DEFAULT $num ", $line);
$line = preg_replace("/ DEFAULT nextval\(.*\) /", " auto_increment ", $line);
$line = preg_replace("/::.*,/", ",", $line);
$line = preg_replace("/::.*$/", "\n", $line);
if (preg_match("/character\(([0-9]*)\)/", $line, $regs)) {
$num = $regs[1];
if ($num <= 255) {
$line = preg_replace("/ character\([0-9]*\)/", " varchar($num)", $line);
} else {
$line = preg_replace("/ character\([0-9]*\)/", " text", $line);
// timestamps
$line = str_replace(" timestamp with time zone", " datetime", $line);
$line = str_replace(" timestamp without time zone", " datetime", $line);
// time
$line = str_replace(" time with time zone", " time", $line);
$line = str_replace(" time without time zone", " time", $line);
$line = str_replace(" timestamp DEFAULT now()", " timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", $line);
$line = str_replace(" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()", " timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", $line);
if (strstr($line, "auto_increment") || preg_match('/ rowid int/', $line) || preg_match('/ id int/', $line)) {
$field = getfieldname($line);
$tbl_extra .= ", PRIMARY KEY(`$field`)\n";
$arrayofprimaryalreadyintabledef[$in_create_table] = $in_create_table;
$specialfields = array("repeat","status","type","call");
$field = getfieldname($line);
if (in_array($field, $specialfields)) {
$line = str_replace("$field ", "`$field` ", $line);
// text/blob fields are not allowed to have a default, so if we find a text DEFAULT, change it to varchar(255) DEFAULT
if (strstr($line, "text DEFAULT")) {
$line = str_replace(" text DEFAULT ", " varchar(255) DEFAULT ", $line);
// just skip a CONSTRAINT line
if (strstr($line, " CONSTRAINT ")) {
$line = "";
// and if the previous output ended with a , remove the ,
$lastchr = substr($output, -2, 1);
// echo "lastchr=$lastchr";
if ($lastchr == ",") {
$output = substr($output, 0, -2) . "\n";
$output .= $line;
if (substr($line, 0, 11) == "INSERT INTO") {
$line = str_replace('public.', '', $line);
if (substr($line, -3, -1) == ");") {
// we have a complete insert on one line
list($before, $after) = explode(" VALUES ", $line, 2);
// we only replace the " with ` in what comes BEFORE the VALUES
// (ie, field names, like INSERT INTO table ("bla","bla2") VALUES ('s:4:"test"','bladata2');
// should convert to INSERT INTO table (`bla`,`bla2`) VALUES ('s:4:"test"','bladata2');
$before = str_replace("\"", "`", $before);
// in after, we need to watch out for escape format strings, ie (E'escaped \r in a string'), and ('bla',E'escaped \r in a string'), but could also be (number, E'string'); so we can't search for the previous '
// ugh i guess its possible these strings could exist IN the data as well, but the only way to solve that is to process these lines one character
// at a time, and that's just stupid, so let's just hope this doesn't appear anywhere in the actual data
$after = str_replace(" (E'", " ('", $after);
$after = str_replace(", E'", ", '", $after);
$output .= $before . " VALUES " . $after;
} else {
// this insert spans multiple lines, so keep dumping the lines until we reach a line
// that ends with ");"
list($before, $after) = explode(" VALUES ", $line, 2);
// we only replace the " with ` in what comes BEFORE the VALUES
// (ie, field names, like INSERT INTO table ("bla","bla2") VALUES ('s:4:"test"','bladata2');
// should convert to INSERT INTO table (`bla`,`bla2`) VALUES ('s:4:"test"','bladata2');
$before = str_replace("\"", "`", $before);
// in after, we need to watch out for escape format strings, ie (E'escaped \r in a string'), and ('bla',E'escaped \r in a string')
// ugh i guess its possible these strings could exist IN the data as well, but the only way to solve that is to process these lines one character
// at a time, and that's just stupid, so let's just hope this doesn't appear anywhere in the actual data
$after = str_replace(" (E'", " ('", $after);
$after = str_replace(", E'", ", '", $after);
$c = substr_count($line, "'");
// we have an odd number of ' marks
if ($c % 2 != 0) {
$inquotes = true;
} else {
$inquotes = false;
$output .= $before . " VALUES " . $after;
do {
// in after, we need to watch out for escape format strings, ie (E'escaped \r in a string'), and ('bla',E'escaped \r in a string')
// ugh i guess its possible these strings could exist IN the data as well, but the only way to solve that is to process these lines one character
// at a time, and that's just stupid, so let's just hope this doesn't appear anywhere in the actual data
// after the first line, we only need to check for it in the middle, not at the beginning of an insert (because the beginning will be on the first line)
// $after=str_replace(" (E'","' ('",$after);
$line = $lines[$linenumber];
$line = str_replace("', E'", "', '", $line);
$output .= $line;
// printf("inquotes: %d linenumber: %4d line: %s\n",$inquotes,$linenumber,$lines[$linenumber]);
$c = substr_count($line, "'");
// we have an odd number of ' marks
if ($c % 2 != 0) {
if ($inquotes) {
$inquotes = false;
} else {
$inquotes = true;
// echo "inquotes=$inquotes\n";
} while (substr($lines[$linenumber], -3, -1) != ");" || $inquotes);
if (substr($line, 0, 16) == "ALTER TABLE ONLY") {
$line = preg_replace('/ ONLY/', '', $line);
$line = str_replace("\"", "`", $line);
$line = str_replace("public.", "", $line);
$pkey = $line;
if (!empty($lines[$linenumber])) {
$line = $lines[$linenumber];
} else {
$line = '';
if (strstr($line, " PRIMARY KEY ") && substr($line, -3, -1) == ");") {
$reg2 = array();
if (preg_match('/ALTER TABLE ([^\s]+)/', $pkey, $reg2)) {
if (empty($arrayofprimaryalreadyintabledef[$reg2[1]])) {
// looks like we have a single line PRIMARY KEY definition, let's go ahead and add it
$output .= str_replace("\n", "", $pkey);
// the postgres and mysql syntax for this is (at least, in the example im looking at)
// identical, so we can just add it as is.
$output .= $line . "\n";
} else {
$output .= '-- ' . str_replace("\n", "", $pkey);
$output .= '-- ' . $line . "\n";
} else {
$output .= '-- ' . str_replace("\n", "", $pkey);
$output .= '-- ' . $line . "\n";
// while we're here, we might as well catch CREATE INDEX as well
if (substr($line, 0, 12) == "CREATE INDEX") {
$matches = array();
preg_match('/CREATE INDEX "?([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)"? ON "?([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*)"? USING btree \((.*)\);/', $line, $matches);
if (!empty($matches[3])) {
$indexname = $matches[1];
$tablename = str_replace('public.', '', $matches[2]);
$columns = $matches[3];
if ($tablename && $columns) {
$output .= "ALTER TABLE `" . $tablename . "` ADD INDEX " . $indexname . "( {$columns} ) ;\n";
if (substr($line, 0, 19) == "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX") {
$matches = array();
preg_match('/CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "?([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)"? ON "?([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*)"? USING btree \((.*)\);/', $line, $matches);
if (!empty($matches[3])) {
$indexname = $matches[1];
$tablename = str_replace('public.', '', $matches[2]);
$columns = str_replace('"', '', $matches[3]);
if ($tablename && $columns) {
$output .= "ALTER TABLE `" . $tablename . "` ADD UNIQUE INDEX " . $indexname . " ( {$columns} ) ;\n";
if (substr($line, 0, 13) == 'DROP DATABASE') {
$output .= $line;
if (substr($line, 0, 15) == 'CREATE DATABASE') {
$matches = array();
preg_match('/CREATE DATABASE ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*) .* ENCODING = \'(.*)\'/', $line, $matches);
$output .= "CREATE DATABASE `$matches[1]` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $matches[2];\n\n";
if (substr($line, 0, 8) == '\\connect') {
$matches = array();
preg_match('/connect ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/', $line, $matches);
$output .= "USE `$matches[1]`;\n\n";
if (substr($line, 0, 5) == 'COPY ') {
$matches = array();
preg_match('/COPY (.*) FROM stdin/', $line, $matches);
$heads = str_replace('"', "`", $matches[1]);
$values = array();
$in_insert = true;
} elseif ($in_insert) {
if ($line == "\\.\n") {
$in_insert = false;
if ($values) {
$output .= "INSERT INTO $heads VALUES\n" . implode(",\n", $values) . ";\n\n";
} else {
$vals = explode(' ', $line);
foreach ($vals as $i => $val) {
$vals[$i] = ($val == '\\N') ? 'NULL' : "'" . str_replace("'", "\\'", trim($val)) . "'";
$values[] = '(' . implode(',', $vals) . ')';
if (count($values) >= 1000) {
$output .= "INSERT INTO $heads VALUES\n" . implode(",\n", $values) . ";\n";
$values = array();
return array('output' => $output,'outputatend' => $outputatend);