mirror of
synced 2024-11-22 01:45:02 +00:00
get rid of nltk dependency
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,135 +18,143 @@ wssUrl = 'wss://speech.platform.bing.com/consumer/speech/synthesize/readaloud/ed
voiceList = 'https://speech.platform.bing.com/consumer/speech/synthesize/readaloud/voices/list?trustedclienttoken=' + trustedClientToken
def debug(msg, fd=sys.stderr):
if DEBUG: print(msg, file=fd)
if DEBUG: print(msg, file=fd)
def terminator(signo, stack_frame): sys.exit()
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, terminator)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, terminator)
def connectId(): return str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "")
def removeIncompatibleControlChars(s):
output = []
for ch in s:
# We consider that these control characters are whitespace
if ch in ['\t','\n','\r']:
abr = unicodedata.category(ch)
if abr.startswith("C"): continue
output += [ ch ]
return "".join(output)
# From https://github.com/pndurette/gTTS/blob/master/gtts/utils.py
def _minimize(the_string, delim, max_size):
# Remove `delim` from start of `the_string`
# i.e. prevent a recursive infinite loop on `the_string[0:0]`
# if `the_string` starts with `delim` and is larger than `max_size`
if the_string.startswith(delim):
the_string = the_string[len(delim):]
if len(the_string) > max_size:
# Find the highest index of `delim` in `the_string[0:max_size]`
# i.e. `the_string` will be cut in half on `delim` index
idx = the_string.rindex(delim, 0, max_size)
except ValueError:
# `delim` not found in `the_string`, index becomes `max_size`
# i.e. `the_string` will be cut in half arbitrarily on `max_size`
idx = max_size
# Call itself again for `the_string[idx:]`
return [the_string[:idx]] + \
_minimize(the_string[idx:], delim, max_size)
return [the_string]
output = []
for ch in s:
# We consider that these control characters are whitespace
if ch in ['\t','\n','\r']:
abr = unicodedata.category(ch)
if abr.startswith("C"): continue
output += [ ch ]
return "".join(output)
def list_voices():
with urllib.request.urlopen(voiceList) as url:
debug("Loading json from %s" % voiceList)
data = json.loads(url.read().decode())
debug("JSON Loaded")
for voice in data:
for key in voice.keys():
debug("Processing key %s" % key)
if key in ["Name", "SuggestedCodec", "FriendlyName", "Status"]:
debug("Key %s skipped" % key)
print("%s: %s" % ("Name" if key == "ShortName" else key, voice[key]))
with urllib.request.urlopen(voiceList) as url:
debug("Loading json from %s" % voiceList)
data = json.loads(url.read().decode())
debug("JSON Loaded")
for voice in data:
for key in voice.keys():
debug("Processing key %s" % key)
if key in ["Name", "SuggestedCodec", "FriendlyName", "Status"]:
debug("Key %s skipped" % key)
print("%s: %s" % ("Name" if key == "ShortName" else key, voice[key]))
async def run_tts():
async with websockets.connect(wssUrl, ssl=ssl_context) as ws:
message='X-Timestamp:'+formatdate()+'\r\nContent-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8\r\nPath:speech.config\r\n\r\n'
message+='{"context":{"synthesis":{"audio":{"metadataoptions":{"sentenceBoundaryEnabled":"'+sentenceBoundaryEnabled+'","wordBoundaryEnabled":"'+wordBoundaryEnabled+'"},"outputFormat":"' + codec + '"}}}}\r\n'
await ws.send(message)
debug("> %s" % message)
message+="<speak version='1.0' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis' xml:lang='en-US'>"
message+="<voice name='" + voice + "'>" + "<prosody pitch='" + pitchString + "' rate ='" + rateString + "' volume='" + volumeString + "'>" + escape(text) + '</prosody></voice></speak>'
await ws.send(message)
debug("> %s" % message)
while True:
recv = await ws.recv()
recv = recv.encode() if type(recv) is not bytes else recv
debug("< %s" % recv)
if b'turn.end' in recv:
elif b'Path:audio\r\n' in recv:
def mkssmlmsg(text=""):
message+="<speak version='1.0' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis' xml:lang='en-US'>"
message+="<voice name='" + voice + "'>" + "<prosody pitch='" + pitchString + "' rate ='" + rateString + "' volume='" + volumeString + "'>" + text + '</prosody></voice></speak>'
return message
async def run_tts(msg):
debug("Doing %s!" % msg)
async with websockets.connect(wssUrl, ssl=ssl_context) as ws:
message='X-Timestamp:'+formatdate()+'\r\nContent-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8\r\nPath:speech.config\r\n\r\n'
message+='{"context":{"synthesis":{"audio":{"metadataoptions":{"sentenceBoundaryEnabled":"'+sentenceBoundaryEnabled+'","wordBoundaryEnabled":"'+wordBoundaryEnabled+'"},"outputFormat":"' + codec + '"}}}}\r\n'
await ws.send(message)
debug("> %s" % message)
await ws.send(msg)
debug("> %s" % msg)
while True:
recv = await ws.recv()
recv = recv.encode() if type(recv) is not bytes else recv
debug("< %s" % recv)
if b'turn.end' in recv:
elif b'Path:audio\r\n' in recv:
# From https://github.com/pndurette/gTTS/blob/6d9309f05b3ad26ca356654732f3b5b9c3bec538/gtts/utils.py#L13-L54
def _minimize(the_string, delim, max_size):
"""Recursively split a string in the largest chunks
possible from the highest position of a delimiter all the way
to a maximum size
the_string (string): The string to split.
delim (string): The delimiter to split on.
max_size (int): The maximum size of a chunk.
list: the minimized string in tokens
Every chunk size will be at minimum ``the_string[0:idx]`` where ``idx``
is the highest index of ``delim`` found in ``the_string``; and at maximum
``the_string[0:max_size]`` if no ``delim`` was found in ``the_string``.
In the latter case, the split will occur at ``the_string[max_size]``
which can be any character. The function runs itself again on the rest of
``the_string`` (``the_string[idx:]``) until no chunk is larger than
# Remove `delim` from start of `the_string`
# i.e. prevent a recursive infinite loop on `the_string[0:0]`
# if `the_string` starts with `delim` and is larger than `max_size`
if the_string.startswith(delim):
the_string = the_string[len(delim):]
if len(the_string) > max_size:
# Find the highest index of `delim` in `the_string[0:max_size]`
# i.e. `the_string` will be cut in half on `delim` index
idx = the_string.rindex(delim, 0, max_size)
except ValueError:
# `delim` not found in `the_string`, index becomes `max_size`
# i.e. `the_string` will be cut in half arbitrarily on `max_size`
idx = max_size
# Call itself again for `the_string[idx:]`
return [the_string[:idx]] + \
_minimize(the_string[idx:], delim, max_size)
return [the_string]
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Microsoft Edge's Online TTS Reader")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('-t', '--text', help='what TTS will say')
group.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='same as --text but read from file')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--voice', help='voice for TTS. Default: en-US-AriaNeural', default='en-US-AriaNeural')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--codec', help="codec format. Default: audio-24khz-48kbitrate-mono-mp3. Another choice is webm-24khz-16bit-mono-opus", default='audio-24khz-48kbitrate-mono-mp3')
group.add_argument('-l', '--list-voices', help="lists available voices. Edge's list is incomplete so check https://bit.ly/2SFq1d3", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pitch', help="set TTS pitch. Default +0Hz, For more info check https://bit.ly/3eAE5Nx", default="+0Hz")
parser.add_argument('-r', '--rate', help="set TTS rate. Default +0%%. For more info check https://bit.ly/3eAE5Nx", default="+0%")
parser.add_argument('-V', '--volume', help="set TTS volume. Default +0%%. For more info check https://bit.ly/3eAE5Nx", default="+0%")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--enable-sentence-boundary', help="enable sentence boundary (not implemented but set)", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-w', '--enable-word-boundary', help="enable word boundary (not implemented but set)", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-S', '--dont-split-sentences', help="sends entire text as is (careful because limit is unknown)", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-D', '--debug', help="some debugging", action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
DEBUG = args.debug
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Microsoft Edge's Online TTS Reader")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('-t', '--text', help='what TTS will say')
group.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='same as --text but read from file')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--voice', help='voice for TTS. Default: en-US-AriaNeural', default='en-US-AriaNeural')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--codec', help="codec format. Default: audio-24khz-48kbitrate-mono-mp3. Another choice is webm-24khz-16bit-mono-opus", default='audio-24khz-48kbitrate-mono-mp3')
group.add_argument('-l', '--list-voices', help="lists available voices. Edge's list is incomplete so check https://bit.ly/2SFq1d3", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pitch', help="set TTS pitch. Default +0Hz, For more info check https://bit.ly/3eAE5Nx", default="+0Hz")
parser.add_argument('-r', '--rate', help="set TTS rate. Default +0%%. For more info check https://bit.ly/3eAE5Nx", default="+0%")
parser.add_argument('-V', '--volume', help="set TTS volume. Default +0%%. For more info check https://bit.ly/3eAE5Nx", default="+0%")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--enable-sentence-boundary', help="enable sentence boundary (not implemented but set)", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-w', '--enable-word-boundary', help="enable word boundary (not implemented but set)", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-D', '--debug', help="some debugging", action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
DEBUG = args.debug
if (args.text or args.file) is not None:
if args.file is not None:
# we need to use sys.stdin.read() because some devices
# like Windows and Termux don't have a /dev/stdin.
if args.file == "/dev/stdin":
debug("stdin detected, reading natively from stdin")
args.text = sys.stdin.read()
debug("reading from %s" % args.file)
with open(args.file, 'r') as file:
args.text = file.read()
codec = args.codec
voice = args.voice
pitchString = args.pitch
rateString = args.rate
volumeString = args.volume
sentenceBoundaryEnabled = 'true' if args.enable_sentence_boundary else 'false'
wordBoundaryEnabled = 'true' if args.enable_word_boundary else 'false'
# Websocket max is 65536, lets say that overhead is approx. 5k
max_size = 65536 - 5000
if not args.dont_split_sentences:
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
debug("Was able to load nltk module")
except Exception as e:
print("You need nltk for sentence splitting.", file=sys.stderr)
print("If you can't install it you could use the --dont-split-sentences flag.", file=sys.stderr)
debug("Exception was %s %s" % (e.message, e.args))
for text in _minimize(" ".join(sent_tokenize(removeIncompatibleControlChars(args.text))), " ", max_size):
debug ("Sent %s to be TTSed!" % text)
for text in _minimize(removeIncompatibleControlChars(args.text), " ", max_size):
debug ("Sent %s to be TTSed!" % text)
elif args.list_voices:
if (args.text or args.file) is not None:
if args.file is not None:
# we need to use sys.stdin.read() because some devices
# like Windows and Termux don't have a /dev/stdin.
if args.file == "/dev/stdin":
debug("stdin detected, reading natively from stdin")
args.text = sys.stdin.read()
debug("reading from %s" % args.file)
with open(args.file, 'r') as file:
args.text = file.read()
codec = args.codec
voice = args.voice
pitchString = args.pitch
rateString = args.rate
volumeString = args.volume
sentenceBoundaryEnabled = 'true' if args.enable_sentence_boundary else 'false'
wordBoundaryEnabled = 'true' if args.enable_word_boundary else 'false'
# https://hpbn.co/websocket/ says client must also send a masking key,
# which adds an extra 4 bytes to the header, resulting in 6–14 bytes over overhead
overhead = len(mkssmlmsg()) + 14
wsmax = 65536 - overhead
for text in _minimize(escape(removeIncompatibleControlChars(args.text)), " ", wsmax):
elif args.list_voices:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user