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synced 2024-11-23 08:39:21 +00:00
* Adds filesystem watcher with tests. * Refactoring. * Formatting. * Formatting. * Switches to absolute path in tests. * Fixes race condition from merge conflict. * Fixes race condition. * Fixes tests. * Fixes markdown lint errors. * Switches back to absolute paths. * Reverts back to relative file paths. * Fixes golangci-lint issues. * Uses github.com/dunglas/go-fswatch instead. * Stops watcher before stopping workers. * Updates docs. * Avoids segfault in tests. * Fixes watcher segmentation violations on shutdown. * Adjusts watcher latencies and tests. * Adds fswatch to dockerfiles * Fixes fswatch in alpine. * Fixes segfault (this time for real). * Allows queueing new reload if file changes while workers are reloading. * Makes tests more consistent. * Prevents the watcher from getting stuck if there is an error in the worker file itself. * Reverts changing the image. * Puts fswatch version into docker-bake.hcl. * Asserts instead of panicking. * Adds notice Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update dev.Dockerfile Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update Dockerfile Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update Dockerfile Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update alpine.Dockerfile Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update alpine.Dockerfile Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update dev-alpine.Dockerfile Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update dev-alpine.Dockerfile Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update dev.Dockerfile Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update docs/config.md Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Runs fswatch version. * Removes .json. * Replaces ms with s. * Resets the channel after closing it. * Update watcher_options.go Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update watcher_test.go Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Asserts no error instead. * Fixes a race condition where events are fired after frankenphp has stopped. * Updates docs. * Update watcher_options_test.go Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Allows queuing events while watchers are reloading. * go fmt * Refactors stopping and draining logic. * Allows extended watcher configuration with dirs, recursion, symlinks, case-sensitivity, latency, monitor types and regex. * Updates docs. * Adds TODOS. * go fmt. * Fixes linting errors. * Also allows wildcards in the longform and adjusts docs. * Adds debug log. * Fixes the watcher short form. * Refactors sessions and options into a struct. * Fixes an overflow in the 'workersReadyWG' on unexpected terminations. * Properly logs errors coming from session.Start(). * go fmt. * Adds --nocache. * Fixes lint issue. * Refactors and resolves race condition on worker reload. * Implements debouncing with a timer as suggested by @withinboredom. * Starts watcher even if no workers are defined. * Updates docs with file limit warning. * Adds watch config unit tests. * Adjusts debounce timings. * go fmt. * Adds fswatch to static builder (test). * Adds a short grace period between stopping and destroying the watcher sessions. * Adds caddy test. * Adjusts sleep time. * Swap to edant/watcher. * Fixes watch options and tests. * go fmt. * Adds TODO. * Installs edant/watcher in the bookworm image. * Fixes linting. * Refactors the watcher into its own module. * Adjusts naming. * ADocker image adjustments and refactoring. * Testing installation methods. * Installs via gcc instead. * Fixes pointer formats. * Fixes lint issues. * Fixes arm alpine and updates docs. * Clang format. * Fixes dirs. * Adds watcher version arg. * Uses static lib version. * Adds watcher to tests and sanitizers. * Uses sudo for copying the shared lib. * Removes unnused func. * Refactoring. * Update .github/workflows/sanitizers.yaml Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Adds fpic. * Fixes linting. * Skips tests in msan. * Resets op_cache in every worker thread after termination * Review fixes part 1. * Test: installing libstc++ instead of gcc. * Test: using msan ignorelist. * Test: using msan ignorelist. * Test: using msan ignorelist. * Allows '/**/' for global recursion and '**/' for relative recursion. * Reverts using the ignorelist. * Calls opcache directly. * Adds --watch to php-server command * Properly free CStrings. * Sorts alphabetically and uses curl instead of git. * Labeling and formatting. * Update .github/workflows/sanitizers.yaml Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update .github/workflows/sanitizers.yaml Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update .github/workflows/tests.yaml Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update .github/workflows/tests.yaml Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update caddy/caddy.go Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update docs/config.md Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update frankenphp_with_watcher_test.go Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update watcher/watcher.h Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update frankenphp.c Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update watcher/watcher.go Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update docs/config.md Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update frankenphp_with_watcher_test.go Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update testdata/files/.gitignore Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update watcher/watcher-c.h Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Update watcher/watcher.c Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr> * Fixes test and Dockerfile. * Fixes Dockerfiles. * Resets go versions. * Replaces unsafe.pointer with uintptr_t * Prevents worker channels from being destroyed on reload. * Minimizes the public api by only passing a []string. * Adds support for directory patterns and multiple '**' globs. * Adjusts label. * go fmt. * go mod tidy. * Fixes merge conflict. * Refactoring and formatting. * Cleans up unused vars and functions. * Allows dirs with a dot. * Makes test nicer. * Add dir tests. * Moves the watch directive inside the worker directive. * Adds debug log on special events. * Removes line about symlinks. * Hints at multiple possible --watch flags. * Adds ./**/*.php as default watch configuration. * Changes error to a warning. * Changes the default to './**/*.{php,yaml,yml,twig,env}' and supports the {bracket} pattern. * Fixes linting. * Fixes merge conflict and adjust values. * Adjusts values. --------- Co-authored-by: a.stecher <a.stecher@sportradar.com> Co-authored-by: Kévin Dunglas <kevin@dunglas.fr>
113 lines
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113 lines
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# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM golang-base
SHELL ["/bin/ash", "-eo", "pipefail", "-c"]
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.title=FrankenPHP
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description="The modern PHP app server"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.url=https://frankenphp.dev
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/dunglas/frankenphp
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.licenses=MIT
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.vendor="Kévin Dunglas"
RUN apk update; \
apk add --no-cache \
alpine-sdk \
autoconf \
automake \
bash \
binutils \
bison \
build-base \
cmake \
curl \
file \
flex \
g++ \
gcc \
git \
jq \
libgcc \
libstdc++ \
libtool \
linux-headers \
m4 \
make \
pkgconfig \
php83 \
php83-common \
php83-ctype \
php83-curl \
php83-dom \
php83-mbstring \
php83-openssl \
php83-pcntl \
php83-phar \
php83-posix \
php83-session \
php83-sodium \
php83-tokenizer \
php83-xml \
php83-xmlwriter \
upx \
wget \
xz ; \
ln -sf /usr/bin/php83 /usr/bin/php
# FIXME: temporary workaround for https://github.com/golang/go/issues/68285
RUN git clone https://go.googlesource.com/go goroot
WORKDIR /goroot
# Revert https://github.com/golang/go/commit/3560cf0afb3c29300a6c88ccd98256949ca7a6f6 to prevent the crash with musl
RUN git config --global user.email "build@example.com" && \
git config --global user.name "Build" && \
git checkout "$(go env GOVERSION)" && \
git revert 3560cf0afb3c29300a6c88ccd98256949ca7a6f6
WORKDIR /goroot/src
RUN ./make.bash
ENV PATH="/goroot/bin:$PATH"
RUN go version
# https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#composer-allow-superuser
COPY --from=composer/composer:2-bin /composer /usr/bin/composer
WORKDIR /go/src/app
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
RUN go mod graph | awk '{if ($1 !~ "@") print $2}' | xargs go get
WORKDIR /go/src/app/caddy
COPY caddy/go.mod caddy/go.sum ./
RUN go mod graph | awk '{if ($1 !~ "@") print $2}' | xargs go get
WORKDIR /go/src/app
COPY *.* ./
COPY caddy caddy
COPY watcher watcher
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=github-token GITHUB_TOKEN=$(cat /run/secrets/github-token) ./build-static.sh && \
rm -Rf dist/static-php-cli/source/*