ALARM_APP = 1 CALIBRATE_APP = 1 RPN_APP = 1 HEX_APP = 1 STOPWATCH_APP = 1 PHRASE_APP = 0 SHABBAT_APP = 0 RNG_APP = 1 TUNER_APP = 1 MORSE_APP = 1 BEACON_APP = 0 OOK_APP = 1 COUNTER_APP = 1 DMESG_APP = 1 PAGER_APP = 1 #set default flashing serial port, dont override if passed in as an argument PORT = /dev/ttyUSB0 #Mandatory applets. APPS_OBJ += apps/clock.o apps/settime.o apps/submenu.o #add optional apps ifeq ($(ALARM_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/alarm.o APPS_DEFINES += ALARM_APP endif ifeq ($(SHABBAT_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/shabbat.o APPS_DEFINES += SHABBAT_APP endif ifeq ($(DMESG_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/dmesg.o APPS_DEFINES += DMESG_APP endif ifeq ($(RPN_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/rpn.o APPS_DEFINES += RPN_APP endif ifeq ($(HEX_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/hex.o APPS_DEFINES += HEX_APP endif ifeq ($(CALIBRATE_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/calibrate.o APPS_DEFINES += CALIBRATE_APP endif ifeq ($(STOPWATCH_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/stopwatch.o APPS_DEFINES += STOPWATCH_APP endif ifeq ($(PHRASE_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/phrase.o APPS_DEFINES += PHRASE_APP endif ifeq ($(RNG_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/rngapp.o APPS_DEFINES += RNG_APP endif ifeq ($(TUNER_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/tuner.o APPS_DEFINES += TUNER_APP endif ifeq ($(MORSE_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/morse.o APPS_DEFINES += MORSE_APP endif ifeq ($(BEACON_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/beacon.o APPS_DEFINES += BEACON_APP endif ifeq ($(OOK_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/ook.o APPS_DEFINES += OOK_APP endif ifeq ($(COUNTER_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/counter.o APPS_DEFINES += COUNTER_APP endif ifeq ($(PAGER_APP),1) APPS_OBJ += apps/pager.o APPS_DEFINES += PAGER_APP endif #Standard Debian gcc-msp430 and msp430mcu packages. CC = msp430-gcc -mmcu=cc430f6137 -Wall -I. -Os $(addprefix -D, $(APPS_DEFINES)) -Wl,--gc-sections -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections BSL = ../bin/ -r 38400 -p $(PORT) modules=rtcasm.o main.o lcd.o lcdtext.o rtc.o keypad.o bcd.o apps.o\ applist.o adc.o ref.o codeplugstr.o \ sidebutton.o power.o uart.o monitor.o ucs.o buzz.o \ radio.o packet.o dmesg.o codeplug.o rng.o descriptor.o \ optim.o libs/assembler.o libs/morse.o libs/pocsag.o apps= $(APPS_OBJ) all: goodwatch.hex *.c: githash.h buildtime.h githash.h: echo "#define GITHASH" 0x`git rev-parse HEAD | head -c7` > githash.h buildtime.h: ../bin/ >buildtime.h goodwatch.elf: $(modules) $(apps) *.h $(CC) -T msp430.x -o goodwatch.elf $(modules) $(apps) ../bin/ goodwatch.elf || echo "Please install python-pyelftools." goodwatch.hex: goodwatch.elf msp430-objcopy -O ihex goodwatch.elf goodwatch.hex clean: rm -rf *~ */*~ *.hex *.elf *.o */*.o goodwatch githash.h buildtime.h html latex goodwatch.elf energytrace.png energytrace.txt codeplugstr.c dmesg.bin erase: $(BSL) -e sbwflash: goodwatch.hex codeplug.hex mspdebug tilib "prog goodwatch.elf" "load codeplug.hex" flash: goodwatch.hex $(BSL) -ef goodwatch.hex dmesg: $(BSL) -P goodwatch.hex -uD sbwdmesg: mspdebug tilib "save_raw 0x2400 2048 dmesg.bin" strings dmesg.bin #Same as dmesg, but it gives the target some time to boot first. run: sleep 5 ../bin/ -p $(PORT) -P goodwatch.hex -uD codeplug.hex: codeplug.txt ../bin/ -i codeplug.txt -o codeplug.hex codeplugstr.c: codeplug.txt ../bin/ -i codeplug.txt -o codeplugstr.c flashcp: codeplug.hex $(BSL) -Ef codeplug.hex dump: $(BSL) -ed fmt: clang-format -i -style=LLVM `find . -name \*.c` `find . -name \*.h` energytrace.txt: energytrace energytrace: goodwatch.hex sbwflash energytrace 60 > energytrace.txt #This will take a minute. gnuplot energytrace.gnuplot gnuplot energytrace-txt.gnuplot ../bin/