/*! \file applist.h \brief Table of all active applications. Add yours here. */ #include "apps/clock.h" #include "apps/stopwatch.h" #include "apps/rpn.h" #include "apps/hex.h" /* For each application, the init() function is called at entry. The draw() function is called 4 times per second. The exit() function is called when the mode button is pressed, but returns 1 to reject a mode switch or 0 to allow it. */ static struct app apps[]={ //Clock {.name="clock", .init=clock_init, .draw=clock_draw, .exit=clock_exit}, //Stopwatch {.name="timer", .init=stopwatch_init, .draw=stopwatch_draw, .exit=stopwatch_exit}, //RPN Calculator {.name="rpn calc", .init=rpn_init, .draw=rpn_draw, .exit=rpn_exit}, //Hex Viewer. {.name="memory", .init=hex_init, .draw=hex_draw, .exit=hex_exit}, //End on null entry. {.name=0, .init=0, .draw=0, .exit=0} };