# coding=utf-8 import subprocess from core import HackingTool from core import HackingToolsCollection from core import validate_input class SteganoHide(HackingTool): TITLE = "SteganoHide" INSTALL_COMMANDS = ["sudo apt-get install steghide -y"] def run(self): choice_run = input( "[1] Hide\n" "[2] Extract\n" "[99]Cancel\n" ">> ") choice_run = validate_input(choice_run, [1, 2, 99]) if choice_run is None: print("Please choose a valid input") return self.run() if choice_run == 99: return if choice_run == 1: file_hide = input("Enter Filename you want to Embed (1.txt) >> ") file_to_be_hide = input("Enter Cover Filename(test.jpeg) >> ") subprocess.run( ["steghide", "embed", "-cf", file_to_be_hide, "-ef", file_hide]) elif choice_run == "2": from_file = input("Enter Filename From Extract Data >> ") subprocess.run(["steghide", "extract", "-sf", from_file]) class StegnoCracker(HackingTool): TITLE = "StegnoCracker" DESCRIPTION = "SteganoCracker is a tool that uncover hidden data inside " \ "files\n using brute-force utility" INSTALL_COMMANDS = [ "pip3 install stegcracker && pip3 install stegcracker -U --force-reinstall"] def run(self): filename = input("Enter Filename:- ") passfile = input("Enter Wordlist Filename:- ") subprocess.run(["stegcracker", filename, passfile]) class StegoCracker(HackingTool): TITLE = "StegoCracker" DESCRIPTION = "StegoCracker is a tool that let's you hide data into image or audio files and can retrieve from a file " INSTALL_COMMANDS = [ "sudo git clone https://github.com/W1LDN16H7/StegoCracker.git", "sudo chmod -R 755 StegoCracker" ] RUN_COMMANDS = ["cd StegoCracker && python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt ", "./install.sh" ] PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/W1LDN16H7/StegoCracker" class Whitespace(HackingTool): TITLE = "Whitespace" DESCRIPTION = "Use whitespace and unicode chars for steganography" INSTALL_COMMANDS = [ "sudo git clone https://github.com/beardog108/snow10.git", "sudo chmod -R 755 snow10" ] RUN_COMMANDS = ["cd snow10 && ./install.sh"] PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/beardog108/snow10" class SteganographyTools(HackingToolsCollection): TITLE = "Steganograhy tools" TOOLS = [ SteganoHide(), StegnoCracker(), StegoCracker(), Whitespace() ]