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synced 2024-11-15 04:05:29 +00:00
List of changes + Handling information about a tool has been improved a lot by providing a `HackingTool` class, which takes care of showing the options, running the selected option, executing the required commands + This class is designed with flexibililty and simplicity in mind, so adding a new tool is a lot easier, mention TITLE, DESCRIPTION, list of INSTALL_COMMANDS, RUN_COMMANDS and PROJECT_URL and there you go... + grouping all the `HackingTool`s is also made super simpler by providing a `HackingToolsCollection` class which groups the tools into their respective categories. Just add the instances of `HackingTool` classes to the TOOLS property of the `HackingToolsCollection`. + Refactored all the tools into separate files based on their categories. + Added a READM_template.md and generate_readme.py script to automatically generate Table of contents and the list of tools available automatically. + Now each tool in the README.md points to its project url if provided. This makes it easier to visit the project from the readme.
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86 lines
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# coding=utf-8
import os
import subprocess
from core import HackingTool
from core import HackingToolsCollection
class FacialFind(HackingTool):
TITLE = "Find SocialMedia By Facial Recognation System"
DESCRIPTION = "A Social Media Mapping Tool that correlates profiles\n " \
"via facial recognition across different sites."
"sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next && sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade",
"sudo git clone https://github.com/Greenwolf/social_mapper.git",
"cd social_mapper/setup",
"sudo python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt",
'echo "[!]Now You have To do some Manually\n'
'[!] Install the Geckodriver for your operating system\n'
'[!] Copy & Paste Link And Download File As System Configuration\n'
'[#] https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases\n'
'[!!] On Linux you can place it in /usr/bin "| boxes | lolcat'
PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/Greenwolf/social_mapper"
def run(self):
os.system("cd social_mapper/setup")
os.system("sudo python social_mapper.py -h")
You have to set Username and password of your AC Or Any Fack Account
[#] Type in Terminal nano social_mapper.py
'echo "python social_mapper.py -f [<imageFoldername>] -i [<imgFolderPath>] -m fast [<AcName>] -fb -tw"| boxes | lolcat')
class FindUser(HackingTool):
TITLE = "Find SocialMedia By UserName"
DESCRIPTION = "Find usernames across over 75 social networks"
"sudo git clone https://github.com/xHak9x/finduser.git",
"cd finduser && sudo chmod +x finduser.sh"
RUN_COMMANDS = ["cd finduser && sudo bash finduser.sh"]
PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/xHak9x/finduser"
class Sherlock(HackingTool):
TITLE = "Sherlock"
DESCRIPTION = "Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks \n " \
"For More Usege \n" \
"\t >>python3 sherlock --help"
"git clone https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock.git",
"cd sherlock;sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt"
PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock"
def run(self):
name = input("Enter Username >> ")
os.system("cd sherlock;")
subprocess.run(["sudo", "python3", "sherlock", f"{name}"])
class SocialScan(HackingTool):
TITLE = "SocialScan | Username or Email"
DESCRIPTION = "Check email address and username availability on online " \
"platforms with 100% accuracy"
INSTALL_COMMANDS = ["sudo pip install socialscan"]
PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/iojw/socialscan"
def run(self):
name = input(
"Enter Username or Emailid (if both then please space between email & username) >> ")
subprocess.run(["sudo", "socialscan", f"{name}"])
class SocialMediaFinderTools(HackingToolsCollection):
TITLE = "SocialMedia Finder"