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synced 2024-11-15 04:05:29 +00:00
List of changes + Handling information about a tool has been improved a lot by providing a `HackingTool` class, which takes care of showing the options, running the selected option, executing the required commands + This class is designed with flexibililty and simplicity in mind, so adding a new tool is a lot easier, mention TITLE, DESCRIPTION, list of INSTALL_COMMANDS, RUN_COMMANDS and PROJECT_URL and there you go... + grouping all the `HackingTool`s is also made super simpler by providing a `HackingToolsCollection` class which groups the tools into their respective categories. Just add the instances of `HackingTool` classes to the TOOLS property of the `HackingToolsCollection`. + Refactored all the tools into separate files based on their categories. + Added a READM_template.md and generate_readme.py script to automatically generate Table of contents and the list of tools available automatically. + Now each tool in the README.md points to its project url if provided. This makes it easier to visit the project from the readme.
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142 lines
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# coding=utf-8
import os
from core import HackingTool
from core import HackingToolsCollection
class TheFatRat(HackingTool):
TITLE = "The FatRat"
DESCRIPTION = "TheFatRat Provides An Easy way to create Backdoors and \n" \
"Payload which can bypass most anti-virus"
"sudo git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/TheFatRat.git",
"cd TheFatRat && sudo chmod +x setup.sh"
RUN_COMMANDS = ["cd TheFatRat && sudo bash setup.sh"]
PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/Screetsec/TheFatRat"
def __init__(self):
super(TheFatRat, self).__init__([
('Update', self.update),
('Troubleshoot', self.troubleshoot)
def update(self):
"cd TheFatRat && bash update && chmod +x setup.sh && bash setup.sh")
def troubleshoot(self):
os.system("cd TheFatRat && sudo chmod +x chk_tools && ./chk_tools")
class Brutal(HackingTool):
TITLE = "Brutal"
DESCRIPTION = "Brutal is a toolkit to quickly create various payload," \
"powershell attack,\nvirus attack and launch listener for " \
"a Human Interface Device"
"sudo git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/Brutal.git",
"cd Brutal && sudo chmod +x Brutal.sh"
RUN_COMMANDS = ["cd Brutal && sudo bash Brutal.sh"]
PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/Screetsec/Brutal"
def show_info(self):
super(Brutal, self).show_info()
[!] Requirement
>> Arduino Software (I used v1.6.7)
>> TeensyDuino
>> Linux udev rules
>> Copy and paste the PaensyLib folder inside your Arduino\libraries
[!] Kindly Visit below link for Installation for Arduino
>> https://github.com/Screetsec/Brutal/wiki/Install-Requirements
class Stitch(HackingTool):
TITLE = "Stitch"
DESCRIPTION = "Stitch is Cross Platform Python Remote Administrator Tool\n\t" \
"[!] Refer Below Link For Wins & MAc Os"
"sudo git clone https://github.com/nathanlopez/Stitch.git",
"cd Stitch && sudo pip install -r lnx_requirements.txt"
RUN_COMMANDS = ["cd Stitch && sudo python main.py"]
PROJECT_URL = "https://nathanlopez.github.io/Stitch"
class MSFVenom(HackingTool):
TITLE = "MSFvenom Payload Creator"
DESCRIPTION = "MSFvenom Payload Creator (MSFPC) is a wrapper to generate \n" \
"multiple types of payloads, based on users choice.\n" \
"The idea is to be as simple as possible (only requiring " \
"one input) \nto produce their payload."
"sudo git clone https://github.com/g0tmi1k/msfpc.git",
"cd msfpc;sudo chmod +x msfpc.sh"
RUN_COMMANDS = ["cd msfpc;sudo bash msfpc.sh -h -v"]
PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/g0tmi1k/msfpc"
class Venom(HackingTool):
TITLE = "Venom Shellcode Generator"
DESCRIPTION = "venom 1.0.11 (malicious_server) was build to take " \
"advantage of \n apache2 webserver to deliver payloads " \
"(LAN) using a fake webpage writen in html"
"sudo git clone https://github.com/r00t-3xp10it/venom.git",
"sudo chmod -R 775 venom*/ && cd venom*/ && cd aux && sudo bash setup.sh",
"sudo ./venom.sh -u"
RUN_COMMANDS = ["cd venom && sudo ./venom.sh"]
PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/r00t-3xp10it/venom"
class Spycam(HackingTool):
TITLE = "Spycam"
DESCRIPTION = "Script to generate a Win32 payload that takes the webcam " \
"image every 1 minute and send it to the attacker"
"sudo git clone https://github.com/thelinuxchoice/spycam.git",
"cd spycam && bash install.sh && chmod +x spycam"
RUN_COMMANDS = ["cd spycam && ./spycam"]
PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/thelinuxchoice/spycam"
class MobDroid(HackingTool):
TITLE = "Mob-Droid"
DESCRIPTION = "Mob-Droid helps you to generate metasploit payloads in " \
"easy way\n without typing long commands and save your time"
"git clone https://github.com/kinghacker0/mob-droid.git"]
RUN_COMMANDS = ["cd Mob-Droid;sudo python mob-droid.py"]
PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/kinghacker0/Mob-Droid"
class Enigma(HackingTool):
TITLE = "Enigma"
DESCRIPTION = "Enigma is a Multiplatform payload dropper"
"sudo git clone https://github.com/UndeadSec/Enigma.git"]
RUN_COMMANDS = ["cd Enigma;sudo python3 enigma3.py"]
PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/UndeadSec/Enigma"
class PayloadCreatorTools(HackingToolsCollection):
TITLE = "Payload creation tools"