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Hoppscotch Self Hosted Admin Dashboard


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Built with


  1. Update .env.example file found in the root of repository with your own keys and rename it to .env.

Local development environment

  1. Clone this repo with git.
  2. Update .env.example file found in the root of hoppscotch-sh-admin directory with your own keys and rename it to .env.
  3. Install pnpm using npm by running npm install -g pnpm.
  4. Install dependencies by running pnpm install within the hoppscotch-sh-admin directory
  5. It is assumed that the backend is running. Refer the Hoppscotch Backend README to get the backend setup and running.
  6. Start the development server with pnpm run dev.
  7. Open the development site by going to http://localhost:3100 in your browser.