* removes unnecessary plugin indirection
there is no reason to have functions that literally call other functions with the same argument. well... maybe not _no_ reason, but the one valid reason I can think of (to satisfy an abstraction's constraints) is not met here. This serves no documentational value either because it creates indirection rather than showing what it's really doing (which is, to generate a plugin).
* reworks generatePlugins and generatePlugin signatures
adds Entry, removes optional `tags`, curries
* use option parameter syntax for generateRequestValidatorPlugin
also, many errors were occurring for OA3Operation.responses not being passed over and over again, leading me to believe it's valid to do so.
* ensures `generateOperationPlugins` has tags, uses option parameter
* removes flowtype comments
* updates readme examples along with readme function signatures
parseSpec and generate were `async` but never awaited
Co-authored-by: Opender Singh <opender.singh@konghq.com>