const Application = require('spectron').Application; // const fs = require('fs'); const electronPath = require('../../insomnia-app/node_modules/electron'); const path = require('path'); const debug = require('../modules/debug'); const client = require('../modules/client'); describe('Application launch', function() { jest.setTimeout(50000); let app = null; beforeEach(async () => { app = new Application({ // Run installed app // path: '/Applications/', // Run after app-package - mac // path: path.join(__dirname, '../insomnia-app/dist/'), // Run after app-package - Windows // path: path.join(__dirname, '../insomnia-app/dist/'), // Run after app-build - mac, Windows, Linux path: electronPath, args: [path.join(__dirname, '../../insomnia-app/build/')], // Don't ask why, but don't remove chromeDriverArgs // chromeDriverArgs: ['remote-debugging-port=9222'], }); await app.start().then(async () => { // Windows spawns two terminal windows when running spectron, and the only workaround // is to focus the window on start. // await app.browserWindow.focus(); await app.browserWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(true); }); }); afterEach(async () => { if (app && app.isRunning()) { await app.stop(); } }); it('shows an initial window', async () => { await client.correctlyLaunched(app); await debug.workspaceDropdownExists(app); }); it('creates and sends a request', async () => { await debug.workspaceDropdownExists(app); // Create a new request await app.client.$('.sidebar .dropdown .fa-plus-circle').then(e =>; await app.client .$('[aria-hidden=false]') .then(e => e.$('button*=New Request')) .then(e =>; // Wait for modal to open await app.client.waitUntilTextExists('.modal__header', 'New Request'); // Set name and create request const input = await app.client.$('.modal input'); await input.waitUntil(() => input.isFocused()); const requestName = 'Request from test'; await input.keys(requestName); await app.client .$('.modal .modal__footer') .then(e => e.$('button=Create')) .then(e =>; // Ensure first item is the one we created and is selected const requests = await app.client.$$('.sidebar__item'); const firstRequest = requests[0]; const firstRequestName = await firstRequest.$('span.editable').then(e => e.getText()); const firstRequestClasses = await firstRequest.getAttribute('class'); expect(firstRequestName).toBe(requestName); expect(firstRequestClasses).toContain('sidebar__item--active'); // Type into url bar const urlEditor = await app.client.$('.urlbar .editor'); await; await urlEditor.keys(''); // Send request await app.client.$('.urlbar__send-btn').then(e =>; // Expect 200 await app.client .$('.response-pane .pane__header') .then(e => e.getText()) .then(e => expect(e).toBe('200 OK')); // await app.browserWindow.capturePage().then(function(imageBuffer) { // fs.writeFileSync('page.png', imageBuffer); // }); }); });