import * as networkUtils from '../network'; import {join as pathJoin, resolve as pathResolve} from 'path'; import {getRenderedRequest} from '../../common/render'; import * as models from '../../models'; import {AUTH_AWS_IAM, AUTH_BASIC, CONTENT_TYPE_FILE, CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_DATA, CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED, getAppVersion} from '../../common/constants'; import {filterHeaders} from '../../common/misc'; describe('actuallySend()', () => { beforeEach(global.insomniaBeforeEach); it('sends a generic request', async () => { const workspace = await models.workspace.create(); const settings = await models.settings.create(); const cookies = [{ creation: new Date('2016-10-05T04:40:49.505Z'), key: 'foo', value: 'barrrrr', expires: new Date('2096-10-12T04:40:49.000Z'), domain: 'notlocalhost', path: '/', hostOnly: true, lastAccessed: new Date('2096-10-05T04:40:49.505Z') }, { creation: new Date('2016-10-05T04:40:49.505Z'), key: 'foo', value: 'bar', expires: new Date('2096-10-12T04:40:49.000Z'), domain: 'localhost', path: '/', hostOnly: true, lastAccessed: new Date('2096-10-05T04:40:49.505Z') }]; await models.cookieJar.create({ parentId: workspace._id, cookies }); const request = Object.assign(models.request.init(), { _id: 'req_123', parentId: workspace._id, headers: [{name: 'Content-Type', value: 'application/json'}], parameters: [{name: 'foo bar', value: 'hello&world'}], method: 'POST', body: { mimeType: CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED, params: [{name: 'foo', value: 'bar'}] }, url: 'http://localhost', authentication: { type: AUTH_BASIC, username: 'user', password: 'pass' } }); const renderedRequest = await getRenderedRequest(request); const {bodyBuffer} = await networkUtils._actuallySend( renderedRequest, workspace, settings ); const body = JSON.parse(bodyBuffer); expect(body).toEqual({ options: { COOKIELIST: [ 'notlocalhost\tFALSE\t/\tFALSE\t4000855249\tfoo\tbarrrrr', 'localhost\tFALSE\t/\tFALSE\t4000855249\tfoo\tbar' ], CUSTOMREQUEST: 'POST', ACCEPT_ENCODING: '', COOKIEFILE: '', NOBODY: 0, FOLLOWLOCATION: true, HTTPHEADER: [ 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Expect: ', 'Transfer-Encoding: ' ], NOPROGRESS: false, USERNAME: 'user', PASSWORD: 'pass', POSTFIELDS: 'foo=bar', PROXY: '', TIMEOUT_MS: 0, URL: 'http://localhost/?foo%20bar=hello%26world', USERAGENT: `insomnia/${getAppVersion()}`, VERBOSE: true } }); }); it('sends a urlencoded', async () => { const workspace = await models.workspace.create(); const settings = await models.settings.create(); const request = Object.assign(models.request.init(), { _id: 'req_123', parentId: workspace._id, headers: [{name: 'Content-Type', value: CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED}], method: 'POST', body: { mimeType: CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED, params: [ {name: 'foo', value: 'bar'}, {name: 'bar', value: ''}, {name: '', value: 'value'} ] }, url: 'http://localhost' }); const renderedRequest = await getRenderedRequest(request); const {bodyBuffer} = await networkUtils._actuallySend( renderedRequest, workspace, settings ); const body = JSON.parse(bodyBuffer); expect(body).toEqual({ options: { CUSTOMREQUEST: 'POST', ACCEPT_ENCODING: '', COOKIEFILE: '', NOBODY: 0, FOLLOWLOCATION: true, HTTPHEADER: [ 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Expect: ', 'Transfer-Encoding: ' ], NOPROGRESS: false, POSTFIELDS: 'foo=bar&bar=&=value', PROXY: '', TIMEOUT_MS: 0, URL: 'http://localhost/', USERAGENT: `insomnia/${getAppVersion()}`, VERBOSE: true } }); }); it('skips sending and storing cookies with setting', async () => { const workspace = await models.workspace.create(); const settings = await models.settings.create(); const cookies = [{ creation: new Date('2016-10-05T04:40:49.505Z'), key: 'foo', value: 'barrrrr', expires: new Date('2096-10-12T04:40:49.000Z'), domain: 'notlocalhost', path: '/', hostOnly: true, lastAccessed: new Date('2096-10-05T04:40:49.505Z') }, { creation: new Date('2016-10-05T04:40:49.505Z'), key: 'foo', value: 'barrrrr', expires: new Date('2096-10-12T04:40:49.000Z'), domain: 'localhost', path: '/', hostOnly: true, lastAccessed: new Date('2096-10-05T04:40:49.505Z') }]; await models.cookieJar.create({ parentId: workspace._id, cookies }); const request = Object.assign(models.request.init(), { _id: 'req_123', parentId: workspace._id, headers: [{name: 'Content-Type', value: 'application/json'}], parameters: [{name: 'foo bar', value: 'hello&world'}], method: 'POST', body: { mimeType: CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED, params: [{name: 'foo', value: 'bar'}] }, url: 'http://localhost', authentication: { type: AUTH_BASIC, username: 'user', password: 'pass' }, settingStoreCookies: false, settingSendCookies: false }); const renderedRequest = await getRenderedRequest(request); const {bodyBuffer} = await networkUtils._actuallySend( renderedRequest, workspace, settings ); const body = JSON.parse(bodyBuffer); expect(body).toEqual({ options: { CUSTOMREQUEST: 'POST', ACCEPT_ENCODING: '', FOLLOWLOCATION: true, HTTPHEADER: [ 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Expect: ', 'Transfer-Encoding: ' ], NOPROGRESS: false, USERNAME: 'user', PASSWORD: 'pass', POSTFIELDS: 'foo=bar', NOBODY: 0, PROXY: '', TIMEOUT_MS: 0, URL: 'http://localhost/?foo%20bar=hello%26world', USERAGENT: `insomnia/${getAppVersion()}`, VERBOSE: true } }); }); it('sends a file', async () => { const workspace = await models.workspace.create(); const settings = await models.settings.create(); await models.cookieJar.create({parentId: workspace._id}); const request = Object.assign(models.request.init(), { _id: 'req_123', parentId: workspace._id, headers: [{name: 'Content-Type', value: 'application/octet-stream'}], url: 'http://localhost', method: 'POST', body: { mimeType: CONTENT_TYPE_FILE, fileName: pathResolve(pathJoin(__dirname, './testfile.txt')) // Let's send ourselves } }); const renderedRequest = await getRenderedRequest(request); const {bodyBuffer} = await networkUtils._actuallySend( renderedRequest, workspace, settings ); const body = JSON.parse(bodyBuffer); // READDATA is an fd (random int), so fuzzy assert this one expect(typeof body.options.READDATA).toBe('number'); delete body.options.READDATA; expect(body).toEqual({ options: { CUSTOMREQUEST: 'POST', ACCEPT_ENCODING: '', COOKIEFILE: '', FOLLOWLOCATION: true, HTTPHEADER: [ 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream', 'Expect: ', 'Transfer-Encoding: ' ], NOPROGRESS: false, INFILESIZE: 13, PROXY: '', NOBODY: 0, TIMEOUT_MS: 0, UPLOAD: 1, URL: 'http://localhost/', USERAGENT: `insomnia/${getAppVersion()}`, VERBOSE: true } }); }); it('sends multipart form data', async () => { const workspace = await models.workspace.create(); const settings = await models.settings.create(); await models.cookieJar.create({parentId: workspace._id}); const fileName = pathResolve(pathJoin(__dirname, './testfile.txt')); const request = Object.assign(models.request.init(), { _id: 'req_123', parentId: workspace._id, headers: [{name: 'Content-Type', value: 'multipart/form-data'}], url: 'http://localhost', method: 'POST', body: { mimeType: CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_DATA, params: [ // Should ignore value and send the file since type is set to file {name: 'foo', fileName: fileName, value: 'bar', type: 'file'}, // Some extra params {name: 'a', value: 'AA'}, {name: 'baz', value: 'qux', disabled: true} ] } }); const renderedRequest = await getRenderedRequest(request); const {bodyBuffer} = await networkUtils._actuallySend( renderedRequest, workspace, settings ); const body = JSON.parse(bodyBuffer); expect(body).toEqual({ options: { CUSTOMREQUEST: 'POST', ACCEPT_ENCODING: '', COOKIEFILE: '', FOLLOWLOCATION: true, HTTPHEADER: [ 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data', 'Expect: ', 'Transfer-Encoding: ' ], HTTPPOST: [ {file: fileName, name: 'foo', type: 'text/plain'}, {contents: 'AA', name: 'a'} ], NOPROGRESS: false, PROXY: '', NOBODY: 0, TIMEOUT_MS: 0, URL: 'http://localhost/', USERAGENT: `insomnia/${getAppVersion()}`, VERBOSE: true } }); }); it('uses unix socket', async () => { const workspace = await models.workspace.create(); const settings = await models.settings.create(); const request = Object.assign(models.request.init(), { _id: 'req_123', parentId: workspace._id, url: 'http://unix:/my/socket:/my/path', method: 'GET' }); const renderedRequest = await getRenderedRequest(request); const {bodyBuffer} = await networkUtils._actuallySend(renderedRequest, workspace, settings); const body = JSON.parse(bodyBuffer); expect(body).toEqual({ options: { CUSTOMREQUEST: 'GET', ACCEPT_ENCODING: '', COOKIEFILE: '', FOLLOWLOCATION: true, HTTPHEADER: ['content-type: '], NOPROGRESS: false, PROXY: '', NOBODY: 0, TIMEOUT_MS: 0, URL: 'http://my/path', UNIX_SOCKET_PATH: '/my/socket', USERAGENT: `insomnia/${getAppVersion()}`, VERBOSE: true } }); }); it('uses works with "unix" host', async () => { const workspace = await models.workspace.create(); const settings = await models.settings.create(); const request = Object.assign(models.request.init(), { _id: 'req_123', parentId: workspace._id, url: 'http://unix:3000/my/path', method: 'GET' }); const renderedRequest = await getRenderedRequest(request); const {bodyBuffer} = await networkUtils._actuallySend(renderedRequest, workspace, settings); const body = JSON.parse(bodyBuffer); expect(body).toEqual({ options: { CUSTOMREQUEST: 'GET', ACCEPT_ENCODING: '', COOKIEFILE: '', FOLLOWLOCATION: true, HTTPHEADER: ['content-type: '], NOPROGRESS: false, PROXY: '', NOBODY: 0, TIMEOUT_MS: 0, URL: 'http://unix:3000/my/path', USERAGENT: `insomnia/${getAppVersion()}`, VERBOSE: true } }); }); }); describe('_getAwsAuthHeaders', () => { beforeEach(global.insomniaBeforeEach); it('should generate expected headers', () => { const req = { authentication: { type: AUTH_AWS_IAM, accessKeyId: 'AKIA99999999', secretAccessKey: 'SAK9999999999999' }, headers: [{name: 'content-type', value: 'application/json'}], body: {text: '{}'}, url: '' }; const headers = networkUtils._getAwsAuthHeaders( req.authentication.accessKeyId, req.authentication.secretAccessKey, req.headers, req.body.text, req.url ); expect(filterHeaders(headers, 'x-amz-date')[0].value) .toMatch(/^\d{8}T\d{6}Z$/); expect(filterHeaders(headers, 'host')[0].value).toEqual(''); expect(filterHeaders(headers, 'authorization')[0].value) .toMatch(/^AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIA99999999/); expect(filterHeaders(headers, 'content-type')) .toHaveLength(0); }); it('should handle sparse request', () => { const req = { authentication: { type: AUTH_AWS_IAM, accessKeyId: 'AKIA99999999', secretAccessKey: 'SAK9999999999999' }, headers: [], url: '' }; const headers = networkUtils._getAwsAuthHeaders( req.authentication.accessKeyId, req.authentication.secretAccessKey, req.headers, null, req.url ); expect(filterHeaders(headers, 'x-amz-date')[0].value) .toMatch(/^\d{8}T\d{6}Z$/); expect(filterHeaders(headers, 'host')[0].value).toEqual(''); expect(filterHeaders(headers, 'authorization')[0].value) .toMatch(/^AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIA99999999/); expect(filterHeaders(headers, 'content-type')) .toHaveLength(0); }); });