import React, {PropTypes, PureComponent} from 'react'; import autobind from 'autobind-decorator'; import fs from 'fs'; import {parse as urlParse} from 'url'; import {ipcRenderer, remote} from 'electron'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import {connect} from 'react-redux'; import {bindActionCreators} from 'redux'; import {showModal} from '../components/modals'; import Wrapper from '../components/wrapper'; import WorkspaceEnvironmentsEditModal from '../components/modals/workspace-environments-edit-modal'; import Toast from '../components/toast'; import CookiesModal from '../components/modals/cookies-modal'; import RequestSwitcherModal from '../components/modals/request-switcher-modal'; import ChangelogModal from '../components/modals/changelog-modal'; import SettingsModal from '../components/modals/settings-modal'; import {COLLAPSE_SIDEBAR_REMS, DEFAULT_PANE_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_PANE_WIDTH, DEFAULT_SIDEBAR_WIDTH, getAppVersion, isMac, MAX_PANE_HEIGHT, MAX_PANE_WIDTH, MAX_SIDEBAR_REMS, MIN_PANE_HEIGHT, MIN_PANE_WIDTH, MIN_SIDEBAR_REMS, PREVIEW_MODE_SOURCE} from '../../common/constants'; import * as globalActions from '../redux/modules/global'; import * as db from '../../common/database'; import * as models from '../../models'; import {trackEvent} from '../../analytics'; import {selectActiveOAuth2Token, selectActiveRequest, selectActiveRequestMeta, selectActiveWorkspace, selectActiveWorkspaceMeta, selectEntitiesLists, selectSidebarChildren, selectWorkspaceRequestsAndRequestGroups} from '../redux/selectors'; import RequestCreateModal from '../components/modals/request-create-modal'; import GenerateCodeModal from '../components/modals/generate-code-modal'; import WorkspaceSettingsModal from '../components/modals/workspace-settings-modal'; import RequestSettingsModal from '../components/modals/request-settings-modal'; import RequestRenderErrorModal from '../components/modals/request-render-error-modal'; import * as network from '../../network/network'; import {debounce} from '../../common/misc'; import * as mime from 'mime-types'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as render from '../../common/render'; import {getKeys} from '../../templating/utils'; import {showPrompt} from '../components/modals/index'; const KEY_ENTER = 13; const KEY_COMMA = 188; const KEY_SLASH = 191; const KEY_D = 68; const KEY_E = 69; const KEY_K = 75; const KEY_L = 76; const KEY_N = 78; const KEY_P = 80; const KEY_R = 82; const KEY_F5 = 116; @autobind class App extends PureComponent { constructor (props) { super(props); this.state = { showDragOverlay: false, draggingSidebar: false, draggingPaneHorizontal: false, draggingPaneVertical: false, sidebarWidth: props.sidebarWidth || DEFAULT_SIDEBAR_WIDTH, paneWidth: props.paneWidth || DEFAULT_PANE_WIDTH, paneHeight: props.paneHeight || DEFAULT_PANE_HEIGHT }; this._getRenderContextPromiseCache = {}; this._savePaneWidth = debounce(paneWidth => this._updateActiveWorkspaceMeta({paneWidth})); this._savePaneHeight = debounce(paneHeight => this._updateActiveWorkspaceMeta({paneHeight})); this._saveSidebarWidth = debounce(sidebarWidth => this._updateActiveWorkspaceMeta({sidebarWidth})); this._globalKeyMap = null; } _setGlobalKeyMap () { this._globalKeyMap = [ { // Show Workspace Settings meta: true, shift: true, alt: false, key: KEY_COMMA, callback: () => { const {activeWorkspace} = this.props; showModal(WorkspaceSettingsModal, activeWorkspace); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Workspace Settings'); } }, { meta: true, shift: true, alt: true, key: KEY_COMMA, callback: () => { if (this.props.activeRequest) { showModal(RequestSettingsModal, {request: this.props.activeRequest}); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Request Settings'); } } }, { meta: true, shift: false, alt: false, key: KEY_SLASH, callback: () => { showModal(SettingsModal, 3); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Settings Shortcuts'); } }, { meta: true, shift: false, alt: false, key: KEY_P, callback: () => { showModal(RequestSwitcherModal); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Quick Switcher'); } }, { meta: true, shift: false, alt: false, key: [KEY_ENTER, KEY_R], callback: this._handleSendShortcut }, { meta: false, shift: false, alt: false, key: [KEY_F5], callback: this._handleSendShortcut }, { meta: true, shift: false, alt: false, key: KEY_E, callback: () => { const {activeWorkspace} = this.props; showModal(WorkspaceEnvironmentsEditModal, activeWorkspace); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Environments'); } }, { meta: true, shift: false, alt: false, key: KEY_L, callback: () => { const node = document.body.querySelector('.urlbar input'); node && node.focus(); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Url'); } }, { meta: true, shift: false, alt: false, key: KEY_K, callback: () => { const {activeWorkspace} = this.props; showModal(CookiesModal, activeWorkspace); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Cookies'); } }, { meta: true, shift: false, alt: false, key: KEY_N, callback: () => { const {activeRequest, activeWorkspace} = this.props; const parentId = activeRequest ? activeRequest.parentId : activeWorkspace._id; this._requestCreate(parentId); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Request Create'); } }, { meta: true, shift: false, alt: false, key: KEY_D, callback: async () => { await this._requestDuplicate(this.props.activeRequest); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Request Duplicate'); } } ]; } async _handleSendShortcut () { const {activeRequest, activeEnvironment} = this.props; await this._handleSendRequestWithEnvironment( activeRequest ? activeRequest._id : 'n/a', activeEnvironment ? activeEnvironment._id : 'n/a', ); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Send'); } _setRequestPaneRef (n) { this._requestPane = n; } _setResponsePaneRef (n) { this._responsePane = n; } _setSidebarRef (n) { this._sidebar = n; } _isDragging () { return ( this.state.draggingPaneHorizontal || this.state.draggingPaneVertical || this.state.draggingSidebar ); } _requestGroupCreate (parentId) { showPrompt({ headerName: 'New Folder', defaultValue: 'My Folder', submitName: 'Create', label: 'Name', selectText: true, onComplete: name => { models.requestGroup.create({parentId, name}); } }); } _requestCreate (parentId) { showModal(RequestCreateModal, { parentId, onComplete: request => { this._handleSetActiveRequest(request._id); } }); } async _requestGroupDuplicate (requestGroup) { models.requestGroup.duplicate(requestGroup); } async _requestDuplicate (request) { if (!request) { return; } const newRequest = await models.request.duplicate(request); await this._handleSetActiveRequest(newRequest._id); } async _workspaceDuplicate (callback) { const workspace = this.props.activeWorkspace; showPrompt({ headerName: 'Duplicate Workspace', defaultValue: `${} (Copy)`, submitName: 'Duplicate', selectText: true, onComplete: async name => { const newWorkspace = await db.duplicate(workspace, {name}); await this.props.handleSetActiveWorkspace(newWorkspace._id); callback(); } }); } async _fetchRenderContext () { const {activeEnvironment, activeRequest} = this.props; const environmentId = activeEnvironment ? activeEnvironment._id : null; return render.getRenderContext(activeRequest, environmentId, null, false); } async _handleGetRenderContext () { const context = await this._fetchRenderContext(); const keys = getKeys(context); return {context, keys}; } /** * Heavily optimized render function * * @param text - template to render * @param contextCacheKey - if rendering multiple times in parallel, set this * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async _handleRenderText (text, contextCacheKey = null) { if (!contextCacheKey || !this._getRenderContextPromiseCache[contextCacheKey]) { const context = this._fetchRenderContext(); // NOTE: We're caching promises here to avoid race conditions this._getRenderContextPromiseCache[contextCacheKey] = context; } // Set timeout to delete the key eventually setTimeout(() => delete this._getRenderContextPromiseCache[contextCacheKey], 5000); const context = await this._getRenderContextPromiseCache[contextCacheKey]; return render.render(text, context); } _handleGenerateCodeForActiveRequest () { this._handleGenerateCode(this.props.activeRequest); } _handleGenerateCode (request) { showModal(GenerateCodeModal, request); } async _updateRequestGroupMetaByParentId (requestGroupId, patch) { const requestGroupMeta = await models.requestGroupMeta.getByParentId(requestGroupId); if (requestGroupMeta) { await models.requestGroupMeta.update(requestGroupMeta, patch); } else { const newPatch = Object.assign({parentId: requestGroupId}, patch); await models.requestGroupMeta.create(newPatch); } } async _updateActiveWorkspaceMeta (patch) { const workspaceId = this.props.activeWorkspace._id; const requestMeta = await models.workspaceMeta.getByParentId(workspaceId); if (requestMeta) { return models.workspaceMeta.update(requestMeta, patch); } else { const newPatch = Object.assign({parentId: workspaceId}, patch); return models.workspaceMeta.create(newPatch); } } async _updateRequestMetaByParentId (requestId, patch) { const requestMeta = await models.requestMeta.getByParentId(requestId); if (requestMeta) { return models.requestMeta.update(requestMeta, patch); } else { const newPatch = Object.assign({parentId: requestId}, patch); return models.requestMeta.create(newPatch); } } _handleSetPaneWidth (paneWidth) { this.setState({paneWidth}); this._savePaneWidth(paneWidth); } _handleSetPaneHeight (paneHeight) { this.setState({paneHeight}); this._savePaneHeight(paneHeight); } async _handleSetActiveRequest (activeRequestId) { await this._updateActiveWorkspaceMeta({activeRequestId}); } async _handleSetActiveEnvironment (activeEnvironmentId) { await this._updateActiveWorkspaceMeta({activeEnvironmentId}); // Give it time to update and re-render setTimeout(() => { this._wrapper._forceRequestPaneRefresh(); }, 100); } _handleSetSidebarWidth (sidebarWidth) { this.setState({sidebarWidth}); this._saveSidebarWidth(sidebarWidth); } async _handleSetSidebarHidden (sidebarHidden) { await this._updateActiveWorkspaceMeta({sidebarHidden}); } async _handleSetSidebarFilter (sidebarFilter) { await this._updateActiveWorkspaceMeta({sidebarFilter}); } _handleSetRequestGroupCollapsed (requestGroupId, collapsed) { this._updateRequestGroupMetaByParentId(requestGroupId, {collapsed}); } _handleSetResponsePreviewMode (requestId, previewMode) { this._updateRequestMetaByParentId(requestId, {previewMode}); } async _handleSetResponseFilter (requestId, responseFilter) { await this._updateRequestMetaByParentId(requestId, {responseFilter}); clearTimeout(this._responseFilterHistorySaveTimeout); this._responseFilterHistorySaveTimeout = setTimeout(async () => { const meta = await models.requestMeta.getByParentId(requestId); const responseFilterHistory = meta.responseFilterHistory.slice(0, 10); // Already in history? if (responseFilterHistory.includes(responseFilter)) { return; } // Blank? if (!responseFilter) { return; } responseFilterHistory.unshift(responseFilter); await this._updateRequestMetaByParentId(requestId, {responseFilterHistory}); }, 2000); } async _handleSendAndDownloadRequestWithEnvironment (requestId, environmentId, dir) { const request = await models.request.getById(requestId); if (!request) { return; } // NOTE: Since request is by far the most popular event, we will throttle // it so that we only track it if the request has changed since the last one const key = request._id; if (this._sendRequestTrackingKey !== key) { trackEvent('Request', 'Send and Download'); this._sendRequestTrackingKey = key; } // Start loading this.props.handleStartLoading(requestId); try { const responsePatch = await network.send(requestId, environmentId); if (responsePatch.statusCode >= 200 && responsePatch.statusCode < 300) { const extension = mime.extension(responsePatch.contentType) || ''; const name =\s/g, '-').toLowerCase(); const filename = path.join(dir, `${name}.${extension}`); const partialResponse = Object.assign({}, responsePatch, { contentType: 'text/plain', body: `Saved to ${filename}`, encoding: 'utf8' }); await models.response.create(partialResponse); fs.writeFile(filename, responsePatch.body, responsePatch.encoding); } else { await models.response.create(responsePatch); } } catch (e) { // It's OK } // Unset active response because we just made a new one await this._updateRequestMetaByParentId(requestId, {activeResponseId: null}); // Stop loading this.props.handleStopLoading(requestId); } async _handleSendRequestWithEnvironment (requestId, environmentId) { const request = await models.request.getById(requestId); if (!request) { return; } // NOTE: Since request is by far the most popular event, we will throttle // it so that we only track it if the request has changed since the last noe const key = `${request._id}::${request.modified}`; if (this._sendRequestTrackingKey !== key) { trackEvent('Request', 'Send'); this._sendRequestTrackingKey = key; } this.props.handleStartLoading(requestId); try { const responsePatch = await network.send(requestId, environmentId); await models.response.create(responsePatch); } catch (err) { if (err.type === 'render') { showModal(RequestRenderErrorModal, {request, error: err}); } } // Unset active response because we just made a new one await this._updateRequestMetaByParentId(requestId, {activeResponseId: null}); // Stop loading this.props.handleStopLoading(requestId); } async _handleSetActiveResponse (requestId, activeResponseId = null) { await this._updateRequestMetaByParentId(requestId, {activeResponseId}); let response; if (activeResponseId) { response = await models.response.getById(activeResponseId); } else { response = await models.response.getLatestForRequest(requestId); } const requestVersionId = response ? response.requestVersionId : 'n/a'; const request = await models.requestVersion.restore(requestVersionId); if (request) { // Refresh app to reflect changes. Using timeout because we need to // wait for the request update to propagate. setTimeout(() => this._wrapper._forceRequestPaneRefresh(), 500); } else { // Couldn't restore request. That's okay } } _requestCreateForWorkspace () { this._requestCreate(this.props.activeWorkspace._id); } _startDragSidebar () { trackEvent('Sidebar', 'Drag'); this.setState({draggingSidebar: true}); } _resetDragSidebar () { trackEvent('Sidebar', 'Drag'); // TODO: Remove setTimeout need be not triggering drag on double click setTimeout(() => this._handleSetSidebarWidth(DEFAULT_SIDEBAR_WIDTH), 50); } _startDragPaneHorizontal () { trackEvent('App Pane', 'Drag Start'); this.setState({draggingPaneHorizontal: true}); } _startDragPaneVertical () { trackEvent('App Pane', 'Drag Start Vertical'); this.setState({draggingPaneVertical: true}); } _resetDragPaneHorizontal () { trackEvent('App Pane', 'Drag Reset'); // TODO: Remove setTimeout need be not triggering drag on double click setTimeout(() => this._handleSetPaneWidth(DEFAULT_PANE_WIDTH), 50); } _resetDragPaneVertical () { trackEvent('App Pane', 'Drag Reset Vertical'); // TODO: Remove setTimeout need be not triggering drag on double click setTimeout(() => this._handleSetPaneHeight(DEFAULT_PANE_HEIGHT), 50); } _handleMouseMove (e) { if (this.state.draggingPaneHorizontal) { // Only pop the overlay after we've moved it a bit (so we don't block doubleclick); const distance = this.props.paneWidth - this.state.paneWidth; if (!this.state.showDragOverlay && Math.abs(distance) > 0.02 /* % */) { this.setState({showDragOverlay: true}); } const requestPane = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._requestPane); const responsePane = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._responsePane); const requestPaneWidth = requestPane.offsetWidth; const responsePaneWidth = responsePane.offsetWidth; const pixelOffset = e.clientX - requestPane.offsetLeft; let paneWidth = pixelOffset / (requestPaneWidth + responsePaneWidth); paneWidth = Math.min(Math.max(paneWidth, MIN_PANE_WIDTH), MAX_PANE_WIDTH); this._handleSetPaneWidth(paneWidth); } else if (this.state.draggingPaneVertical) { // Only pop the overlay after we've moved it a bit (so we don't block doubleclick); const distance = this.props.paneHeight - this.state.paneHeight; if (!this.state.showDragOverlay && Math.abs(distance) > 0.02 /* % */) { this.setState({showDragOverlay: true}); } const requestPane = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._requestPane); const responsePane = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._responsePane); const requestPaneHeight = requestPane.offsetHeight; const responsePaneHeight = responsePane.offsetHeight; const pixelOffset = e.clientY - requestPane.offsetTop; let paneHeight = pixelOffset / (requestPaneHeight + responsePaneHeight); paneHeight = Math.min(Math.max(paneHeight, MIN_PANE_HEIGHT), MAX_PANE_HEIGHT); this._handleSetPaneHeight(paneHeight); } else if (this.state.draggingSidebar) { // Only pop the overlay after we've moved it a bit (so we don't block doubleclick); const distance = this.props.sidebarWidth - this.state.sidebarWidth; if (!this.state.showDragOverlay && Math.abs(distance) > 2 /* ems */) { this.setState({showDragOverlay: true}); } const currentPixelWidth = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._sidebar).offsetWidth; const ratio = e.clientX / currentPixelWidth; const width = this.state.sidebarWidth * ratio; let sidebarWidth = Math.min(width, MAX_SIDEBAR_REMS); if (sidebarWidth < COLLAPSE_SIDEBAR_REMS) { sidebarWidth = MIN_SIDEBAR_REMS; } this._handleSetSidebarWidth(sidebarWidth); } } _handleMouseUp () { if (this.state.draggingSidebar) { this.setState({draggingSidebar: false, showDragOverlay: false}); } if (this.state.draggingPaneHorizontal) { this.setState({draggingPaneHorizontal: false, showDragOverlay: false}); } if (this.state.draggingPaneVertical) { this.setState({draggingPaneVertical: false, showDragOverlay: false}); } } _handleKeyDown (e) { const isMetaPressed = isMac() ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey; const isAltPressed = isMac() ? e.ctrlKey : e.altKey; const isShiftPressed = e.shiftKey; for (const {meta, shift, alt, key, callback} of this._globalKeyMap) { const keys = Array.isArray(key) ? key : [key]; for (const key of keys) { if ((alt && !isAltPressed) || (!alt && isAltPressed)) { continue; } if ((meta && !isMetaPressed) || (!meta && isMetaPressed)) { continue; } if ((shift && !isShiftPressed) || (!shift && isShiftPressed)) { continue; } if (key !== e.keyCode) { continue; } callback(); } } } _handleToggleMenuBar (hide) { for (const win of remote.BrowserWindow.getAllWindows()) { if (win.isMenuBarAutoHide() !== hide) { win.setAutoHideMenuBar(hide); win.setMenuBarVisibility(!hide); } } } async _handleToggleSidebar () { const sidebarHidden = !this.props.sidebarHidden; await this._handleSetSidebarHidden(sidebarHidden); trackEvent('Sidebar', 'Toggle Visibility', sidebarHidden ? 'Hide' : 'Show'); } _setWrapperRef (n) { this._wrapper = n; } /** * Update document.title to be "Workspace (Environment) – Request" * @private */ _updateDocumentTitle () { const { activeWorkspace, activeEnvironment, activeRequest } = this.props; let title =; if (activeEnvironment) { title += ` (${})`; } if (activeRequest) { title += ` – ${}`; } document.title = title; } componentDidUpdate () { this._updateDocumentTitle(); } async componentDidMount () { // Bind mouse and key handlers document.addEventListener('mouseup', this._handleMouseUp); document.addEventListener('mousemove', this._handleMouseMove); document.addEventListener('keydown', this._handleKeyDown); this._setGlobalKeyMap(); // Update title this._updateDocumentTitle(); // Update Stats Object const {lastVersion, launches} = await models.stats.get(); const firstLaunch = !lastVersion; if (firstLaunch) { // TODO: Show a welcome message trackEvent('General', 'First Launch', getAppVersion(), {nonInteraction: true}); } else if (lastVersion !== getAppVersion()) { trackEvent('General', 'Updated', getAppVersion(), {nonInteraction: true}); showModal(ChangelogModal); } else { trackEvent('General', 'Launched', getAppVersion(), {nonInteraction: true}); } db.onChange(async changes => { for (const change of changes) { const [ _, // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars doc, fromSync ] = change; const {activeRequest} = this.props; // No active request, so we don't need to force refresh anything if (!activeRequest) { return; } // Force refresh if environment changes // TODO: Only do this for environments in this workspace (not easy because they're nested) if (doc.type === models.environment.type) { console.log('[App] Forcing update from environment change', change); this._wrapper._forceRequestPaneRefresh(); } // Force refresh if sync changes the active request if (fromSync && doc._id === activeRequest._id) { this._wrapper._forceRequestPaneRefresh(); console.log('[App] Forcing update from request change', change); } } }); models.stats.update({ launches: launches + 1, lastLaunch:, lastVersion: getAppVersion() }); ipcRenderer.on('toggle-preferences', () => { showModal(SettingsModal); }); ipcRenderer.on('run-command', (e, commandUri) => { const parsed = urlParse(commandUri, true); const command = `${parsed.hostname}${parsed.pathname}`; const args = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(parsed.query)); args.workspaceId = args.workspaceId || this.props.activeWorkspace._id; this.props.handleCommand(command, args); }); ipcRenderer.on('toggle-changelog', () => { showModal(ChangelogModal); }); ipcRenderer.on('toggle-sidebar', this._handleToggleSidebar); process.nextTick(() => ipcRenderer.send('app-ready')); // handle this this._handleToggleMenuBar(this.props.settings.autoHideMenuBar); } componentWillUnmount () { // Remove mouse and key handlers document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._handleMouseUp); document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._handleMouseMove); document.removeEventListener('keydown', this._handleKeyDown); } render () { return (
{/* Block all mouse activity by showing an overlay while dragging */} {this.state.showDragOverlay ?
: null}
); } } App.propTypes = { // Required sidebarWidth: PropTypes.number.isRequired, paneWidth: PropTypes.number.isRequired, paneHeight: PropTypes.number.isRequired, handleCommand: PropTypes.func.isRequired, settings: PropTypes.object.isRequired, activeWorkspace: PropTypes.shape({ _id: PropTypes.string.isRequired }).isRequired, handleSetActiveWorkspace: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // Optional activeRequest: PropTypes.object, activeEnvironment: PropTypes.shape({ _id: PropTypes.string.isRequired }) }; function mapStateToProps (state, props) { const { entities, global } = state; const { isLoading, loadingRequestIds } = global; // Entities const entitiesLists = selectEntitiesLists(state, props); const { workspaces, environments, requests, requestGroups } = entitiesLists; const settings = entitiesLists.settings[0]; // Workspace stuff const workspaceMeta = selectActiveWorkspaceMeta(state, props) || {}; const activeWorkspace = selectActiveWorkspace(state, props); const sidebarHidden = workspaceMeta.sidebarHidden || false; const sidebarFilter = workspaceMeta.sidebarFilter || ''; const sidebarWidth = workspaceMeta.sidebarWidth || DEFAULT_SIDEBAR_WIDTH; const paneWidth = workspaceMeta.paneWidth || DEFAULT_PANE_WIDTH; const paneHeight = workspaceMeta.paneHeight || DEFAULT_PANE_HEIGHT; // Request stuff const requestMeta = selectActiveRequestMeta(state, props) || {}; const activeRequest = selectActiveRequest(state, props); const responsePreviewMode = requestMeta.previewMode || PREVIEW_MODE_SOURCE; const responseFilter = requestMeta.responseFilter || ''; const responseFilterHistory = requestMeta.responseFilterHistory || []; const activeResponseId = requestMeta.activeResponseId || ''; // Environment stuff const activeEnvironmentId = workspaceMeta.activeEnvironmentId; const activeEnvironment = entities.environments[activeEnvironmentId]; // OAuth2Token stuff const oAuth2Token = selectActiveOAuth2Token(state, props); // Find other meta things const loadStartTime = loadingRequestIds[activeRequest ? activeRequest._id : 'n/a'] || -1; const sidebarChildren = selectSidebarChildren(state, props); const workspaceChildren = selectWorkspaceRequestsAndRequestGroups(state, props); return Object.assign({}, state, { settings, workspaces, requestGroups, requests, oAuth2Token, isLoading, loadStartTime, activeWorkspace, activeRequest, activeResponseId, sidebarHidden, sidebarFilter, sidebarWidth, paneWidth, paneHeight, responsePreviewMode, responseFilter, responseFilterHistory, sidebarChildren, environments, activeEnvironment, workspaceChildren }); } function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) { const global = bindActionCreators(globalActions, dispatch); return { handleStartLoading: global.loadRequestStart, handleStopLoading: global.loadRequestStop, handleSetActiveWorkspace: global.setActiveWorkspace, handleImportFileToWorkspace: global.importFile, handleImportUriToWorkspace: global.importUri, handleCommand: global.newCommand, handleExportFile: global.exportFile, handleMoveDoc: _moveDoc }; } async function _moveDoc (docToMove, parentId, targetId, targetOffset) { if (docToMove._id === targetId) { // Nothing to do. We are in the same spot as we started return; } function __updateDoc (doc, patch) { models.getModel(docToMove.type).update(doc, patch); } if (targetId === null) { // We are moving to an empty area. No sorting required await __updateDoc(docToMove, {parentId}); return; } // NOTE: using requestToTarget's parentId so we can switch parents! let docs = [ ...await models.request.findByParentId(parentId), ...await models.requestGroup.findByParentId(parentId) ].sort((a, b) => a.metaSortKey < b.metaSortKey ? -1 : 1); // Find the index of doc B so we can re-order and save everything for (let i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) { const doc = docs[i]; if (doc._id === targetId) { let before, after; if (targetOffset < 0) { // We're moving to below before = docs[i]; after = docs[i + 1]; } else { // We're moving to above before = docs[i - 1]; after = docs[i]; } const beforeKey = before ? before.metaSortKey : docs[0].metaSortKey - 100; const afterKey = after ? after.metaSortKey : docs[docs.length - 1].metaSortKey + 100; if (Math.abs(afterKey - beforeKey) < 0.000001) { // If sort keys get too close together, we need to redistribute the list. This is // not performant at all (need to update all siblings in DB), but it is extremely rare // anyway console.log(`-- Recreating Sort Keys ${beforeKey} ${afterKey} --`); db.bufferChanges(300);, i) => __updateDoc(r, {metaSortKey: i * 100, parentId})); } else { const metaSortKey = afterKey - ((afterKey - beforeKey) / 2); __updateDoc(docToMove, {metaSortKey, parentId}); } break; } } } export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App);