import clone from 'clone'; import fs from 'fs'; import { jarFromCookies } from 'insomnia-cookies'; import { smartEncodeUrl } from 'insomnia-url'; import { Cookie as toughCookie } from 'tough-cookie'; import * as models from '../models'; import type { Cookie } from '../models/cookie-jar'; import type { Request } from '../models/request'; import { newBodyRaw } from '../models/request'; import type { Response as ResponseModel } from '../models/response'; import { getAuthHeader } from '../network/authentication'; import * as plugins from '../plugins'; import * as pluginContexts from '../plugins/context/index'; import { RenderError } from '../templating/index'; import { getAppVersion } from './constants'; import { filterHeaders, getSetCookieHeaders, hasAuthHeader } from './misc'; import type { RenderedRequest } from './render'; import { getRenderedRequestAndContext } from './render'; export interface HarCookie { name: string; value: string; path?: string; domain?: string; expires?: string; httpOnly?: boolean; secure?: boolean; comment?: string; } export interface HarHeader { name: string; value: string; comment?: string; } export interface HarQueryString { name: string; value: string; comment?: string; } export interface HarPostParam { name: string; value?: string; fileName?: string; contentType?: string; comment?: string; } export interface HarPostData { mimeType: string; params: HarPostParam[]; text: string; comment?: string; } export interface HarRequest { method: string; url: string; httpVersion: string; cookies: HarCookie[]; headers: HarHeader[]; queryString: HarQueryString[]; postData?: HarPostData; headersSize: number; bodySize: number; comment?: string; settingEncodeUrl: boolean; } export interface HarContent { size: number; compression?: number; mimeType: string; text?: string; encoding?: string; comment?: string; } export interface HarResponse { status: number; statusText: string; httpVersion: string; cookies: HarCookie[]; headers: HarHeader[]; content: HarContent; redirectURL: string; headersSize: number; bodySize: number; comment?: string; } export interface HarRequestCache { expires?: string; lastAccess: string; eTag: string; hitCount: number; comment?: string; } export interface HarCache { beforeRequest?: HarRequestCache; afterRequest?: HarRequestCache; comment?: string; } export interface HarEntryTimings { blocked?: number; dns?: number; connect?: number; send: number; wait: number; receive: number; ssl?: number; comment?: string; } export interface HarEntry { pageref?: string; startedDateTime: string; time: number; request: HarRequest; response: HarResponse; cache: HarCache; timings: HarEntryTimings; serverIPAddress?: string; connection?: string; comment?: string; } export interface HarPageTimings { onContentLoad?: number; onLoad?: number; comment?: string; } export interface HarPage { startedDateTime: string; id: string; title: string; pageTimings: HarPageTimings; comment?: string; } export interface HarCreator { name: string; version: string; comment?: string; } export interface HarBrowser { name: string; version: string; comment?: string; } export interface HarLog { version: string; creator: HarCreator; browser?: HarBrowser; pages?: HarPage[]; entries: HarEntry[]; comment?: string; } export interface Har { log: HarLog; } export interface ExportRequest { requestId: string; environmentId: string | null; } export async function exportHar(exportRequests: ExportRequest[]) { // Export HAR entries with the same start time in order to keep their workspace sort order. const startedDateTime = new Date().toISOString(); const entries: HarEntry[] = []; for (const exportRequest of exportRequests) { const request: Request | null = await models.request.getById(exportRequest.requestId); if (!request) { continue; } const harRequest = await exportHarWithRequest(request, exportRequest.environmentId || undefined); if (!harRequest) { continue; } const response: ResponseModel | null = await models.response.getLatestForRequest( exportRequest.requestId, exportRequest.environmentId || null, ); const harResponse = await exportHarResponse(response); if (!harResponse) { continue; } const entry = { startedDateTime: startedDateTime, time: response ? response.elapsedTime : 0, request: harRequest, response: harResponse, cache: {}, timings: { blocked: -1, dns: -1, connect: -1, send: 0, wait: response ? response.elapsedTime : 0, receive: 0, ssl: -1, }, comment:, }; entries.push(entry); } const har: Har = { log: { version: '1.2', creator: { name: 'Insomnia REST Client', version: `${getAppVersion()}`, }, entries: entries, }, }; return har; } export async function exportHarResponse(response: ResponseModel | null) { if (!response) { return { status: 0, statusText: '', httpVersion: 'HTTP/1.1', cookies: [], headers: [], content: { size: 0, mimeType: '', }, redirectURL: '', headersSize: -1, bodySize: -1, }; } const harResponse: HarResponse = { status: response.statusCode, statusText: response.statusMessage, httpVersion: 'HTTP/1.1', cookies: getResponseCookies(response), headers: getResponseHeaders(response), content: getResponseContent(response), redirectURL: '', headersSize: -1, bodySize: -1, }; return harResponse; } export async function exportHarRequest( requestId: string, environmentId: string, addContentLength = false, ) { const request = await models.request.getById(requestId); if (!request) { return null; } return exportHarWithRequest(request, environmentId, addContentLength); } export async function exportHarWithRequest( request: Request, environmentId?: string, addContentLength = false, ) { try { const renderResult = await getRenderedRequestAndContext({ request, environmentId }); const renderedRequest = await _applyRequestPluginHooks( renderResult.request, renderResult.context, ); return exportHarWithRenderedRequest(renderedRequest, addContentLength); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof RenderError) { throw new Error(`Failed to render "${}:${err.path}"\n ${err.message}`); } else { throw new Error(`Failed to export request "${}"\n ${err.message}`); } } } async function _applyRequestPluginHooks( renderedRequest: RenderedRequest, renderedContext: Record, ) { let newRenderedRequest = renderedRequest; for (const { plugin, hook } of await plugins.getRequestHooks()) { newRenderedRequest = clone(newRenderedRequest); const context = { ...( as Record), ...(pluginContexts.request.init(newRenderedRequest, renderedContext) as Record), ...( as Record), }; try { await hook(context); } catch (err) { err.plugin = plugin; throw err; } } return newRenderedRequest; } export async function exportHarWithRenderedRequest( renderedRequest: RenderedRequest, addContentLength = false, ) { const url = smartEncodeUrl(renderedRequest.url, renderedRequest.settingEncodeUrl); if (addContentLength) { const hasContentLengthHeader = filterHeaders(renderedRequest.headers, 'Content-Length').length > 0; if (!hasContentLengthHeader) { const name = 'Content-Length'; const value = Buffer.byteLength((renderedRequest.body || {}).text || '').toString(); renderedRequest.headers.push({ name, value, }); } } // Set auth header if we have it if (!hasAuthHeader(renderedRequest.headers)) { const header = await getAuthHeader(renderedRequest, url); if (header) { renderedRequest.headers.push({ name:, value: header.value, }); } } const harRequest: HarRequest = { method: renderedRequest.method, url, httpVersion: 'HTTP/1.1', cookies: getRequestCookies(renderedRequest), headers: getRequestHeaders(renderedRequest), queryString: getRequestQueryString(renderedRequest), postData: getRequestPostData(renderedRequest), headersSize: -1, bodySize: -1, settingEncodeUrl: renderedRequest.settingEncodeUrl, }; return harRequest; } function getRequestCookies(renderedRequest: RenderedRequest) { const jar = jarFromCookies(renderedRequest.cookieJar.cookies); const domainCookies = jar.getCookiesSync(renderedRequest.url); const harCookies: HarCookie[] =; return harCookies; } function getResponseCookies(response: ResponseModel) { const headers = response.headers.filter(Boolean) as HarCookie[]; const responseCookies = getSetCookieHeaders(headers) .reduce((accumulator, harCookie) => { let cookie: null | undefined | toughCookie = null; try { cookie = toughCookie.parse(harCookie.value || ''); } catch (error) {} if (cookie === null || cookie === undefined) { return accumulator; } return [ ...accumulator, mapCookie(cookie as unknown as Cookie), ]; }, [] as HarCookie[]); return responseCookies; } function mapCookie(cookie: Cookie) { const harCookie: HarCookie = { name: cookie.key, value: cookie.value, }; if (cookie.path) { harCookie.path = cookie.path; } if (cookie.domain) { harCookie.domain = cookie.domain; } if (cookie.expires) { let expires: Date | null = null; if (cookie.expires instanceof Date) { expires = cookie.expires; } else if (typeof cookie.expires === 'string') { expires = new Date(cookie.expires); } else if (typeof cookie.expires === 'number') { expires = new Date(); expires.setTime(cookie.expires); } if (expires && !isNaN(expires.getTime())) { harCookie.expires = expires.toISOString(); } } if (cookie.httpOnly) { harCookie.httpOnly = true; } if ( { = true; } return harCookie; } function getResponseContent(response: ResponseModel) { let body = models.response.getBodyBuffer(response); if (body === null) { body = Buffer.alloc(0); } const harContent: HarContent = { size: body.byteLength, mimeType: response.contentType, text: body.toString('utf8'), }; return harContent; } function getResponseHeaders(response: ResponseModel) { return response.headers .filter(header => .map(header => ({ name:, value: header.value, })); } function getRequestHeaders(renderedRequest: RenderedRequest) { return renderedRequest.headers .filter(header => .map(header => ({ name:, value: header.value, })); } function getRequestQueryString(renderedRequest: RenderedRequest): HarQueryString[] { return => ({ name:, value: parameter.value, })); } function getRequestPostData(renderedRequest: RenderedRequest): HarPostData | undefined { let body; if (renderedRequest.body.fileName) { try { body = newBodyRaw(fs.readFileSync(renderedRequest.body.fileName, 'base64')); } catch (e) { console.warn('[code gen] Failed to read file', e); return; } } else { // For every other type, Insomnia uses the same body format as HAR body = renderedRequest.body; } let params = []; if (body.params) { params = => { if (param.type === 'file') { return { name:, fileName: param.fileName, }; } return { name:, value: param.value, }; }); } return { mimeType: body.mimeType || '', text: body.text || '', params: params, }; }