import CodeMirror from 'codemirror'; import 'codemirror/addon/mode/overlay'; import {getDefaultFill} from '../../../../templating/utils'; import {escapeRegex} from '../../../../common/misc'; const NAME_MATCH_FLEXIBLE = /[\w.\][\-/]+$/; const NAME_MATCH = /[\w.\][]+$/; const AFTER_VARIABLE_MATCH = /{{\s*[\w.\][]*$/; const AFTER_TAG_MATCH = /{%\s*[\w.\][]*$/; const COMPLETE_AFTER_WORD = /[\w.\][-]+/; const COMPLETE_AFTER_CURLIES = /[^{]*\{[{%]\s*/; const COMPLETION_CLOSE_KEYS = /[}|-]/; const MAX_HINT_LOOK_BACK = 100; const HINT_DELAY_MILLIS = 700; const TYPE_VARIABLE = 'variable'; const TYPE_TAG = 'tag'; const TYPE_CONSTANT = 'constant'; const MAX_CONSTANTS = -1; const MAX_VARIABLES = -1; const MAX_TAGS = -1; const ICONS = { [TYPE_CONSTANT]: {char: '𝒄', title: 'Constant'}, [TYPE_VARIABLE]: {char: '𝑥', title: 'Environment Variable'}, [TYPE_TAG]: {char: 'ƒ', title: 'Generator Tag'} }; CodeMirror.defineExtension('isHintDropdownActive', function () { return ( this.state.completionActive && && && ); }); CodeMirror.defineExtension('closeHint', function () { if (this.state.completionActive) { this.state.completionActive.close(); } }); CodeMirror.defineOption('environmentAutocomplete', null, (cm, options) => { if (!options) { return; } async function completeAfter (cm, fn, showAllOnNoMatch = false) { // Bail early if didn't match the callback test if (fn && !fn()) { return; } if (!cm.hasFocus()) { return; } // Bail early if completions are showing already if (cm.isHintDropdownActive()) { return; } let hintsContainer = document.querySelector('#hints-container'); if (!hintsContainer) { const el = document.createElement('div'); = 'hints-container'; el.className = 'theme--dropdown__menu'; document.body.appendChild(el); hintsContainer = el; } const constants = options.getConstants ? await options.getConstants() : null; const variables = options.getVariables ? await options.getVariables() : null; const tags = options.getTags ? await options.getTags() : null; // Actually show the hint cm.showHint({ // Insomnia-specific options constants: constants || [], variables: variables || [], tags: tags || [], showAllOnNoMatch, // Codemirror native options hint, container: hintsContainer, closeCharacters: COMPLETION_CLOSE_KEYS, completeSingle: false, extraKeys: { 'Tab': (cm, widget) => { // Override default behavior and don't select hint on Tab widget.close(); return CodeMirror.Pass; } } // Good for debugging // ,closeOnUnfocus: false }); } function completeIfInVariableName (cm) { completeAfter(cm, () => { const cur = cm.getCursor(); const pos = CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, - MAX_HINT_LOOK_BACK); const range = cm.getRange(pos, cur); return range.match(COMPLETE_AFTER_WORD); }); return CodeMirror.Pass; } function completeIfAfterTagOrVarOpen (cm) { completeAfter(cm, () => { const cur = cm.getCursor(); const pos = CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, - MAX_HINT_LOOK_BACK); const range = cm.getRange(pos, cur); return range.match(COMPLETE_AFTER_CURLIES); }, true); return CodeMirror.Pass; } function completeForce (cm) { completeAfter(cm, null, true); return CodeMirror.Pass; } let keydownDebounce = null; cm.on('keydown', (cm, e) => { // Only operate on one-letter keys. This will filter out // any special keys (Backspace, Enter, etc) if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.key.length > 1) { return; } clearTimeout(keydownDebounce); keydownDebounce = setTimeout(() => { completeIfInVariableName(cm); }, HINT_DELAY_MILLIS); }); // Clear timeout if we already closed the completion cm.on('endCompletion', () => { clearTimeout(keydownDebounce); }); // Add hot key triggers cm.addKeyMap({ 'Ctrl-Space': completeForce, // Force autocomplete on hotkey "' '": completeIfAfterTagOrVarOpen }); // Close dropdown whenever something is clicked document.addEventListener('click', () => cm.closeHint()); }); /** * Function to retrieve the list items * @param cm * @param options * @returns {Promise.<{list: Array, from, to}>} */ function hint (cm, options) { const variablesToMatch = options.variables || []; const constantsToMatch = options.constants || []; const tagsToMatch = options.tags || []; // Get the text from the cursor back const cur = cm.getCursor(); const pos = CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, - MAX_HINT_LOOK_BACK); const previousText = cm.getRange(pos, cur); // See if we're allowed matching tags, vars, or both const isInVariable = previousText.match(AFTER_VARIABLE_MATCH); const isInTag = previousText.match(AFTER_TAG_MATCH); const isInNothing = !isInVariable && !isInTag; const allowMatchingVariables = isInNothing || isInVariable; const allowMatchingTags = (isInNothing || isInTag); const allowMatchingConstants = isInNothing; // Define fallback segment to match everything or nothing const fallbackSegment = options.showAllOnNoMatch ? '' : '__will_not_match_anything__'; // See if we're completing a variable name const nameMatch = previousText.match(NAME_MATCH); const nameMatchLong = previousText.match(NAME_MATCH_FLEXIBLE); const nameSegment = nameMatch ? nameMatch[0] : fallbackSegment; const nameSegmentLong = nameMatchLong ? nameMatchLong[0] : fallbackSegment; const nameSegmentFull = previousText; // Actually try to match the list of things const allShortMatches = []; const allLongMatches = []; // Match variables if (allowMatchingVariables) { matchSegments(variablesToMatch, nameSegment, TYPE_VARIABLE, MAX_VARIABLES) .map(m => allShortMatches.push(m)); matchSegments(variablesToMatch, nameSegmentLong, TYPE_VARIABLE, MAX_VARIABLES) .map(m => allLongMatches.push(m)); } // Match constants (only use long segment for a more strict match) // TODO: Make this more flexible. This is really only here as a hack to make // constants only match full string prefixes. if (allowMatchingConstants) { // Only match full segments with constants matchSegments(constantsToMatch, nameSegmentFull, TYPE_CONSTANT, MAX_CONSTANTS) .map(m => allLongMatches.push(m)); } // Match tags if (allowMatchingTags) { matchSegments(tagsToMatch, nameSegment, TYPE_TAG, MAX_TAGS) .map(m => allShortMatches.push(m)); matchSegments(tagsToMatch, nameSegmentLong, TYPE_TAG, MAX_TAGS) .map(m => allLongMatches.push(m)); } /* * If anything matched the longer segment, only return those. Otherwise return only * the short form. For example, if the long form is "application/json" and short is "json", * prioritise matches form "application/json" if there were any. */ const matches = allLongMatches.length ? allLongMatches : allShortMatches; const segment = allLongMatches.length ? nameSegmentLong : nameSegment; return { list: matches, from: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, - segment.length), to: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, }; } /** * Replace the text in the editor when a hint is selected. * This also makes sure there is whitespace surrounding it * @param cm * @param self * @param data */ function replaceHintMatch (cm, self, data) { const cur = cm.getCursor(); const from = CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, - data.segment.length); const to = CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line,; const prevStart = CodeMirror.Pos(from.line, - 10); const prevChars = cm.getRange(prevStart, from); const nextEnd = CodeMirror.Pos(to.line, + 10); const nextChars = cm.getRange(to, nextEnd); let prefix = ''; let suffix = ''; if (data.type === TYPE_VARIABLE && !prevChars.match(/{{[^}]*$/)) { prefix = '{{ '; // If no closer before } else if (data.type === TYPE_VARIABLE && prevChars.match(/{{$/)) { prefix = ' '; // If no space after opener } else if (data.type === TYPE_TAG && prevChars.match(/{%$/)) { prefix = ' '; // If no space after opener } else if (data.type === TYPE_TAG && !prevChars.match(/{%[^%]*$/)) { prefix = '{% '; // If no closer before } if (data.type === TYPE_VARIABLE && !nextChars.match(/^\s*}}/)) { suffix = ' }}'; // If no closer after } else if (data.type === TYPE_VARIABLE && nextChars.match(/^}}/)) { suffix = ' '; // If no space before closer } else if (data.type === TYPE_TAG && nextChars.match(/^%}/)) { suffix = ' '; // If no space before closer } else if (data.type === TYPE_TAG && nextChars.match(/^\s*}/)) { // Edge case because "%" doesn't auto-close tags so sometimes you end // up in the scenario of {% foo} suffix = ' %'; } else if (data.type === TYPE_TAG && !nextChars.match(/^\s*%}/)) { suffix = ' %}'; // If no closer after } cm.replaceRange(`${prefix}${data.text}${suffix}`, from, to); } /** * Match against a list of things * @param listOfThings - Can be list of strings or list of {name, value} * @param segment - segment to match against * @param type * @param limit * @returns {Array} */ function matchSegments (listOfThings, segment, type, limit = -1) { if (!Array.isArray(listOfThings)) { console.warn('Autocomplete received items in non-list form', listOfThings); return []; } const matches = []; for (const t of listOfThings) { const name = typeof t === 'string' ? t :; const value = typeof t === 'string' ? '' : t.value; const displayName = t.displayName || name; const defaultFill = typeof t === 'string' ? name : getDefaultFill(, t.args); const matchSegment = segment.toLowerCase(); const matchName = displayName.toLowerCase(); // Throw away things that don't match if (!matchName.includes(matchSegment)) { continue; } matches.push({ // Custom Insomnia keys type, segment, comment: value, displayValue: value ? JSON.stringify(value) : '', score: name.length, // In case we want to sort by this // CodeMirror text: defaultFill, displayText: displayName, render: renderHintMatch, hint: replaceHintMatch }); } if (limit >= 0) { return matches.slice(0, limit); } else { return matches; } } /** * Replace all occurrences of string * @param text * @param find * @param prefix * @param suffix * @returns string */ function replaceWithSurround (text, find, prefix, suffix) { const escapedString = escapeRegex(find); const re = new RegExp(escapedString, 'gi'); return text.replace(re, matched => prefix + matched + suffix); } /** * Render the autocomplete list entry * @param li * @param self * @param data */ function renderHintMatch (li, self, data) { // Bold the matched text const {displayText, segment} = data; const markedName = replaceWithSurround(displayText, segment, '', ''); const {char, title} = ICONS[data.type]; let html = `
${data.displayValue || ''}
`; li.innerHTML = html; li.className += ` fancy-hint type--${data.type}`; }