import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react'; import {ipcRenderer} from 'electron'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import {connect} from 'react-redux'; import {bindActionCreators} from 'redux'; import HTML5Backend from 'react-dnd-html5-backend'; import {DragDropContext} from 'react-dnd'; import Mousetrap from '../mousetrap'; import {toggleModal, showModal} from '../components/modals'; import Wrapper from '../components/Wrapper'; import WorkspaceEnvironmentsEditModal from '../components/modals/WorkspaceEnvironmentsEditModal'; import Toast from '../components/Toast'; import CookiesModal from '../components/modals/CookiesModal'; import RequestSwitcherModal from '../components/modals/RequestSwitcherModal'; import PromptModal from '../components/modals/PromptModal'; import ChangelogModal from '../components/modals/ChangelogModal'; import SettingsModal from '../components/modals/SettingsModal'; import {MAX_PANE_WIDTH, MIN_PANE_WIDTH, DEFAULT_PANE_WIDTH, MAX_SIDEBAR_REMS, MIN_SIDEBAR_REMS, DEFAULT_SIDEBAR_WIDTH, getAppVersion, PREVIEW_MODE_SOURCE} from '../../common/constants'; import * as globalActions from '../redux/modules/global'; import * as db from '../../common/database'; import * as models from '../../models'; import {trackEvent, trackLegacyEvent} from '../../analytics'; import {selectEntitiesLists, selectActiveWorkspace, selectSidebarChildren, selectWorkspaceRequestsAndRequestGroups, selectActiveRequestMeta, selectActiveRequest, selectActiveWorkspaceMeta} from '../redux/selectors'; import RequestCreateModal from '../components/modals/RequestCreateModal'; import GenerateCodeModal from '../components/modals/GenerateCodeModal'; import WorkspaceSettingsModal from '../components/modals/WorkspaceSettingsModal'; import * as network from '../../common/network'; import {debounce} from '../../common/misc'; class App extends Component { constructor (props) { super(props); this.state = { draggingSidebar: false, draggingPane: false, sidebarWidth: props.sidebarWidth || DEFAULT_SIDEBAR_WIDTH, paneWidth: props.paneWidth || DEFAULT_PANE_WIDTH, }; } _globalKeyMap = { // Show Settings 'mod+,': () => { // NOTE: This is controlled via a global menu shortcut in app.js }, // Show Settings 'mod+shift+,': () => { // NOTE: This is controlled via a global menu shortcut in app.js const {activeWorkspace} = this.props; toggleModal(WorkspaceSettingsModal, activeWorkspace); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Workspace Settings'); }, // Show Request Switcher 'mod+p': () => { toggleModal(RequestSwitcherModal); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Quick Switcher'); }, // Request Send 'mod+enter': () => { const {activeRequest, activeEnvironment} = this.props; this._handleSendRequestWithEnvironment( activeRequest ? activeRequest._id : 'n/a', activeEnvironment ? activeEnvironment._id : 'n/a', ); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Send'); }, // Edit Workspace Environments 'mod+e': () => { const {activeWorkspace} = this.props; toggleModal(WorkspaceEnvironmentsEditModal, activeWorkspace); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Environments'); }, // Focus URL Bar 'mod+l': () => { const node = document.body.querySelector('.urlbar input'); node && node.focus(); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Url'); }, // Edit Cookies 'mod+k': () => { const {activeWorkspace} = this.props; toggleModal(CookiesModal, activeWorkspace); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Cookies'); }, // Request Create 'mod+n': () => { const {activeRequest, activeWorkspace} = this.props; const parentId = activeRequest ? activeRequest.parentId : activeWorkspace._id; this._requestCreate(parentId); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Request Create'); }, // Request Duplicate 'mod+d': async () => { this._requestDuplicate(this.props.activeRequest); trackEvent('HotKey', 'Request Duplicate'); } }; _setRequestPaneRef = n => this._requestPane = n; _setResponsePaneRef = n => this._responsePane = n; _setSidebarRef = n => this._sidebar = n; _requestGroupCreate = async (parentId) => { const name = await showModal(PromptModal, { headerName: 'New Folder', defaultValue: 'My Folder', submitName: 'Create', label: 'Name', selectText: true }); models.requestGroup.create({parentId, name}) }; _requestCreate = async (parentId) => { const request = await showModal(RequestCreateModal, {parentId}); this._handleSetActiveRequest(request._id) }; _requestGroupDuplicate = async requestGroup => { models.requestGroup.duplicate(requestGroup); }; _requestDuplicate = async request => { if (!request) { return; } const newRequest = await models.request.duplicate(request); this._handleSetActiveRequest(newRequest._id) }; _handleGenerateCode = () => { showModal(GenerateCodeModal, this.props.activeRequest); }; _updateRequestGroupMetaByParentId = async (requestGroupId, patch) => { const requestGroupMeta = await models.requestGroupMeta.getByParentId(requestGroupId); if (requestGroupMeta) { await models.requestGroupMeta.update(requestGroupMeta, patch); } else { const newPatch = Object.assign({parentId: requestGroupId}, patch); await models.requestGroupMeta.create(newPatch); } }; _updateActiveWorkspaceMeta = async (patch) => { const workspaceId = this.props.activeWorkspace._id; const requestMeta = await models.workspaceMeta.getByParentId(workspaceId); if (requestMeta) { await models.workspaceMeta.update(requestMeta, patch); } else { const newPatch = Object.assign({parentId: workspaceId}, patch); await models.workspaceMeta.create(newPatch); } }; _updateRequestMetaByParentId = async (requestId, patch) => { const requestMeta = await models.requestMeta.getByParentId(requestId); if (requestMeta) { await models.requestMeta.update(requestMeta, patch); } else { const newPatch = Object.assign({parentId: requestId}, patch); await models.requestMeta.create(newPatch); } }; _savePaneWidth = debounce(paneWidth => this._updateActiveWorkspaceMeta({paneWidth})); _handleSetPaneWidth = paneWidth => { this.setState({paneWidth}); this._savePaneWidth(paneWidth); }; _handleSetActiveRequest = activeRequestId => { this._updateActiveWorkspaceMeta({activeRequestId}); }; _handleSetActiveEnvironment = activeEnvironmentId => { this._updateActiveWorkspaceMeta({activeEnvironmentId}); }; _saveSidebarWidth = debounce(sidebarWidth => this._updateActiveWorkspaceMeta({sidebarWidth})); _handleSetSidebarWidth = sidebarWidth => { this.setState({sidebarWidth}); this._saveSidebarWidth(sidebarWidth); }; _handleSetSidebarHidden = sidebarHidden => { this._updateActiveWorkspaceMeta({sidebarHidden}); }; _handleSetSidebarFilter = sidebarFilter => { this._updateActiveWorkspaceMeta({sidebarFilter}); }; _handleSetRequestGroupCollapsed = (requestGroupId, collapsed) => { this._updateRequestGroupMetaByParentId(requestGroupId, {collapsed}); }; _handleSetResponsePreviewMode = (requestId, previewMode) => { this._updateRequestMetaByParentId(requestId, {previewMode}); }; _handleSetResponseFilter = (requestId, responseFilter) => { this._updateRequestMetaByParentId(requestId, {responseFilter}); }; _handleSendRequestWithEnvironment = async (requestId, environmentId) => { this.props.handleStartLoading(requestId); trackEvent('Request', 'Send'); trackLegacyEvent('Request Send'); try { await network.send(requestId, environmentId); } catch (e) { // It's OK } // Unset active response because we just made a new one await this._updateRequestMetaByParentId(requestId, {activeResponseId: null}); // Stop loading this.props.handleStopLoading(requestId); }; _handleSetActiveResponse = (requestId, activeResponseId) => { this._updateRequestMetaByParentId(requestId, {activeResponseId}); }; _requestCreateForWorkspace = () => { this._requestCreate(this.props.activeWorkspace._id); }; _startDragSidebar = () => { trackEvent('Sidebar', 'Drag Start'); this.setState({draggingSidebar: true}) }; _resetDragSidebar = () => { trackEvent('Sidebar', 'Drag Reset'); // TODO: Remove setTimeout need be not triggering drag on double click setTimeout(() => this._handleSetSidebarWidth(DEFAULT_SIDEBAR_WIDTH), 50); }; _startDragPane = () => { trackEvent('App Pane', 'Drag Start'); this.setState({draggingPane: true}) }; _resetDragPane = () => { trackEvent('App Pane', 'Reset'); // TODO: Remove setTimeout need be not triggering drag on double click setTimeout(() => this._handleSetPaneWidth(DEFAULT_PANE_WIDTH), 50); }; _handleMouseMove = (e) => { if (this.state.draggingPane) { const requestPane = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._requestPane); const responsePane = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._responsePane); const requestPaneWidth = requestPane.offsetWidth; const responsePaneWidth = responsePane.offsetWidth; const pixelOffset = e.clientX - requestPane.offsetLeft; let paneWidth = pixelOffset / (requestPaneWidth + responsePaneWidth); paneWidth = Math.min(Math.max(paneWidth, MIN_PANE_WIDTH), MAX_PANE_WIDTH); this._handleSetPaneWidth(paneWidth); } else if (this.state.draggingSidebar) { const currentPixelWidth = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._sidebar).offsetWidth; const ratio = e.clientX / currentPixelWidth; const width = this.state.sidebarWidth * ratio; let sidebarWidth = Math.max(Math.min(width, MAX_SIDEBAR_REMS), MIN_SIDEBAR_REMS); this._handleSetSidebarWidth(sidebarWidth); } }; _handleMouseUp = () => { if (this.state.draggingSidebar) { this.setState({draggingSidebar: false}); } if (this.state.draggingPane) { this.setState({draggingPane: false}); } }; _handleToggleSidebar = () => { const sidebarHidden = !this.props.sidebarHidden; this._handleSetSidebarHidden(sidebarHidden); trackEvent('Sidebar', 'Toggle Visibility', sidebarHidden ? 'Hide' : 'Show'); }; _setWrapperRef = n => { this._wrapper = n; }; async componentDidMount () { // Bind mouse handlers document.addEventListener('mouseup', this._handleMouseUp); document.addEventListener('mousemove', this._handleMouseMove); // Map global keyboard shortcuts Object.keys(this._globalKeyMap).map(key => { Mousetrap.bindGlobal(key.split('|'), this._globalKeyMap[key]); }); // Do The Analytics trackLegacyEvent('App Launched'); // Update Stats Object const {lastVersion, launches} = await models.stats.get(); const firstLaunch = !lastVersion; if (firstLaunch) { // TODO: Show a welcome message trackLegacyEvent('First Launch'); trackEvent('General', 'First Launch', getAppVersion()); } else if (lastVersion !== getAppVersion()) { trackEvent('General', 'Updated', getAppVersion()); showModal(ChangelogModal); } db.onChange(changes => { for (const change of changes) { const [event, doc, fromSync] = change; // Not a sync-related change if (!fromSync) { return; } const {activeRequest} = this.props; // No active request at the moment, so it doesn't matter if (!activeRequest) { return; } // Only force the UI to refresh if the active Request changes // This is because things like the URL and Body editor don't update // when you tell them to. if (doc._id !== activeRequest._id) { return; } console.log('[App] Forcing update'); // All sync-related changes to data force-refresh the app. this._wrapper.forceRequestPaneRefresh(); } }); models.stats.update({ launches: launches + 1, lastLaunch:, lastVersion: getAppVersion() }); ipcRenderer.on('toggle-preferences', () => { toggleModal(SettingsModal); }); ipcRenderer.on('toggle-changelog', () => { toggleModal(ChangelogModal); }); ipcRenderer.on('toggle-sidebar', this._handleToggleSidebar); } componentWillUnmount () { // Remove mouse handlers document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._handleMouseUp); document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._handleMouseMove); // Unbind global keyboard shortcuts Mousetrap.unbind(); } render () { return (