import Analytics from 'analytics-node'; import {SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY, getAppVersion, isDevelopment} from '../common/constants'; import * as models from '../models'; let analytics = null; let userId = null; export async function init () { if (isDevelopment()) { console.log('-- Not initializing Legacy analytics in dev --'); return; } analytics = new Analytics(SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY); if (!userId) { const stats = await models.stats.get(); userId = stats._id; // Recurse now that we have a userId return await init(); } analytics.identify({ userId, traits: { appPlatform: process.platform, appVersion: getAppVersion(), // Reserved Traits createdAt: new Date() } }); console.log(`-- Legacy analytics Initialized for ${userId} --`); } export function trackLegacyEvent (event, properties = {}) { // Don't track events if we haven't set them up yet if (analytics) { // Add base properties Object.assign(properties, { appPlatform: process.platform, appVersion: getAppVersion() }); analytics.track({userId, event, properties}); } }