// @flow import type {ResponseHeader, ResponseTimelineEntry} from '../models/response'; import type {Request, RequestHeader} from '../models/request'; import type {Workspace} from '../models/workspace'; import type {Settings} from '../models/settings'; import type {RenderedRequest} from '../common/render'; import {getRenderedRequestAndContext, RENDER_PURPOSE_SEND} from '../common/render'; import mkdirp from 'mkdirp'; import clone from 'clone'; import {parse as urlParse, resolve as urlResolve} from 'url'; import {Curl} from 'insomnia-libcurl'; import {join as pathJoin} from 'path'; import uuid from 'uuid'; import * as electron from 'electron'; import * as models from '../models'; import { AUTH_AWS_IAM, AUTH_BASIC, AUTH_DIGEST, AUTH_NETRC, AUTH_NTLM, CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_DATA, CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED, getAppVersion, getTempDir, STATUS_CODE_PLUGIN_ERROR } from '../common/constants'; import { delay, describeByteSize, getContentTypeHeader, getHostHeader, getLocationHeader, getSetCookieHeaders, hasAcceptEncodingHeader, hasAcceptHeader, hasAuthHeader, hasContentTypeHeader, hasUserAgentHeader, waitForStreamToFinish } from '../common/misc'; import {buildQueryStringFromParams, joinUrlAndQueryString, setDefaultProtocol, smartEncodeUrl} from 'insomnia-url'; import fs from 'fs'; import * as db from '../common/database'; import * as CACerts from './cacert'; import * as plugins from '../plugins/index'; import * as pluginContexts from '../plugins/context/index'; import {getAuthHeader} from './authentication'; import {cookiesFromJar, jarFromCookies} from 'insomnia-cookies'; import {urlMatchesCertHost} from './url-matches-cert-host'; import aws4 from 'aws4'; import {buildMultipart} from './multipart'; const {app} = electron.remote || electron; export type ResponsePatch = { statusMessage?: string, error?: string, url?: string, statusCode?: number, bytesContent?: number, bodyPath?: string, bodyCompression?: 'zip' | null, message?: string, httpVersion?: string, headers?: Array, elapsedTime?: number, contentType?: string, bytesRead?: number, parentId?: string, settingStoreCookies?: boolean, settingSendCookies?: boolean, timeline?: Array }; // Time since user's last keypress to wait before making the request const MAX_DELAY_TIME = 1000; // Special header value that will prevent the header being sent const DISABLE_HEADER_VALUE = '__Di$aB13d__'; let cancelRequestFunction = null; let lastUserInteraction = Date.now(); export function cancelCurrentRequest () { if (typeof cancelRequestFunction === 'function') { cancelRequestFunction(); } } export async function _actuallySend ( renderedRequest: RenderedRequest, renderContext: Object, workspace: Workspace, settings: Settings ): Promise { return new Promise(async resolve => { let timeline: Array = []; // Initialize the curl handle const curl = new Curl(); /** Helper function to respond with a success */ async function respond (patch: ResponsePatch, bodyPath: string | null, noPlugins: boolean = false): Promise { const responsePatchBeforeHooks = Object.assign(({ parentId: renderedRequest._id, bodyCompression: null, // Will default to .zip otherwise timeline: timeline, bodyPath: bodyPath || '', settingSendCookies: renderedRequest.settingSendCookies, settingStoreCookies: renderedRequest.settingStoreCookies }: ResponsePatch), patch); if (noPlugins) { resolve(responsePatchBeforeHooks); return; } let responsePatch: ?ResponsePatch; try { responsePatch = await _applyResponsePluginHooks(responsePatchBeforeHooks, renderedRequest, renderContext); } catch (err) { handleError(new Error(`[plugin] Response hook failed plugin=${err.plugin.name} err=${err.message}`)); return; } resolve(responsePatch); } /** Helper function to respond with an error */ function handleError (err: Error): void { respond({ url: renderedRequest.url, parentId: renderedRequest._id, error: err.message, elapsedTime: 0, statusMessage: 'Error', settingSendCookies: renderedRequest.settingSendCookies, settingStoreCookies: renderedRequest.settingStoreCookies }, null, true); } /** Helper function to set Curl options */ function setOpt (opt: number, val: any, optional: boolean = false) { const name = Object.keys(Curl.option).find(name => Curl.option[name] === opt); try { curl.setOpt(opt, val); } catch (err) { if (!optional) { throw new Error(`${err.message} (${opt} ${name || 'n/a'})`); } else { console.warn(`Failed to set optional Curl opt (${opt} ${name || 'n/a'})`); } } } function enable (feature: number) { curl.enable(feature); } try { // Setup the cancellation logic cancelRequestFunction = () => { respond({ elapsedTime: curl.getInfo(Curl.info.TOTAL_TIME) * 1000, bytesRead: curl.getInfo(Curl.info.SIZE_DOWNLOAD), url: curl.getInfo(Curl.info.EFFECTIVE_URL), statusMessage: 'Cancelled', error: 'Request was cancelled' }, null, true); // Kill it! curl.close(); }; // Set all the basic options setOpt(Curl.option.FOLLOWLOCATION, settings.followRedirects); setOpt(Curl.option.TIMEOUT_MS, settings.timeout); // 0 for no timeout setOpt(Curl.option.VERBOSE, true); // True so debug function works setOpt(Curl.option.NOPROGRESS, false); // False so progress function works setOpt(Curl.option.ACCEPT_ENCODING, ''); // Auto decode everything enable(Curl.feature.NO_HEADER_PARSING); enable(Curl.feature.NO_DATA_PARSING); // Set maximum amount of redirects allowed // NOTE: Setting this to -1 breaks some versions of libcurl if (settings.maxRedirects > 0) { setOpt(Curl.option.MAXREDIRS, settings.maxRedirects); } // Don't rebuild dot sequences in path if (!renderedRequest.settingRebuildPath) { setOpt(Curl.option.PATH_AS_IS, true); } // Only set CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST if not HEAD or GET. This is because Curl // See https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST.html switch (renderedRequest.method.toUpperCase()) { case 'HEAD': // This is how you tell Curl to send a HEAD request setOpt(Curl.option.NOBODY, 1); break; case 'POST': // This is how you tell Curl to send a POST request setOpt(Curl.option.POST, 1); break; default: // IMPORTANT: Only use CUSTOMREQUEST for all but HEAD and POST setOpt(Curl.option.CUSTOMREQUEST, renderedRequest.method); break; } // Setup debug handler setOpt(Curl.option.DEBUGFUNCTION, (infoType: string, content: string) => { const name = Object.keys(Curl.info.debug).find(k => Curl.info.debug[k] === infoType) || ''; if ( infoType === Curl.info.debug.SSL_DATA_IN || infoType === Curl.info.debug.SSL_DATA_OUT ) { return 0; } // Ignore the possibly large data messages if (infoType === Curl.info.debug.DATA_OUT) { if (content.length === 0) { // Sometimes this happens, but I'm not sure why. Just ignore it. } else if (content.length < renderedRequest.settingMaxTimelineDataSize) { timeline.push({name, value: content}); } else { timeline.push({name, value: `(${describeByteSize(content.length)} hidden)`}); } return 0; } if (infoType === Curl.info.debug.DATA_IN) { timeline.push({ name: 'TEXT', value: `Received ${describeByteSize(content.length)} chunk` }); return 0; } // Don't show cookie setting because this will display every domain in the jar if (infoType === Curl.info.debug.TEXT && content.indexOf('Added cookie') === 0) { return 0; } timeline.push({name, value: content}); return 0; // Must be here }); // Set the headers (to be modified as we go) const headers = clone(renderedRequest.headers); let lastPercent = 0; // NOTE: This option was added in 7.32.0 so make it optional setOpt(Curl.option.XFERINFOFUNCTION, (dltotal, dlnow, ultotal, ulnow) => { if (dltotal === 0) { return 0; } const percent = Math.round(dlnow / dltotal * 100); if (percent !== lastPercent) { // console.log(`[network] Request downloaded ${percent}%`); lastPercent = percent; } return 0; }, true); // Set the URL, including the query parameters const qs = buildQueryStringFromParams(renderedRequest.parameters); const url = joinUrlAndQueryString(renderedRequest.url, qs); const isUnixSocket = url.match(/https?:\/\/unix:\//); const finalUrl = smartEncodeUrl(url, renderedRequest.settingEncodeUrl); if (isUnixSocket) { // URL prep will convert "unix:/path" hostname to "unix/path" const match = finalUrl.match(/(https?:)\/\/unix:?(\/[^:]+):\/(.+)/); const protocol = (match && match[1]) || ''; const socketPath = (match && match[2]) || ''; const socketUrl = (match && match[3]) || ''; curl.setUrl(`${protocol}//${socketUrl}`); setOpt(Curl.option.UNIX_SOCKET_PATH, socketPath); } else { curl.setUrl(finalUrl); } timeline.push({name: 'TEXT', value: 'Preparing request to ' + finalUrl}); timeline.push({name: 'TEXT', value: `Using ${Curl.getVersion()}`}); // log some things if (renderedRequest.settingEncodeUrl) { timeline.push({name: 'TEXT', value: 'Enable automatic URL encoding'}); } else { timeline.push({name: 'TEXT', value: 'Disable automatic URL encoding'}); } // SSL Validation if (settings.validateSSL) { timeline.push({name: 'TEXT', value: 'Enable SSL validation'}); } else { setOpt(Curl.option.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); setOpt(Curl.option.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); timeline.push({name: 'TEXT', value: 'Disable SSL validation'}); } // Setup CA Root Certificates if not on Mac. Thanks to libcurl, Mac will use // certificates form the OS. if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { const baseCAPath = getTempDir(); const fullCAPath = pathJoin(baseCAPath, CACerts.filename); try { fs.statSync(fullCAPath); } catch (err) { // Doesn't exist yet, so write it mkdirp.sync(baseCAPath); fs.writeFileSync(fullCAPath, CACerts.blob); console.log('[net] Set CA to', fullCAPath); } setOpt(Curl.option.CAINFO, fullCAPath); } // Set cookies from jar if (renderedRequest.settingSendCookies) { // Tell Curl to store cookies that it receives. This is only important if we receive // a cookie on a redirect that needs to be sent on the next request in the chain. curl.setOpt(Curl.option.COOKIEFILE, ''); const cookies = renderedRequest.cookieJar.cookies || []; for (const cookie of cookies) { let expiresTimestamp = 0; if (cookie.expires) { const expiresDate = new Date(cookie.expires); expiresTimestamp = Math.round(expiresDate.getTime() / 1000); } setOpt(Curl.option.COOKIELIST, [ cookie.httpOnly ? `#HttpOnly_${cookie.domain}` : cookie.domain, cookie.hostOnly ? 'FALSE' : 'TRUE', cookie.path, cookie.secure ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE', expiresTimestamp, cookie.key, cookie.value ].join('\t')); } for (const {name, value} of renderedRequest.cookies) { setOpt(Curl.option.COOKIE, `${name}=${value}`); } timeline.push({ name: 'TEXT', value: 'Enable cookie sending with jar of ' + `${cookies.length} cookie${cookies.length !== 1 ? 's' : ''}` }); } else { timeline.push({ name: 'TEXT', value: 'Disable cookie sending due to user setting' }); } // Set proxy settings if we have them if (settings.proxyEnabled) { const {protocol} = urlParse(renderedRequest.url); const {httpProxy, httpsProxy, noProxy} = settings; const proxyHost = protocol === 'https:' ? httpsProxy : httpProxy; const proxy = proxyHost ? setDefaultProtocol(proxyHost) : null; timeline.push({name: 'TEXT', value: `Enable network proxy for ${protocol || ''}`}); if (proxy) { setOpt(Curl.option.PROXY, proxy); setOpt(Curl.option.PROXYAUTH, Curl.auth.ANY); } if (noProxy) { setOpt(Curl.option.NOPROXY, noProxy); } } else { setOpt(Curl.option.PROXY, ''); } // Set client certs if needed const clientCertificates = await models.clientCertificate.findByParentId(workspace._id); for (const certificate of clientCertificates) { if (certificate.disabled) { continue; } const cHostWithProtocol = setDefaultProtocol(certificate.host, 'https:'); if (urlMatchesCertHost(cHostWithProtocol, renderedRequest.url)) { const ensureFile = blobOrFilename => { try { fs.statSync(blobOrFilename); } catch (err) { // Certificate file not found! // LEGACY: Certs used to be stored in blobs (not as paths), so let's write it to // the temp directory first. const fullBase = getTempDir(); const name = `${renderedRequest._id}_${renderedRequest.modified}`; const fullPath = pathJoin(fullBase, name); fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, Buffer.from(blobOrFilename, 'base64')); // Set filename to the one we just saved blobOrFilename = fullPath; } return blobOrFilename; }; const {passphrase, cert, key, pfx} = certificate; if (cert) { setOpt(Curl.option.SSLCERT, ensureFile(cert)); setOpt(Curl.option.SSLCERTTYPE, 'PEM'); timeline.push({name: 'TEXT', value: 'Adding SSL PEM certificate'}); } if (pfx) { setOpt(Curl.option.SSLCERT, ensureFile(pfx)); setOpt(Curl.option.SSLCERTTYPE, 'P12'); timeline.push({name: 'TEXT', value: 'Adding SSL P12 certificate'}); } if (key) { setOpt(Curl.option.SSLKEY, ensureFile(key)); timeline.push({name: 'TEXT', value: 'Adding SSL KEY certificate'}); } if (passphrase) { setOpt(Curl.option.KEYPASSWD, passphrase); } } } // Build the body let noBody = false; let requestBody = null; const expectsBody = ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'].includes(renderedRequest.method.toUpperCase()); if (renderedRequest.body.mimeType === CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED) { requestBody = buildQueryStringFromParams(renderedRequest.body.params || [], false); } else if (renderedRequest.body.mimeType === CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_DATA) { const params = renderedRequest.body.params || []; const {filePath: multipartBodyPath, boundary, contentLength} = await buildMultipart(params); // Extend the Content-Type header const contentTypeHeader = getContentTypeHeader(headers); if (contentTypeHeader) { contentTypeHeader.value = `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`; } else { headers.push({ name: 'Content-Type', value: `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}` }); } const fd = fs.openSync(multipartBodyPath, 'r'); setOpt(Curl.option.INFILESIZE_LARGE, contentLength); setOpt(Curl.option.UPLOAD, 1); setOpt(Curl.option.READDATA, fd); // We need this, otherwise curl will send it as a PUT setOpt(Curl.option.CUSTOMREQUEST, renderedRequest.method); const fn = () => { fs.closeSync(fd); fs.unlink(multipartBodyPath, () => { }); }; curl.on('end', fn); curl.on('error', fn); } else if (renderedRequest.body.fileName) { const {size} = fs.statSync(renderedRequest.body.fileName); const fileName = renderedRequest.body.fileName || ''; const fd = fs.openSync(fileName, 'r'); setOpt(Curl.option.INFILESIZE_LARGE, size); setOpt(Curl.option.UPLOAD, 1); setOpt(Curl.option.READDATA, fd); // We need this, otherwise curl will send it as a POST setOpt(Curl.option.CUSTOMREQUEST, renderedRequest.method); const fn = () => fs.closeSync(fd); curl.on('end', fn); curl.on('error', fn); } else if (typeof renderedRequest.body.mimeType === 'string' || expectsBody) { requestBody = renderedRequest.body.text || ''; } else { // No body noBody = true; } if (!noBody) { // Don't chunk uploads headers.push({name: 'Expect', value: DISABLE_HEADER_VALUE}); headers.push({name: 'Transfer-Encoding', value: DISABLE_HEADER_VALUE}); } // If we calculated the body within Insomnia (ie. not computed by Curl) if (requestBody !== null) { setOpt(Curl.option.POSTFIELDS, requestBody); } // Handle Authorization header if (!hasAuthHeader(headers) && !renderedRequest.authentication.disabled) { if (renderedRequest.authentication.type === AUTH_BASIC) { const {username, password} = renderedRequest.authentication; setOpt(Curl.option.HTTPAUTH, Curl.auth.BASIC); setOpt(Curl.option.USERNAME, username || ''); setOpt(Curl.option.PASSWORD, password || ''); } else if (renderedRequest.authentication.type === AUTH_DIGEST) { const {username, password} = renderedRequest.authentication; setOpt(Curl.option.HTTPAUTH, Curl.auth.DIGEST); setOpt(Curl.option.USERNAME, username || ''); setOpt(Curl.option.PASSWORD, password || ''); } else if (renderedRequest.authentication.type === AUTH_NTLM) { const {username, password} = renderedRequest.authentication; setOpt(Curl.option.HTTPAUTH, Curl.auth.NTLM); setOpt(Curl.option.USERNAME, username || ''); setOpt(Curl.option.PASSWORD, password || ''); } else if (renderedRequest.authentication.type === AUTH_AWS_IAM) { if (!noBody && !requestBody) { return handleError( new Error('AWS authentication not supported for provided body type')); } const {authentication} = renderedRequest; const credentials = { accessKeyId: authentication.accessKeyId || '', secretAccessKey: authentication.secretAccessKey || '', sessionToken: authentication.sessionToken || '' }; const extraHeaders = _getAwsAuthHeaders( credentials, headers, requestBody || '', finalUrl, renderedRequest.method, authentication.region || '', authentication.service || '' ); for (const header of extraHeaders) { headers.push(header); } } else if (renderedRequest.authentication.type === AUTH_NETRC) { setOpt(Curl.option.NETRC, Curl.netrc.REQUIRED); } else { const authHeader = await getAuthHeader( renderedRequest._id, finalUrl, renderedRequest.method, renderedRequest.authentication ); if (authHeader) { headers.push({ name: authHeader.name, value: authHeader.value }); } } } // Send a default Accept headers of anything if (!hasAcceptHeader(headers)) { headers.push({name: 'Accept', value: '*/*'}); // Default to anything } // Don't auto-send Accept-Encoding header if (!hasAcceptEncodingHeader(headers)) { headers.push({name: 'Accept-Encoding', value: DISABLE_HEADER_VALUE}); } // Set User-Agent if it't not already in headers if (!hasUserAgentHeader(headers)) { setOpt(Curl.option.USERAGENT, `insomnia/${getAppVersion()}`); } // Prevent curl from adding default content-type header if (!hasContentTypeHeader(headers)) { headers.push({name: 'content-type', value: DISABLE_HEADER_VALUE}); } // NOTE: This is last because headers might be modified multiple times const headerStrings = headers .filter(h => h.name) .map(h => { const value = h.value || ''; if (value === '') { // Curl needs a semicolon suffix to send empty header values return `${h.name};`; } else if (value === DISABLE_HEADER_VALUE) { // Tell Curl NOT to send the header if value is null return `${h.name}:`; } else { // Send normal header value return `${h.name}: ${value}`; } }); setOpt(Curl.option.HTTPHEADER, headerStrings); let responseBodyBytes = 0; const responsesDir = pathJoin(app.getPath('userData'), 'responses'); mkdirp.sync(responsesDir); const responseBodyPath = pathJoin(responsesDir, uuid.v4() + '.response'); const responseBodyWriteStream = fs.createWriteStream(responseBodyPath); curl.on('end', () => responseBodyWriteStream.end()); curl.on('error', () => responseBodyWriteStream.end()); setOpt(Curl.option.WRITEFUNCTION, (buff: Buffer) => { responseBodyBytes += buff.length; responseBodyWriteStream.write(buff); return buff.length; }); // Handle the response ending curl.on('end', async (_1, _2, rawHeaders) => { const allCurlHeadersObjects = _parseHeaders(rawHeaders); // Headers are an array (one for each redirect) const lastCurlHeadersObject = allCurlHeadersObjects[allCurlHeadersObjects.length - 1]; // Collect various things const httpVersion = lastCurlHeadersObject.version || ''; const statusCode = lastCurlHeadersObject.code || -1; const statusMessage = lastCurlHeadersObject.reason || ''; // Collect the headers const headers = lastCurlHeadersObject.headers; // Calculate the content type const contentTypeHeader = getContentTypeHeader(headers); const contentType = contentTypeHeader ? contentTypeHeader.value : ''; // Update Cookie Jar let currentUrl = finalUrl; let setCookieStrings: Array = []; const jar = jarFromCookies(renderedRequest.cookieJar.cookies); for (const {headers} of allCurlHeadersObjects) { // Collect Set-Cookie headers const setCookieHeaders = getSetCookieHeaders(headers); setCookieStrings = [...setCookieStrings, ...setCookieHeaders.map(h => h.value)]; // Pull out new URL if there is a redirect const newLocation = getLocationHeader(headers); if (newLocation !== null) { currentUrl = urlResolve(currentUrl, newLocation.value); } } // Update jar with Set-Cookie headers for (const setCookieStr of setCookieStrings) { try { jar.setCookieSync(setCookieStr, currentUrl); } catch (err) { timeline.push({name: 'TEXT', value: `Rejected cookie: ${err.message}`}); } } // Update cookie jar if we need to and if we found any cookies if (renderedRequest.settingStoreCookies && setCookieStrings.length) { const cookies = await cookiesFromJar(jar); models.cookieJar.update(renderedRequest.cookieJar, {cookies}); } // Print informational message if (setCookieStrings.length > 0) { const n = setCookieStrings.length; if (renderedRequest.settingStoreCookies) { timeline.push({name: 'TEXT', value: `Saved ${n} cookie${n === 1 ? '' : 's'}`}); } else { timeline.push({name: 'TEXT', value: `Ignored ${n} cookie${n === 1 ? '' : 's'}`}); } } // Return the response data const responsePatch = { headers, contentType, statusCode, httpVersion, statusMessage, elapsedTime: curl.getInfo(Curl.info.TOTAL_TIME) * 1000, bytesRead: curl.getInfo(Curl.info.SIZE_DOWNLOAD), bytesContent: responseBodyBytes, url: curl.getInfo(Curl.info.EFFECTIVE_URL) }; // Close the request curl.close(); // Make sure the response body has been fully written first await waitForStreamToFinish(responseBodyWriteStream); respond(responsePatch, responseBodyPath); }); curl.on('error', function (err, code) { let error = err + ''; let statusMessage = 'Error'; if (code === Curl.code.CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK) { error = 'Request aborted'; statusMessage = 'Abort'; } respond({statusMessage, error}, null, true); }); curl.perform(); } catch (err) { handleError(err); } }); } export async function sendWithSettings ( requestId: string, requestPatch: Object ): Promise { const request = await models.request.getById(requestId); if (!request) { throw new Error(`Failed to find request: ${requestId}`); } const settings = await models.settings.getOrCreate(); const ancestors = await db.withAncestors(request, [ models.request.type, models.requestGroup.type, models.workspace.type ]); const workspaceDoc = ancestors.find(doc => doc.type === models.workspace.type); const workspaceId = workspaceDoc ? workspaceDoc._id : 'n/a'; const workspace = await models.workspace.getById(workspaceId); if (!workspace) { throw new Error(`Failed to find workspace for: ${requestId}`); } const workspaceMeta = await models.workspaceMeta.getOrCreateByParentId(workspace._id); const environmentId: string = workspaceMeta.activeEnvironmentId || 'n/a'; const newRequest: Request = await models.initModel(models.request.type, requestPatch, { _id: request._id + '.other', parentId: request._id }); let renderResult: { request: RenderedRequest, context: Object }; try { renderResult = await getRenderedRequestAndContext(newRequest, environmentId); } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Failed to render request: ${requestId}`); } return _actuallySend(renderResult.request, renderResult.context, workspace, settings); } export async function send ( requestId: string, environmentId: string ): Promise { // HACK: wait for all debounces to finish /* * TODO: Do this in a more robust way * The following block adds a "long" delay to let potential debounces and * database updates finish before making the request. This is done by tracking * the time of the user's last keypress and making sure the request is sent a * significant time after the last press. */ const timeSinceLastInteraction = Date.now() - lastUserInteraction; const delayMillis = Math.max(0, MAX_DELAY_TIME - timeSinceLastInteraction); if (delayMillis > 0) { await delay(delayMillis); } // Fetch some things const request = await models.request.getById(requestId); const settings = await models.settings.getOrCreate(); const ancestors = await db.withAncestors(request, [ models.request.type, models.requestGroup.type, models.workspace.type ]); if (!request) { throw new Error(`Failed to find request to send for ${requestId}`); } const renderResult = await getRenderedRequestAndContext( request, environmentId, RENDER_PURPOSE_SEND ); const renderedRequestBeforePlugins = renderResult.request; const renderedContextBeforePlugins = renderResult.context; const workspaceDoc = ancestors.find(doc => doc.type === models.workspace.type); const workspace = await models.workspace.getById(workspaceDoc ? workspaceDoc._id : 'n/a'); if (!workspace) { throw new Error(`Failed to find workspace for request: ${requestId}`); } let renderedRequest: RenderedRequest; try { renderedRequest = await _applyRequestPluginHooks( renderedRequestBeforePlugins, renderedContextBeforePlugins ); } catch (err) { return { url: renderedRequestBeforePlugins.url, parentId: renderedRequestBeforePlugins._id, error: err.message, statusCode: STATUS_CODE_PLUGIN_ERROR, statusMessage: err.plugin ? `Plugin ${err.plugin.name}` : 'Plugin', settingSendCookies: renderedRequestBeforePlugins.settingSendCookies, settingStoreCookies: renderedRequestBeforePlugins.settingStoreCookies }; } return _actuallySend(renderedRequest, renderedContextBeforePlugins, workspace, settings); } async function _applyRequestPluginHooks ( renderedRequest: RenderedRequest, renderedContext: Object ): Promise { const newRenderedRequest = clone(renderedRequest); for (const {plugin, hook} of await plugins.getRequestHooks()) { const context = { ...pluginContexts.app.init(), ...pluginContexts.request.init(newRenderedRequest, renderedContext) }; try { await hook(context); } catch (err) { err.plugin = plugin; throw err; } } return newRenderedRequest; } async function _applyResponsePluginHooks ( response: ResponsePatch, request: RenderedRequest, renderContext: Object ): Promise { const newResponse = clone(response); const newRequest = clone(request); for (const {plugin, hook} of await plugins.getResponseHooks()) { const context = { ...pluginContexts.app.init(), ...pluginContexts.response.init(newResponse), ...pluginContexts.request.init(newRequest, renderContext, true) }; try { await hook(context); } catch (err) { err.plugin = plugin; throw err; } } return newResponse; } export function _parseHeaders ( buffer: Buffer ): Array<{ headers: Array, version: string, code: number, reason: string }> { const results = []; const lines = buffer.toString('utf8').split(/\r?\n|\r/g); for (let i = 0, currentResult = null; i < lines.length; i++) { const line = lines[i]; const isEmptyLine = line.trim() === ''; // If we hit an empty line, start parsing the next response if (isEmptyLine && currentResult) { results.push(currentResult); currentResult = null; continue; } if (!currentResult) { const [version, code, ...other] = line.split(/ +/g); currentResult = { version, code: parseInt(code, 10), reason: other.join(' '), headers: [] }; } else { const [name, value] = line.split(/:\s(.+)/); const header: ResponseHeader = {name, value: value || ''}; currentResult.headers.push(header); } } return results; } // exported for unit tests only export function _getAwsAuthHeaders ( credentials: { accessKeyId: string, secretAccessKey: string, sessionToken: string, }, headers: Array, body: string, url: string, method: string, region?: string, service?: string ): Array<{ name: string, value: string, disabled?: boolean }> { const parsedUrl = urlParse(url); const contentTypeHeader = getContentTypeHeader(headers); // AWS uses host header for signing so prioritize that if the user set it manually const hostHeader = getHostHeader(headers); const host = hostHeader ? hostHeader.value : parsedUrl.host; const awsSignOptions = { service, region, body, method, host, path: parsedUrl.path, headers: { 'content-type': contentTypeHeader ? contentTypeHeader.value : '' } }; const signature = aws4.sign(awsSignOptions, credentials); return Object.keys(signature.headers) .filter(name => name !== 'content-type') // Don't add this because we already have it .map(name => ({name, value: signature.headers[name]})); } document.addEventListener('keydown', (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.altKey) { return; } lastUserInteraction = Date.now(); }); document.addEventListener('paste', e => { lastUserInteraction = Date.now(); });