'use strict';
const program = require('commander');
const path = require('path');
const importers = require('../index');
const fs = require('fs');
const { version } = require('../package.json');
module.exports.go = async function() {
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Configure the arguments parsing //
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
.version(version, '-v, --version')
.usage('[options] ')
.option('-o, --output ', 'output directory')
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Set up the directory to work on //
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
const inputPath = program.args[0];
const outputPath = program.output || program.args[1];
if (!inputPath) {
console.log('Input path not specified');
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Convert the input file //
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
const fullInputPath = path.resolve(inputPath);
const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(fullInputPath, 'utf8');
const result = await importers.convert(fileContents);
const exportContents = JSON.stringify(result.data, null, 2);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Write the output //
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
if (outputPath) {
const fullOutputPath = path.resolve(outputPath);
fs.writeFileSync(fullOutputPath, exportContents);
} else {