import nunjucks from 'nunjucks'; import * as extensions from './extensions'; /** * Render text based on stuff * @param {String} text - Nunjucks template in text form * @param {Object} [config] - Config options for rendering * @param {Object} [config.context] - Context to render with * @param {Object} [config.path] - Path to include in the error message */ export function render (text, config = {}) { const context = config.context || {}; const path = config.path || null; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const env = getNunjucksEnvironment(true); env.renderString(text, context, (err, result) => { if (err) { const sanitizedMsg = err.message .replace(/\(unknown path\)\n/, '') .replace(/\[Line \d+, Column \d*]/, '') .replace(/^\s*Error:\s*/, '') .trim(); const location = err.message.match(/\[Line (\d)+, Column (\d)*]/); const line = location ? parseInt(location[1]) : 1; const column = location ? parseInt(location[2]) : 1; const reason = err.message.includes('attempted to output null or undefined value') ? 'undefined' : 'error'; const newError = new Error(sanitizedMsg); newError.path = path || null; newError.message = sanitizedMsg; newError.location = {line, column}; newError.type = 'render'; newError.reason = reason; reject(newError); } else { resolve(result); } }); }); } function getNunjucksEnvironment (strict = false) { return strict ? _getStrictEnv() : _getNormalEnv(); } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // Private Stuff // // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // let _nunjucksEnvironment = null; function _getNormalEnv () { if (!_nunjucksEnvironment) { _nunjucksEnvironment = nunjucks.configure({ autoescape: false }); for (const Cls of extensions.all()) { _nunjucksEnvironment.addExtension(, new Cls()); } } return _nunjucksEnvironment; } let _nunjucksStrictEnvironment = null; function _getStrictEnv () { if (!_nunjucksStrictEnvironment) { _nunjucksStrictEnvironment = nunjucks.configure({ autoescape: false, throwOnUndefined: true }); for (const Cls of extensions.all()) { _nunjucksStrictEnvironment.addExtension(, new Cls()); } } return _nunjucksStrictEnvironment; }