// @flow import * as electron from 'electron'; import childProcess from 'child_process'; import {isDevelopment, PLUGIN_PATH} from '../common/constants'; import mkdirp from 'mkdirp'; import path from 'path'; import * as tar from 'tar'; import * as crypto from 'crypto'; export default async function (moduleName: string): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let info: Object = {}; try { info = await _isInsomniaPlugin(moduleName); } catch (err) { reject(err); return; } const pluginDir = path.join(PLUGIN_PATH, moduleName); // Make plugin directory mkdirp.sync(pluginDir); // Download the module const request = electron.remote.net.request(info.dist.tarball); request.on('response', response => { const bodyBuffers = []; console.log(`[plugins] Downloading plugin tarball from ${info.dist.tarball}`); response.on('end', () => { console.log(`[plugins] Extracting plugin to ${pluginDir}`); const w = tar.extract({ cwd: pluginDir, // Extract to plugin's directory strict: true, // Fail on anything strip: 1 // Skip the "package/*" parent folder }); w.on('error', err => { reject(new Error(`Failed to extract ${info.dist.tarball}: ${err.message}`)); }); console.log(`[plugins] Running Yarn install in "${pluginDir}"`); w.on('end', () => { childProcess.execFile( process.execPath, [_getYarnPath(), 'install'], { timeout: 5 * 60 * 1000, maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024, cwd: pluginDir, env: { 'NODE_ENV': 'production', 'ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE': 'true' } }, (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) { reject(new Error(stderr)); } else { resolve(); } } ); }); const body = Buffer.concat(bodyBuffers); const shasum = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(body).digest('hex'); if (shasum !== info.dist.shasum) { reject(new Error('Plugin shasum doesn\'t match npm')); return; } w.end(body); }); response.on('data', chunk => { bodyBuffers.push(chunk); }); }); request.end(); }); } async function _isInsomniaPlugin (moduleName: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(`[plugins] Fetching module info from npm`); childProcess.execFile( process.execPath, [_getYarnPath(), 'info', moduleName, '--json'], { timeout: 5 * 60 * 1000, maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024, env: { 'NODE_ENV': 'production', 'ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE': 'true' } }, (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) { reject(new Error(`${moduleName} install error: ${err.message}`)); return; } if (stderr) { reject(new Error(`Yarn error ${stderr.toString('utf8')}`)); return; } let yarnOutput; try { yarnOutput = JSON.parse(stdout.toString('utf8')); } catch (err) { reject(new Error(`Yarn response not JSON: ${err.message}`)); return; } const data = yarnOutput.data; if (!data.hasOwnProperty('insomnia')) { reject(new Error(`"${moduleName}" not a plugin! Package missing "insomnia" attribute`)); return; } console.log(`[plugins] Detected Insomnia plugin ${data.name}`); resolve({ insomnia: data.insomnia, name: data.name, version: data.version, dist: { shasum: data.dist.shasum, tarball: data.dist.tarball } }); } ); }); } function _getYarnPath () { const {app} = electron.remote || electron; // TODO: This is brittle. Make finding this more robust. if (isDevelopment()) { return path.resolve(app.getAppPath(), './bin/yarn-standalone.js'); } else { return path.resolve(app.getAppPath(), '../bin/yarn-standalone.js'); } }