import * as electron from 'electron'; import contextMenu from 'electron-context-menu'; import installExtension, { REACT_DEVELOPER_TOOLS, REDUX_DEVTOOLS } from 'electron-devtools-installer'; import path from 'path'; import appConfig from '../config/config.json'; import { SegmentEvent, trackSegmentEvent } from './common/analytics'; import { changelogUrl, getAppVersion, isDevelopment, isMac } from './common/constants'; import { database } from './common/database'; import { disableSpellcheckerDownload } from './common/electron-helpers'; import log, { initializeLogging } from './common/log'; import { validateInsomniaConfig } from './common/validate-insomnia-config'; import * as errorHandling from './main/error-handling'; import * as grpcIpcMain from './main/grpc-ipc-main'; import { checkIfRestartNeeded } from './main/squirrel-startup'; import * as updates from './main/updates'; import * as windowUtils from './main/window-utils'; import * as models from './models/index'; import type { Stats } from './models/stats'; import { authorizeUserInWindow } from './network/o-auth-2/misc'; import installPlugin from './plugins/install'; import type { ToastNotification } from './ui/components/toast'; // Handle potential auto-update if (checkIfRestartNeeded()) { process.exit(0); } initializeLogging(); const { app, ipcMain, session } = electron; const commandLineArgs = process.argv.slice(1);`Running version ${getAppVersion()}`); // Explicitly set userData folder from config because it's sketchy to // rely on electron-builder to use productName, which could be changed // by accident. if (!isDevelopment()) { const defaultPath = app.getPath('userData'); const newPath = path.join(defaultPath, '../', appConfig.userDataFolder); app.setPath('userData', process.env.INSOMNIA_DATA_PATH ?? newPath); } // So if (window) checks don't throw global.window = global.window || undefined; // setup right click menu app.on('web-contents-created', (_, contents) => { if (contents.getType() === 'webview') { contextMenu({ window: contents }); } else { contextMenu(); } }); // When the app is first launched app.on('ready', async () => { const { error } = validateInsomniaConfig(); if (error) { electron.dialog.showErrorBox(error.title, error.message); console.log('[config] Insomnia config is invalid, preventing app initialization'); app.exit(1); return; } disableSpellcheckerDownload(); if (isDevelopment()) { try { const extensions = [REACT_DEVELOPER_TOOLS, REDUX_DEVTOOLS]; const extensionsPlural = extensions.length > 0 ? 's' : ''; const names = await Promise.all( => installExtension(extension))); console.log(`[electron-extensions] Added DevTools Extension${extensionsPlural}: ${names.join(', ')}`); } catch (err) { console.log('[electron-extensions] An error occurred: ', err); } } // Init some important things first await database.init(models.types()); await _createModelInstances(); errorHandling.init(); windowUtils.init(); await _launchApp(); // Init the rest await updates.init(); grpcIpcMain.init(); }); // Set as default protocol const defaultProtocol = `insomnia${isDevelopment() ? 'dev' : ''}`; const fullDefaultProtocol = `${defaultProtocol}://`; const defaultProtocolSuccessful = app.setAsDefaultProtocolClient(defaultProtocol); if (defaultProtocolSuccessful) { console.log(`[electron client protocol] successfully set default protocol '${fullDefaultProtocol}'`); } else { console.error(`[electron client protocol] FAILED to set default protocol '${fullDefaultProtocol}'`); const isDefaultAlready = app.isDefaultProtocolClient(defaultProtocol); if (isDefaultAlready) { console.log(`[electron client protocol] the current executable is the default protocol for '${fullDefaultProtocol}'`); } else { console.log(`[electron client protocol] the current executable is not the default protocol for '${fullDefaultProtocol}'`); } // Note: `getApplicationInfoForProtocol` is not available on Linux, so we use `getApplicationNameForProtocol` instead const applicationName = app.getApplicationNameForProtocol(fullDefaultProtocol); if (applicationName) { console.log(`[electron client protocol] the default application set for '${fullDefaultProtocol}' is '${applicationName}'`); } else { console.error(`[electron client protocol] the default application set for '${fullDefaultProtocol}' was not found`); } } function _addUrlToOpen(e, url) { e.preventDefault(); commandLineArgs.push(url); } app.on('open-url', _addUrlToOpen); // Enable this for CSS grid layout :) app.commandLine.appendSwitch('enable-experimental-web-platform-features'); // Quit when all windows are closed (except on Mac). app.on('window-all-closed', () => { if (!isMac()) { app.quit(); } }); // Mac-only, when the user clicks the doc icon app.on('activate', (_error, hasVisibleWindows) => { // Create a new window when clicking the doc icon if there isn't one open if (!hasVisibleWindows) { try { windowUtils.createWindow(); } catch (e) { // This might happen if 'ready' hasn't fired yet. So we're just going // to silence these errors. console.log('[main] App not ready to "activate" yet'); } } }); const _launchApp = async () => { await _trackStats(); app.removeListener('open-url', _addUrlToOpen); const window = windowUtils.createWindow(); // Handle URLs sent via command line args ipcMain.once('window-ready', () => { // @ts-expect-error -- TSCONVERSION commandLineArgs.length && window.send('run-command', commandLineArgs[0]); }); // Called when second instance launched with args (Windows) // @TODO: Investigate why this closes electron when using playwright (tested on macOS) // and find a better solution. if (!process.env.PLAYWRIGHT) { const gotTheLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock(); if (!gotTheLock) { console.error('[app] Failed to get instance lock'); return; } } app.on('second-instance', () => { // Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window. if (window) { if (window.isMinimized()) window.restore(); window.focus(); } }); // Handle URLs when app already open app.addListener('open-url', (_error, url) => { // @ts-expect-error -- TSCONVERSION window.send('run-command', url); // Apparently a timeout is needed because Chrome steals back focus immediately // after opening the URL. setTimeout(() => { window.focus(); }, 100); }); // Don't send origin header from Insomnia app because we're not technically using CORS session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders((details, fn) => { delete details.requestHeaders.Origin; fn({ cancel: false, requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders, }); }); }; /* Only one instance should exist of these models On rare occasions, race conditions during initialization result in multiple being created To avoid that, create them explicitly prior to any initialization steps */ async function _createModelInstances() { await models.stats.get(); await models.settings.getOrCreate(); } async function _trackStats() { // Handle the stats const oldStats = await models.stats.get(); const stats: Stats = await models.stats.update({ currentLaunch:, lastLaunch: oldStats.currentLaunch, currentVersion: getAppVersion(), lastVersion: oldStats.currentVersion, launches: oldStats.launches + 1, }); trackSegmentEvent(SegmentEvent.appStarted, {}, { queueable: true }); ipcMain.handle('showOpenDialog', async (_, options: Electron.OpenDialogOptions) => { const { filePaths, canceled } = await electron.dialog.showOpenDialog(options); return { filePaths, canceled }; }); ipcMain.handle('showSaveDialog', async (_, options: Electron.SaveDialogOptions) => { const { filePath, canceled } = await electron.dialog.showSaveDialog(options); return { filePath, canceled }; }); ipcMain.handle('installPlugin', async (_, options) => { return installPlugin(options); }); ipcMain.on('showItemInFolder', (_, name) => {; }); ipcMain.on('restart', () => { app.relaunch(); app.exit(); }); ipcMain.handle('setMenuBarVisibility', (_, visible) => { electron.BrowserWindow.getAllWindows() .forEach(window => { // the `setMenuBarVisibility` signature uses `visible` semantics window.setMenuBarVisibility(visible); // the `setAutoHideMenu` signature uses `hide` semantics const hide = !visible; window.setAutoHideMenuBar(hide); }); }); ipcMain.on('getPath', (event, name) => { event.returnValue =; }); ipcMain.on('getAppPath', event => { event.returnValue =; }); ipcMain.handle('authorizeUserInWindow', (_, options) => { const { url, urlSuccessRegex, urlFailureRegex, sessionId } = options; return authorizeUserInWindow({ url, urlSuccessRegex, urlFailureRegex, sessionId }); }); ipcMain.once('window-ready', () => { const { currentVersion, launches, lastVersion } = stats; const firstLaunch = launches === 1; const justUpdated = !firstLaunch && currentVersion !== lastVersion; if (!justUpdated || !currentVersion) { return; } const { BrowserWindow } = electron; const notification: ToastNotification = { key: `updated-${currentVersion}`, url: changelogUrl(), cta: "See What's New", message: `Updated to ${currentVersion}`, }; // Wait a bit before showing the user because the app just launched. setTimeout(() => { for (const window of BrowserWindow.getAllWindows()) { // @ts-expect-error -- TSCONVERSION likely needs to be window.webContents.send instead window.send('show-notification', notification); } }, 5000); }); return stats; }