import electron from 'electron'; import {combineReducers} from 'redux'; import fs from 'fs'; import {importRaw, exportJSON} from '../../../common/import'; import {trackEvent} from '../../../analytics'; import AlertModal from '../../components/modals/alert-modal'; import {showModal} from '../../components/modals'; import PaymentNotificationModal from '../../components/modals/payment-notification-modal'; import LoginModal from '../../components/modals/login-modal'; import * as models from '../../../models'; const LOCALSTORAGE_PREFIX = `insomnia::meta`; const LOAD_START = 'global/load-start'; const LOAD_STOP = 'global/load-stop'; const LOAD_REQUEST_START = 'global/load-request-start'; const LOAD_REQUEST_STOP = 'global/load-request-stop'; const REQUEST_GROUP_TOGGLE_COLLAPSE = 'global/request-group-toggle'; const SET_ACTIVE_WORKSPACE = 'global/activate-workspace'; const COMMAND_ALERT = 'app/alert'; const COMMAND_LOGIN = 'app/auth/login'; const COMMAND_TRIAL_END = 'app/billing/trial-end'; // ~~~~~~~~ // // REDUCERS // // ~~~~~~~~ // function activeWorkspaceReducer (state = null, action) { switch (action.type) { case SET_ACTIVE_WORKSPACE: return action.workspaceId; default: return state; } } function loadingReducer (state = false, action) { switch (action.type) { case LOAD_START: return true; case LOAD_STOP: return false; default: return state; } } function loadingRequestsReducer (state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case LOAD_REQUEST_START: return Object.assign({}, state, {[action.requestId]: action.time}); case LOAD_REQUEST_STOP: return Object.assign({}, state, {[action.requestId]: -1}); default: return state; } } export const reducer = combineReducers({ isLoading: loadingReducer, loadingRequestIds: loadingRequestsReducer, activeWorkspaceId: activeWorkspaceReducer }); // ~~~~~~~ // // ACTIONS // // ~~~~~~~ // export function newCommand (command, args) { // TODO: Make this use reducer when Modals ported to Redux if (command === COMMAND_ALERT) { const {message, title} = args; showModal(AlertModal, {title, message}); } else if (command === COMMAND_LOGIN) { const {title, message} = args; showModal(LoginModal, {title, message}); } else if (command === COMMAND_TRIAL_END) { showModal(PaymentNotificationModal); } return {type: command, ...args}; } export function loadStart () { return {type: LOAD_START}; } export function loadStop () { return {type: LOAD_STOP}; } export function loadRequestStart (requestId) { return {type: LOAD_REQUEST_START, requestId, time:}; } export function loadRequestStop (requestId) { return {type: LOAD_REQUEST_STOP, requestId}; } export function setActiveWorkspace (workspaceId) { window.localStorage.setItem(`${LOCALSTORAGE_PREFIX}::activeWorkspaceId`, JSON.stringify(workspaceId)); return {type: SET_ACTIVE_WORKSPACE, workspaceId}; } export function toggleRequestGroup (requestGroup) { return { type: REQUEST_GROUP_TOGGLE_COLLAPSE, requestGroupId: requestGroup._id }; } export function importFile (workspaceId) { return async dispatch => { dispatch(loadStart()); const workspace = await models.workspace.getById(workspaceId); const options = { title: 'Import Insomnia Data', buttonLabel: 'Import', properties: ['openFile'], filters: [{ // Allow empty extension and JSON name: 'Insomnia Import', extensions: [ '', 'sh', 'txt', 'json', 'har', 'curl', 'bash', 'shell' ] }] }; electron.remote.dialog.showOpenDialog(options, async paths => { if (!paths) { // It was cancelled, so let's bail out dispatch(loadStop()); trackEvent('Import', 'Cancel'); return; } // Let's import all the paths! for (const path of paths) { try { const data = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'); dispatch(loadStop()); const result = await importRaw(workspace, data); const {summary, source, error} = result; if (error) { showModal(AlertModal, {title: 'Import Failed', message: error}); return; } let statements = Object.keys(summary).map(type => { const count = summary[type].length; const name = models.getModelName(type, count); return count === 0 ? null : `${count} ${name}`; }).filter(s => s !== null); let message; if (statements.length === 0) { message = 'Nothing was found to import.'; } else { message = `You imported ${statements.join(', ')}!`; } showModal(AlertModal, {title: 'Import Succeeded', message}); trackEvent('Import', 'Success', source); } catch (e) { showModal(AlertModal, {title: 'Import Failed', message: e + ''}); trackEvent('Import', 'Failure'); } } }); }; } export function exportFile (workspaceId = null) { return async dispatch => { dispatch(loadStart()); const workspace = await models.workspace.getById(workspaceId); const json = await exportJSON(workspace); const options = { title: 'Export Insomnia Data', buttonLabel: 'Export', filters: [{ name: 'Insomnia Export', extensions: ['json'] }] }; electron.remote.dialog.showSaveDialog(options, filename => { if (!filename) { trackEvent('Export', 'Cancel'); // It was cancelled, so let's bail out dispatch(loadStop()); return; } fs.writeFile(filename, json, {}, err => { if (err) { console.warn('Export failed', err); trackEvent('Export', 'Failure'); return; } trackEvent('Export', 'Success'); dispatch(loadStop()); }); }); }; } export function init () { let workspaceId = null; try { const key = `${LOCALSTORAGE_PREFIX}::activeWorkspaceId`; const item = window.localStorage.getItem(key); workspaceId = JSON.parse(item); } catch (e) { // Nothing here... } return setActiveWorkspace(workspaceId); }