import React, {PureComponent} from 'react'; import autobind from 'autobind-decorator'; import * as session from '../../../sync/session'; import * as sync from '../../../sync/index'; import Link from '../base/link'; import LoginModal from '../modals/login-modal'; import {hideAllModals, showModal} from '../modals/index'; @autobind class Account extends PureComponent { async _handleLogout () { await sync.logout(); this.forceUpdate(); } _handleLogin (e) { e.preventDefault(); hideAllModals(); showModal(LoginModal); } renderUpgrade () { return (

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); } renderAccount () { return (

Welcome {session.getFirstName()}!

You are currently logged in as {' '} {session.getEmail()}

Manage Account
); } render () { return session.isLoggedIn() ? this.renderAccount() : this.renderUpgrade(); } } export default Account;