import React, {PropTypes, PureComponent} from 'react'; import autobind from 'autobind-decorator'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import {Dropdown, DropdownButton, DropdownItem} from '../base/dropdown'; import PromptButton from '../base/PromptButton'; import Button from '../base/Button'; import Link from '../base/Link'; import EnvironmentEditor from '../editors/EnvironmentEditor'; import Editable from '../base/Editable'; import Modal from '../base/Modal'; import ModalBody from '../base/ModalBody'; import ModalHeader from '../base/ModalHeader'; import ModalFooter from '../base/ModalFooter'; import * as models from '../../../models'; import {trackEvent} from '../../../analytics/index'; @autobind class WorkspaceEnvironmentsEditModal extends PureComponent { constructor (props) { super(props); this.state = { workspace: null, isValid: true, subEnvironments: [], rootEnvironment: null, activeEnvironmentId: null, forceRefreshKey: 0 }; } _hide () { this.modal.hide(); } _setEditorRef (n) { this._envEditor = n; } _setModalRef (n) { this.modal = n; } async show (workspace) {; await this._load(workspace); trackEvent('Environment Editor', 'Show'); } async toggle (workspace) { this.modal.toggle(); await this._load(workspace); } async _load (workspace, environmentToActivate = null) { const rootEnvironment = await models.environment.getOrCreateForWorkspace(workspace); const subEnvironments = await models.environment.findByParentId(rootEnvironment._id); let activeEnvironmentId; if (environmentToActivate) { activeEnvironmentId = environmentToActivate._id; } else if (this.state.workspace && workspace._id !== this.state.workspace._id) { // We've changed workspaces, so load the root one activeEnvironmentId = rootEnvironment._id; } else { // We haven't changed workspaces, so try loading the last environment, and fall back // to the root one activeEnvironmentId = this.state.activeEnvironmentId || rootEnvironment._id; } this.setState({ workspace, rootEnvironment, subEnvironments, activeEnvironmentId, forceRefreshKey: }); } async _handleAddEnvironment (isPrivate = false) { const {rootEnvironment, workspace} = this.state; const parentId = rootEnvironment._id; const environment = await models.environment.create({parentId, isPrivate}); await this._load(workspace, environment); trackEvent( 'Environment', isPrivate ? 'Create' : 'Create Private' ); } async _handleShowEnvironment (environment) { // Don't allow switching if the current one has errors if (!this._envEditor.isValid()) { return; } if (environment === this._getActiveEnvironment()) { return; } const {workspace} = this.state; await this._load(workspace, environment); trackEvent('Environment Editor', 'Show Environment'); } async _handleDeleteEnvironment () { const {rootEnvironment, workspace} = this.state; const environment = this._getActiveEnvironment(); // Don't delete the root environment if (environment === rootEnvironment) { return; } // Delete the current one, then activate the root environment await models.environment.remove(environment); await this._load(workspace, rootEnvironment); trackEvent('Environment', 'Delete'); } async _handleChangeEnvironmentName (environment, name) { const {workspace} = this.state; // NOTE: Fetch the environment first because it might not be up to date. // For example, editing the body updates silently. const realEnvironment = await models.environment.getById(environment._id); await models.environment.update(realEnvironment, {name}); await this._load(workspace); trackEvent('Environment', 'Rename'); } _didChange () { const isValid = this._envEditor.isValid(); if (this.state.isValid === isValid) { this.setState({isValid}); } this._saveChanges(); } _getActiveEnvironment () { const {activeEnvironmentId, subEnvironments, rootEnvironment} = this.state; if (rootEnvironment && rootEnvironment._id === activeEnvironmentId) { return rootEnvironment; } else { return subEnvironments.find(e => e._id === activeEnvironmentId); } } _saveChanges () { // Only save if it's valid if (!this._envEditor.isValid()) { return; } const data = this._envEditor.getValue(); const activeEnvironment = this._getActiveEnvironment(); models.environment.update(activeEnvironment, {data}); } render () { const {editorFontSize, editorKeyMap, lineWrapping, render} = this.props; const {subEnvironments, rootEnvironment, isValid, forceRefreshKey} = this.state; const activeEnvironment = this._getActiveEnvironment(); return ( Manage Environments
  • Sub Environments

    Environment Private Environment
      { => { const classes = classnames( 'env-modal__sidebar-item', {'env-modal__sidebar-item--active': activeEnvironment === environment} ); return (
    • ); })}

    this._handleChangeEnvironmentName(activeEnvironment, name)} value={activeEnvironment ? : ''}/>

    {rootEnvironment !== activeEnvironment ? ( Delete ) : null}
    * environment data can be used for  Nunjucks Templating in your requests
    ); } } WorkspaceEnvironmentsEditModal.propTypes = { onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, editorFontSize: PropTypes.number.isRequired, editorKeyMap: PropTypes.string.isRequired, render: PropTypes.func.isRequired, lineWrapping: PropTypes.bool.isRequired }; export default WorkspaceEnvironmentsEditModal; export let show = null;