import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import {DEBOUNCE_MILLIS} from '../../../common/constants'; import FileInputButton from '../base/FileInputButton'; import {Dropdown, DropdownItem, DropdownButton} from './dropdown/index'; import PromptButton from '../base/PromptButton'; const NAME = 'name'; const VALUE = 'value'; const ENTER = 13; const BACKSPACE = 8; const UP = 38; const DOWN = 40; const LEFT = 37; const RIGHT = 39; class KeyValueEditor extends Component { constructor (props) { super(props); this._focusedPair = -1; this._focusedField = NAME; this._nameInputs = {}; this._valueInputs = {}; this._focusedInput = null; this.state = { pairs: props.pairs } } _handleAddFromName = () => { this._focusedField = NAME; this._addPair(); }; _handleAddFromValue = () => { this._focusedField = VALUE; this._addPair(); }; _handleAddFromMultipart = type => { this._focusedField = null; this._addPair(this.state.pairs.length, {type}); }; _onChange (pairs, updateState = true) { clearTimeout(this._triggerTimeout); this._triggerTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.props.onChange(pairs), DEBOUNCE_MILLIS); updateState && this.setState({pairs}); } _addPair (position, patch) { const numPairs = this.state.pairs.length; const {maxPairs} = this.props; // Don't add any more pairs if (maxPairs !== undefined && numPairs >= maxPairs) { return; } position = position === undefined ? numPairs : position; this._focusedPair = position; const pairs = [ ...this.state.pairs.slice(0, position), Object.assign({name: '', value: ''}, patch), ...this.state.pairs.slice(position) ]; this.props.onCreate && this.props.onCreate(); this._onChange(pairs); } _deletePair (position) { if (this._focusedPair >= position) { this._focusedPair = this._focusedPair - 1; } const pair = this.state.pairs[position]; this.props.onDelete && this.props.onDelete(pair); const pairs = this.state.pairs.filter((_, i) => i !== position); this._onChange(pairs); } _updatePair (position, pairPatch) { const pairs =, i) => ( i == position ? Object.assign({}, p, pairPatch) : p )); this._onChange(pairs); } _togglePair (position) { const pairs = (p, i) => i == position ? Object.assign({}, p, {disabled: !p.disabled}) : p ); const pair = pairs[position]; this.props.onToggleDisable && this.props.onToggleDisable(pair); this._onChange(pairs, true); } _focusNext (addIfValue = false) { if (this._focusedField === NAME) { this._focusedField = VALUE; this._updateFocus(); } else if (this._focusedField === VALUE) { this._focusedField = NAME; if (addIfValue) { this._addPair(this._focusedPair + 1); } else { this._focusNextPair(); } } } _focusPrevious (deleteIfEmpty = false) { if (this._focusedField === VALUE) { this._focusedField = NAME; this._updateFocus(); } else if (this._focusedField === NAME) { const pair = this.state.pairs[this._focusedPair]; if (! && !pair.value && deleteIfEmpty) { this._focusedField = VALUE; this._deletePair(this._focusedPair); } else if (! { this._focusedField = VALUE; this._focusPreviousPair(); } } } _focusNextPair () { if (this._focusedPair >= this.state.pairs.length - 1) { this._addPair(); } else { this._focusedPair++; this._updateFocus(); } } _focusPreviousPair () { if (this._focusedPair > 0) { this._focusedPair--; this._updateFocus(); } } _keyDown (e) { if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) { return; } if (e.keyCode === ENTER) { e.preventDefault(); this._focusNext(true); } else if (e.keyCode === BACKSPACE) { if (! { e.preventDefault(); this._focusPrevious(true); } } else if (e.keyCode === DOWN) { e.preventDefault(); this._focusNextPair(); } else if (e.keyCode === UP) { e.preventDefault(); this._focusPreviousPair(); } else if (e.keyCode === LEFT) { // TODO: Implement this } else if (e.keyCode === RIGHT) { // TODO: Implement this } } _updateFocus () { let ref; if (this._focusedField === NAME) { ref = this._nameInputs[this._focusedPair]; } else { ref = this._valueInputs[this._focusedPair]; } // If you focus an already focused input if (!ref || this._focusedInput === ref) { return; } // Focus at the end of the text ref.focus(); ref.selectionStart = ref.selectionEnd = ref.value.length; } componentDidUpdate () { this._updateFocus(); } render () { const {pairs} = this.state; const {maxPairs, className, valueInputType, multipart} = this.props; return (