/* global describe, it */ 'use strict'; var fixtures = require('./fixtures'); var fs = require('fs'); var glob = require('glob'); var HTTPSnippet = require('../src'); var path = require('path'); var should = require('should'); var targets = require('../src/targets'); var base = './test/fixtures/output/'; // read all output files var output = glob.sync('**/*', { cwd: base, nodir: true }).reduce(function(obj, name) { obj[name] = fs.readFileSync(base + name); return obj; }, {}); var clearInfo = function(key) { return !~['info', 'index'].indexOf(key); }; var itShouldHaveTests = function(target, client) { it(target + ' should have tests', function(done) { fs.readdir(path.join(__dirname, 'targets', target), function(err, files) { should.not.exist(err); files.length.should.be.above(0); files.should.containEql(client + '.js'); done(); }); }); }; var itShouldHaveInfo = function(name, obj) { it(name + ' should have info method', function() { obj.should.have.property('info').and.be.an.Object; obj.info.key.should.equal(name).and.be.a.String; obj.info.title.should.be.a.String; }); }; var itShouldHaveRequestTestOutputFixture = function(request, target, path) { var fixture = target + '/' + path + request + HTTPSnippet.extname(target); it('should have output test for ' + request, function() { Object.keys(output) .indexOf(fixture) .should.be.greaterThan( -1, 'Missing ' + fixture + ' fixture file for target: ' + target + '. Snippet tests will be skipped.', ); }); }; var itShouldGenerateOutput = function(request, path, target, client) { var fixture = path + request + HTTPSnippet.extname(target); it('should generate ' + request + ' snippet', function() { if (Object.keys(output).indexOf(fixture) === -1) { this.skip(); } var instance = new HTTPSnippet(fixtures.requests[request]); var result = instance.convert(target, client) + '\n'; result.should.be.a.String; result.should.equal(output[fixture].toString()); }); }; describe('Available Targets', function() { var targets = HTTPSnippet.availableTargets(); targets.forEach(function(target) { it('available-targets.json should include ' + target.title, function() { fixtures['available-targets'].should.containEql(target); }); }); }); // test all the things! Object.keys(targets).forEach(function(target) { describe(targets[target].info.title, function() { itShouldHaveInfo(target, targets[target]); Object.keys(targets[target]) .filter(clearInfo) .forEach(function(client) { describe(client, function() { itShouldHaveInfo(client, targets[target][client]); itShouldHaveTests(target, client); var test = require(path.join(__dirname, 'targets', target, client)); test(HTTPSnippet, fixtures); describe('snippets', function() { Object.keys(fixtures.requests) .filter(clearInfo) .forEach(function(request) { itShouldHaveRequestTestOutputFixture(request, target, client + '/'); itShouldGenerateOutput(request, target + '/' + client + '/', target, client); }); }); }); }); }); });