const { appConfig } = require('../config'); const packageJson = require('../package.json'); const childProcess = require('child_process'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const licenseChecker = require('license-checker'); const rimraf = require('rimraf'); const ncp = require('ncp').ncp; const path = require('path'); const mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); const fs = require('fs'); const { APP_ID_INSOMNIA, APP_ID_DESIGNER } = require('../config'); // Start build if ran from CLI if (require.main === module) { process.nextTick(async () => { await module.exports.start(); }); } module.exports.start = async function(forcedVersion = null) { const buildContext = getBuildContext(); if (!buildContext.version) { console.log(`[build] Skipping build for ref "${buildContext.gitRef}"`); process.exit(0); } if (process.env.APP_ID) { console.log('Should not set APP_ID for builds. Use Git tag instead'); process.exit(1); } // Configure APP_ID env based on what we detected if ( === 'designer') { process.env.APP_ID = APP_ID_DESIGNER; } else { process.env.APP_ID = APP_ID_INSOMNIA; } if (appConfig().version !== buildContext.version) { console.log( `[build] App version mismatch with Git tag ${appConfig().version} != ${buildContext.version}`, ); process.exit(1); } // These must be required after APP_ID environment variable is set above const configRenderer = require('../webpack/webpack.config.production.babel'); const configMain = require('../webpack/webpack.config.electron.babel'); console.log(`[build] Starting build for ref "${buildContext.gitRef}"`); console.log(`[build] npm: ${childProcess.spawnSync('npm', ['--version']).stdout}`.trim()); console.log(`[build] node: ${childProcess.spawnSync('node', ['--version']).stdout}`.trim()); if (process.version.indexOf('v10.') !== 0) { console.log('[build] Node v10.x.x is required to build'); process.exit(1); } // Remove folders first console.log('[build] Removing existing directories'); await emptyDir('../build'); // Build the things console.log('[build] Building license list'); await buildLicenseList('../', '../build/opensource-licenses.txt'); console.log('[build] Building Webpack renderer'); await buildWebpack(configRenderer); console.log('[build] Building Webpack main'); await buildWebpack(configMain); // Copy necessary files console.log('[build] Copying files'); await copyFiles('../bin', '../build/'); await copyFiles('../app/static', '../build/static'); await copyFiles(`../app/icons/${appConfig().appId}`, '../build/'); // Generate package.json await generatePackageJson('../package.json', '../build/package.json', forcedVersion); // Install Node modules console.log('[build] Installing dependencies'); await install('../build/'); console.log('[build] Complete!'); return buildContext; }; async function buildWebpack(config) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const compiler = webpack(config);, stats) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else if (stats.hasErrors()) { reject(new Error('Failed to build webpack')); console.log(stats.toJson().errors); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } async function emptyDir(relPath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const dir = path.resolve(__dirname, relPath); rimraf(dir, err => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { mkdirp.sync(dir); resolve(); } }); }); } async function copyFiles(relSource, relDest) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const source = path.resolve(__dirname, relSource); const dest = path.resolve(__dirname, relDest); console.log(`[build] copy "${relSource}" to "${relDest}"`); ncp(source, dest, err => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } async function buildLicenseList(relSource, relDest) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const source = path.resolve(__dirname, relSource); const dest = path.resolve(__dirname, relDest); mkdirp.sync(path.dirname(dest)); licenseChecker.init({ start: source, production: true }, (err, packages) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } const out = []; for (const pkgName of Object.keys(packages)) { const { licenses, repository, publisher, email, licenseFile: lf } = packages[pkgName]; const licenseFile = (lf || '').includes('README') ? null : lf; const txt = licenseFile ? fs.readFileSync(licenseFile) : '[no license file]'; const body = [ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------', '', `PACKAGE: ${pkgName}`, licenses ? `LICENSES: ${licenses}` : null, repository ? `REPOSITORY: ${repository}` : null, publisher ? `PUBLISHER: ${publisher}` : null, email ? `EMAIL: ${email}` : null, '\n' + txt, ] .filter(v => v !== null) .join('\n'); out.push(`${body}\n\n`); } const header = [ 'This application bundles the following third-party packages in ', 'accordance with the following licenses:', '-------------------------------------------------------------------------', '', '', ].join('\n'); fs.writeFileSync(dest, header + out.join('\n\n')); resolve(); }); }); } async function install(relDir) { return new Promise(resolve => { const prefix = path.resolve(__dirname, relDir); // Link all plugins const plugins = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../plugins'); for (const dir of fs.readdirSync(plugins)) { if (dir.indexOf('.') === 0) { continue; } console.log(`[build] Linking plugin ${dir}`); const p = path.join(plugins, dir); childProcess.spawnSync('npm', ['link', p], { cwd: prefix, shell: true, }); } // Link all packages const packages = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../packages'); for (const dir of fs.readdirSync(packages)) { // Don't link ourselves if (dir === { continue; } if (dir.indexOf('.') === 0) { continue; } console.log(`[build] Linking local package ${dir}`); const p = path.join(packages, dir); childProcess.spawnSync('npm', ['link', p], { cwd: prefix, shell: true, }); } const p = childProcess.spawn('npm', ['install', '--production', '--no-optional'], { cwd: prefix, shell: true, }); p.stdout.on('data', data => { console.log(data.toString()); }); p.stderr.on('data', data => { console.log(data.toString()); }); p.on('exit', code => { console.log('child process exited with code ' + code.toString()); resolve(); }); }); } function generatePackageJson(relBasePkg, relOutPkg, forcedVersion) { // Read package.json's const basePath = path.resolve(__dirname, relBasePkg); const outPath = path.resolve(__dirname, relOutPkg); const basePkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(basePath)); const app = appConfig(); const appPkg = { name:, version: forcedVersion || app.version, productName: app.productName, longName: app.longName, description: basePkg.description, license: basePkg.license, homepage: basePkg.homepage, author:, copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} ${}`, main: 'main.min.js', dependencies: {}, }; console.log(`[build] Generated build config for ${} ${appPkg.version}`); for (const key of Object.keys(appPkg)) { if (key === undefined) { throw new Error(`[build] missing "app.${key}" from package.json`); } } // Figure out which dependencies to pack const allDependencies = Object.keys(basePkg.dependencies); const packedDependencies = basePkg.packedDependencies; const unpackedDependencies = allDependencies.filter(name => !packedDependencies.includes(name)); // Add dependencies console.log(`[build] Adding ${unpackedDependencies.length} node dependencies`); for (const name of unpackedDependencies) { const version = basePkg.dependencies[name]; if (!version) { throw new Error(`Failed to find packed dep "${name}" in dependencies`); } appPkg.dependencies[name] = version; } fs.writeFileSync(outPath, JSON.stringify(appPkg, null, 2)); } // Only release if we're building a tag that ends in a version number function getBuildContext() { const { GITHUB_REF, GITHUB_SHA, TRAVIS_TAG, TRAVIS_COMMIT, TRAVIS_CURRENT_BRANCH, GIT_TAG, } = process.env; const gitCommit = GITHUB_SHA || TRAVIS_COMMIT; const gitRef = GITHUB_REF || TRAVIS_TAG || TRAVIS_CURRENT_BRANCH || GIT_TAG || ''; const tagMatch = gitRef.match(/(designer|core)@(\d{4}\.\d+\.\d+(-(alpha|beta)\.\d+)?)$/); const app = tagMatch ? tagMatch[1] : null; const version = tagMatch ? tagMatch[2] : null; return { app, version, gitRef, gitCommit, }; }