// @flow import * as electron from 'electron'; import { Readable, Writable } from 'stream'; import fuzzysort from 'fuzzysort'; import uuid from 'uuid'; import zlib from 'zlib'; import { join as pathJoin } from 'path'; import { METHOD_OPTIONS, METHOD_DELETE, DEBOUNCE_MILLIS } from './constants'; import type { GlobalActivity } from '../ui/components/activity-bar/activity-bar'; const ESCAPE_REGEX_MATCH = /[-[\]/{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g; type Header = { name: string, value: string, }; type Parameter = { name: string, value: string, }; export function filterParameters(parameters: Array, name: string): Array { if (!Array.isArray(parameters) || !name) { return []; } return parameters.filter(h => (!h || !h.name ? false : h.name === name)); } export function filterHeaders(headers: Array, name: string): Array { if (!Array.isArray(headers) || !name || !(typeof name === 'string')) { return []; } return headers.filter(h => { // Never match against invalid headers if (!h || !h.name || typeof h.name !== 'string') { return false; } return h.name.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase(); }); } export function hasContentTypeHeader(headers: Array): boolean { return filterHeaders(headers, 'content-type').length > 0; } export function hasContentLengthHeader(headers: Array): boolean { return filterHeaders(headers, 'content-length').length > 0; } export function hasAuthHeader(headers: Array): boolean { return filterHeaders(headers, 'authorization').length > 0; } export function hasAcceptHeader(headers: Array): boolean { return filterHeaders(headers, 'accept').length > 0; } export function hasUserAgentHeader(headers: Array): boolean { return filterHeaders(headers, 'user-agent').length > 0; } export function hasAcceptEncodingHeader(headers: Array): boolean { return filterHeaders(headers, 'accept-encoding').length > 0; } export function getSetCookieHeaders(headers: Array): Array { return filterHeaders(headers, 'set-cookie'); } export function getLocationHeader(headers: Array): T | null { const matches = filterHeaders(headers, 'location'); return matches.length ? matches[0] : null; } export function getContentTypeHeader(headers: Array): T | null { const matches = filterHeaders(headers, 'content-type'); return matches.length ? matches[0] : null; } export function getMethodOverrideHeader(headers: Array): T | null { const matches = filterHeaders(headers, 'x-http-method-override'); return matches.length ? matches[0] : null; } export function getHostHeader(headers: Array): T | null { const matches = filterHeaders(headers, 'host'); return matches.length ? matches[0] : null; } export function getContentDispositionHeader(headers: Array): T | null { const matches = filterHeaders(headers, 'content-disposition'); return matches.length ? matches[0] : null; } export function getContentLengthHeader(headers: Array): T | null { const matches = filterHeaders(headers, 'content-length'); return matches.length ? matches[0] : null; } /** * Generate an ID of the format "_" * @param prefix * @returns {string} */ export function generateId(prefix: string): string { const id = uuid.v4().replace(/-/g, ''); if (prefix) { return `${prefix}_${id}`; } else { return id; } } export function delay(milliseconds: number = DEBOUNCE_MILLIS): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds)); } export function removeVowels(str: string): string { return str.replace(/[aeiouyAEIOUY]/g, ''); } export function formatMethodName(method: string): string { let methodName = method || ''; if (method === METHOD_DELETE || method === METHOD_OPTIONS) { methodName = method.slice(0, 3); } else if (method.length > 4) { methodName = removeVowels(method).slice(0, 4); } return methodName; } export function keyedDebounce(callback: Function, millis: number = DEBOUNCE_MILLIS): Function { let timeout; let results = {}; return function(key, ...args) { results[key] = args; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(() => { if (!Object.keys(results).length) { return; } callback(results); results = {}; }, millis); }; } export function debounce(callback: Function, millis: number = DEBOUNCE_MILLIS): Function { // For regular debounce, just use a keyed debounce with a fixed key return keyedDebounce(results => { callback.apply(null, results.__key__); }, millis).bind(null, '__key__'); } export function describeByteSize(bytes: number, long: boolean = false): string { bytes = Math.round(bytes * 10) / 10; let size; // NOTE: We multiply these by 2 so we don't end up with // values like 0 GB let unit; if (bytes < 1024 * 2) { size = bytes; unit = long ? 'bytes' : 'B'; } else if (bytes < 1024 * 1024 * 2) { size = bytes / 1024; unit = long ? 'kilobytes' : 'KB'; } else if (bytes < 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 2) { size = bytes / 1024 / 1024; unit = long ? 'megabytes' : 'MB'; } else { size = bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024; unit = long ? 'gigabytes' : 'GB'; } const rounded = Math.round(size * 10) / 10; return `${rounded} ${unit}`; } export function nullFn(): void { // Do nothing } export function preventDefault(e: Event): void { e.preventDefault(); } export function clickLink(href: string): void { electron.shell.openExternal(href); } export function fnOrString(v: string | Function, ...args: Array) { if (typeof v === 'string') { return v; } else { return v(...args); } } export function compressObject(obj: any): string { const compressed = zlib.gzipSync(JSON.stringify(obj)); return compressed.toString('base64'); } export function decompressObject(input: string | null): any { if (typeof input !== 'string') { return null; } const jsonBuffer = zlib.gunzipSync(Buffer.from(input, 'base64')); return JSON.parse(jsonBuffer.toString('utf8')); } export function resolveHomePath(p: string): string { if (p.indexOf('~/') === 0) { return pathJoin(process.env.HOME || '/', p.slice(1)); } else { return p; } } export function jsonParseOr(str: string, fallback: any): any { try { return JSON.parse(str); } catch (err) { return fallback; } } export function escapeHTML(unsafeText: string): string { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerText = unsafeText; return div.innerHTML; } /** * Escape a dynamic string for use inside of a regular expression * @param str - string to escape * @returns {string} escaped string */ export function escapeRegex(str: string): string { return str.replace(ESCAPE_REGEX_MATCH, '\\$&'); } export function fuzzyMatch( searchString: string, text: string, options: { splitSpace?: boolean, loose?: boolean } = {}, ): null | { score: number, indexes: Array } { return fuzzyMatchAll(searchString, [text], options); } export function fuzzyMatchAll( searchString: string, allText: Array, options: { splitSpace?: boolean, loose?: boolean } = {}, ): null | { score: number, indexes: Array } { if (!searchString || !searchString.trim()) { return null; } const words = searchString.split(' ').filter(w => w.trim()); const terms = options.splitSpace ? [...words, searchString] : [searchString]; let maxScore = null; let indexes = []; let termsMatched = 0; for (const term of terms) { let matchedTerm = false; for (const text of allText.filter(t => !t || t.trim())) { const result = fuzzysort.single(term, text); if (!result) { continue; } // Don't match garbage if (result.score < -8000) { continue; } if (maxScore === null || result.score > maxScore) { maxScore = result.score; } indexes = [...indexes, ...result.indexes]; matchedTerm = true; } if (matchedTerm) { termsMatched++; } } // Make sure we match all provided terms except the last (full) one if (!options.loose && termsMatched < terms.length - 1) { return null; } if (maxScore === null) { return null; } return { score: maxScore, indexes, target: allText.join(' '), }; } export function getViewportSize(): string | null { const { BrowserWindow } = electron.remote || electron; const w = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow() || BrowserWindow.getAllWindows()[0]; if (w) { const { width, height } = w.getContentBounds(); return `${width}x${height}`; } else { // No windows open return null; } } export function getScreenResolution(): string { const { screen } = electron.remote || electron; const { width, height } = screen.getPrimaryDisplay().workAreaSize; return `${width}x${height}`; } export function getUserLanguage(): string { const { app } = electron.remote || electron; return app.getLocale(); } export async function waitForStreamToFinish(s: Readable | Writable): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { if ((s: any)._readableState && (s: any)._readableState.finished) { return resolve(); } if ((s: any)._writableState && (s: any)._writableState.finished) { return resolve(); } s.on('close', () => { resolve(); }); s.on('error', () => { resolve(); }); }); } export function getDataDirectory(): string { const { app } = electron.remote || electron; return process.env.INSOMNIA_DATA_PATH || app.getPath('userData'); } export function chunkArray(arr: Array, chunkSize: number): Array> { const chunks = []; for (let i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i += chunkSize) { chunks.push(arr.slice(i, i + chunkSize)); } return chunks; } export function setActivityAttribute(activity: GlobalActivity) { document.body.setAttribute('data-activity', activity); }