import { Application } from 'spectron'; import path from 'path'; import os from 'os'; import electronPath from '../../insomnia-app/node_modules/electron'; import mkdirp from 'mkdirp'; import fs from 'fs'; const getAppPlatform = () => process.platform; const isMac = () => getAppPlatform() === 'darwin'; const isLinux = () => getAppPlatform() === 'linux'; const isWindows = () => getAppPlatform() === 'win32'; export const isBuild = () => process.env.BUNDLE === 'build'; export const isPackage = () => process.env.BUNDLE === 'package'; const spectronConfig = designerDataPath => { let packagePathSuffix = ''; if (isWindows()) { packagePathSuffix = path.join('win-unpacked', 'Insomnia.exe'); } else if (isMac()) { packagePathSuffix = path.join('mac', '', 'Contents', 'MacOS', 'Insomnia'); } else if (isLinux()) { packagePathSuffix = ''; // TODO: find out what this is } const buildPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../insomnia-app/build'); const packagePath = path.join(__dirname, '../../insomnia-app/dist', packagePathSuffix); const dataPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'insomnia-smoke-test', `${}`); const env = { INSOMNIA_DATA_PATH: dataPath }; if (designerDataPath) { env.DESIGNER_DATA_PATH = designerDataPath; } return { buildPath, packagePath, env }; }; export const launchApp = async designerDataPath => { const config = spectronConfig(designerDataPath); return await launch(config); }; const getLaunchPath = config => isPackage() ? { path: config.packagePath } : { path: electronPath, args: [config.buildPath], }; const launch = async config => { if (!config) { throw new Error('Spectron config could not be loaded.'); } const app = new Application({ ...getLaunchPath(config), // Don't remove chromeDriverArgs // chromeDriverArgs: ['remote-debugging-port=9222'], env: config.env, }); await app.start().then(async () => { // Windows spawns two terminal windows when running spectron, and the only workaround // is to focus the window on start. // await app.browserWindow.focus(); await app.browserWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(true); // Set the implicit wait timeout to 0 (webdriver default) // // Spectron overrides it to an unreasonable value, as per the issue // await app.client.setTimeout({ implicit: 0 }); // Set bounds to default size await app.browserWindow.setSize(1280, 700); }); return app; }; export const stop = async app => { await takeScreenshotOnFailure(app); if (app && app.isRunning()) { await app.stop(); } }; const takeScreenshotOnFailure = async app => { if (jasmine.currentTest.failedExpectations.length) { await takeScreenshot(app, jasmine.currentTest.fullName.replace(/ /g, '_')); } }; export const takeScreenshot = async (app, name) => { mkdirp.sync('screenshots'); const buffer = await app.browserWindow.capturePage(); await fs.promises.writeFile(path.join('screenshots', `${name}.png`), buffer); };