import type { Settings } from '../../models/settings'; import type { Response } from '../../models/response'; import type { OAuth2Token } from '../../models/o-auth-2-token'; import type { Workspace } from '../../models/workspace'; import type { WorkspaceMeta } from '../../models/workspace-meta'; import { isRequest, Request, RequestAuthentication, RequestBody, RequestHeader, RequestParameter, } from '../../models/request'; import type { SidebarChildObjects } from './sidebar/sidebar-children'; import React, { Fragment, PureComponent } from 'react'; import { autoBindMethodsForReact } from 'class-autobind-decorator'; import { AUTOBIND_CFG, ACTIVITY_DEBUG, ACTIVITY_HOME, ACTIVITY_SPEC, ACTIVITY_UNIT_TEST, getAppName, SortOrder, ACTIVITY_MIGRATION, ACTIVITY_ONBOARDING, ACTIVITY_ANALYTICS, } from '../../common/constants'; import { registerModal, showModal } from './modals/index'; import AlertModal from './modals/alert-modal'; import WrapperModal from './modals/wrapper-modal'; import ErrorModal from './modals/error-modal'; import CookiesModal from './modals/cookies-modal'; import CookieModifyModal from '../components/modals/cookie-modify-modal'; import EnvironmentEditModal from './modals/environment-edit-modal'; import GenerateCodeModal from './modals/generate-code-modal'; import LoginModal from './modals/login-modal'; import ResponseDebugModal from './modals/response-debug-modal'; import PaymentNotificationModal from './modals/payment-notification-modal'; import NunjucksModal from './modals/nunjucks-modal'; import PromptModal from './modals/prompt-modal'; import AskModal from './modals/ask-modal'; import GenerateConfigModal from './modals/generate-config-modal'; import { SelectModal } from './modals/select-modal'; import RequestCreateModal from './modals/request-create-modal'; import RequestSwitcherModal from './modals/request-switcher-modal'; import SettingsModal from './modals/settings-modal'; import FilterHelpModal from './modals/filter-help-modal'; import RequestSettingsModal from './modals/request-settings-modal'; import SyncStagingModal from './modals/sync-staging-modal'; import GitRepositorySettingsModal from './modals/git-repository-settings-modal'; import GitStagingModal from './modals/git-staging-modal'; import GitBranchesModal from './modals/git-branches-modal'; import GitLogModal from './modals/git-log-modal'; import SyncMergeModal from './modals/sync-merge-modal'; import SyncHistoryModal from './modals/sync-history-modal'; import SyncShareModal from './modals/sync-share-modal'; import SyncBranchesModal from './modals/sync-branches-modal'; import SyncDeleteModal from './modals/sync-delete-modal'; import RequestRenderErrorModal from './modals/request-render-error-modal'; import WorkspaceEnvironmentsEditModal from './modals/workspace-environments-edit-modal'; import WorkspaceSettingsModal from './modals/workspace-settings-modal'; import CodePromptModal from './modals/code-prompt-modal'; import { database as db } from '../../common/database'; import * as models from '../../models/index'; import * as importers from 'insomnia-importers'; import type { Cookie, CookieJar } from '../../models/cookie-jar'; import type { Environment } from '../../models/environment'; import ErrorBoundary from './error-boundary'; import type { ClientCertificate } from '../../models/client-certificate'; import MoveRequestGroupModal from './modals/move-request-group-modal'; import AddKeyCombinationModal from './modals/add-key-combination-modal'; import ExportRequestsModal from './modals/export-requests-modal'; import { VCS } from '../../sync/vcs/vcs'; import type { StatusCandidate } from '../../sync/types'; import type { RequestMeta } from '../../models/request-meta'; import type { RequestVersion } from '../../models/request-version'; import type { ApiSpec } from '../../models/api-spec'; import { GitVCS } from '../../sync/git/git-vcs'; import { trackPageView } from '../../common/analytics'; import type { GitRepository } from '../../models/git-repository'; import WrapperHome from './wrapper-home'; import WrapperDesign from './wrapper-design'; import WrapperUnitTest from './wrapper-unit-test'; import WrapperOnboarding from './wrapper-onboarding'; import WrapperDebug from './wrapper-debug'; import { importRaw } from '../../common/import'; import GitSyncDropdown from './dropdowns/git-sync-dropdown'; import { DropdownButton } from './base/dropdown'; import type { UnitTest } from '../../models/unit-test'; import type { UnitTestResult } from '../../models/unit-test-result'; import type { UnitTestSuite } from '../../models/unit-test-suite'; import type { GlobalActivity } from '../../common/constants'; import { Spectral } from '@stoplight/spectral'; import ProtoFilesModal from './modals/proto-files-modal'; import { GrpcDispatchModalWrapper } from '../context/grpc'; import WrapperMigration from './wrapper-migration'; import type { ImportOptions } from '../redux/modules/global'; import WrapperAnalytics from './wrapper-analytics'; import { HandleGetRenderContext, HandleRender } from '../../common/render'; import { RequestGroup } from '../../models/request-group'; import SpaceSettingsModal from './modals/space-settings-modal'; import { Space } from '../../models/space'; const spectral = new Spectral(); export interface WrapperProps { // Helper Functions handleActivateRequest: (activeRequestId: string) => void; handleSetSidebarFilter: (value: string) => Promise; handleImportFileToWorkspace: (workspaceId: string, options?: ImportOptions) => void; handleImportClipBoardToWorkspace: (workspaceId: string, options?: ImportOptions) => void; handleImportUriToWorkspace: (workspaceId: string, uri: string, options?: ImportOptions) => void; handleInitializeEntities: () => Promise; handleShowSettingsModal: Function; handleExportRequestsToFile: Function; handleSetActiveWorkspace: (workspaceId: string | null) => void; handleSetActiveEnvironment: (environmentId: string | null) => Promise; handleMoveDoc: Function; handleCreateRequest: (id: string) => any; handleDuplicateRequest: Function; handleDuplicateRequestGroup: (requestGroup: RequestGroup) => void; handleMoveRequestGroup: (requestGroup: RequestGroup) => Promise; handleDuplicateWorkspace: Function; handleCreateRequestGroup: (parentId: string) => void; handleGenerateCodeForActiveRequest: Function; handleGenerateCode: Function; handleCopyAsCurl: Function; handleCreateRequestForWorkspace: () => void; handleSetRequestPaneRef: Function; handleSetResponsePaneRef: Function; handleSetResponsePreviewMode: Function; handleRender: HandleRender; handleGetRenderContext: HandleGetRenderContext; handleSetResponseFilter: Function; handleSetActiveResponse: Function; handleSetSidebarRef: Function; handleSidebarSort: (sortOrder: SortOrder) => void; handleStartDragSidebar: React.MouseEventHandler; handleResetDragSidebar: React.MouseEventHandler; handleStartDragPaneHorizontal: React.MouseEventHandler; handleStartDragPaneVertical: React.MouseEventHandler; handleResetDragPaneHorizontal: React.MouseEventHandler; handleResetDragPaneVertical: React.MouseEventHandler; handleSetRequestGroupCollapsed: Function; handleSetRequestPinned: Function; handleSendRequestWithEnvironment: Function; handleSendAndDownloadRequestWithEnvironment: Function; handleUpdateRequestMimeType: (mimeType: string) => Promise; handleUpdateDownloadPath: Function; handleSetActiveActivity: (activity: GlobalActivity) => void; handleGoToNextActivity: () => void; // Properties activity: GlobalActivity; apiSpecs: ApiSpec[]; loadStartTime: number; isLoading: boolean; isLoggedIn: boolean; paneWidth: number; paneHeight: number; responsePreviewMode: string; responseFilter: string; responseFilterHistory: string[]; responseDownloadPath: string | null; sidebarWidth: number; sidebarHidden: boolean; sidebarFilter: string; sidebarChildren: SidebarChildObjects; settings: Settings; workspaces: Workspace[]; requestMetas: RequestMeta[]; requests: Request[]; requestVersions: RequestVersion[]; unseenWorkspaces: Workspace[]; workspaceChildren: (Request | RequestGroup)[]; activeWorkspaceMeta?: WorkspaceMeta; environments: Environment[]; activeApiSpec: ApiSpec; activeSpace?: Space; activeUnitTestSuite: UnitTestSuite | null; activeRequestResponses: Response[]; activeWorkspace: Workspace; activeCookieJar: CookieJar; activeEnvironment: Environment | null; activeGitRepository: GitRepository | null; activeUnitTestResult: UnitTestResult | null; activeUnitTestSuites: UnitTestSuite[]; activeUnitTests: UnitTest[]; activeWorkspaceClientCertificates: ClientCertificate[]; headerEditorKey: string; isVariableUncovered: boolean; vcs: VCS | null; gitVCS: GitVCS | null; gitRepositories: GitRepository[]; syncItems: StatusCandidate[]; oAuth2Token?: OAuth2Token | null; activeRequest?: Request | null; activeResponse?: Response | null; workspaceMetas?: WorkspaceMeta[]; } export type HandleImportFileCallback = (options?: ImportOptions) => void; export type HandleImportClipboardCallback = (options?: ImportOptions) => void; export type HandleImportUriCallback = (uri: string, options?: ImportOptions) => void; interface State { forceRefreshKey: number; activeGitBranch: string; } const requestUpdate = (request: Request, patch: Partial) => { if (!request) { throw new Error('Tried to update null request'); } return models.request.update(request, patch); }; @autoBindMethodsForReact(AUTOBIND_CFG) class Wrapper extends PureComponent { state: State = { forceRefreshKey:, activeGitBranch: 'no-vcs', } // Request updaters async _handleForceUpdateRequest(r: Request, patch: Partial) { const newRequest = await requestUpdate(r, patch); // Give it a second for the app to render first. If we don't wait, it will refresh // on the old request and won't catch the newest one. // TODO: Move this refresh key into redux store so we don't need timeout window.setTimeout(this._forceRequestPaneRefresh, 100); return newRequest; } _handleForceUpdateRequestHeaders(r: Request, headers: RequestHeader[]) { return this._handleForceUpdateRequest(r, { headers }); } async _handleUpdateApiSpec(apiSpec: ApiSpec) { await models.apiSpec.update(apiSpec); } static _handleUpdateRequestBody(request: Request, body: RequestBody) { return requestUpdate(request, { body }); } static _handleUpdateRequestParameters(request: Request, parameters: RequestParameter[]) { return requestUpdate(request, { parameters }); } static _handleUpdateRequestAuthentication(request: Request, authentication: RequestAuthentication) { return requestUpdate(request, { authentication }); } static _handleUpdateRequestHeaders(request: Request, headers: RequestHeader[]) { return requestUpdate(request, { headers }); } static _handleUpdateRequestMethod(request: Request, method: string) { return requestUpdate(request, { method }); } static _handleUpdateRequestUrl(request: Request, url: string) { // Don't update if we don't need to if (request.url === url) { return Promise.resolve(request); } return requestUpdate(request, { url }); } async _handleImport(text: string) { // Allow user to paste any import file into the url. If it results in // only one item, it will overwrite the current request. try { const { data } = await importers.convert(text); const { resources } = data; const r = resources[0]; if (r && r._type === 'request' && this.props.activeRequest) { // Only pull fields that we want to update return this._handleForceUpdateRequest(this.props.activeRequest, { url: r.url, method: r.method, headers: r.headers, // @ts-expect-error -- TSCONVERSION body: r.body, authentication: r.authentication, // @ts-expect-error -- TSCONVERSION parameters: r.parameters, }); } } catch (e) { // Import failed, that's alright } return null; } async _handleWorkspaceActivityChange(workspaceId: string, nextActivity: GlobalActivity) { const { activity, activeApiSpec, handleSetActiveActivity } = this.props; // Remember last activity on workspace for later, but only if it isn't HOME if (nextActivity !== ACTIVITY_HOME) { await models.workspaceMeta.updateByParentId(workspaceId, { activeActivity: nextActivity, }); } const notEditingASpec = activity !== ACTIVITY_SPEC; if (notEditingASpec) { handleSetActiveActivity(nextActivity); return; } // Handle switching away from the spec design activity. For this, we want to generate // requests that can be accessed from debug or test. // If there are errors in the spec, show the user a warning first const results = await; if (activeApiSpec.contents && results && results.length) { showModal(AlertModal, { title: 'Error Generating Configuration', message: 'Some requests may not be available due to errors found in the ' + 'specification. We recommend fixing errors before proceeding. 🤗', okLabel: 'Proceed', addCancel: true, onConfirm: () => { handleSetActiveActivity(nextActivity); }, }); return; } // Delaying generation so design to debug mode is smooth handleSetActiveActivity(nextActivity); setTimeout(() => { importRaw(activeApiSpec.contents, { getWorkspaceId: () => Promise.resolve(workspaceId), enableDiffBasedPatching: true, enableDiffDeep: true, bypassDiffProps: { url: true, }, }); }, 1000); } // Settings updaters _handleUpdateSettingsShowPasswords(showPasswords: boolean) { return models.settings.update(this.props.settings, { showPasswords }); } _handleUpdateSettingsUseBulkHeaderEditor(useBulkHeaderEditor: boolean) { return models.settings.update(this.props.settings, { useBulkHeaderEditor }); } _handleUpdateSettingsUseBulkParametersEditor(useBulkParametersEditor: boolean) { return models.settings.update(this.props.settings, { useBulkParametersEditor }); } _handleImportFile(options?: ImportOptions) { this.props.handleImportFileToWorkspace(this.props.activeWorkspace._id, options); } _handleImportUri(uri: string, options?: ImportOptions) { this.props.handleImportUriToWorkspace(this.props.activeWorkspace._id, uri, options); } _handleImportClipBoard(options?: ImportOptions) { this.props.handleImportClipBoardToWorkspace(this.props.activeWorkspace._id, options); } _handleSetActiveResponse(responseId: string | null) { if (!this.props.activeRequest) { console.warn('Tried to set active response when request not active'); return; } this.props.handleSetActiveResponse(this.props.activeRequest._id, responseId); } _handleShowEnvironmentsModal() { showModal(WorkspaceEnvironmentsEditModal, this.props.activeWorkspace); } _handleShowCookiesModal() { showModal(CookiesModal, this.props.activeWorkspace); } static _handleShowModifyCookieModal(cookie: Cookie) { showModal(CookieModifyModal, cookie); } _handleShowRequestSettingsModal() { showModal(RequestSettingsModal, { request: this.props.activeRequest }); } async _handleDeleteResponses(requestId: string, environmentId: string | null) { const { handleSetActiveResponse, activeRequest } = this.props; await models.response.removeForRequest(requestId, environmentId); if (activeRequest && activeRequest._id === requestId) { await handleSetActiveResponse(requestId, null); } } async _handleDeleteResponse(response: Response) { if (response) { await models.response.remove(response); } // Also unset active response it's the one we're deleting if (this.props.activeResponse && this.props.activeResponse._id === response._id) { this._handleSetActiveResponse(null); } } async _handleRemoveActiveWorkspace() { const { workspaces, activeWorkspace } = this.props; if (workspaces.length <= 1) { showModal(AlertModal, { title: 'Deleting Last Workspace', message: 'Since you deleted your only workspace, a new one has been created for you.', onConfirm: async () => { await models.stats.incrementDeletedRequestsForDescendents(activeWorkspace); await models.workspace.create({ name: getAppName(), }); await models.workspace.remove(activeWorkspace); }, }); } else { await models.stats.incrementDeletedRequestsForDescendents(activeWorkspace); await models.workspace.remove(activeWorkspace); } } async _handleActiveWorkspaceClearAllResponses() { const docs = await db.withDescendants(this.props.activeWorkspace, models.request.type); const requests = docs.filter(isRequest); for (const req of requests) { await models.response.removeForRequest(req._id); } } _handleSendRequestWithActiveEnvironment() { const { activeRequest, activeEnvironment, handleSendRequestWithEnvironment } = this.props; const activeRequestId = activeRequest ? activeRequest._id : 'n/a'; const activeEnvironmentId = activeEnvironment ? activeEnvironment._id : 'n/a'; handleSendRequestWithEnvironment(activeRequestId, activeEnvironmentId); } async _handleSendAndDownloadRequestWithActiveEnvironment(filename?: string) { const { activeRequest, activeEnvironment, handleSendAndDownloadRequestWithEnvironment, } = this.props; const activeRequestId = activeRequest ? activeRequest._id : 'n/a'; const activeEnvironmentId = activeEnvironment ? activeEnvironment._id : 'n/a'; await handleSendAndDownloadRequestWithEnvironment( activeRequestId, activeEnvironmentId, filename, ); } _handleSetPreviewMode(previewMode: string) { const activeRequest = this.props.activeRequest; const activeRequestId = activeRequest ? activeRequest._id : 'n/a'; this.props.handleSetResponsePreviewMode(activeRequestId, previewMode); } _handleSetResponseFilter(filter: string) { const activeRequest = this.props.activeRequest; const activeRequestId = activeRequest ? activeRequest._id : 'n/a'; this.props.handleSetResponseFilter(activeRequestId, filter); } _handleCreateRequestInWorkspace() { const { activeWorkspace, handleCreateRequest } = this.props; handleCreateRequest(activeWorkspace._id); } _handleCreateRequestGroupInWorkspace() { const { activeWorkspace, handleCreateRequestGroup } = this.props; handleCreateRequestGroup(activeWorkspace._id); } _handleChangeEnvironment(id: string | null) { const { handleSetActiveEnvironment } = this.props; handleSetActiveEnvironment(id); } _forceRequestPaneRefresh() { this.setState({ forceRefreshKey:, }); } _handleGitBranchChanged(branch) { this.setState({ activeGitBranch: branch || 'no-vcs', }); } componentDidMount() { const { activity } = this.props; trackPageView(`/${activity || ''}`); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: WrapperProps) { // We're using activities as page views so here we monitor // for a change in activity and send it as a pageview. const { activity } = this.props; if (prevProps.activity !== activity) { trackPageView(`/${activity || ''}`); } } render() { const { activeCookieJar, activeEnvironment, activeGitRepository, activeRequest, activeWorkspace, activeApiSpec, activeWorkspaceClientCertificates, activity, gitVCS, handleActivateRequest, handleDuplicateWorkspace, handleExportRequestsToFile, handleGetRenderContext, handleInitializeEntities, handleRender, handleSetActiveWorkspace, handleSidebarSort, isVariableUncovered, requestMetas, settings, sidebarChildren, syncItems, vcs, workspaceChildren, workspaces, } = this.props; // Setup git sync dropdown for use in Design/Debug pages let gitSyncDropdown: JSX.Element | null = null; if (gitVCS) { gitSyncDropdown = ( ( {children} )} /> ); } return (
{/* TODO: Figure out why cookieJar is sometimes null */} {activeCookieJar ? ( ) : null} {gitVCS && ( {activeGitRepository !== null && ( )} )} {vcs && ( )} {dispatch => ( )}
{activity === ACTIVITY_HOME && ( )} {activity === ACTIVITY_SPEC && ( )} {activity === ACTIVITY_UNIT_TEST && ( {sidebarChildren} )} {activity === ACTIVITY_DEBUG && ( )} {activity === ACTIVITY_MIGRATION && } {activity === ACTIVITY_ANALYTICS && } {(activity === ACTIVITY_ONBOARDING || activity === null) && ( )}
); } } export default Wrapper;