import * as models from '../index'; import { globalBeforeEach } from '../../__jest__/before-each'; describe('init()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('contains all required fields', async () => { = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(1478795580200); expect(models.request.init()).toEqual({ isPrivate: false, authentication: {}, body: {}, headers: [], metaSortKey: -1478795580200, method: 'GET', name: 'New Request', description: '', parameters: [], url: '', settingStoreCookies: true, settingSendCookies: true, settingDisableRenderRequestBody: false, settingEncodeUrl: true, settingRebuildPath: true, settingMaxTimelineDataSize: 1000 }); }); }); describe('create()', async () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('creates a valid request', async () => { = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(1478795580200); const request = await models.request.create({ name: 'Test Request', parentId: 'fld_124', description: 'A test Request' }); const expected = { _id: 'req_cc1dd2ca4275747aa88199e8efd42403', isPrivate: false, created: 1478795580200, modified: 1478795580200, parentId: 'fld_124', type: 'Request', authentication: {}, description: 'A test Request', body: {}, headers: [], metaSortKey: -1478795580200, method: 'GET', name: 'Test Request', parameters: [], url: '', settingStoreCookies: true, settingSendCookies: true, settingDisableRenderRequestBody: false, settingEncodeUrl: true, settingRebuildPath: true, settingMaxTimelineDataSize: 1000 }; expect(request).toEqual(expected); expect(await models.request.getById(expected._id)).toEqual(expected); }); it('fails when missing parentId', async () => { = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(1478795580200); expect(() => models.request.create({ name: 'Test Request' })).toThrow( 'New Requests missing `parentId`' ); }); }); describe('updateMimeType()', async () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('adds header when does not exist', async () => { const request = await models.request.create({ name: 'My Request', parentId: 'fld_1' }); expect(request).not.toBeNull(); const newRequest = await models.request.updateMimeType( request, 'text/html' ); expect(newRequest.headers).toEqual([ { name: 'Content-Type', value: 'text/html' } ]); }); it('replaces header when exists', async () => { const request = await models.request.create({ name: 'My Request', parentId: 'fld_1', headers: [ { name: 'content-tYPE', value: 'application/json' }, { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, { bad: true }, null ] }); expect(request).not.toBeNull(); const newRequest = await models.request.updateMimeType( request, 'text/html' ); expect(newRequest.headers).toEqual([ { name: 'content-tYPE', value: 'text/html' }, { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, { bad: true }, null ]); }); it('replaces header when exists', async () => { const request = await models.request.create({ name: 'My Request', parentId: 'fld_1', headers: [{ name: 'content-tYPE', value: 'application/json' }] }); expect(request).not.toBeNull(); const newRequest = await models.request.updateMimeType( request, 'text/html' ); expect(newRequest.headers).toEqual([ { name: 'content-tYPE', value: 'text/html' } ]); }); it('keeps content-type', async () => { const request = await models.request.create({ name: 'My Request', parentId: 'fld_1', headers: [{ name: 'content-tYPE', value: 'application/json' }] }); expect(request).not.toBeNull(); const newRequest = await models.request.updateMimeType(request, null); expect(newRequest.body).toEqual({}); expect(newRequest.headers).toEqual([ { name: 'content-tYPE', value: 'application/json' } ]); }); it('uses saved body when provided', async () => { const request = await models.request.create({ name: 'My Request', parentId: 'fld_1', body: { text: 'My Data' } }); expect(request).not.toBeNull(); const newRequest = await models.request.updateMimeType( request, 'application/json', false, { text: 'Saved Data' } ); expect(newRequest.body.text).toEqual('Saved Data'); }); it('uses existing body when saved body not provided', async () => { const request = await models.request.create({ name: 'My Request', parentId: 'fld_1', body: { text: 'My Data' } }); expect(request).not.toBeNull(); const newRequest = await models.request.updateMimeType( request, 'application/json', false, {} ); expect(newRequest.body.text).toEqual('My Data'); }); }); describe('migrate()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('migrates basic case', () => { const original = { headers: [], body: 'hello world!' }; const expected = { headers: [], body: { mimeType: '', text: 'hello world!' }, url: '' }; expect(models.request.migrate(original)).toEqual(expected); }); it('migrates form-urlencoded', () => { const original = { headers: [ { name: 'content-type', value: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } ], body: 'foo=bar&baz={{ hello }}' }; const expected = { headers: [ { name: 'content-type', value: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } ], body: { mimeType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', params: [ { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, { name: 'baz', value: '{{ hello }}' } ] }, url: '' }; expect(models.request.migrate(original)).toEqual(expected); }); it('migrates form-urlencoded with charset', () => { const original = { headers: [ { name: 'content-type', value: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' } ], body: 'foo=bar&baz={{ hello }}' }; const expected = { headers: [ { name: 'content-type', value: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' } ], body: { mimeType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', params: [ { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, { name: 'baz', value: '{{ hello }}' } ] }, url: '' }; expect(models.request.migrate(original)).toEqual(expected); }); it('migrates form-urlencoded malformed', () => { const original = { headers: [ { name: 'content-type', value: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } ], body: '{"foo": "bar"}' }; const expected = { headers: [ { name: 'content-type', value: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } ], body: { mimeType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', params: [{ name: '{"foo": "bar"}', value: '' }] }, url: '' }; expect(models.request.migrate(original)).toEqual(expected); }); it('migrates mime-type', () => { const contentToMimeMap = { 'application/json; charset=utf-8': 'application/json', 'text/plain': 'text/plain', malformed: 'malformed' }; for (const contentType of Object.keys(contentToMimeMap)) { const original = { headers: [{ name: 'content-type', value: contentType }], body: '' }; const expected = { headers: [{ name: 'content-type', value: contentType }], body: { mimeType: contentToMimeMap[contentType], text: '' }, url: '' }; expect(models.request.migrate(original)).toEqual(expected); } }); it('skips migrate for schema 1', () => { const original = { body: { mimeType: 'text/plain', text: 'foo' } }; expect(models.request.migrate(original)).toBe(original); }); it('migrates with weird data', () => { const newBody = { body: { mimeType: '', text: 'foo bar!' } }; const stringBody = { body: 'foo bar!' }; const nullBody = { body: null }; const noBody = {}; const expected = { body: { mimeType: '', text: 'foo bar!' }, url: '' }; const expected2 = { body: {}, url: '' }; expect(models.request.migrate(newBody)).toEqual(expected); expect(models.request.migrate(stringBody)).toEqual(expected); expect(models.request.migrate(nullBody)).toEqual(expected2); expect(models.request.migrate(noBody)).toEqual(expected2); }); it('migrates from initModel()', async () => { = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(1478795580200); const original = { _id: 'req_123', headers: [], body: 'hello world!' }; const expected = { _id: 'req_123', isPrivate: false, type: 'Request', url: '', created: 1478795580200, modified: 1478795580200, metaSortKey: -1478795580200, name: 'New Request', description: '', method: 'GET', headers: [], authentication: {}, parameters: [], parentId: null, body: { mimeType: '', text: 'hello world!' }, settingStoreCookies: true, settingSendCookies: true, settingDisableRenderRequestBody: false, settingEncodeUrl: true, settingRebuildPath: true, settingMaxTimelineDataSize: 1000 }; const migrated = await models.initModel(models.request.type, original); expect(migrated).toEqual(expected); }); });