import crypto from 'crypto'; import fs from 'fs'; import mkdirp from 'mkdirp'; import path from 'path'; import { Readable } from 'stream'; import zlib from 'zlib'; import { database as db, Query } from '../common/database'; import { getDataDirectory } from '../common/electron-helpers'; import type { BaseModel } from './index'; import * as models from './index'; export const name = 'Response'; export const type = 'Response'; export const prefix = 'res'; export const canDuplicate = false; export const canSync = false; export interface ResponseHeader { name: string; value: string; } export interface ResponseTimelineEntry { name: string; timestamp: number; value: string; } type Compression = 'zip' | null | '__NEEDS_MIGRATION__' | undefined; interface BaseResponse { environmentId: string | null; statusCode: number; statusMessage: string; httpVersion: string; contentType: string; url: string; bytesRead: number; bytesContent: number; elapsedTime: number; headers: ResponseHeader[]; bodyPath: string; // Actual bodies are stored on the filesystem timelinePath: string; // Actual timelines are stored on the filesystem bodyCompression: Compression; error: string; requestVersionId: string | null; // Things from the request settingStoreCookies: boolean | null; settingSendCookies: boolean | null; } export type Response = BaseModel & BaseResponse; export const isResponse = (model: Pick): model is Response => ( model.type === type ); export function init(): BaseResponse { return { statusCode: 0, statusMessage: '', httpVersion: '', contentType: '', url: '', bytesRead: 0, bytesContent: -1, // -1 means that it was legacy and this property didn't exist yet elapsedTime: 0, headers: [], timelinePath: '', // Actual timelines are stored on the filesystem bodyPath: '', // Actual bodies are stored on the filesystem bodyCompression: '__NEEDS_MIGRATION__', // For legacy bodies error: '', requestVersionId: null, // Things from the request settingStoreCookies: null, settingSendCookies: null, // Responses sent before environment filtering will have a special value // so they don't show up at all when filtering is on. environmentId: '__LEGACY__', }; } export async function migrate(doc: Response) { doc = await migrateBodyToFileSystem(doc); doc = await migrateBodyCompression(doc); doc = await migrateTimelineToFileSystem(doc); return doc; } export function hookDatabaseInit(consoleLog: typeof console.log = console.log) { consoleLog('[db] Init responses DB'); process.nextTick(async () => { await models.response.cleanDeletedResponses(); }); } export function hookRemove(doc: Response, consoleLog: typeof console.log = console.log) { fs.unlink(doc.bodyPath, () => { consoleLog(`[response] Delete body ${doc.bodyPath}`); }); fs.unlink(doc.timelinePath, () => { consoleLog(`[response] Delete timeline ${doc.timelinePath}`); }); } export function getById(id: string) { return db.get(type, id); } export async function all() { return db.all(type); } export async function removeForRequest(parentId: string, environmentId?: string | null) { const settings = await models.settings.getOrCreate(); const query: Record = { parentId, }; // Only add if not undefined. null is not the same as undefined // null: find responses sent from base environment // undefined: find all responses if (environmentId !== undefined && settings.filterResponsesByEnv) { query.environmentId = environmentId; } // Also delete legacy responses here or else the user will be confused as to // why some responses are still showing in the UI. await db.removeWhere(type, query); } export function remove(response: Response) { return db.remove(response); } async function _findRecentForRequest( requestId: string, environmentId: string | null, limit: number, ) { const query: Query = { parentId: requestId, }; // Filter responses by environment if setting is enabled if ((await models.settings.getOrCreate()).filterResponsesByEnv) { query.environmentId = environmentId; } return db.findMostRecentlyModified(type, query, limit); } export async function getLatestForRequest( requestId: string, environmentId: string | null, ) { const responses = await _findRecentForRequest(requestId, environmentId, 1); const response = responses[0] as Response | null | undefined; return response || null; } export async function create(patch: Record = {}, maxResponses = 20) { if (!patch.parentId) { throw new Error('New Response missing `parentId`'); } const { parentId } = patch; // Create request version snapshot const request = await models.request.getById(parentId); const requestVersion = request ? await models.requestVersion.create(request) : null; patch.requestVersionId = requestVersion ? requestVersion._id : null; // Filter responses by environment if setting is enabled const query: Record = { parentId, }; if ( (await models.settings.getOrCreate()).filterResponsesByEnv && patch.hasOwnProperty('environmentId') ) { query.environmentId = patch.environmentId; } // Delete all other responses before creating the new one const allResponses = await db.findMostRecentlyModified(type, query, Math.max(1, maxResponses)); const recentIds = => r._id); // Remove all that were in the last query, except the first `maxResponses` IDs await db.removeWhere(type, { ...query, _id: { $nin: recentIds, }, }); // Actually create the new response return db.docCreate(type, patch); } export function getLatestByParentId(parentId: string) { return db.getMostRecentlyModified(type, { parentId, }); } export function getBodyStream( response: T, readFailureValue?: TFail | null, ) { return getBodyStreamFromPath(response.bodyPath || '', response.bodyCompression, readFailureValue); } export const getBodyBuffer = ( response?: { bodyPath?: string, bodyCompression?: Compression }, readFailureValue?: TFail | null, ) => getBodyBufferFromPath( response?.bodyPath || '', response?.bodyCompression || null, readFailureValue, ); export function getTimeline(response: Response) { return getTimelineFromPath(response.timelinePath || ''); } function getBodyStreamFromPath( bodyPath: string, compression: Compression, readFailureValue?: TFail | null, ): Readable | null | TFail { // No body, so return empty Buffer if (!bodyPath) { return null; } try { fs.statSync(bodyPath); } catch (err) { console.warn('Failed to read response body', err.message); return readFailureValue === undefined ? null : readFailureValue; } const readStream = fs.createReadStream(bodyPath); if (compression === 'zip') { return readStream.pipe(zlib.createGunzip()); } else { return readStream; } } function getBodyBufferFromPath( bodyPath: string, compression: Compression, readFailureValue?: T | null, ) { // No body, so return empty Buffer if (!bodyPath) { return Buffer.alloc(0); } try { const rawBuffer = fs.readFileSync(bodyPath); if (compression === 'zip') { return zlib.gunzipSync(rawBuffer); } else { return rawBuffer; } } catch (err) { console.warn('Failed to read response body', err.message); return readFailureValue === undefined ? null : readFailureValue; } } function getTimelineFromPath(timelinePath: string) { // No body, so return empty Buffer if (!timelinePath) { return []; } try { const rawBuffer = fs.readFileSync(timelinePath); return JSON.parse(rawBuffer.toString()) as ResponseTimelineEntry[]; } catch (err) { console.warn('Failed to read response body', err.message); return []; } } async function migrateBodyToFileSystem(doc: Response) { if (doc.hasOwnProperty('body') && doc._id && !doc.bodyPath) { // @ts-expect-error -- TSCONVERSION previously doc.body and doc.encoding did exist but are now removed, and if they exist we want to migrate away from them const bodyBuffer = Buffer.from(doc.body, doc.encoding || 'utf8'); const dir = path.join(getDataDirectory(), 'responses'); mkdirp.sync(dir); const hash = crypto .createHash('md5') .update(bodyBuffer || '') .digest('hex'); const bodyPath = path.join(dir, `${hash}.zip`); try { const buff = bodyBuffer || Buffer.from(''); fs.writeFileSync(bodyPath, buff); } catch (err) { console.warn('Failed to write response body to file', err.message); } return db.docUpdate(doc, { bodyPath, bodyCompression: null, }); } else { return doc; } } function migrateBodyCompression(doc: Response) { if (doc.bodyCompression === '__NEEDS_MIGRATION__') { doc.bodyCompression = 'zip'; } return doc; } async function migrateTimelineToFileSystem(doc: Response) { if (doc.hasOwnProperty('timeline') && doc._id && !doc.timelinePath) { const dir = path.join(getDataDirectory(), 'responses'); mkdirp.sync(dir); // @ts-expect-error -- TSCONVERSION previously doc.timeline did exist but is now removed, and if it exists we want to migrate away from it const timelineStr = JSON.stringify(doc.timeline, null, '\t'); const fsPath = doc.bodyPath + '.timeline'; try { fs.writeFileSync(fsPath, timelineStr); } catch (err) { console.warn('Failed to write response body to file', err.message); } return db.docUpdate(doc, { timelinePath: fsPath, }); } else { return doc; } } export async function cleanDeletedResponses() { const responsesDir = path.join(getDataDirectory(), 'responses'); mkdirp.sync(responsesDir); const files = fs.readdirSync(responsesDir); if (files.length === 0) { return; } const whitelistFiles: string[] = []; for (const r of (await db.all(type) || [])) { whitelistFiles.push(r.bodyPath.slice(responsesDir.length + 1)); whitelistFiles.push(r.timelinePath.slice(responsesDir.length + 1)); } for (const filePath of files) { if (whitelistFiles.indexOf(filePath) >= 0) { continue; } try { fs.unlinkSync(path.join(responsesDir, filePath)); } catch (err) { // Just keep going, doesn't matter } } }