import * as misc from '../misc'; import {globalBeforeEach} from '../../__jest__/before-each'; describe('getBasicAuthHeader()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('succeed with username and password', () => { const header = misc.getBasicAuthHeader('user', 'password'); expect(header).toEqual({ name: 'Authorization', value: 'Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==' }); }); it('succeed with no username', () => { const header = misc.getBasicAuthHeader(null, 'password'); expect(header).toEqual({ name: 'Authorization', value: 'Basic OnBhc3N3b3Jk' }); }); it('succeed with username and empty password', () => { const header = misc.getBasicAuthHeader('user', ''); expect(header).toEqual({ name: 'Authorization', value: 'Basic dXNlcjo=' }); }); it('succeed with username and null password', () => { const header = misc.getBasicAuthHeader('user', null); expect(header).toEqual({ name: 'Authorization', value: 'Basic dXNlcjo=' }); }); }); describe('hasAuthHeader()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('finds valid header', () => { const yes = misc.hasAuthHeader([ {name: 'foo', value: 'bar'}, {name: 'authorization', value: 'foo'} ]); expect(yes).toEqual(true); }); it('finds valid header case insensitive', () => { const yes = misc.hasAuthHeader([ {name: 'foo', value: 'bar'}, {name: 'AuthOrizAtiOn', value: 'foo'} ]); expect(yes).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('generateId()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('generates a valid ID', () => { const id = misc.generateId('foo'); expect(id).toMatch(/^foo_[a-z0-9]{32}$/); }); it('generates without prefix', () => { const id = misc.generateId(); expect(id).toMatch(/^[a-z0-9]{32}$/); }); }); describe('setDefaultProtocol()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('no-ops on empty url', () => { const url = misc.setDefaultProtocol(''); expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('correctly sets protocol for empty', () => { const url = misc.setDefaultProtocol(''); expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('does not set for valid url', () => { const url = misc.setDefaultProtocol(''); expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('does not set for valid url', () => { const url = misc.setDefaultProtocol(''); expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('does not set for invalid url', () => { const url = misc.setDefaultProtocol('httbad://'); expect(url).toBe('httbad://'); }); }); describe('prepareUrlForSending()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('does not touch normal url', () => { const url = misc.prepareUrlForSending(''); expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('works with no protocol', () => { const url = misc.prepareUrlForSending(''); expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('encodes pathname', () => { const url = misc.prepareUrlForSending(' bar/100%/foo'); expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('encodes pathname mixed encoding', () => { const url = misc.prepareUrlForSending(' bar baz%20qux/100%/foo%25'); expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('leaves already encoded pathname', () => { const url = misc.prepareUrlForSending(''); expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('encodes querystring', () => { const url = misc.prepareUrlForSending(' bar 100%&hi'); expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('encodes querystring with mixed spaces', () => { const url = misc.prepareUrlForSending(' %20100%'); expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('encodes querystring with repeated keys', () => { const url = misc.prepareUrlForSending(';@,!?s=foo,;@-!&s=foo %20100%'); expect(url).toBe(';@,!?s=foo,%3B%40-!&s=foo%20%20100%25'); }); it('doesn\'t decode ignored characters', () => { // Encoded should skip raw versions of @ ; , const url = misc.prepareUrlForSending(';,&^+'); expect(url).toBe(';,%26%5E+'); // Encoded should skip encoded versions of @ ; , const url2 = misc.prepareUrlForSending(''); expect(url2).toBe(''); }); it('doesn\'t encode if last param set', () => { const url = misc.prepareUrlForSending('', false); expect(url).toBe(''); }); }); describe('filterHeaders()', () => { beforeEach(globalBeforeEach); it('handles bad headers', () => { expect(misc.filterHeaders(null, null)).toEqual([]); expect(misc.filterHeaders([], null)).toEqual([]); expect(misc.filterHeaders(['bad'], null)).toEqual([]); expect(misc.filterHeaders(['bad'], 'good')).toEqual([]); expect(misc.filterHeaders(null, 'good')).toEqual([]); expect(misc.filterHeaders([{name: 'good', value: 'valid'}], null)).toEqual([]); expect(misc.filterHeaders([{name: 'good', value: 'valid'}], 'good')) .toEqual([{name: 'good', value: 'valid'}]); }); }); describe('keyedDebounce()', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await globalBeforeEach(); jest.useFakeTimers(); // There has to be a better way to reset this... setTimeout.mock.calls = []; }); afterEach(() => jest.clearAllTimers()); it('debounces correctly', () => { const resultsList = []; const fn = misc.keyedDebounce(results => { resultsList.push(results); }, 100); fn('foo', 'bar'); fn('baz', 'bar'); fn('foo', 'bar2'); fn('foo', 'bar3'); fn('multi', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'); expect(setTimeout.mock.calls.length).toBe(5); expect(resultsList).toEqual([]); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(resultsList).toEqual([{ foo: ['bar3'], baz: ['bar'], multi: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] }]); }); }); describe('debounce()', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await globalBeforeEach(); jest.useFakeTimers(); // There has to be a better way to reset this... setTimeout.mock.calls = []; }); afterEach(() => jest.clearAllTimers()); it('debounces correctly', () => { const resultList = []; const fn = misc.debounce((...args) => { resultList.push(args); }, 100); fn('foo'); fn('foo'); fn('multi', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'); fn('baz', 'bar'); fn('foo', 'bar3'); expect(setTimeout.mock.calls.length).toBe(5); expect(resultList).toEqual([]); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(resultList).toEqual([['foo', 'bar3']]); }); });