// eslint-disable-next-line filenames/match-exported import React, {PropTypes, PureComponent} from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import autobind from 'autobind-decorator'; import {DragSource, DropTarget} from 'react-dnd'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import FileInputButton from '../base/file-input-button'; import {Dropdown, DropdownButton, DropdownItem} from '../base/dropdown/index'; import PromptButton from '../base/prompt-button'; import CodePromptModal from '../modals/code-prompt-modal'; import Button from '../base/button'; import OneLineEditor from '../codemirror/one-line-editor'; import {showModal} from '../modals/index'; import {describeByteSize} from '../../../common/misc'; @autobind class KeyValueEditorRow extends PureComponent { constructor (props) { super(props); this._nameInput = null; this._valueInput = null; this.state = { dragDirection: 0 }; } focusNameEnd () { if (this._nameInput) { this._nameInput.focusEnd(); } } focusValueEnd () { if (this._valueInput) { this._valueInput.focusEnd(); } } setDragDirection (dragDirection) { if (dragDirection !== this.state.dragDirection) { this.setState({dragDirection}); } } _setNameInputRef (n) { this._nameInput = n; } _setValueInputRef (n) { this._valueInput = n; } _sendChange (patch) { const pair = Object.assign({}, this.props.pair, patch); this.props.onChange && this.props.onChange(pair); } _handleNameChange (name) { this._sendChange({name}); } _handleValuePaste (e) { const value = e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); if (value && value.includes('\n')) { e.preventDefault(); // Insert the pasted text into the current selection. Unfortunately, this // is the easiest way to do this. const currentValue = this._valueInput.getValue(); const prefix = currentValue.slice(0, this._valueInput.getSelectionStart()); const suffix = currentValue.slice(this._valueInput.getSelectionEnd()); const finalValue = `${prefix}${value}${suffix}`; // Update type and value this._handleTypeChange({type: 'text', multiline: 'text/plain'}); this._handleValueChange(finalValue); } } _handleValueChange (value) { this._sendChange({value}); } _handleFileNameChange (fileName) { this._sendChange({fileName}); } _handleTypeChange (def) { // Remove newlines if converting to text let value = this.props.pair.value || ''; if (def.type === 'text' && !def.multiline && value.includes('\n')) { value = value.replace(/\n/g, ''); } this._sendChange({type: def.type, multiline: def.multiline, value}); } _handleDisableChange (disabled) { this._sendChange({disabled}); } _handleFocusName (e) { this.props.onFocusName(this.props.pair, e); } _handleFocusValue (e) { this.props.onFocusValue(this.props.pair, e); } _handleBlurName (e) { if (this.props.onBlurName) { this.props.onBlurName(this.props.pair, e); } } _handleBlurValue (e) { if (this.props.onBlurName) { this.props.onBlurValue(this.props.pair, e); } } _handleDelete () { if (this.props.onDelete) { this.props.onDelete(this.props.pair); } } _handleKeyDown (e, value) { if (this.props.onKeyDown) { this.props.onKeyDown(this.props.pair, e, value); } } _handleAutocompleteNames () { const {handleGetAutocompleteNameConstants} = this.props; if (handleGetAutocompleteNameConstants) { return handleGetAutocompleteNameConstants(this.props.pair); } } _handleAutocompleteValues () { const {handleGetAutocompleteValueConstants} = this.props; if (handleGetAutocompleteValueConstants) { return handleGetAutocompleteValueConstants(this.props.pair); } } _handleEditMultiline () { const {pair, handleRender, handleGetRenderContext} = this.props; showModal(CodePromptModal, { submitName: 'Done', title: `Edit ${pair.name}`, defaultValue: pair.value, onChange: this._handleValueChange, enableRender: handleRender || handleGetRenderContext, onModeChange: mode => { this._handleTypeChange(Object.assign({}, pair, {multiline: mode})); } }); } renderPairValue () { const { pair, readOnly, forceInput, valueInputType, valuePlaceholder, handleRender, handleGetRenderContext } = this.props; if (pair.type === 'file') { return ( ); } else if (pair.type === 'text' && pair.multiline) { const bytes = Buffer.from(pair.value, 'utf8').length; return ( ); } else { return ( ); } } renderPairSelector () { const { hideButtons, allowMultiline, allowFile } = this.props; const showDropdown = allowMultiline || allowFile; // Put a spacer in for dropdown if needed if (hideButtons && showDropdown) { return ( ); } if (hideButtons) { return null; } if (showDropdown) { return ( Text {allowMultiline && ( Text (Multi-line) )} {allowFile && ( File )} ); } else { return null; } } render () { const { pair, namePlaceholder, handleRender, handleGetRenderContext, sortable, noDropZone, hideButtons, forceInput, readOnly, className, isDragging, isDraggingOver, noDelete, connectDragSource, connectDragPreview, connectDropTarget } = this.props; const {dragDirection} = this.state; const classes = classnames(className, { 'key-value-editor__row-wrapper': true, 'key-value-editor__row-wrapper--dragging': isDragging, 'key-value-editor__row-wrapper--dragging-above': isDraggingOver && dragDirection > 0, 'key-value-editor__row-wrapper--dragging-below': isDraggingOver && dragDirection < 0, 'key-value-editor__row-wrapper--disabled': pair.disabled }); let handle = null; if (sortable) { handle = connectDragSource(
); } const row = (
  • {handle}
    {this.renderPairSelector()} {!hideButtons ? ( ) : ( )} {!noDelete && ( !hideButtons ? ( ) : ( ) )}
  • ); if (noDropZone) { return row; } else { return connectDragPreview(connectDropTarget(row)); } } } KeyValueEditorRow.propTypes = { // Required onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onDelete: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onFocusName: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onFocusValue: PropTypes.func.isRequired, index: PropTypes.number.isRequired, pair: PropTypes.shape({ name: PropTypes.string.isRequired, value: PropTypes.string, fileName: PropTypes.string, type: PropTypes.string, disabled: PropTypes.bool }).isRequired, // Optional readOnly: PropTypes.bool, onMove: PropTypes.func, onKeyDown: PropTypes.func, onBlurName: PropTypes.func, onBlurValue: PropTypes.func, handleRender: PropTypes.func, handleGetRenderContext: PropTypes.func, handleGetAutocompleteNameConstants: PropTypes.func, handleGetAutocompleteValueConstants: PropTypes.func, namePlaceholder: PropTypes.string, valuePlaceholder: PropTypes.string, valueInputType: PropTypes.string, forceInput: PropTypes.bool, allowMultiline: PropTypes.bool, allowFile: PropTypes.bool, sortable: PropTypes.bool, noDelete: PropTypes.bool, noDropZone: PropTypes.bool, hideButtons: PropTypes.bool, className: PropTypes.string, // For drag-n-drop connectDragSource: PropTypes.func, connectDragPreview: PropTypes.func, connectDropTarget: PropTypes.func, isDragging: PropTypes.bool, isDraggingOver: PropTypes.bool }; const dragSource = { beginDrag (props) { return {pair: props.pair}; } }; function isAbove (monitor, component) { const hoveredNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(component); const hoveredTop = hoveredNode.getBoundingClientRect().top; const height = hoveredNode.clientHeight; const draggedTop = monitor.getSourceClientOffset().y; // NOTE: Not quite sure why it's height / 3 (seems to work) return hoveredTop > draggedTop - (height / 3); } const dragTarget = { drop (props, monitor, component) { if (isAbove(monitor, component)) { props.onMove(monitor.getItem().pair, props.pair, 1); } else { props.onMove(monitor.getItem().pair, props.pair, -1); } }, hover (props, monitor, component) { if (isAbove(monitor, component)) { component.decoratedComponentInstance.setDragDirection(1); } else { component.decoratedComponentInstance.setDragDirection(-1); } } }; function sourceCollect (connect, monitor) { return { connectDragSource: connect.dragSource(), connectDragPreview: connect.dragPreview(), isDragging: monitor.isDragging() }; } function targetCollect (connect, monitor) { return { connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget(), isDraggingOver: monitor.isOver() }; } const source = DragSource('KEY_VALUE_EDITOR', dragSource, sourceCollect)(KeyValueEditorRow); const target = DropTarget('KEY_VALUE_EDITOR', dragTarget, targetCollect)(source); target.prototype.focusNameEnd = function () { this.handler.component.decoratedComponentInstance.focusNameEnd(); }; target.prototype.focusValueEnd = function () { this.handler.component.decoratedComponentInstance.focusValueEnd(); }; export default target;